104 research outputs found

    Stomatal regulation by microclimate and tree water relations: interpreting ecophysiological field data with a hydraulic plant model

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    Dynamics in microclimate and physiological plant traits were studied for Pubescent oak and Scots pine in a dry inner-alpine valley in Switzerland, at a 10 min resolution for three consecutive years (2001-2003). As expected, stomata tended to close with increasing drought in air and soil. However, stomatal aperture in oak was smaller than in pine under relatively wet conditions, but larger under dry conditions. To explore underlying mechanisms, a model was applied that (i) quantifies water relations within trees from physical principles (mechanistic part) and (ii) assumes that signals from light, stomatal aperture, crown water potential, and tree water deficit in storage pools control stomata (systemic part). The stomata of pine showed a more sensitive response to increasing drought because both factors, the slowly changing tree water deficit and the rapidly changing crown water potential, closed the stomata. By contrast, the stomata of oak became less drought-sensitive as the closing signal of crown water potential was opposed by the opening signal of tree water deficit. Moreover, parameter optimization suggests that oak withdrew more water from the storage pools and reduced leaf water potentials to lower levels, without risking serious damage by cavitation. The new model thus suggests how the hydraulic water flow and storage system determines the responses in stomatal aperture and transpiration to drought at time scales ranging from hours to multiple years, and why pine and oak might differ in such responses. These differences explain why oaks are more efficient competitors during drought periods, although this was not the case in the extremely dry year 2003, which provoked massive leaf loss and, from July onwards, physiological activity almost cease

    Pine and mistletoes: how to live with a leak in the water flow and storage system?

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    The mistletoe, Viscum album, living on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) has been reported barely to regulate its transpiration and thus heavily to affect the gas exchange of its host. The extent of this mistletoe effect and its underlying mechanism has, so far, only been partially analysed. In this study, pine branches with different mistletoe infestation levels were investigated by sap flow gauges and analysed with a modelling approach to identify the mistletoe-induced stomatal regulation of pine and its consequences for the water and carbon balances of the tree. It was found that Viscum album barely regulates its stomata and that pines consequently compensate for the additional water loss of mistletoes by closing their own stomata. Despite the reduced stomatal aperture of the needles, the total water loss of branches with mistletoes increased. Furthermore, the increasingly closed stomata reduced carbon assimilation for the pine. Such a negative effect of the mistletoes on pine's stomatal conductance and carbon gain was particularly strong during dry periods. Our study therefore suggests that mistletoe-induced stomatal closure is a successful mechanism against dying from hydraulic failure in the short term but increases the risk of carbon starvation in the long term. With the current conditions in Valais, Switzerland, a tree with more than about 10-20% of its total leaf area attributable to mistletoes is at the threshold of keeping a positive carbon balance. The currently increasing mistletoe abundance, due to increasing mean annual temperatures, is therefore accelerating the ongoing pine decline in many dry inner-Alpine valley

    Dry-season retreat and dietary shift of the dart-poison frog Dendrobates tinctorius (Anura: Dendrobatidae)

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    A precipitação sazonal afeta a dinâmica das florestas tropicais e o comportamento das espécies que fazem parte desse ecossistema. A relação positiva entre os padrões de atividade dos anfíbios e a precipitação já foi demonstrada repetidas vezes. Os membros da família Dendrobatidae, um clado de saposvenenodeflecha neotropicais, são bemconhecidos por seu uso de hábitat e comportamento durante a estação chuvosa, mas seu comportamento durante a estação seca tem recebido pouca atenção. Estudamos o uso de hábitat e a dieta do dendrobatídeo Dendrobates tinctorius na Guiana Francesa durante as estações chuvosa e seca. Ao contrário de muitos outros dendrobatídeos, D. tinctorius não mantém territórios ao longo de toda a estação chuvosa. Ambos os sexos colonizam clareiras recentemente abertas e permanecem apenas poucas semanas nessas manchas, onde os animais consomem uma grande variedade de presas, principalmente formigas, besouros, vespas, larvas de insetos e ácaros. Durante a estação seca, os animais movem-se para locais de abrigo na floresta madura, como brácteas de palmeiras e ocos de árvores. Nesse período, são menos ativos e consomem um menor número de itens alimentares; consomem menos vespas e larvas de insetos e mais cupins. Formigas constituem a presa mais comum durante as duas estações. Discutimos os efeitos das mudanças sazonais no uso de hábitat sobre o comportamento territorial dos dendrobatídeos.Seasonal rainfall affects tropical forest dynamics and behavior of species that are part of these ecosystems. The positive correlation between amphibian activity patterns and rainfall has been demonstrated repeatedly. Members of Dendrobatidae, a clade of Neotropical dartpoison frogs, are well known for their habitat use and behavior during the rainy season, but their behavior during the dry season has received little attention. We studied habitat use and diet of the dendrobatid frog Dendrobates tinctorius in French Guiana during the rainy and dry seasons. Unlike many other dendrobatid frogs, D. tinctorius does not maintain territories for the entire rainy season. Both sexes colonize recently formed canopygaps and stay in these forest patches for only a few weeks. The frogs in these patches consume a great diversity of prey, consisting of ants, beetles, wasps, insect larvae, and mites. During the dry season, frogs move to retreat sites in mature forest, such as palm bracts and tree holes. The frogs are less active and consume fewer prey items in the dry season, and they consume fewer wasps and insect larvae, but more termites. Ants are the most common prey items during both the wet and dry seasons. We discuss the effects of shifts in seasonal habitat use on the territorial behavior of dendrobatid frogs

