23 research outputs found

    Relationship between elements and score in floor exercise, in Artistic Gymnastic, in the Beijing 2008 Olympics Games

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    En la Gimnasia Artística, el rendimiento viene determinado por la ejecución de una serie de movimientos con base en un modelo establecido y recogido en el Código de Puntuación. Con base en esto, el objetivo de nuestro trabajo es determinar si el número y nivel de dificultades que componen el total de diagonales realizadas en un ejercicio de suelo predice e influye de manera positiva en la puntuación final del gimnasta. Para ello se realiza un estudio descriptivo con una metodología observacional, en el cual se analizan 16 ejercicios de suelo de los 16 gimnastas clasificados para la final individual de suelo de Gimnasia Artística Femenina y Masculina en los Juegos Olímpicos de Pekín 2008. Los resultados concluyen que el número de dificultades que componen el total de diagonales realizadas en un ejercicio de suelo no predice ni influye de manera positiva en la puntuación final del gimnasta. Los resultados muestran también que el nivel de dificultad tampoco predice ni influye de manera positiva en la puntuación final del gimnasta, excepto en el caso del Nivel E.In Artistic Gymnastics, the performance is determined by the execution of a series of movements based on a model established and gathered in the Code of Punctuation Therefore, the aim of this research is to study if the number and level of difficulty composing all diagonals executed in floor exercise predicts and influences in a positive way the final punctuation of the gymnast. For this, a descriptive study was conducted with an observation method, in which 16 floor exercises of 16 gymnasts qualified for the individual final of floor were analyzed in Artistic Gymnastics in the Olympic Games of Peking 2008. The study conclude that the number of difficulties composing all diagonals executed in a floor exercise neither predicts nor influences in a positive way the final score of the gymnast. The results shows that the difficulty level does not predict either nor influences in a positive way the final score of the gymnast, except in case of the Level E.peerReviewe

    Assessment of the level of muscular strength and volume in physically active English adults

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    The aim of this study is to describe the muscular volume and strength of different body segments from a sample of 19 English male participants, with a mean age of 43.84 (±11.62). An isometric dynamometer (Standard type S) has been used for the strength measurements, as well as an isokinetic device (Cibex Norm, Ronkonkama, New York, U.S.A.) and a M.R.I scanner (Esaote G-Scan biomedical, Milan, Italy) for measuring the muscular volume. The Baecke Questionnaire (1982) helped to determine the participants habitual level of physical activity. The results reveal an inverse relationship between age and isometric strength of the biceps muscle (r=-0.518; p<0.05). In addition, there exists a correlation between the handgrip of the right hand and the left hand (r=0.788; p<0.001); torque of the knee extensor muscles and the ankle extensor muscles (r=0.712; p<0.01); time of torque of the knee flexor and extensor muscles (r=0.773; p<0.001) volume of the biceps and triceps muscles (r=0.849; p<0.001), as well as several correlations between the different volumes of the quadriceps muscles. As a conclusion, age has a negative influence on the production of isometric strength of the biceps muscle, but not of the knee extensor muscles. As expected, the antagonistic muscle groups actuating around the knee, i.e. the extensor and flexor groups seem to be adapted to each other in terms of volume, strength and rate of force development

    Endoscopic treatment (endoscopic balloon dilation/self-expandable metal stent) vs surgical resection for the treatment of de novo stenosis in Crohn's disease (ENDOCIR study): an open-label, multicentre, randomized trial. 

