224 research outputs found

    21 cm Tomography of the High-Redshift Universe with the Square Kilometer Array

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    We discuss the prospects for ``tomography'' of the intergalactic medium (IGM) at high redshifts using the 21 cm transition of neutral hydrogen. Existing observational constraints on the epoch of reionization imply a complex ionization history that may require multiple generations of sources. The 21 cm transition provides a unique tool to probe this era in detail, because it does not suffer from saturation effects, retains full redshift information, and directly probes the IGM gas. Observations in the redshifted 21cm line will allow one to study the history and morphology of reionization in detail. Depending on the characteristics of the first sources, they may also allow us to probe the era before reionization, when the first structures and luminous sources were forming. The construction of high signal-to-noise ratio maps on arcminute scales will require approximately one square kilometer of collecting area.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, to appear in "Science with the Square Kilometer Array," eds. C. Carilli and S. Rawlings, New Astronomy Reviews (Elsevier: Amsterdam), corrected Fig.

    Parallel ecological networks in ecosystems

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    In ecosystems, species interact with other species directly and through abiotic factors in multiple ways, often forming complex networks of various types of ecological interaction. Out of this suite of interactions, predator–prey interactions have received most attention. The resulting food webs, however, will always operate simultaneously with networks based on other types of ecological interaction, such as through the activities of ecosystem engineers or mutualistic interactions. Little is known about how to classify, organize and quantify these other ecological networks and their mutual interplay. The aim of this paper is to provide new and testable ideas on how to understand and model ecosystems in which many different types of ecological interaction operate simultaneously. We approach this problem by first identifying six main types of interaction that operate within ecosystems, of which food web interactions are one. Then, we propose that food webs are structured among two main axes of organization: a vertical (classic) axis representing trophic position and a new horizontal ‘ecological stoichiometry’ axis representing decreasing palatability of plant parts and detritus for herbivores and detrivores and slower turnover times. The usefulness of these new ideas is then explored with three very different ecosystems as test cases: temperate intertidal mudflats; temperate short grass prairie; and tropical savannah

    Avaliação fitossociológica da comunidade infestante em åreas de transição para o café orgùnico.

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho verificar os efeitos dos insumos orgĂąnicos e convencionais na dinĂąmica de plantas daninhas da lavoura durante o primeiro e o segundo ano de transição agroecolĂłgica. Para isso, montou-se um experimento em um cafezal de seis anos, onde iniciou-se a transição para o sistema de cultivo orgĂąnico. A espĂ©cie mais importante no primeiro ano da transição, na maioria das ĂĄreas avaliadas, foi Ageratum conyzoides; no segundo ano ocorreu considerĂĄvel mudança na relação de dominĂąncia entre as espĂ©cies, destacando-se Leunurus sibiricus na maior parte das ĂĄreas estudadas. Ocorreu tambĂ©m aumento do nĂșmero de espĂ©cies presentes na maioria das ĂĄreas de um ano para o outro. No segundo ano de transição observou-se decrĂ©scimo na diversidade de espĂ©cies em relação ao primeiro ano. Dessa forma, pode-se concluir que nos dois anos de avaliação verificaram-se mudanças no nĂșmero, na diversidade e na relação de importĂąncia entre as espĂ©cies de um ano para o outro

    Planck 2015 results. XXVII. The Second Planck Catalogue of Sunyaev-Zeldovich Sources

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    We present the all-sky Planck catalogue of Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) sources detected from the 29 month full-mission data. The catalogue (PSZ2) is the largest SZ-selected sample of galaxy clusters yet produced and the deepest all-sky catalogue of galaxy clusters. It contains 1653 detections, of which 1203 are confirmed clusters with identified counterparts in external data-sets, and is the first SZ-selected cluster survey containing > 10310^3 confirmed clusters. We present a detailed analysis of the survey selection function in terms of its completeness and statistical reliability, placing a lower limit of 83% on the purity. Using simulations, we find that the Y5R500 estimates are robust to pressure-profile variation and beam systematics, but accurate conversion to Y500 requires. the use of prior information on the cluster extent. We describe the multi-wavelength search for counterparts in ancillary data, which makes use of radio, microwave, infra-red, optical and X-ray data-sets, and which places emphasis on the robustness of the counterpart match. We discuss the physical properties of the new sample and identify a population of low-redshift X-ray under- luminous clusters revealed by SZ selection. These objects appear in optical and SZ surveys with consistent properties for their mass, but are almost absent from ROSAT X-ray selected samples