    Self-thinning in four pine species: an evaluation of potential climate impacts

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    Key message: Self-thinning lines are species- and climate-specific, and they should be used when assessing the capacity of different forest stands to increase biomass/carbon storage. Context: The capacity of forests to store carbon can help to mitigate the effects of atmospheric CO2 rise and climate change. The self-thinning relationship (average size measure ∼ stand density) has been used to identify the potential capacity of biomass storage at a given density and to evaluate the effect of stand management on stored carbon. Here, a study that shows how the self-thinning line varies with species and climate is presented. Aims: Our main objective is thus testing whether species identity and climate affect the self-thinning line and therefore the potential amount of carbon stored in living biomass. Methods: The Ecological and Forest Inventory of Catalonia was used to calculate the self-thinning lines of four common coniferous species in Catalonia, NE Iberian Peninsula (Pinus halepensis, Pinus nigra, Pinus sylvestris and Pinus uncinata). Quadratic mean diameter at breast height was chosen as the average size measure. The self-thinning lines were used to predict the potential diameter at a given density and study the effect of environmental variability. Results: Species-specific self-thinning lines were obtained. The self-thinning exponent was consistent with the predicted values of −3/2 and −4/3 for mass-based scaling for all species except P. sylvestris. Species identity and climatic variability within species affected self-thinning line parameters. Conclusion: Self-thinning lines are species-specific and are affected by climatic conditions. These relationships can be used to refine predictions of the capacity of different forest stands to increase biomass/carbon storage.</p

    Rates of agonism among female primates: a cross-taxon perspective

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    Agonism is common in group-living animals, shaping dominance relationships and ultimately impacting individual tness. Rates of agonism vary considerably among taxa, however, and explaining this variation has been central in ecological models of female social relationships in primates. Early iterations of these models posited a link to diet, with more frequent agonism predicted in frugivorous species due to the presumed greater contestability of fruits relative to other food types. Although some more recent studies have suggested that dietary categories may be poor predictors of contest competition among primates, to date there have been no broad, cross-taxa comparisons of rates of female–female agonism in relation to diet. This study tests whether dietary variables do indeed pre- dict rates of female agonism and further investigates the role of group size (i.e., number of competitors) and substrate use (i.e., degree of arboreality) on the frequency of agonism. Data from 44 wild, unprovisioned groups, including 3 strepsirhine species, 3 platyrrhines, 5 colobines, 10 cercopithecines, and 2 hominoids were analyzed using phylogenetically controlled and uncontrolled methods. Results indicate that diet does not predict agonistic rates, with trends actually being in the opposite direction than predicted for all taxa except cercopithecines. In contrast, agonistic rates are positively associated with group size and possibly degree of terrestriality. Competitor density and perhaps the risk of ghting, thus, appear more important than general diet in predicting agonism among female primates. We discuss the implications of these results for socio-ecological hypotheses

    Stem Trait Spectra Underpin Multiple Functions of Temperate Tree Species

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    A central paradigm in comparative ecology is that species sort out along a slow-fast resource economy spectrum of plant strategies, but this has been rarely tested for a comprehensive set of stem traits and compartments. We tested how stem traits vary across wood and bark of temperate tree species, whether a slow-fast strategy spectrum exists, and what traits make up this plant strategy spectrum. For 14 temperate tree species, 20 anatomical, chemical, and morphological traits belonging to six key stem functions were measured for three stem compartments (inner wood, outer wood, and bark). The trait variation was explained by major taxa (38%), stem compartments (24%), and species within major taxa (19%). A continuous plant strategy gradient was found across and within taxa, running from hydraulic safe gymnosperms to conductive angiosperms. Both groups showed a second strategy gradient related to chemical defense. Gymnosperms strongly converged in their trait strategies because of their uniform tracheids. Angiosperms strongly diverged because of their different vessel arrangement and tissue types. The bark had higher concentrations of nutrients and phenolics whereas the wood had stronger physical defense. The gymnosperms have a conservative strategy associated with strong hydraulic safety and physical defense, and a narrow, specialized range of trait values, which allow them to grow well in drier and unproductive habitats. The angiosperm species show a wider trait variation in all stem compartments, which makes them successful in marginal- and in mesic, productive habitats. The associations between multiple wood and bark traits collectively define a slow-fast stem strategy spectrum as is seen also for each stem compartment

    Faunal community consequence of interspecific bark trait dissimilarity in early-stage decomposing logs

