940 research outputs found


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    This article posits that collaborativemodels of technology transfer could be consideredfor their remarkable ability to maintain orincrease the pace and quality of scientificdevelopment in stem cell research rather than fortheir potential to fix problems that do notempirically exist. In light of this scientific field’slogistical constraints and its current stage ofdevelopment, the open model appears to be aparticularly suitable collaborative method oftechnology management for stem cell research.Este artigo postula que os modeloscolaborativos de transferência de tecnologiapoderiam ser considerados por sua notávelhabilidade em manter ou aumentar o ritmo e aqualidade do desenvolvimento científico napesquisa em célula tronco, ao invés de seremconsiderados por seu potencial em colocarproblemas que empiricamente não existem. À luzdestas limitações logísticas do campo científico edo seu presente estágio de desenvolvimento, omodelo aberto parece ser um método colaborativoparticularmente adequável de gestão de tecnologiapara a pesquisa em célula tronco

    Larval development and breeding ecology of Ziegler's crocodile newt, Tylototriton ziegleri Nishikawa, Matsui and Nguyen, 2013 (Caudata: Salamandridae), compared to other Tylototriton representatives

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    We describe for the first time the larval development and stages of the recently described Ziegler's Crocodile Newt (Tylototriton ziegleri), an endemic species to northern Vietnam. Diagnostic morphological characters are provided for Grosse (1997, 2013) stages 27-32, 35-36, and 44-45, as well as comparisons with larval stages of other Tylototriton representatives. In addition, natural history data and an ecological assessment of the breeding niche are presented for T. ziegleri as well as for T. vietnamensis, from whom the former species was only recently taxonomically separated. We provide data extending the known breeding season of these two cryptic species in the North of Vietnam, which in fact lasts from April until July. On average, the clutches of T. ziegleri consisted of 67 +/- 32 eggs, were found on rock and soil substrates with a distance of 50 +/- 28 cm from water, whereas the clutches of T. vietnamensis were significantly smaller (43 +/- 19 eggs), found only on soil and were further distant from water (80 +/- 41 cm). The known maximum altitudinal distribution of T. vietnamensis is herein increased to 980 m above sea level. Based on the examples of T. ziegleri and T. vietnamensis, this study highlights how important it is to uncover cryptic species, define their exact distribution range, and investigate potential differences in ecological adaptations in order to assess the conservation status, develop proper conservation planning and provide suitable conditions for potential ex situ breeding programs

    Targeted next-generation sequencing on hirschsprung disease: A pilot study exploits DNA pooling

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    To adopt an efficient approach of identifying rare variants possibly related to Hirschsprung disease (HSCR), a pilot study was set up to evaluate the performance of a newly designed protocol for next generation targeted resquencing. In total, 20 Chinese HSCR patients and 20 Chinese sex-matched individuals with no HSCR were included, for which coding sequences (CDS) of 62 genes known to be in signaling pathways relevant to enteric nervous system development were selected for capture and sequencing. Blood DNAs from eight pools of five cases or controls were enriched by PCR-based RainDance technology (RDT) and then sequenced on a 454 FLX platform. As technical validation, five patients from case Pool-3 were also independently enriched by RDT, indexed with barcode and sequenced with sufficient coverage. Assessment for CDS single nucleotide variants showed DNA pooling performed well (specificity/sensitivity at 98.4%/83.7%) at the common variant level; but relatively worse (specificity/sensitivity at 65.5%/61.3%) at the rare variant level. Further Sanger sequencing only validated five out of 12 rare damaging variants likely involved in HSCR. Hence more improvement at variant detection and sequencing technology is needed to realize the potential of DNA pooling for large-scale resequencing projects. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/University College London.postprin

    Guidance for health care worker surveys in humanitarian contexts in LMICs

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    Developed by the Social Sciences Analysis Cell (CASS) and the Research Roadmap to support those working with communities and healthcare workers in humanitarian and emergency contexts This document has been developed for response actors working in humanitarian contexts who seek rapid approaches to gathering evidence about the experience of healthcare workers, and the communities of which they are a part. Understanding healthcare worker experience is critical to inform and guide humanitarian programming and effective strategies to promote IPC, identify psychosocial support needs. This evidence also informs humanitarian programming that interacts with HCWs and facilities such as nutrition, health reinforcement, communication, SGBV and gender. In low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), healthcare workers (HCW) are often faced with limited resources, equipment, performance support and even formal training to provide the life-saving work expected of them. In humanitarian contexts1 , where human resources are also scarce, HCWs may comprise formally trained doctors, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, allied health professionals etc. as well as community members who perform formal health worker related duties with little or no trainingi . These HCWs frequently work in contexts of multiple public health crises, including COVID-19. Their work will be affected by availability of resources (limited supplies, materials), behaviour and emotion (fear), flows of (mis)information (e.g. understanding of expected infection prevention and control (IPC) measures) or services (healthcare policies, services and use). Multiple factors can therefore impact patients, HCWs and their families, not only in terms of risk of exposure to COVID-19, but secondary health, socio-economic and psycho-social risks, as well as constraints that interrupt or hinder healthcare provision such as physical distancing practices. The development and dissemination of training and guidance for HCWs is important for any new infectious disease outbreak. Equally, evaluation of their appropriateness and utility, their impacts on HCW performance and behaviour, and their effectiveness (perceived or measured against programmatic outcome indicators) is important to adapt and improve the appropriateness and effectiveness of resources for HCWs. We recommend HCW surveys are included as a critical component of research associated to humanitarian programming for communities and community health outcomes

    Towards universal health coverage in Vietnam: a mixed-method case study of enrolling people with tuberculosis into social health insurance

