65 research outputs found

    A triangle model of criminality

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    Compositional differences in soybeans on the market: glyphosate accumulates in Roundup Ready GM soybeans

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    This article is part of Marek Cuhra's doctoral thesis which is available in Munin at http://hdl.handle.net/10037/7869This article describes the nutrient and elemental composition, including residues of herbicides and pesticides, of 31 soybean batches from Iowa, USA. The soy samples were grouped into three different categories: (i) genetically modified, glyphosate-tolerant soy (GM-soy); (ii) unmodified soy cultivated using a conventional ‘‘chemical’’ cultivation regime; and (iii) unmodified soy cultivated using an organic cultivation regime. Organic soybeans showed the healthiest nutritional profile with more sugars, such as glucose, fructose, sucrose and maltose, significantly more total protein, zinc and less fibre than both conventional and GM-soy. Organic soybeans also contained less total saturated fat and total omega-6 fatty acids than both conventional and GM-soy. GM-soy contained high residues of glyphosate and AMPA (mean 3.3 and 5.7 mg/kg, respectively). Conventional and organic soybean batches contained none of these agrochemicals. Using 35 different nutritional and elemental variables to characterise each soy sample, we were able to discriminate GM, conventional and organic soybeans without exception, demonstrating ‘‘substantial non-equivalence’’ in compositional characteristics for ‘ready-to-market’ soybeans

    Lightning network: a second path towards centralisation of the Bitcoin economy

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    The Bitcoin Lightning Network (BLN), a so-called "second layer" payment protocol, was launched in 2018 to scale up the number of transactions between Bitcoin owners. In this paper, we analyse the structure of the BLN over a period of 18 months, ranging from 12th January 2018 to 17th July 2019. Here, we consider three representations of the BLN: the daily snapshot one, the weekly snapshot one and the daily-block snapshot one. By studying the topological properties of the three representations above, we find that the total volume of transacted bitcoins approximately grows as the square of the network size; however, despite the huge activity characterising the BLN, the bitcoins distribution is very unequal: the average Gini coefficient of the node strengths (computed across the entire history of the Bitcoin Lightning Network) is, in fact, ~0.88 causing the 10% (50%) of the nodes to hold the 80% (99%) of the bitcoins at stake in the BLN (on average, across the entire period). This concentration brings up the question of which minimalist network model allows us to explain the network topological structure. Like for other economic systems, we hypothesise that local properties of nodes, like the degree, ultimately determine part of its characteristics. Therefore, we have tested the goodness of the Undirected Binary Configuration Model (UBCM) in reproducing the structural features of the BLN: the UBCM recovers the disassortative and the hierarchical character of the BLN but underestimates the centrality of nodes; this suggests that the BLN is becoming an increasingly centralised network, more and more compatible with a core-periphery structure. Further inspection of the resilience of the BLN shows that removing hubs leads to the collapse of the network into many components, an evidence suggesting that this network may be a target for the so-called split attacks.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Estimating biophysical and geometrical parameters of grapevine canopies ('Sangiovese') by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and VIS-NIR cameras

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    Three zones of different vine vigour were identified in a mature vineyard (Vitis vinifera 'Sangiovese') to test the potential of the Visible-Near Infrared (VIS-NIR) spectral information acquired from an unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in estimating the leaf area index (LAI), leaf chlorophyll, pruning weight, canopy height and canopy volume of grapevines. A significant linear correlation between the normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI) and LAI or between NDVI and leaf chlorophyll was found at day of the year (DOY) 162 and 190, whereas in August the relationship between NDVI and leaf chlorophyll was less evident. The canopy volume of low-vigour (LV) vines was 35 and 45 % of the high-vigour (HV) and medium-vigour (MV) ones, respectively. The pruning weight was linearly correlated with NDVI values of each vigour cohort. A good correlation between the measured canopy volume and UAV-estimated one as well as between measured and estimated canopy height was found. Our results indicated that the combined use of VIS-NIR cameras and UAV is a rapid and reliable technique to determine canopy structure and LAI of grapevine

    Micro- and macro-habitat selection of Atlantic salmon, (Salmo salar), post-smolts in relation to marine environmental cues

