1,060 research outputs found

    Partial-Matching RMS Distance Under Translation: Combinatorics and Algorithms

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    We consider the problem of minimizing the RMS distance (sum of squared distances between pairs of points) under translation between two point sets A and B, in the plane, with (Formula presented.), in the partial-matching setup, in which each point in B is matched to a distinct point in A. Although the problem is not known to be polynomial, we establish several structural properties of the underlying subdivision (Formula presented.) of the plane and derive improved bounds on its complexity. Specifically, we show that this complexity is (Formula presented.), so it is only quadratic in |A|. These results lead to the best known algorithm for finding a translation for which the partial-matching RMS distance between the point sets is minimized. In addition, we show how to compute a local minimum of the partial-matching RMS distance under translation, in polynomial time. © 2017 Springer Science+Business Media New Yor

    Film calibration for the Skylab/ATM S-056 X-ray telescope

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    The sensitometry and film calibration effort for the Skylab/ATM S-056 X-ray telescope is summarized. The apparatus and procedures used are described together with the two types of flight film used, Kodak SO-212 and SO-242. The sensitometry and processing of the flight film are discussed, and the results are presented in the form of the characteristic curves and related data. The use of copy films is also discussed

    Prospek Jawawut (Pennisetum Spp. ) sebagai Tanaman Pangan Serealia Alternatif

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    Untuk meningkatkan ketahanan pangan dan diversifikasi pangan, Indonesia dapatmemanfaatkan lahan kering yang cukup luas jumlahnya. Jawawut (Pennisetumspp.) memiliki potensi yang sangat baik sebagai tanaman pangan alternatifditinjau dari aspek kandungan gizi, dan kemampuan tumbuhnya di daerahberiklim kering. Dilihat dari segi kandungan gizinya, jawawut berpotensi sebagaisumber energi, protein, kalsium, vitamin B1, riboflavin (vitamin B2), sedangkannutrisi lainnya setara dengan beras. Potensi hasil yang dapat dicapai di Indonesiaadalah 4 ton per ha pada kondisi agroekologi yang marginal, dimanapertumbuhan serealia lainnya kurang berhasil. Jawawut dipanen sebagai tanamanpangan semusim

    A phenomenological model for the X-ray spectrum of Nova V2491 Cygni

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    The X-ray flux of Nova V2491 Cyg reached a maximum some forty days after optical maximum. The X-ray spectrum at that time, obtained with the RGS of XMM-Newton, shows deep, blue-shifted absorption by ions of a wide range of ionization. We show that the deep absorption lines of the X-ray spectrum at maximum, and nine days later, are well described by the following phenomenological model with emission from a central blackbody and from a collisionally ionized plasma (CIE). The blackbody spectrum (BB) is absorbed by three main highly-ionized expanding shells; the CIE and BB are absorbed by cold circumstellar and interstellar matter that includes dust. The outflow density does not decrease monotonically with distance. The abundances of the shells indicate that they were ejected from an O-Ne white dwarf. We show that the variations on time scales of hours in the X-ray spectrum are caused by a combination of variation in the central source and in the column density of the ionized shells. Our phenomenological model gives the best description so far of the supersoft X-ray spectrum of nova V2491 Cyg, but underpredicts, by a large factor, the optical and ultraviolet flux. The X-ray part of the spectrum must originate from a very different layer in the expanding envelope, presumably much closer to the white dwarf than the layers responsible for the optical/ultraviolet spectrum. This is confirmed by absence of any correlation between the X-ray and UV/optical observed fluxes.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Discovery of a new photometric sub-class of faint and fast classical novae

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    We present photometric and spectroscopic follow-up of a sample of extragalactic novae discovered by the Palomar 60-inch telescope during a search for "Fast Transients In Nearest Galaxies" (P60-FasTING). Designed as a fast cadence (1-day) and deep (g < 21 mag) survey, P60-FasTING was particularly sensitive to short-lived and faint optical transients. The P60-FasTING nova sample includes 10 novae in M31, 6 in M81, 3 in M82, 1 in NGC2403 and 1 in NGC891. This significantly expands the known sample of extragalactic novae beyond the Local Group, including the first discoveries in a starburst environment. Surprisingly, our photometry shows that this sample is quite inconsistent with the canonical Maximum Magnitude Rate of Decline (MMRD) relation for classical novae. Furthermore, the spectra of the P60-FasTING sample are indistinguishable from classical novae. We suggest that we have uncovered a sub-class of faint and fast classical novae in a new phase space in luminosity-timescale of optical transients. Thus, novae span two orders of magnitude in both luminosity and time. Perhaps, the MMRD, which is characterized only by the white dwarf mass, was an over-simplification. Nova physics appears to be characterized by quite a rich four-dimensional parameter space in white dwarf mass, temperature, composition and accretion rate.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 12 pages. High resolution version at http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~mansi/msFasting.pd

