173 research outputs found

    Cryogenic probe station for use in automated microwave and noise figure measurements

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    A cryogenic measurement system capable of performing on-wafer RF testing of semiconductor devices and circuits has been developed. This 'CryoProbe Station' can wafer-probe devices and circuits at cryogenic temperatures, thus eliminating the need for wire bonds. The system operates under vacuum created by a sorption pump. It uses an open cycle cooling system that can be cooled with either liquid nitrogen or liquid helium. Presently, it can reach temperatures, as low as 80 K and 37 K for each of the coolants, respectively. The temperature can be raised using a heater and it is stabilized to within 0.2 K by use of a temperature controller. The CryoProbe Station features a 1 by 2 inch stage that can hold large circuits and calibration standards simultaneously. The system is used with a Hewlett Packard 8510C Automatic Network Analyzer (ANA) to obtain S-parameter data over the frequency range 0.045-26.5 GHz. S-parameter data on HEMT (high electron mobility transistors) devices has been obtained with this station. With the use of DEEMBED software from NIST, detailed transmission line studies have been performed. Although the CryoProbe Station is designed for frequencies up to 26.5 GHz, useful transmission line data has been obtained for frequencies as high as 40 GHz. The CryoProbe station has also been used with the ATN noise figure measurement system to perform automatic, temperature dependent noise figure measurements

    Opiates Transdeactivate Chemokine Receptors: δ and μ Opiate Receptor- Mediated Heterologous Desensitization

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    An intact chemotactic response is vital for leukocyte trafficking and host defense. Opiates are known to exert a number of immunomodulating effects in vitro and in vivo, and we sought to determine whether they were capable of inhibiting chemokine-induced directional migration of human leukocytes, and if so, to ascertain the mechanism involved. The endogenous opioid met- enkephalin induced monocyte chemotaxis in a pertussis toxin-sensitive manner. Metenkephalin, as well as morphine, inhibited IL-8-induced chemotaxis of human neutrophils and macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α, regulated upon activation, normal T expressed and secreted (RANTES), and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, but not MIP-1β-induced chemotaxis of human monocytes. This inhibition of chemotaxis was mediated by δ and μ but not κ G protein-coupled opiate receptors. Calcium flux induced by chemokines was unaffected by met-enkephalin pretreatment. Unlike other opiate-induced changes in leukocyte function, the inhibition of chemotaxis was not mediated by nitric oxide. Opiates induced phosphorylation of the chemokine receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2, but neither induced internalization of chemokine receptors nor perturbed chemokine binding. Thus, inhibition of chemokine-induced chemotaxis by opiates is due to heterologous desensitization through phosphorylation of chemokine receptors. This may contribute to the defects in host defense seen with opiate abuse and has important implications for immunomodulation induced by several endogenous neuropeptides which act through G protein-coupled receptors

    Human Placental Cytotrophoblasts Attract Monocytes and Cd56bright Natural Killer Cells via the Actions of Monocyte Inflammatory Protein 1α

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    During human pregnancy, the specialized epithelial cells of the placenta (cytotrophoblasts) come into direct contact with immune cells in several locations. In the fetal compartment of the placenta, cytotrophoblast stem cells lie adjacent to macrophages (Hofbauer cells) that reside within the chorionic villus stroma. At sites of placental attachment to the mother, invasive cytotrophoblasts encounter specialized maternal natural killer (NK) cells (CD56bright), macrophages, and T cells that accumulate within the uterine wall during pregnancy. Here we tested the hypothesis that fetal cytotrophoblasts can direct the migration of these maternal immune cells. First, we assayed the chemotactic activity of cytotrophoblast conditioned medium samples, using human peripheral blood mononuclear cells as targets. The placental samples preferentially attracted NK cells (both CD56dim and CD56bright), monocytes, and T cells, suggesting that our hypothesis was correct. A screen to identify chemokine activity through the induction of a Ca2+ flux in cells transfected with individual chemokine receptors suggested that cytotrophoblasts secreted monocyte inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α. This was confirmed by localizing the corresponding mRNA and protein, both in vitro and in vivo. MIP-1α protein in conditioned medium was further characterized by immunoblotting and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Immunodepletion of MIP-1α from cytotrophoblast conditioned medium showed that this chemokine was responsible for a significant portion of the induced monocyte and CD56bright NK cell chemotax-is. These data suggest the specific conclusion that cytotrophoblasts can attract monocytes and CD56bright NK cells by producing MIP-1α and the more general hypothesis that these cells may organize and act on leukocytes at the maternal–fetal interface