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    Atlantic salmon is an economically and culturally important species. The species encounters several natural and man-made threats during its migration between fresh water and the ocean, which in combination may explain its ongoing decline. With the aim to better understand whether post-smolt behaviour is influenced by physical oceanographic conditions, the migratory behaviour of 173 post-smolts in a high-latitude Norwegian fjord was investigated, combining acoustic telemetry with site- and time-specific environmental variables from an oceanographic model. Most post-smolts (94%) performed a unidirectional migration out the fjord. Progression rates were relatively high (0.42–2.41 km h−1; 0.84–3.78 BL s−1) and increased with distance from the river. While post-smolts had an affinity for lower salinities in the inner fjord, statistical models failed to detect any significant relationship between the small-scale (within arrays) migratory behaviour and salinity, temperature, or coastal surface currents within the fjord. In the outer part, the post-smolts predominantly exited the fjord system through the strait with the highest surface salinities and lowest temperatures, independently of the current direction. Our findings indicate that the macro-habitat selection of the Atlantic salmon post-smolts was influenced by environmental factors: the post-smolts directed their migration towards “ocean cues.” However, this was not confirmed on the micro-habitat level.publishedVersio

    High-resolution imagery acquired from an unmanned platform to estimate biophysical and geometrical parameters of olive trees under different irrigation regimes

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    The experiments were conducted in a fully-productive olive orchard (cv. Frantoio) at the experimental farm of University of Pisa at Venturina (Italy) in 2015 to assess the ability of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with RGB-NIR cameras to estimate leaf area index (LAI), tree height, canopy diameter and canopy volume of olive trees that were either irrigated or rainfed. Irrigated trees received water 4–5 days a week (1348 m3 ha-1), whereas the rainfed ones received a single irrigation of 19 m3 ha-1 to relieve the extreme stress. The flight altitude was 70 m above ground level (AGL), except for one flight (50 m AGL). The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was calculated by means of the map algebra technique. Canopy volume, canopy height and diameter were obtained from the digital surface model (DSM) obtained through automatic aerial triangulation, bundle block adjustment and camera calibration methods. The NDVI estimated on the day of the year (DOY) 130 was linearly correlated with both LAI and leaf chlorophyll measured on the same date (R2 = 0.78 and 0.80, respectively). The correlation between the on ground measured canopy volumes and the ones by the UAV-RGB camera techniques yielded an R2 of 0.71–0.86. The monthly canopy volume increment estimated from UAV surveys between (DOY) 130 and 244 was highly correlated with the daily water stress integral of rainfed trees (R2 = 0.99). The effect of water stress on the seasonal pattern of canopy growth was detected by these techniques in correspondence of the maximum level of stress experienced by the rainfed trees. The highest level of accuracy (RMSE = 0.16 m) in canopy height estimation was obtained when the flight altitude was 50 m AGL, yielding an R2 value of 0.87 and an almost 1:1 ratio of measured versus estimated canopy height

    The state of the Martian climate

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    60°N was +2.0°C, relative to the 1981–2010 average value (Fig. 5.1). This marks a new high for the record. The average annual surface air temperature (SAT) anomaly for 2016 for land stations north of starting in 1900, and is a significant increase over the previous highest value of +1.2°C, which was observed in 2007, 2011, and 2015. Average global annual temperatures also showed record values in 2015 and 2016. Currently, the Arctic is warming at more than twice the rate of lower latitudes

    Demographic responses of Daphnia magna fed transgenic Bt-maize

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    The food/feed quality of a variety of genetically modified (GM) maize expressing Cry1Ab Bt-toxin was tested over the life-cycle of Daphnia magna, an arthropod commonly used as model organism in ecotoxicological studies. Demographic responses were compared between animals fed GM or unmodified (UM) near isogenic maize, with and without the addition of predator smell. Age-specific data on survival and birth rates were integrated and analysed using life tables and Leslie matrices. Survival, fecundity and population growth rate (PGR) data generally disfavoured transgenic Bt-maize as feed for D. magna compared to animals fed the unmodified (UM) near isogenic line of maize. Decomposition of age-specific effects revealed that the most important contributions to a reduced PGR in the GM-fed group came from both fecundity and survival differences early in life. We conclude that juvenile and young adult stages are the most sensitive experimental units and should be prioritized in future research. These stages are often omitted in toxicological/ecotoxicological studies and in feeding trials