184 research outputs found

    A Multi-Fractal approach to soil thin sections in gray levels.

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    In the environment, as it is complex flows where Reynold number is quite high due to non-linear interactions in flows, several scales are developed. This type of hierarchy is detected in velocities as well as in the structure of scalar fields, as temperatures, tracer concentrations, density, etc. In these cases is interesting to relate in some way the geometrical o topological characteristics observed in flow images with their physical properties and dynamics. In the last decades many scientist has been applying fractal analysis to these types of images extracting several fractal dimensions for different intensity intervals. This type of analysis is what we call Multi-Fracta

    Molecular richness and biotechnological potential of bacteria cultured from Irciniidae sponges in the north-east Atlantic

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    Several bioactive compounds originally isolated from marine sponges have been later ascribed or suggested to be synthesized by their symbionts. The cultivation of sponge-associated bacteria provides one possible route to the discovery of these metabolites. Here, we determine the bacterial richness cultured from two irciniid sponge species, Sarcotragus spinosulus and Ircinia variabilis, and ascertain their biotechnological potential. A total of 279 isolates were identified from 13 sponge specimens. These were classified into 17 genera - with Pseudovibrio, Ruegeria and Vibrio as the most dominant - and 3 to 10 putatively new bacterial species. While 16S rRNA gene sequencing identified 29 bacterial phylotypes at the 'species' level (97% sequence similarity), whole-genome BOX-PCR fingerprinting uncovered 155 genotypes, unveiling patterns of specimen-dependent occurrence of prevailing bacterial genomes across sponge individuals. Among the BOX-PCR genotypes recovered, 34% were active against clinically relevant strains, with Vibrio isolates producing the most active antagonistic effect. Several Pseudovibrio genotypes showed the presence of polyketide synthase (PKS) genes, and these were for the first time detected in isolates of the genus Aquimarina (Bacteroidetes). Our results highlight great biotechnological potential and interest for the Irciniidae sponge family and their diversified bacterial genomes.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) [PTDC/MAR/101431/2008]; FCT [SFRH/BD/60873/2009, SFRH/BPD/62946/2009

    Global trends in biodiversity and ecosystem services from 1900 to 2050

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    Despite the scientific consensus on the extinction crisis and its anthropogenic origin, the quantification of historical trends and of future scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services has been limited, due to the lack of inter-model comparisons and harmonized scenarios. Here, we present a multi-model analysis to assess the impacts of land-use and climate change from 1900 to 2050. During the 20th century provisioning services increased, but biodiversity and regulating services decreased. Similar trade-offs are projected for the coming decades, but they may be attenuated in a sustainability scenario. Future biodiversity loss from land-use change is projected to keep up with historical rates or reduce slightly, whereas losses due to climate change are projected to increase greatly. Renewed efforts are needed by governments to meet the 2050 vision of the Convention on Biological Diversity

    Toward Male Individualization with Rapidly Mutating Y-Chromosomal Short Tandem Repeats

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    Astronomical Distance Determination in the Space Age: Secondary Distance Indicators

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    The formal division of the distance indicators into primary and secondary leads to difficulties in description of methods which can actually be used in two ways: with, and without the support of the other methods for scaling. Thus instead of concentrating on the scaling requirement we concentrate on all methods of distance determination to extragalactic sources which are designated, at least formally, to use for individual sources. Among those, the Supernovae Ia is clearly the leader due to its enormous success in determination of the expansion rate of the Universe. However, new methods are rapidly developing, and there is also a progress in more traditional methods. We give a general overview of the methods but we mostly concentrate on the most recent developments in each field, and future expectations. © 2018, The Author(s)

    Assessing associations between the AURKAHMMR-TPX2-TUBG1 functional module and breast cancer risk in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers

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    While interplay between BRCA1 and AURKA-RHAMM-TPX2-TUBG1 regulates mammary epithelial polarization, common genetic variation in HMMR (gene product RHAMM) may be associated with risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers. Following on these observations, we further assessed the link between the AURKA-HMMR-TPX2-TUBG1 functional module and risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers. Forty-one single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped in 15,252 BRCA1 and 8,211 BRCA2 mutation carriers and subsequently analyzed using a retrospective likelihood appr

    Desempenho e rendimento de carcaça de frangos de corte alimentados com mistura de aditivos fitogênicos na dieta

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de misturas de aditivos fitogênicos na dieta de frangos de corte, sobre seu desempenho zootécnico e rendimento de carcaça. Foram avaliados 660 pintos de sexo misto, entre 1 e 42 dias de idade, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e seis repetições de 22 aves (11 machos e 11 fêmeas). Além do controle, foram avaliados tratamentos com antibiótico (10 ppm de virginiamicina) ou com misturas de aditivos fitogênicos: mistura A, 150 ppm de óleos essenciais de alecrim, cravo, gengibre e orégano; mistura B, 150 ppm de óleos essenciais de canela, sálvia, tomilho branco e óleo-resina de copaíba; e mistura A+B, 50% da mistura A e 50% da B. A mistura B proporcionou maior ganho de peso e melhor conversão alimentar das aves, no período de 36 a 42 dias de idade. No período total do experimento, o antibiótico e a mistura B proporcionaram maior ganho de peso das aves. O consumo de ração foi maior com o antibiótico do que com o controle. A mistura A+B e o tratamento controle proporcionaram maior rendimento de coxa+sobrecoxa e maior peso relativo do baço. As mistura B e A+B apresentam potencial como melhoradores de desempenho para frangos de corte