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    Background: Vietnam’s primary mechanism of achieving sustainable funding for universal health coverage (UHC) and financial protection has been through its social health insurance (SHI) scheme. Steady progress towards access has been made and by 2020, over 90% of the population were enrolled in SHI. In 2022, as part of a larger transition towards the increased domestic financing of healthcare, tuberculosis (TB) services were integrated into SHI. This change required people with TB to use SHI for treatment at district-level facilities or to pay out of pocket for services. This study was conducted in preparation for this transition. It aimed to understand more about uninsured people with TB, assess the feasibility of enrolling them into SHI, and identify the barriers they faced in this process. Methods: A mixed-method case study was conducted using a convergent parallel design between November 2018 and January 2022 in ten districts of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Quantitative data were collected through a pilot intervention that aimed to facilitate SHI enrollment for uninsured individuals with TB. Descriptive statistics were calculated. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 34 participants, who were purposively sampled for maximum variation. Qualitative data were analyzed through an inductive approach and themes were identified through framework analysis. Quantitative and qualitative data sources were triangulated. Results: We attempted to enroll 115 uninsured people with TB into SHI; 76.5% were able to enroll. On average, it took 34.5 days to obtain a SHI card and it cost USD 66 per household. The themes indicated that a lack of knowledge, high costs for annual premiums, and the household-based registration requirement were barriers to SHI enrollment. Participants indicated that alternative enrolment mechanisms and greater procedural flexibility, particularly for undocumented people, is required to achieve full population coverage with SHI in urban centers. Conclusions: Significant addressable barriers to SHI enrolment for people affected by TB were identified. A quarter of individuals remained unable to enroll after receiving enhanced support due to lack of required documentation. The experience gained during this health financing transition is relevant for other middle-income countries as they address the provision of financial protection for the treatment of infectious diseases

    Opportunities and challenges in sustainable treatment and resource reuse of sewage sludge: A review

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    Sludge or waste activated sludge (WAS) generated from wastewater treatment plants may be considered a nuisance. It is a key source for secondary environmental contamination on account of the presence of diverse pollutants (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, dioxins, furans, heavy metals, etc.). Innovative and cost-effective sludge treatment pathways are a prerequisite for the safe and environment-friendly disposal of WAS. This article delivers an assessment of the leading disposal (volume reduction) and energy recovery routes such as anaerobic digestion, incineration, pyrolysis, gasification and enhanced digestion using microbial fuel cell along with their comparative evaluation, to measure their suitability for different sludge compositions and resources availability. Furthermore, the authors shed light on the bio-refinery and resource recovery approaches to extract value added products and nutrients from WAS, and control options for metal elements and micro-pollutants in sewage sludge. Recovery of enzymes, bio-plastics, bio-pesticides, proteins and phosphorus are discussed as a means to visualize sludge as a potential opportunity instead of a nuisance

    Molecular Mechanisms Generating and Stabilizing Terminal 22q13 Deletions in 44 Subjects with Phelan/McDermid Syndrome

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    In this study, we used deletions at 22q13, which represent a substantial source of human pathology (Phelan/McDermid syndrome), as a model for investigating the molecular mechanisms of terminal deletions that are currently poorly understood. We characterized at the molecular level the genomic rearrangement in 44 unrelated patients with 22q13 monosomy resulting from simple terminal deletions (72%), ring chromosomes (14%), and unbalanced translocations (7%). We also discovered interstitial deletions between 17–74 kb in 9% of the patients. Haploinsufficiency of the SHANK3 gene, confirmed in all rearrangements, is very likely the cause of the major neurological features associated with PMS. SHANK3 mutations can also result in language and/or social interaction disabilities. We determined the breakpoint junctions in 29 cases, providing a realistic snapshot of the variety of mechanisms driving non-recurrent deletion and repair at chromosome ends. De novo telomere synthesis and telomere capture are used to repair terminal deletions; non-homologous end-joining or microhomology-mediated break-induced replication is probably involved in ring 22 formation and translocations; non-homologous end-joining and fork stalling and template switching prevail in cases with interstitial 22q13.3. For the first time, we also demonstrated that distinct stabilizing events of the same terminal deletion can occur in different early embryonic cells, proving that terminal deletions can be repaired by multistep healing events and supporting the recent hypothesis that rare pathogenic germline rearrangements may have mitotic origin. Finally, the progressive clinical deterioration observed throughout the longitudinal medical history of three subjects over forty years supports the hypothesis of a role for SHANK3 haploinsufficiency in neurological deterioration, in addition to its involvement in the neurobehavioral phenotype of PMS

    Broadband Quantum Enhancement of the LIGO Detectors with Frequency-Dependent Squeezing

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    Quantum noise imposes a fundamental limitation on the sensitivity of interferometric gravitational-wave detectors like LIGO, manifesting as shot noise and quantum radiation pressure noise. Here, we present the first realization of frequency-dependent squeezing in full-scale gravitational-wave detectors, resulting in the reduction of both shot noise and quantum radiation pressure noise, with broadband detector enhancement from tens of hertz to several kilohertz. In the LIGO Hanford detector, squeezing reduced the detector noise amplitude by a factor of 1.6 (4.0 dB) near 1 kHz; in the Livingston detector, the noise reduction was a factor of 1.9 (5.8 dB). These improvements directly impact LIGO's scientific output for high-frequency sources (e.g., binary neutron star postmerger physics). The improved low-frequency sensitivity, which boosted the detector range by 15%-18% with respect to no squeezing, corresponds to an increase in the astrophysical detection rate of up to 65%. Frequency-dependent squeezing was enabled by the addition of a 300-meter-long filter cavity to each detector as part of the LIGO A+ upgrade