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    Background: Stenosis is one of the most common complications in patients with Crohn's disease (CD). Endoscopic balloon dilation (EBD) is the treatment of choice for a short stenosis adjacent to the anastomosis from previous surgery. Self-expandable metal stents (SEMS) may be a suitable treatment option for longer stenoses. To date, however, there is no scientific evidence as to whether endoscopic (EBD/SEMS) or surgical treatment is the best approach for de novo or primary stenoses that are less than 10 cm in length. Methods/design: Exploratory study as "proof-of-concept", multicentre, open-label, randomized trial of the treatment of de novo stenosis in the CD; endoscopic treatment (EBD/SEMS) vs surgical resection (SR). The type of endoscopic treatment will initially be with EDB; if a therapeutic failure occurs, then a SEMS will be placed. We estimate 2 years of recruitment and 1 year of follow-up for the assessment of quality of life, costs, complications, and clinical recurrence. After the end of the study, patients will be followed up for 3 years to re-evaluate the variables over the long term. Forty patients with de novo stenosis in CD will be recruited from 15 hospitals in Spain and will be randomly assigned to the endoscopic or surgical treatment groups. The primary aim will be the evaluation of the patient quality of life at 1 year follow-up (% of patients with an increase of 30 points in the 32-item Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ-32). The secondary aim will be evaluation of the clinical recurrence rate, complications, and costs of both treatments at 1-year follow-up. Discussion: The ENDOCIR trial has been designed to determine whether an endoscopic or surgical approach is therapeutically superior in the treatment of de novo stenosis in CD

    Recent advances in hydrothermal carbonisation:from tailored carbon materials and biochemicals to applications and bioenergy

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    Introduced in the literature in 1913 by Bergius, who at the time was studying biomass coalification, hydrothermal carbonisation, as many other technologies based on renewables, was forgotten during the "industrial revolution". It was rediscovered back in 2005, on the one hand, to follow the trend set by Bergius of biomass to coal conversion for decentralised energy generation, and on the other hand as a novel green method to prepare advanced carbon materials and chemicals from biomass in water, at mild temperature, for energy storage and conversion and environmental protection. In this review, we will present an overview on the latest trends in hydrothermal carbonisation including biomass to bioenergy conversion, upgrading of hydrothermal carbons to fuels over heterogeneous catalysts, advanced carbon materials and their applications in batteries, electrocatalysis and heterogeneous catalysis and finally an analysis of the chemicals in the liquid phase as well as a new family of fluorescent nanomaterials formed at the interface between the liquid and solid phases, known as hydrothermal carbon nanodots

    Jardins per a la salut

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    Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Ensenyament: Grau de Farmàcia. Assignatura: Botànica farmacèutica. Curs: 2014-2015. Coordinadors: Joan Simon, Cèsar Blanché i Maria Bosch.Els materials que aquí es presenten són el recull de les fitxes botàniques de 128 espècies presents en el Jardí Ferran Soldevila de l’Edifici Històric de la UB. Els treballs han estat realitzats manera individual per part dels estudiants dels grups M-3 i T-1 de l’assignatura Botànica Farmacèutica durant els mesos de febrer a maig del curs 2014-15 com a resultat final del Projecte d’Innovació Docent «Jardins per a la salut: aprenentatge servei a Botànica farmacèutica» (codi 2014PID-UB/054). Tots els treballs s’han dut a terme a través de la plataforma de GoogleDocs i han estat tutoritzats pels professors de l’assignatura. L’objectiu principal de l’activitat ha estat fomentar l’aprenentatge autònom i col·laboratiu en Botànica farmacèutica. També s’ha pretès motivar els estudiants a través del retorn de part del seu esforç a la societat a través d’una experiència d’Aprenentatge-Servei, deixant disponible finalment el treball dels estudiants per a poder ser consultable a través d’una Web pública amb la possibilitat de poder-ho fer in-situ en el propi jardí mitjançant codis QR amb un smartphone

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    “Assessment of Performance Parameters in Boccia: Towards Evidence-Based Classification

