8 research outputs found

    Simultaneous in situ and ground-based common-volume measurements for the investigation of the formation mechanism of Polar Mesosphere Winter Echoes

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    Relatively strong radar returns from mesospheric heights (~55–85 km) in the winter polar region result from coherent structures of electrons and are called Polar Mesosphere Winter Echoes (PMWE). The formation mechanism of this phenomenon is not understood. All relevant parameters potentially involved in the PMWE formation were measured in a common volume and subsequently analyzed. The combined results of rocket-borne and ground-based measurements of two rocket flights conclusively show that coherent structures are created by a turbulent process involving tiny charged meteor smoke particles.RadarrĂŒckstreusignale aus der MesosphĂ€renregion (~55-85 km) in polaren Breiten entstehen durch Reflexionen kohĂ€renter Elektronenstrukturen und werden Polar MesosphĂ€rische Winter Echos (PMWE) genannt. Erstmals wurden alle relevanten Parameter, die fĂŒr den Entstehungsprozess von PMWE potentiell entscheidend sind in einem gemeinsamen Volumen mittels raketengetragenen in-situ Messungen und bodengebundenen Instrumenten untersucht. Diese Messungen geben ein einheitliches Bild: Turbulenz erzeugte in Verbindung mit geladenen Meteorstaubteilchen Strukturen, die mit dem Radar beobachtet wurden

    Simultaneous in Situ Measurements of Small-Scale Structures in Neutral, Plasma, and Atomic Oxygen Densities During the WADIS Sounding Rocket Project

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    In this paper we present an overview of measurements conducted during the WADIS-2 rocket campaign. We investigate the effect of small-scale processes like gravity waves and turbulence on the distribution of atomic oxygen and other species in the mesosphere–lower thermosphere (MLT) region. Our analysis suggests that density fluctuations of atomic oxygen are coupled to fluctuations of other constituents, i.e., plasma and neutrals. Our measurements show that all measured quantities, including winds, densities, and temperatures, reveal signatures of both waves and turbulence. We show observations of gravity wave saturation and breakdown together with simultaneous measurements of generated turbulence. Atomic oxygen inside turbulence layers shows two different spectral behaviors, which might imply a change in its diffusion properties

    Sounding rocket project “PMWE” for investigation of polar mesosphere winter echoes

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    A first sounding rocket campaign dedicated to investigate the creation mechanism of Polar Mesosphere Winter Echoes (PMWE) was conducted in April 2018 from the north Norwegian AndÞya Space Center (69 ∘ N, 16 ∘ E). Two instrumented sounding rockets were launched on 13th and 18th of April under PMWE and non-PMWE conditions, respectively. In this paper we give an overview of the PMWE sounding rocket mission. We describe and discuss some results of combined in situ and ground-based measurements which allow to verify existing PMWE theories. Our measurements ultimately show that: a) polar winter mesosphere is abounded with meteor smoke particles (MSP) and intermittent turbulent layers, b) all PMWE observed during this campaign can be explained by neutral air turbulence, c) turbulence creates small-scale structures in all D-region constituents, including free electrons; d) MSP ultimately influence the radar volume reflectivity by distorting the turbulence spectrum of electrons, e) the influence of MSP and of background electron density is just to increase SNR

    On the complexity of spinels: Magnetic, electronic, and polar ground states

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