978 research outputs found

    The fast declining Type Ia supernova 2003gs, and evidence for a significant dispersion in near-infrared absolute magnitudes of fast decliners at maximum light

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    We obtained optical photometry of SN 2003gs on 49 nights, from 2 to 494 days after T(B_max). We also obtained near-IR photometry on 21 nights. SN 2003gs was the first fast declining Type Ia SN that has been well observed since SN 1999by. While it was subluminous in optical bands compared to more slowly declining Type Ia SNe, it was not subluminous at maximum light in the near-IR bands. There appears to be a bimodal distribution in the near-IR absolute magnitudes of Type Ia SNe at maximum light. Those that peak in the near-IR after T(B_max) are subluminous in the all bands. Those that peak in the near-IR prior to T(B_max), such as SN 2003gs, have effectively the same near-IR absolute magnitudes at maximum light regardless of the decline rate Delta m_15(B). Near-IR spectral evidence suggests that opacities in the outer layers of SN 2003gs are reduced much earlier than for normal Type Ia SNe. That may allow gamma rays that power the luminosity to escape more rapidly and accelerate the decline rate. This conclusion is consistent with the photometric behavior of SN 2003gs in the IR, which indicates a faster than normal decline from approximately normal peak brightness.Comment: 41 pages, 13 figures, to be published in the December, 2009, issue of the Astronomical Journa

    Scalar Bilepton Dark Matter

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    In this work we show that 3-3-1 model with right-handed neutrinos has a natural weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark mater candidate. It is a complex scalar with mass of order of some hundreds of GeV which carries two units of lepton number, a scalar bilepton. This makes it a very peculiar WIMP, very distinct from Supersymmetric or Extra-dimension candidates. Besides, although we have to make some reasonable assumptions concerning the several parameters in the model, no fine tunning is required in order to get the correct dark matter abundance. We also analyze the prospects for WIMP direct detection by considering recent and projected sensitivities for WIMP-nucleon elastic cross section from CDMS and XENON Collaborations.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, uses iopart.cls, same text as published version with a small different arrangement of figure

    Constraining Dark Matter Properties with Gamma-Rays from the Galactic Center with Fermi-LAT

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    We study the capabilities of the Fermi-LAT instrument on board of the Fermi mission to constrain particle dark matter properties, as annihilation cross section, mass and branching ratio into dominant annihilation channels, with gamma-ray observations from the galactic center. Besides the prompt gamma-ray flux, we also take into account the contribution from the electrons/positrons produced in dark matter annihilations to the gamma-ray signal via inverse Compton scattering off the interstellar photon background, which turns out to be crucial in the case of dark matter annihilations into mu+mu- and e+e- pairs. We study the signal dependence on different parameters like the region of observation, the density profile, the assumptions for the dark matter model and the uncertainties in the propagation model. We also show the effect of the inclusion of a 20% systematic uncertainty in the gamma-ray background. If Fermi-LAT is able to distinguish a possible dark matter signal from the large gamma-ray background, we show that for dark matter masses below ~200 GeV, Fermi-LAT will likely be able to determine dark matter properties with good accuracy.Comment: 38 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables; to match published versio

    Developing an inverted Barrovian sequence; insights from monazite petrochronology

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    In the Himalayan region of Sikkim, the well-developed inverted metamorphic sequence of the Main Central Thrust (MCT) zone is folded, thus exposing several transects through the structure that reached similar metamorphic grades at different times. In-situ LA-ICP-MS U–Th–Pb monazite ages, linked to pressure–temperature conditions via trace-element reaction fingerprints, allow key aspects of the evolution of the thrust zone to be understood for the first time. The ages show that peak metamorphic conditions were reached earliest in the structurally highest part of the inverted metamorphic sequence, in the Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS) in the hanging wall of the MCT. Monazite in this unit grew over a prolonged period between ~37 and 16 Ma in the southerly leading-edge of the thrust zone and between ~37 and 14.5 Ma in the northern rear-edge of the thrust zone, at peak metamorphic conditions of ~790 ◩C and 10 kbar. Monazite ages in Lesser Himalayan Sequence (LHS) footwall rocks show that identical metamorphic conditions were reached ~4–6 Ma apart along the ~60 km separating samples along the MCT transport direction. Upper LHS footwall rocks reached peak metamorphic conditions of ~655 ◩C and 9 kbar between ~21 and 16 Ma in the more southerly-exposed transect and ~14.5–12 Ma in the northern transect. Similarly, lower LHS footwall rocks reached peak metamorphic conditions of ~580 ◩C and 8.5 kbar at ~16 Ma in the south, and 9–10 Ma in the north. In the southern transect, the timing of partial melting in the GHS hanging wall (~23–19.5 Ma) overlaps with the timing of prograde metamorphism (~21 Ma) in the LHS footwall, confirming that the hanging wall may have provided the heat necessary for the metamorphism of the footwall. Overall, the data provide robust evidence for progressively downwards-penetrating deformation and accretion of original LHS footwall material to the GHS hanging wall over a period of ~5 Ma. These processes appear to have occurred several times during the prolonged ductile evolution of the thrust. The preserved inverted metamorphic sequence therefore documents the formation of sequential ‘paleothrusts’ through time, cutting down from the original locus of MCT movement at the LHS–GHS protolith boundary and forming at successively lower pressure and temperature conditions. The petrochronologic methods applied here constrain a complex temporal and thermal deformation history, and demonstrate that inverted metamorphic sequences can preserve a rich record of the duration of progressive ductile thrusting

    Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality

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    Nonstandard Errors

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    In statistics, samples are drawn from a population in a data-generating process (DGP). Standard errors measure the uncertainty in estimates of population parameters. In science, evidence is generated to test hypotheses in an evidence-generating process (EGP). We claim that EGP variation across researchers adds uncertainty-nonstandard errors (NSEs). We study NSEs by letting 164 teams test the same hypotheses on the same data. NSEs turn out to be sizable, but smaller for more reproducible or higher rated research. Adding peer-review stages reduces NSEs. We further find that this type of uncertainty is underestimated by participants