    Geometrical constraints on the origin of timing signals from black holes

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    We present a systematic study of the orbital inclination effects on black hole transients fast time-variability properties. We have considered all the black hole binaries that have been densely monitored by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer satellite. We find that the amplitude of low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) depends on the orbital inclination. type-C QPOs are stronger for nearly edge-on systems (high inclination), while type-B QPOs are stronger when the accretion disc is closer to face-on (low inclination). Our results also suggest that the noise associated with type-CQPOs is consistent with being stronger for low-inclination sources, while the noise associated with type-B QPOs seems inclination independent. These results are consistent with a geometric origin of the type-C QPOs - for instance arising from relativistic precession of the inner flow within a truncated disc - while the noise would correspond to intrinsic brightness variability from mass accretion rate fluctuations in the accretion flow. The opposite behaviour of type-B QPOs - stronger in low-inclinations sources supports the hypothesis that type-B QPOs are related to the jet, the power of which is the most obvious measurable parameter expected to be stronger in nearly face-on sources

    Measuring Transit Signal Recovery in the Kepler Pipeline. III. Completeness of the Q1-Q17 DR24 Planet Candidate Catalogue, with Important Caveats for Occurrence Rate Calculations

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    With each new version of the Kepler pipeline and resulting planet candidate catalogue, an updated measurement of the underlying planet population can only be recovered with an corresponding measurement of the Kepler pipeline detection efficiency. Here, we present measurements of the sensitivity of the pipeline (version 9.2) used to generate the Q1-Q17 DR24 planet candidate catalog (Coughlin et al. 2016). We measure this by injecting simulated transiting planets into the pixel-level data of 159,013 targets across the entire Kepler focal plane, and examining the recovery rate. Unlike previous versions of the Kepler pipeline, we find a strong period dependence in the measured detection efficiency, with longer (>40 day) periods having a significantly lower detectability than shorter periods, introduced in part by an incorrectly implemented veto. Consequently, the sensitivity of the 9.2 pipeline cannot be cast as a simple one-dimensional function of the signal strength of the candidate planet signal as was possible for previous versions of the pipeline. We report on the implications for occurrence rate calculations based on the Q1-Q17 DR24 planet candidate catalog and offer important caveats and recommendations for performing such calculations. As before, we make available the entire table of injected planet parameters and whether they were recovered by the pipeline, enabling readers to derive the pipeline detection sensitivity in the planet and/or stellar parameter space of their choice.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, full electronic version of Table 1 available at the NASA Exoplanet Archive; accepted by ApJ May 2nd, 201

    Securing the legacy of TESS through the care and maintenance of TESS planet ephemerides

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    Much of the science from the exoplanets detected by the TESS mission relies on precisely predicted transit times that are needed for many follow-up characterization studies. We investigate ephemeris deterioration for simulated TESS planets and find that the ephemerides of 81% of those will have expired (i.e. 1σ\sigma mid-transit time uncertainties greater than 30 minutes) one year after their TESS observations. We verify these results using a sample of TESS planet candidates as well. In particular, of the simulated planets that would be recommended as JWST targets by Kempton et al. (2018), \sim80% will have mid-transit time uncertainties >> 30 minutes by the earliest time JWST would observe them. This rapid deterioration is driven primarily by the relatively short time baseline of TESS observations. We describe strategies for maintaining TESS ephemerides fresh through follow-up transit observations. We find that the longer the baseline between the TESS and the follow-up observations, the longer the ephemerides stay fresh, and that 51% of simulated primary mission TESS planets will require space-based observations. The recently-approved extension to the TESS mission will rescue the ephemerides of most (though not all) primary mission planets, but the benefits of these new observations can only be reaped two years after the primary mission observations. Moreover, the ephemerides of most primary mission TESS planets (as well as those newly discovered during the extended mission) will again have expired by the time future facilities such as the ELTs, Ariel and the possible LUVOIR/OST missions come online, unless maintenance follow-up observations are obtained.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, accepted to AJ; main changes are cross-checking results against the sample of real TOIs, and addressing the impact of the TESS extended missio