95 research outputs found

    Variabilidad hidrológica de mesoescala inducida por los vientos del noroeste sobre la plataforma continental del golfo de Vizcaya

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    On the French continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay the variability of the surface salinity distribution has been mainly investigated at the seasonal and inter-annual scales. Here, new mesoscale features such as lower-salinity lenses observed in model results are investigated by hydrological measurements acquired during 8 cruises (1997-2000). These lenses are 50-80 km wide and ~30 m thick and occur during westerly to northerly wind events that push offshore the less saline water of river plumes. These water masses detached from the coast are replaced with upwelled saltier water at the coast, so coastal upwelling is often observed at the same time along Landes and southern Brittany coasts. We show that in addition to the influence of seasonal and inter-annual variability of the wind and river outflows, short term meteorological variability may drive mesoscale structures on this continental shelf.La salinidad de la plataforma continental francesa del golfo de Vizcaya fue estudiada a escalas anuales e interanuales principalmente. A partir de medidas efectuadas durante ocho campañas marinas (1997- 2000) y del empleo de modelos matemáticos han podido estudiarse nuevas estructuras hidrológicas aisladas de menor salinidad en forma de lentejas. Estas lentejas han medido entre 50 y 80 km de diámetro y 30 m de espesor. Este fenómeno ha sido observado durante, o después, de fuertes vientos del cuadrante oeste o noroeste que favorecen el desplazamiento del agua desalada de las plumas fluviales hacia el mar abierto. Al separarse de la pluma, estas masas de agua son remplazadas por otra, mas salada, que resurge en la zona costera. De esta manera, puedan observarse simultáneamente afloramientos costeros en las regiónes francesas de Landes y del sur de Bretaña. Se muestra que, además de la variabilidad anual e interanual de los vientos y del caudal de los ríos, los fenómenos meteorológicos a corto plazo pueden condicionar las estructuras hidrológicas de la meso escala de la plataforma continental

    Statistical properties and time-frequency analysis of temperature, salinity and turbidity measured by the MAREL Carnot station in the coastal waters of Boulogne-sur-Mer (France)

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    In marine sciences, many fields display high variability over a large range of spatial and temporal scales, from seconds to thousands of years. The longer recorded time series, with an increasing sampling frequency, in this field are often nonlinear, nonstationary, multiscale and noisy. Their analysis faces new challenges and thus requires the implementation of adequate and specific methods. The objective of this paper is to highlight time series analysis methods already applied in econometrics, signal processing, health, etc. to the environmental marine domain, assess advantages and inconvenients and compare classical techniques with more recent ones. Temperature, turbidity and salinity are important quantities for ecosystem studies. The authors here consider the fluctuations of sea level, salinity, turbidity and temperature recorded from the MAREL Carnot system of Boulogne-sur-Mer (France), which is a moored buoy equipped with physico-chemical measuring devices, working in continuous and autonomous conditions. In order to perform adequate statistical and spectral analyses, it is necessary to know the nature of the considered time series. For this purpose, the stationarity of the series and the occurrence of unit-root are addressed with the Augmented–Dickey Fuller tests. As an example, the harmonic analysis is not relevant for temperature, turbidity and salinity due to the nonstationary condition, except for the nearly stationary sea level datasets. In order to consider the dominant frequencies associated to the dynamics, the large number of data provided by the sensors should enable the estimation of Fourier spectral analysis. Different power spectra show a complex variability and reveal an influence of environmental factors such as tides. However, the previous classical spectral analysis, namely the Blackman–Tukey method, requires not only linear and stationary data but also evenly-spaced data. Interpolating the time series introduces numerous artifacts to the data. The Lomb–Scargle algorithm is adapted to unevenly-spaced data and is used as an alternative. The limits of the method are also set out. It was found that beyond 50% of missing measures, few significant frequencies are detected, several seasonalities are no more visible, and even a whole range of high frequency disappears progressively. Furthermore, two time-frequency decomposition methods, namely wavelets and Hilbert–Huang Transformation (HHT), are applied for the analysis of the entire dataset. Using the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), some properties of the time series are determined. Then, the inertial wave and several low-frequency tidal waves are identified by the application of the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD). Finally, EMD based Time Dependent Intrinsic Correlation (TDIC) analysis is applied to consider the correlation between two nonstationary time series

    Integrated Modeling of Fate and Effects of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Marine Ecosystems

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    In this report, an integrated model including fate of contaminants and ecological models it is presented. The model has been developed in the framework of the Thresholds project for analysing the effects of contaminants at ecosystem level. The fate model was already presented in D2.6.2 where the major families of POPs (PCDD/Fs, PCBs, PAHs and PBDEs) were implemented. In this work a simple ecological model has been incorporated in the fate model and coupled with it in terms of organic matter. The model allows estimating the environmental concentrations of POPs and the main fluxes between compartments, i.e. air/water/sediments and organisms. In addition the model has been validated for PAHs based on experimental data available in literature and it is now used to analyse NERI’s mesocosm experiments where combined effects of nutrients and contaminants are assessed. Furthermore, the model is being validated with other contaminants families as the experimental results from Thresholds campaigns are starting to be available.JRC.H.5-Rural, water and ecosystem resource

    Lagrangian transport through an ocean front in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea