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    Classification systems play a major role in the Paralympic sport and valid systems of classification ensure a fair and equitable competition. Classification must comply with the International Paralympic Committee Athletes Classification Code (IPC, 2015), which specifies that classification must be evidence-based, meaning that it is focused on the relationship between the impairment of the player and key performance determinants. The application of the new Code is mandatory for all Paralympic Sports. Boccia is a Paralympic sport open for the called “Athletes with High Support Needs”. Although its debut was many years ago (1984) and it is one of the two specific Paralympic sports that has not homologous in the Olympic program, little studies have been conducted about this Para sport. Therefore, it is not surprising that Boccia does not count with a classification system supported in evidence. This Thesis aims to contribute to the development of a more objective classification system that helps to promote sports practice among athletes with severe impairments, promoting the Paralympic values of “determination, equality, inspiration and courage”. Across this dissertation it is intended to provide information about functional abilities of individuals with moderate-to-severe cerebral palsy, eligible for Boccia. The strengths and weaknesses of current classification methods are presented, discussed and questioned. The three studies provide evidence about how to assess trunk control, hand function and intra-limb coordination, describing how much impaired are athletes with moderate-to-severe CP, and the discriminant capacity of these tests to differentiate between BC1 and BC2 sport classes. These findings provide a basis for further research to evaluate the strength of the measures of the impairment and the key determinants of performance.Los sistemas de clasificación juegan un papel crucial en el deporte paralímpico, ya que un sistema de clasificación válido garantizaría una competición justa y equitativa. La clasificación debe cumplir con el Código de Clasificación de Deportistas del Comité Paralímpico Internacional, especificando que la clasificación debe estar basada en evidencias científicas (IPC, 2015), centrándose en la relación entre el impedimento del jugador y los determinantes clave del rendimiento deportivo. La implementación de dicho Código de Clasificación para con el desarrollo de sistemas de clasificación basados en evidencias es aplicable a todos los paradeportes y, además, es de carácter obligatorio.La Boccia es un deporte paralímpico que ofrece oportunidades deportivas a los deportistas denominados como “Atletas con Grandes Necesidades”, haciendo referencia a aquellos que presentan impedimentos más severos. A pesar de que la Boccia hizo su debut en los Juegos Paralímpicos hace ya 33 años, y es uno de los dos deportes paralímpicos específicos (i.e. no tiene un homólogo en los Juegos Olímpicos), pocos estudios se han llevado a cabo sobre este deporte. De hecho, no es sorprendente que este deporte aún no cuente con un sistema de clasificación objetivo y basado en evidencias científicas. Esta tesis pretende contribuir a la generación de evidencia acerca de la evaluación del control postural, la destreza de la mano y la coordinación intra-segmentaria del brazo de lanzamiento, elementos clave para el rendimiento en este paradeporte. Además, se analizará el grado de limitación presentado por personas con moderada-a-severa parálisis cerebral con respecto a un grupo control, y la capacidad de discriminación de tales test para diferenciar entre deportistas de las clases BC1 y BC2

    Diferencias en las estadísticas e juego entre los equipos ganadores y perdedores de la Copa del Rey 2008 de balonmano masculino [Difference in the statistics of game between the winning and losing teams of the king�s cup 2008 of male handball]

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the difference between the winning and losing teams of the King's Cup 08 of male handball depending on the statistics of game. The data was provided by the ASOBAL (n = 7). The variables used in the study were divided in two kind of variables: primary (goals scored, goals of 9, 6, 7 m. and counterattack, failed launch of 9, 6, 7 m. and counterattack, total launches, passes of goal, losses, recoveries, stops of 9, 6, 7m., counterattack, and total stops, exclusions, direct disqualifications and expulsions) and secondary (Possessions, COE, COR, CDE, CDR). All data in the game statistics were normalized to 100 possessions. The analysis was performed using SPSS 17.0 for Windows, using a t-test for independent measures through which we can see that the winning teams differ from losing teams in the following variables: goals scored (t100 =2.907; p? 0.05), failed launch of 6 m. (t100 = - 3.335; p? 0.01), goals counterattack (t100 =2.196; p? 0.05), stops 6m (t100 = 2.406; p? 0.05), COE (t100 = 2.907; p? 0.05), COR (t100 = 3.826; p? 0.01), CDE (t100 = -2.907; p? 0.05), CDR (t100 = 3.826; p? 0.01). We conclude that both the defensive and counterattacks phase are extremely important aspects for success, this fact must be taken into account by the coaches and trainers when they are developing their training process.El objetivo de este estudio es analizar en que se diferencian los equipos ganadores y perdedores de la Copa del Rey 08 de balonmano masculino en función de las estadísticas de juego. Los datos de los partidos (n=7) fueron facilitados por la ASOBAL. Las variables empleadas en el estudio podemos dividirlas en primarias (goles marcados, goles de 9, 6, 7 m y contraataque, lanzamientos fallados de 9, 6, 7 m. y contraataque, lanzamientos totales, pases de gol, perdidas, recuperaciones, paradas de 9, 6, 7m., contraataque y paradas totales, exclusiones, descalificaciones directas y expulsiones) y en secundarias (Posesiones, CEO, CRO, CED, CRD). Todos los datos de las estadísticas de juego fueron normalizadas a 100 posesiones. El análisis se realizó mediante el SPSS 17.0 para Windows, se empleo una prueba t para medidas independientes a través de la cual observamos que los equipos ganadores se diferencian de los perdedores en las siguientes variables: goles marcados (t100 =2.907; p? 0.05), lanzamientos fallados 6m (t100 = - 3.335; p? 0.01), goles contraataque (t100 =2.196; p? 0.05), paradas 6m (t100 = 2.406; p? 0.05), CEO (t100 = 2.907; p? 0.05) CRO (t100 = 3.826; p? 0.01), CED (t100 = -2.907; p? 0.05), CRD (t100 = 3.826; p? 0.01). Podemos concluir afirmando que tanto la fase defensiva como los contraataques son aspectos muy relevantes a la hora de alcanzar el éxito, este hecho debe ser tenido en cuenta por los entrenadores y preparadores físicos a la hora de elaborar su proceso de entrenamiento