    On Black Hole Effective Potential in 6D/7D N=2 Supergravity

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    Using the harmonic superspace method and the duality between real and complex representations of hypermultiplets, we compute the explicit scalar field expression of the quaternionic metric GmnG_{mn} of the moduli space SO(1,1)x[SO(4,k)/(SO(4)xSO(k))] of 6D N=2 supergravity with generic k Maxwell supermultiplets. The obtained metric includes the particular case k=20 associated with 10D type IIA superstring on K3. Uplifting to 7D N=2 supergravity is described and aspects of 6D/7D black attractor effective potentials are studied.Comment: 49 pages, To appear in NP

    Similarities and Differences in RANTES- and (AOP)-RANTES–triggered Signals: Implications for Chemotaxis

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    Chemokines are a family of proinflammatory cytokines that attract and activate specific types of leukocytes. Chemokines mediate their effects via interaction with seven transmembrane G protein–coupled receptors (GPCR). Using CCR5-transfected HEK-293 cells, we show that both the CCR5 ligand, RANTES, as well as its derivative, aminooxypentane (AOP)- RANTES, trigger immediate responses such as Ca2+ influx, receptor dimerization, tyrosine phosphorylation, and Gαi as well as JAK/STAT association to the receptor. In contrast to RANTES, (AOP)-RANTES is unable to trigger late responses, as measured by the association of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) to the chemokine receptor complex, impaired cell polarization required for migration, or chemotaxis. The results are discussed in the context of the dissociation of the late signals, provoked by the chemokines required for cell migration, from early signals

    Epithelioid Angiosarcoma of the Small Intestine After Occupational Exposure to Radiation and Polyvinyl Chloride: A case Report and Review of Literature

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    Angiosarcomas represent 1–2% of soft tissue sarcomas and most frequently occur in the subcutis. They may affect internal organs, such as the heart, liver, and spleen, and only rarely do they emerge in the gastrointestinal tract. The association between angiosarcomas and certain toxic chemical substances or previous external-beam radiation therapy is well documented

    Theoretical Studies of Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Hydrated Electrons.

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    A Meta-Analysis of Interleukin-8 -251 Promoter Polymorphism Associated with Gastric Cancer Risk

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    Background: Potential functional allele A/T single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of Interleukin 8 (IL-8) promoter-251has been implicated in gastric cancer risk. Methods: We aimed to explore the role of A/T SNP of IL-8-251 in the susceptibility to gastric cancer through a systematic review and meta-analysis. Each initially included article was scored for quality appraisal. Desirable data were extracted and registered into databases. Eighteen studies were ultimately eligible for the meta-analysis of IL-8- 251 A/T SNP. We adopted the most probably appropriate genetic model (codominant model). Potential sources of heterogeneity were sought out via stratification and sensitivity analyses, and publication biases were estimated. Results: Between IL-8-251 AA genotype with gastric cancer risk, statistically significant association could be noted with overall gastric cancer, evidently noted in Asians, witnessed in high quality subgroup, and apparently noted in intestinal-type gastric cancer. Conclusions: Our meta-analysis indicates that IL-8-251 AA genotype is associated with the overall risk of developing gastric cancer and may seem to be more susceptible to overall gastric cancer in Asian populations. IL-8-251 AA genotype is more associated with the intestinal-type gastric cancer. IL-8-251 AA genotype is not associated with Helicobacter Pylori infection status in our meta-analysis

    Genetic susceptibility in tuberculosis

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    The importance of host genetic factors in determining susceptibility to tuberculosis (TB) has been studied extensively using various methods, such as casecontrol, candidate gene and genome-wide linkage studies. Several important candidate genes like human leucocyte antigen/alleles and non-human leucocyte antigen genes, such as cytokines and their receptors, chemokines and their receptors, pattern recognition receptors (including toll-like receptors, mannose binding lectin and the dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule-3 grabbing nonintegrin), solute carrier family 11A member 1 (formerly knownas natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1) and purinergic P2X7 receptor gene polymorphisms, have been associated with differential susceptibility to TB in various ethnic populations. This heterogeneity has been explained by host–pathogen and gene– environment interactions and evolutionary selection pressures. Although the achievements of genetics studies might not yet have advanced the prevention and treatment of TB, researchers have begun to widen their scope of investigation to encompass these practical considerations