    Planck intermediate results. VIII. Filaments between interacting clusters

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    About half of the baryons of the Universe are expected to be in the form of filaments of hot and low density intergalactic medium. Most of these baryons remain undetected even by the most advanced X-ray observatories which are limited in sensitivity to the diffuse low density medium. The Planck satellite has provided hundreds of detections of the hot gas in clusters of galaxies via the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (tSZ) effect and is an ideal instrument for studying extended low density media through the tSZ effect. In this paper we use the Planck data to search for signatures of a fraction of these missing baryons between pairs of galaxy clusters. Cluster pairs are good candidates for searching for the hotter and denser phase of the intergalactic medium (which is more easily observed through the SZ effect). Using an X-ray catalogue of clusters and the Planck data, we select physical pairs of clusters as candidates. Using the Planck data we construct a local map of the tSZ effect centered on each pair of galaxy clusters. ROSAT data is used to construct X-ray maps of these pairs. After having modelled and subtracted the tSZ effect and X-ray emission for each cluster in the pair we study the residuals on both the SZ and X-ray maps. For the merging cluster pair A399-A401 we observe a significant tSZ effect signal in the intercluster region beyond the virial radii of the clusters. A joint X-ray SZ analysis allows us to constrain the temperature and density of this intercluster medium. We obtain a temperature of kT = 7.1 +- 0.9, keV (consistent with previous estimates) and a baryon density of (3.7 +- 0.2)x10^-4, cm^-3. The Planck satellite mission has provided the first SZ detection of the hot and diffuse intercluster gas.Comment: Accepted by A&

    PAH emissions from an African cookstove

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    Combustion of wood and other biomass is a significant contributor to poor air quality in many developing countries. Emissions of particulates and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) are a major health hazard, particularly in Africa where the use of domestic cookstoves has increased alongside population expansion. Because of economic factors firewood is commonly used in place of the more expensive charcoal; particularly in rural areas. This work conducts a study of PAH emissions from an African cookstove comparing the combustion of both charcoal and firewood. It is demonstrated that PAH and particulate emissions are much higher from the firewood compared to the charcoal. The difference in levels can be interpreted due to the importance of the pyrolysis reactions of the volatile components of wood in PAH formation, whereas these volatiles emissions are much smaller from charcoal. Analysis of the combustion phases (flaming, smouldering) is undertaken and a computer model has been developed to link the composition of the fuels to the emissions of the PAH and particulates. The modelled PAH levels are shown to follow a similar trend to the experimental results

    The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: A Catalog of >4000 Sunyaev–Zel’dovich Galaxy Clusters

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    We present a catalog of 4195 optically confirmed Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (SZ) selected galaxy clusters detected with signal-to-noise ratio >4 in 13,211 deg2 of sky surveyed by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT). Cluster candidates were selected by applying a multifrequency matched filter to 98 and 150 GHz maps constructed from ACT observations obtained from 2008 to 2018 and confirmed using deep, wide-area optical surveys. The clusters span the redshift range 0.04 1 clusters, and a total of 868 systems are new discoveries. Assuming an SZ signal versus mass-scaling relation calibrated from X-ray observations, the sample has a 90% completeness mass limit of M500c > 3.8 × 1014 M⊙, evaluated at z = 0.5, for clusters detected at signal-to-noise ratio >5 in maps filtered at an angular scale of 2farcm4. The survey has a large overlap with deep optical weak-lensing surveys that are being used to calibrate the SZ signal mass-scaling relation, such as the Dark Energy Survey (4566 deg2), the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (469 deg2), and the Kilo Degree Survey (825 deg2). We highlight some noteworthy objects in the sample, including potentially projected systems, clusters with strong lensing features, clusters with active central galaxies or star formation, and systems of multiple clusters that may be physically associated. The cluster catalog will be a useful resource for future cosmological analyses and studying the evolution of the intracluster medium and galaxies in massive clusters over the past 10 Gyr

    Planck early results XIV : ERCSC validation and extreme radio sources

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