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    We analyze with the tools of lobe dynamics the velocity field from a numerical simulation of the surface circulation in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. We identify relevant hyperbolic trajectories and their manifolds, and show that the transport mechanism known as the `turnstile', previously identified in abstract dynamical systems and simplified model flows, is also at work in this complex and rather realistic ocean flow. In addition nonlinear dynamics techniques are shown to be powerful enough to identify the key geometric structures in this part of the Mediterranean. In particular the North Balearic Front, the westernmost part of the transition zone between saltier and fresher waters in the Western Mediterranean is interpreted in terms of the presence of a semipermanent ``Lagrangian barrier'' across which little transport occurs. Our construction also reveals the routes along which this transport happens. Topological changes in that picture, associated with the crossing by eddies and that may be interpreted as the breakdown of the front, are also observed during the simulation.Comment: 34 pages, 6 (multiple) figures. Version with higher quality figures available from http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/publications/showpaper_en.php?indice=1764 . Problems with paper size fixe

    Retrieval of eddy dynamics from SMOS sea surface salinity measurements in the Algerian Basin (Mediterranean Sea)

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    8 pages, 4 figures, supporting information https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2016GL069595The circulation in the Algerian Basin is characterized by the presence of fresh-core eddies that propagate along the coast or at distances between 100 and 200 km from the coast. Enhancements in the processing of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) data have allowed to produce, for the first time, satellite sea surface salinity (SSS) maps in the Mediterranean Sea that capture the signature of Algerian eddies. SMOS data can be used to track them for long periods of time, especially during winter. SMOS SSS maps are well correlated with in situ measurements although the former has a smaller dynamical range. Despite this limitation, SMOS SSS maps capture the key dynamics of Algerian eddies allowing to retrieve velocities from SSS with the correct sign of vorticityThis work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy through the National R+D Plan by means of Promises project (ESP2015-67549-C3) and previous grants and by the European Space Agency through the GlobCurrent Data User Element project (4000109513/13/I-LG). Financial support by Fundación General CSIC (Programa ComFuturo) is also acknowledgedPeer Reviewe

    Toward a European coastal observing network to provide better answers to science and to societal challenges : The JERICO research infrastructure

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    The coastal area is the most productive and dynamic environment of the world ocean, offering significant resources and services for mankind. As exemplified by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, it has a tremendous potential for innovation and growth in blue economy sectors. Due to the inherent complexity of the natural system, the answers to many scientific and societal questions are unknown, and the impacts of the cumulative stresses imposed by anthropogenic pressures (such as pollution) and climate change are difficult to assess and forecast. A major challenge for the scientific community making observations of the coastal marine environment is to integrate observations of Essential Ocean Variables for physical, biogeochemical, and biological processes on appropriate spatial and temporal scales, and in a sustained and scientifically based manner. Coastal observations are important for improving our understanding of the complex biotic and abiotic processes in many fields of research such as ecosystem science, habitat protection, and climate change impacts. They are also important for improving our understanding of the impacts of human activities such as fishing and aquaculture, and underpin risk monitoring and assessment. The observations enable us to better understand ecosystems and the societal consequences of overfishing, disease (particularly shellfish), loss of biodiversity, coastline withdrawal, and ocean acidification, amongst others. The European coastal observing infrastructure JERICO-RI, has gathered and organized key communities embracing new technologies and providing a future strategy, with recommendations on the way forward and on governance. Particularly, the JERICO community acknowledges that the main providers of coastal observations are: (1) research infrastructures, (2) national monitoring programs, and (3) monitoring activities performed by marine industries. The scope of this paper is to present some key elements of our coastal science strategy to build it on long term. It describes how the pan-European JERICO community is building an integrated and innovation-driven coastal research infrastructure for Europe. The RI embraces emerging technologies which will revolutionize the way the ocean is observed. Developments in biotechnology (molecular and optical sensors, omics-based biology) will soon provide direct and online access to chemical and biological variables including in situ quantification of harmful algae and contaminants. Using artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things will soon provide operational platforms and autonomous and remotely operated smart sensors. Embracing key technologies, high quality open access data, modeling and satellite observations, it will support sustainable blue growth, warning and forecasting coastal services and healthy marine ecosystem. JERICO-FP7 is the European 7th framework project named JERICO under Grant Agreement No. 262584. JERICO-NEXT is the European Horizon-2020 project under Grant Agreement No. 654410. JERICO-RI is the European coastal observing research infrastructure established and structured through JERICO-FP7 and JERICO-NEXT, and beyond

    The mean circulation of the southwestern Mediterranean Sea: Algerian Gyres

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    This is a study about the general circulation of the southwestern Mediterranean Sea based on observations of currents carried out in the southwestern Mediterranean Sea in the framework of the Mass Transfer and Ecosystem Response (MATER) program (EEC/MAST3 program). From July 1997 to August 2002, profiling floats (MEDPROF experiment), isobaric floats (LIWEX experiment), and moored current meters (ELISA experiment) give evidence of two large-scale barotropic cyclonic circulations, the here-called Western and Eastern Algerian Gyres, centered around [3730′N, 230′E] and [3830′N, 600′E], respectively. These gyres have typical horizontal scales of 100–300 km and are characterized by orbital velocities of about 5 cm/s corresponding to rotational periods of about 4 months. They are strongly related to the bottom topography of the basin and to the planetary vorticity gradient: closed f/H isocontours (f is the planetary vorticity, H the water depth) correspond to the locations of the gyres and favor such circulations as free geostrophic modes. A linear and barotropic model is used to investigate the possibility of wind driving, but the results suggest that the wind stress is not responsible for establishing such circulations. The boundary currents flowing along the continental slope of Africa, Sardinia, and the Balearic Islands are proposed to be the main drivers of these gyres