16 research outputs found

    The effects of different levels of soybean meal replaced by fish meal on biochemical parameters haemolymph of freshwater crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus)

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    The present study examined the effects of different levels of plant protein (soybean meal) on biochemical parameters haemolymph of freshwater crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus). For this purpose, the effects of different levels of soybean meal protein including 0%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 100% diet on some biochemical parameters and ion haemolymph of freshwater crayfish were evaluated after 60 days of trial. Sampling of 75 samples crayfish with apparently healthy haemolymph was carried out at the end of the testing period. Based on the results, with increasing soybean meal in the diet, the amount of glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, creatinine and total protein had a significant decrease compared to the control group. A significant difference was observed in the amount of serum enzymes activities between control group and the other treatments. The amount of Bun, calcium, and sodium were not significantly different between treatments. Also, the amount of K, Fe and P in the diets containing soybean meal had a significant decrease compared with the control group

    Effect of dietary mannan oligosaccharide on growth performance, survival, body composition and intestinal microflora in great sturgeon juvenile (Huso huso Linnaeus, 1754)

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    The effect of dietary mannan oligosaccharide (MOS; active MOS®) on growth, survival, body composition and intestinal microflora in giant sturgeon juvenile (Huso huso) were investigated for 46 days. Basal diet were supplemented with 0 (control), 2 and 4 g/kg MOS in a totally randomized design trial in triplicate groups. The experiment was carried out in 900 L fiberglass tanks. Fifteen juveniles beluga with initially average weight of 46.89 ± 0.57 g were stocked and fed to satiation daily.Data was analysed by regression analysis and pearson correlation test. There were no significant differences in growth and feeding parameters between fish fed control and MOS supplementation diets (P>0.05), but group treated with 4 g/kg MOS showed significant differences in food intake (P0.05). Fish treated with 2 g/kg MOS showed significant differences in fat content of muscle tissue (P0.05) were recorded. No significant difference was observed in intestinal lactic acid bacteria among the groups (P>0.05). The experiment indicated that the prebiotic mannan oligosaccharide didn’t influence the growth performance in beluga juvenile and it is not appropriate for supplementation in the diet of this cultured species

    Dietary supplementation with a specific mannan-rich yeast parietal fraction enhances the gut and skin mucosal barriers of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and reduces its susceptibility to sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)

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    Background: Increasing reliance on non-medicinal interventions to control sea lice in the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) farming industry imposes a high level of skin mucosal disturbance and indirect health issues. Dietary supplementation with yeast-based MOS products is widely used to support intestinal homeostasis across farmed species. Evidence of their effect on skin mucosa is increasing in aquatic species but it remains inconsistent and someway short of a clear contribution to sea lice management. A tank-based trial was performed to test the effect of a yeast-based MOS functional compound (sMOS) on the skin mucosal layer and its protective effects against sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis). Results: The test compound significantly increased skin mucus (+46%) and goblet cell density (+25%) after 6 weeks of dietary supplementation when positive effects on intestinal villi-length (+10.9%) and goblet cell density (+80.0%) were also documented. Following dietary supplementation, a 16.6% reduction in susceptibility to an acute standard copepodid challenge was measured alongside an earlier increase in skin lysozyme activity widely used as an index of innate immunity. Conclusion: The study provides functional evidence that the benefits of dietary sMOS reach beyond the intestine to the skin mucosa. Bolstering of the Atlantic salmon skin barrier and immune functions and the resulting lower susceptibility to sea lice has the potential to reduce the need for delousing interventions and the impact of non-medicinal interventions on the animal's health and welfare

    Protection of construction pit for car-park building in Ljubljana

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    V diplomski nalogi je obravnavano varovanje gradbene jame za objekt parkirno garažne hiše v Ljubljani. Varovalna konstrukcija je bila izvedena s sidranimi slopi po tehnologiji injektiranja pod visokimi pritiski (jet grouting). Sidranje smo izvedli z začasnimi geotehničnimi sidri v enem ali dveh nivojih. V nalogi je podan pregled postopkov za izvedbo jet grouting slopov in začasnih geotehničnih sider po veljavnih standardih. Pozornost je posvečena načinom izvedbe, ki so uveljavljeni pri nas, in problemom, ki se pojavljajo zaradi odstopanja od zhatev tehnične regulative ali nezmožnosti upoštevanja le-te. To je delno posledica zastarele opreme in utečenih postopkov izvajanja del. Dodatno pa na to vplivajo tudi zahteve po čim cenejši izvedbi gradbenih del. V nalogi so predstavljene izkušnje pridobljene med izvedbo varovalne konstrukcije gradbene jame, rezultati kontrolnih preiskav in problemi, ki so se pojavili med izvedbo del, ter rešitve teh problemov. V fazi izvedbe varovalne konstrukcije iz jet grouting slopov smo največ pozornosti posvetili tehnologiji enofaznega postopka injektiranja in njeni učinkovitosti v danih razmerah. Pri izvedbi geotehničnih sider pa smo največ pozornosti posvetili vgradnji in napenjanju preskusnih sider. Na gradbišču nastali problemi so lahko tudi posledica nepopolne gradbene dokumentacije, vključno s starimi in pomanjkljivimi načrti sosednjih objektov. V nalogi je prav tako obravnavano reševanje problemov, povezanih z nepričakovano sestavo temeljnih tal. Ta je pomembno vplivala na težave in zamude pri izvedbi in nemoteno napredovanje del.The subject of this thesis is the execution construction pit for multi-storey car-park building in Ljubljana. The supporting structure was made with high pressure grouting (e.q jet grouting), and anchored with temporary ground anchors in one or two levels. An overview of jet grouting and temporary ground anchors procedures accoding to current standards is shown. A special attention is put on the currently valid execution of works in our country. We primarily examined the problems occurring due to the deviation from technical regulations or inability to stick to them, which may be the consequence of either old equipment or sticking to generally accepted procedures of the execution, as well as requirements for a cheaper execution. The thesis presents the description of experiences gained during the execution works, the results of control examinations, the problems that occurred during the execution and appropriate solutions. In the phase of the jet-grouting-piles execution, which were used as a supporting structure, the attention was on the technology of the single fluid system and its effectiveness in the ground, while with ground anchors the most attention was paid to ground anchor installation and. The problems occurring on the construction site are often result of an incomplete project documentation, often involving the old and incomplete documentation of neighbouring buildings. The solution of issues in relation to the unexpected ground conditions, which significantly delayed the execution of works, is examined