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    Dead tree trunks have significant ecosystem functions related to biodiversity and biogeochemical cycles. When lying on the soil surface, they are colonized by an array of invertebrate fauna, but what determines their community composition is still unclear. We apply community assembly theory to colonization of tree logs by invertebrates. During early decomposition, the attached bark is critically important as an environment filter for community assembly through habitat provision. Specifically, we hypothesized that the more dissimilar bark traits were between tree species, the more their faunal community compositions would differ. We tested this hypothesis by investigating the effects of bark traits on the invertebrate communities in the early-decomposing logs of 11 common, temperate tree species placed in the ‘common garden’ experiment LOGLIFE. Bark traits included bark looseness, fissure index, outer bark thickness, ratio of inner to outer bark thickness, punch resistance, water storage capacity and bark pH. The predominant faunal groups studied were Annelida, Isopoda, Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Diptera and Coleoptera. Our results showed (i) strong interspecific differences in bark traits, (ii) that bark traits related to environmental buffering had profound effects on the abundance of specific invertebrate groups, and (iii) the higher the overall bark trait dissimilarity between tree species, the more dissimilar these tree species were in faunal community composition, and the higher was the joint invertebrate family richness. A suite of bark traits together has fundamental afterlife effects on invertebrate community assembly, strongly filtering the colonizing invertebrates in early-decomposing logs, driving variation in their community composition and diversity. Our findings indicate that bark trait dissimilarity among tree species in forest stands is likely a better indicator of early-phase dead trunk fauna diversity than tree species diversity per se. A lay summary is available for this article.</p

    Low growth resilience to drought is related to future mortality risk in trees

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    Severe droughts have the potential to reduce forest productivity and trigger tree mortality. Most trees face several drought events during their life and therefore resilience to dry conditions may be crucial to long-term survival. We assessed how growth resilience to severe droughts, including its components resistance and recovery, is related to the ability to survive future droughts by using a tree-ring database of surviving and now-dead trees from 118 sites (22 species, >3,500 trees). We found that, across the variety of regions and species sampled, trees that died during water shortages were less resilient to previous non-lethal droughts, relative to coexisting surviving trees of the same species. In angiosperms, drought-related mortality risk is associated with lower resistance (low capacity to reduce impact of the initial drought), while it is related to reduced recovery (low capacity to attain pre-drought growth rates) in gymnosperms. The different resilience strategies in these two taxonomic groups open new avenues to improve our understanding and prediction of drought-induced mortality.Fil: DeSoto, Lucía. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; España. Universidad de Coimbra; PortugalFil: Cailleret, Maxime. Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Züric; Suiza. Université Aix-marseille; Francia. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research; SuizaFil: Sterck, Frank. University of Agriculture Wageningen; Países BajosFil: Jansen, Steven. Universitat Ulm; AlemaniaFil: Kramer, Koen. University of Agriculture Wageningen; Países Bajos. Land Life Company; Países BajosFil: Robert, Elisabeth M. R.. Creaf; España. Vrije Unviversiteit Brussel; Bélgica. Royal Museum for Central Africa; BélgicaFil: Aakala, Tuomas. University of Helsinki; FinlandiaFil: Amoroso, Mariano Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Recursos Naturales, Agroecología y Desarrollo Rural. - Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro. Instituto de Investigaciones en Recursos Naturales, Agroecología y Desarrollo Rural; ArgentinaFil: Bigler, Christof. Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Züric; SuizaFil: Camarero, J. Julio. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Čufar, Katarina. University 0f Ljubljana; EsloveniaFil: Gea Izquierdo, Guillermo. Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria; EspañaFil: Gillner, Sten. Technische Universität Dresden; AlemaniaFil: Haavik, Laurel J.. Servicio Forestal de los Estados Unidos; Estados UnidosFil: Hereş, Ana Maria. Basque Centre For Climate Change; España. Transilvania University of Brasov; RumaniaFil: Kane, Jeffrey M.. Humboldt State University; Estados UnidosFil: Kharuk, Vyacheslav I.. Siberian Federal University; Rusia. Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences; RusiaFil: Kitzberger, Thomas. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; ArgentinaFil: Klein, Tamir. Weizmann Institute of Science; IsraelFil: Levanič, Tom. Slovenian Forestry Institute; EsloveniaFil: Linares, Juan C.. Universidad Pablo de Olavide; EspañaFil: Mäkinen, Harri. Natural Resources Institute Finland; FinlandiaFil: Oberhuber, Walter. Universidad de Innsbruck; AustriaFil: Papadopoulos, Andreas. Geoponiko Panepistimion Athinon; GreciaFil: Rohner, Brigitte. Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich; Suiza. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research; SuizaFil: Sangüesa Barreda, Gabriel. Universidad de Valladolid; EspañaFil: Stojanovic, Dejan B.. University of Novi Sad; SerbiaFil: Suarez, Maria Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Patagonia Norte. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Carlos de Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Villalba, Ricardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Martínez Vilalta, Jordi. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; España. Creaf; Españ