    Difference in the statistics of game between the winning and losing teams of the king’s cup 2008 of male handball

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    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar en que se diferencian los equipos ganadores y perdedores de la Copa del Rey 08 de balonmano masculino en función de las estadísticas de juego. Los datos de los partidos (n=7) fueron facilitados por la ASOBAL. Las variables empleadas en el estudio podemos dividirlas en primarias (goles marcados, goles de 9, 6, 7 m y contraataque, lanzamientos fallados de 9, 6, 7 m. y contraataque, lanzamientos totales, pases de gol, perdidas, recuperaciones, paradas de 9, 6, 7m., contraataque y paradas totales, exclusiones, descalificaciones directas y expulsiones) y en secundarias (Posesiones, CEO, CRO, CED, CRD). Todos los datos de las estadísticas de juego fueron normalizadas a 100 posesiones. El análisis se realizó mediante el SPSS 17.0 para Windows, se empleo una prueba t para medidas independientes a través de la cual observamos que los equipos ganadores se diferencian de los perdedores en las siguientes variables: goles marcados (t100 =2.907; p≤ 0.05), lanzamientos fallados 6m (t100 = - 3.335; p≤ 0.01), goles contraataque (t100 =2.196; p≤ 0.05), paradas 6m (t100 = 2.406; p≤ 0.05), CEO (t100 = 2.907; p≤ 0.05) CRO (t100 = 3.826; p≤ 0.01), CED (t100 = -2.907; p≤ 0.05), CRD (t100 = 3.826; p≤ 0.01). Podemos concluir afirmando que tanto la fase defensiva como los contraataques son aspectos muy relevantes a la hora de alcanzar el éxito, este hecho debe ser tenido en cuenta por los entrenadores y preparadores físicos a la hora de elaborar su proceso de entrenamiento.The purpose of this study is to analyze the difference between the winning and losing teams of the King’s Cup 08 of male handball depending on the statistics of game. The data was provided by the ASOBAL (n = 7). The variables used in the study were divided in two kind of variables: primary (goals scored, goals of 9, 6, 7 m. and counterattack, failed launch of 9, 6, 7 m. and counterattack, total launches, passes of goal, losses, recoveries, stops of 9, 6, 7m., counterattack, and total stops, exclusions, direct disqualifications and expulsions) and secondary (Possessions, COE, COR, CDE, CDR). All data in the game statistics were normalized to 100 possessions. The analysis was performed using SPSS 17.0 for Windows, using a t-test for independent measures through which we can see that the winning teams differ from losing teams in the following variables: goals scored (t100 =2.907; p≤ 0.05), failed launch of 6 m. (t100 = - 3.335; p≤ 0.01), goals counterattack (t100 =2.196; p≤ 0.05), stops 6m (t100 = 2.406; p≤ 0.05), COE (t100 = 2.907; p≤ 0.05), COR (t100 = 3.826; p≤ 0.01), CDE (t100 = -2.907; p≤ 0.05), CDR (t100 = 3.826; p≤ 0.01). We conclude that both the defensive and counterattacks phase are extremely important aspects for success, this fact must be taken into account by the coaches and trainers when they are developing their training process.peerReviewe

