5 research outputs found

    Geotectonic setting of hydrothermal activity on the summit of Lucky Strike Seamount (37,17'N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge)

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    We have investigated the relations between volcanic, tectonic, and hydrothermal activity on Lucky Strike Seamount (37°17â€ČN, Mid-Atlantic Ridge) using a nested survey strategy involving collection of data from different deep-sea mapping systems. The highly tectonized seamount summit consists of three volcanic cones surrounding a relatively flat depression with a young lava lake in its center. Hydrothermal activity is focused mainly within the summit depression with most of the vents located proximal to the lava lake. Isolated active and inactive chimneys and mounds are widespread throughout the summit depression and occur on both volcanic (pillow lava) and hydrothermal (sulfide rubble and hydrothermally cemented breccias) substrates. The large volume of sulfide rubble, together with the nature of the sulfide structures, indicates that hydrothermal activity has been episodic but ongoing for a long period of time (hundreds to thousands of years). On the basis of the distribution of hydrothermal deposits, we propose a model of alternation between tectonic and volcanic control on hydrothermalism at Lucky Strike Seamount. Midsegment melt focusing produces a spatially and temporally stable heat source that sustains focused high-temperature hydrothermal activity over long time periods. During periods of amagmatic extension, active faulting within the summit depression provides multiple, near-surface fluid flow pathways for discharge of high-temperature fluids and widespread deposition of massive sulfides. During eruptive events, rapid effusion of very hot lava creates a lava lake and hyaloclastite deposits. The new sheet flows form a cap on the hydrothermal system, and fluid upflow is reorganized. Discharge of high-temperature fluids is restricted to isolated sites with relatively high permeability, for example, the edges of the lava lake. Much of the upwelling hydrothermal fluid pools in the subsurface, conductively cools, and mixes with entrained seawater before discharging as widespread low-temperature diffuse flow. Hyaloclastites become cemented, further augmenting the sealing of the system. Present-day activity at Lucky Strike Seamount represents this locally volcanically controlled phase of activity, despite the segment as a whole being dominantly amagmatic

    Starlikeness of Libera transformation (II) (Applications of Complex Function Theory to Differential Equations)

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    The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2017 (IDP2017) is the second publicly available data product of the international GEOTRACES programme, and contains data measured and quality controlled before the end of 2016. The IDP2017 includes data from the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Southern and Indian oceans, with about twice the data volume of the previous IDP2014. For the first time, the IDP2017 contains data for a large suite of biogeochemical parameters as well as aerosol and rain data characterising atmospheric trace element and isotope (TEI) sources. The TEI data in the IDP2017 are quality controlled by careful assessment of intercalibration results and multi-laboratory data comparisons at crossover stations. The IDP2017 consists of two parts: (1) a compilation of digital data for more than 450 TEIs as well as standard hydrographic parameters, and (2) the eGEOTRACES Electronic Atlas providing an on-line atlas that includes more than 590 section plots and 130 animated 3D scenes. The digital data are provided in several formats, including ASCII, Excel spreadsheet, netCDF, and Ocean Data View collection. Users can download the full data packages or make their own custom selections with a new on-line data extraction service. In addition to the actual data values, the IDP2017 also contains data quality flags and 1-σ data error values where available. Quality flags and error values are useful for data filtering and for statistical analysis. Metadata about data originators, analytical methods and original publications related to the data are linked in an easily accessible way. The eGEOTRACES Electronic Atlas is the visual representation of the IDP2017 as section plots and rotating 3D scenes. The basin-wide 3D scenes combine data from many cruises and provide quick overviews of large-scale tracer distributions. These 3D scenes provide geographical and bathymetric context that is crucial for the interpretation and assessment of tracer plumes near ocean margins or along ridges. The IDP2017 is the result of a truly international effort involving 326 researchers from 25 countries. This publication provides the critical reference for unpublished data, as well as for studies that make use of a large cross-section of data from the IDP2017. This article is part of a special issue entitled: Conway GEOTRACES - edited by Tim M. Conway, Tristan Horner, Yves Plancherel, and Aridane G. GonzĂĄlez

    The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2017

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    Unidad de excelencia MarĂ­a de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2017 (IDP2017) is the second publicly available data product of the international GEOTRACES programme, and contains data measured and quality controlled before the end of 2016. The IDP2017 includes data from the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Southern and Indian oceans, with about twice the data volume of the previous IDP2014. For the first time, the IDP2017 contains data for a large suite of biogeochemical parameters as well as aerosol and rain data characterising atmospheric trace element and isotope (TEI) sources. The TEI data in the IDP2017 are quality controlled by careful assessment of intercalibration results and multi-laboratory data comparisons at crossover stations. The IDP2017 consists of two parts: (1) a compilation of digital data for more than 450 TEIs as well as standard hydrographic parameters, and (2) the eGEOTRACES Electronic Atlas providing an on-line atlas that includes more than 590 section plots and 130 animated 3D scenes. The digital data are provided in several formats, including ASCII, Excel spreadsheet, netCDF, and Ocean Data View collection. Users can download the full data packages or make their own custom selections with a new on-line data extraction service. In addition to the actual data values, the IDP2017 also contains data quality flags and 1-σ data error values where available. Quality flags and error values are useful for data filtering and for statistical analysis. Metadata about data originators, analytical methods and original publications related to the data are linked in an easily accessible way. The eGEOTRACES Electronic Atlas is the visual representation of the IDP2017 as section plots and rotating 3D scenes. The basin-wide 3D scenes combine data from many cruises and provide quick overviews of large-scale tracer distributions. These 3D scenes provide geographical and bathymetric context that is crucial for the interpretation and assessment of tracer plumes near ocean margins or along ridges. The IDP2017 is the result of a truly international effort involving 326 researchers from 25 countries. This publication provides the critical reference for unpublished data, as well as for studies that make use of a large cross-section of data from the IDP2017. This article is part of a special issue entitled: Conway GEOTRACES - edited by Tim M. Conway, Tristan Horner, Yves Plancherel, and Aridane G. GonzĂĄlez