    Effects of Discontinuous Administration of Dietary Mannan oligosaccharide and β-1,3-glucan on Hematological and Blood Serum Biochemical Parameters of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Introduction Bans and restrictions of antibiotics as feed additives in fish culture in many countries have resulted in the increase in studies on alternative dietary supplements such as prebiotics to enhance the health and production of cultured fish. Prebiotics are nondigestible food ingredients that beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon. In addition, prebiotics promote the growth of lactic acid bacteria that are beneficial to health and lessen the density of pathogenic microorganisms. Because of the conservation of immune system, it is suggested that alternate administration of different immunostimulants may activate different parts of immune system of shrimps and take advantage of different immunostimulants to solve the problem of immunity fatigue and enhance the immunity continuously. However, there is no report on the discontinuous administration of immunostimulants for rainbow trout. Thus, considering the strategic importance of this species, the goal of this study was to assess the effects of discontinuous administration of dietary mannan oligosaccharide and β-1,3-glucan on hematological and blood serum biochemical parameters of rainbow trout. Materials and Methods A 6-week trial was conducted to compare the effects of discontinuous administration of dietary mannan oligosaccharide and β-1,3-glucan on hematological and blood serum biochemical parameters of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Four feeding strategies were set, including feeding prebiotic-free diet continuously (control), feeding dietary prebiotic continuously (1.5 g kg-1), feeding dietary alternately (one week prebiotic+one week control diet and 2 Day prebiotic+5 Day control diet). Juveniles were fed the experimental diet in rate of 4% of the body weight per day, spread across two feeding time. At the end of the experiment, three fish were sampled randomly from each tank and were anesthetized with clove solution, and blood was drawn from the caudal vein, using a syringe. Then, blood samples were introduced to both heparinized and non-heparinized tubes in order to perform haematological and biochemical studies, respectively. Blood sera were obtained by centrifuging blood samples at 3000 rpm for 5 min, and the sera were removed with a disposable transfer pipette and stored at -20ºC until analysis for biochemical and hematological studies. The determined Parameters were the number of red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC), hematocrit (PCV), and hemoglobin (Hb). Differential white blood cell counts, including neutrophiles (heterophiles), lymphocytes and monocytes were also identified. Statistical analysis was carried out using one-way analysis of variance using SPSS. Differences between means were determined using Duncan’s multiple test (

    A switch in metabolism precedes increased mitochondrial biogenesis in respiratory chain-deficient mouse hearts

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    We performed global gene expression analyses in mouse hearts with progressive respiratory chain deficiency and found a metabolic switch at an early disease stage. The tissue-specific mitochondrial transcription factor A (Tfam) knockout mice of this study displayed a progressive heart phenotype with depletion of mtDNA and an accompanying severe decline of respiratory chain enzyme activities along with a decreased mitochondrial ATP production rate. These characteristics were observed after 2 weeks of age and became gradually more severe until the terminal stage occurred at 10-12 weeks of age. Global gene expression analyses with microarrays showed that a metabolic switch occurred early in the progression of cardiac mitochondrial dysfunction. A large number of genes encoding critical enzymes in fatty acid oxidation showed decreased expression whereas several genes encoding glycolytic enzymes showed increased expression. These alterations are consistent with activation of a fetal gene expression program, a well-documented phenomenon in cardiac disease. An increase in mitochondrial mass was not observed until the disease had reached an advanced stage. In contrast to what we have earlier observed in respiratory chain-deficient skeletal muscle, the increased mitochondrial biogenesis in respiratory chain-deficient heart muscle did not increase the overall mitochondrial ATP production rate. The observed switch in metabolism is unlikely to benefit energy homeostasis in the respiratory chain-deficient hearts and therefore likely aggravates the disease. It can thus be concluded that at least some of the secondary gene expression alterations in mitochondrial cardiomyopathy do not compensate but rather directly contribute to heart failure progression