    Diferencias en las estadísticas e juego entre los equipos ganadores y perdedores de la Copa del Rey 2008 de balonmano masculino [Difference in the statistics of game between the winning and losing teams of the king’s cup 2008 of male handball]

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    Resumen El objetivo de este estudio es analizar en que se diferencian los equipos ganadores y perdedores de la Copa del Rey 08 de balonmano masculino en función de las estadísticas de juego. Los datos de los partidos (n=7) fueron facilitados por la ASOBAL. Las variables empleadas en el estudio podemos dividirlas en primarias (goles marcados, goles de 9, 6, 7 m y contraataque, lanzamientos fallados de 9, 6, 7 m. y contraataque, lanzamientos totales, pases de gol, perdidas,  recuperaciones,  paradas de 9, 6, 7m., contraataque y paradas totales, exclusiones, descalificaciones directas y expulsiones) y en secundarias (Posesiones, CEO, CRO, CED, CRD). Todos los datos de las estadísticas de juego fueron normalizadas a 100 posesiones. El análisis se realizó mediante el SPSS 17.0 para Windows, se empleo una prueba t para medidas independientes a través de la cual observamos que los equipos ganadores se diferencian de los perdedores en las siguientes variables: goles marcados (t100 =2.907; p≤ 0.05), lanzamientos fallados 6m (t100 = - 3.335; p≤ 0.01), goles contraataque (t100 =2.196; p≤ 0.05), paradas 6m (t100 = 2.406; p≤ 0.05), CEO (t100 = 2.907; p≤ 0.05) CRO (t100 = 3.826; p≤ 0.01), CED (t100 = -2.907; p≤ 0.05), CRD (t100 = 3.826; p≤ 0.01). Podemos concluir afirmando que tanto la fase defensiva como los contraataques son aspectos muy relevantes a la hora de alcanzar el éxito, este hecho debe ser tenido en cuenta por los entrenadores y preparadores físicos a la hora de elaborar su proceso de entrenamiento.  Palabras clave: Balonmano, Copa del Rey, Victoria, Derrota, Diferencias, Coeficientes del rendimiento.   Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the difference between the winning and losing teams of the King's Cup 08 of male handball depending on the statistics of game. The data was provided by the ASOBAL (n = 7). The variables used in the study were divided in two kind of variables: primary (goals scored, goals of 9, 6, 7 m. and counterattack, failed launch of 9, 6, 7 m. and counterattack, total launches, passes of goal, losses, recoveries, stops of 9, 6, 7m., counterattack, and total stops, exclusions, direct disqualifications and expulsions) and secondary (Possessions, COE, COR, CDE, CDR). All data in the game statistics were normalized to 100 possessions. The analysis was performed using SPSS 17.0 for Windows, using a t-test for independent measures through which we can see that the winning teams differ from losing teams in the following variables: goals scored (t100 =2.907; p≤ 0.05), failed launch of 6 m. (t100 = - 3.335; p≤ 0.01), goals counterattack (t100 =2.196; p≤ 0.05), stops 6m (t100 = 2.406; p≤ 0.05), COE (t100 = 2.907; p≤ 0.05), COR  (t100 = 3.826; p≤ 0.01), CDE (t100 = -2.907; p≤ 0.05), CDR (t100 = 3.826; p≤ 0.01). We conclude that both the defensive and counterattacks phase are extremely important aspects for success, this fact must be taken into account by the coaches and trainers when they are developing their training process. Key words:  Handball, King's Cup, Victory, Defeat, Differences, Coefficient of performance