708 research outputs found

    The Role of spiritual/religious practices in moderating stress among adolescent residential treatment staff

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    Adolescent residential treatment staff members have jobs that are emotionally exhausting, physically taxing and spiritually draining. Good coping skills, including religious/spiritual practices, may reduce burnout. Results from a small rural adolescent residential treatment center indicated a high degree of burnout. Burnout was negatively correlated with existential and religious well-being, stress, income, social support and personal mental health treatmen

    Religious Affiliation, Religious and Spiritual Practices, and Burnout among Adolescent Residential Staff Members

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    Adolescent residential treatment staff members have jobs that are emotionally exhausting, physically taxing and spiritually draining. Good coping skills, including religious/spiritual practices, may reduce burnout. Results from a small rural adolescent residential treatment center indicated a high degree of burnout. Burnout was negatively correlated with existential and religious well-being, stress, income, social support and personal mental health treatmen

    Cool core remnants in galaxy clusters

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    X ray clusters are conventionally divided into two classes: "cool core" (CC) and "non cool core" (NCC) objects, on the basis of the observational properties of their central regions. Recent results have shown that the cluster population is bimodal (Cavagnolo et al. 2009). We want to understand whether the observed distribution of clusters is due to a primordial division into two distinct classes rather than to differences in how these systems evolve across cosmic time. We systematically search the ICM of NCC clusters in a subsample of the B55 flux limited sample of clusters for regions which have some characteristics typical of cool cores, namely low entropy gas and high metal abundance We find that most NCC clusters in our sample host regions reminiscent of CC, i. e. characterized by relative low entropy gas (albeit not as low as in CC systems) and a metal abundance excess. We have dubbed these structures "cool core remnants", since we interpret them as what remains of a cool core after a heating event (AGN giant outbursts in a few cases and more commonly mergers). We infer that most NCC clusters have undergone a cool core phase during their life. The fact that most cool core remnants are found in dynamically active objects provides strong support to scenarios where cluster core properties are not fixed "ab initio" but evolve across cosmic time.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Version with full resolution figures available at: http://www.iasf-milano.inaf.it/~rossetti/public/CCR/rossetti.pd

    A statistically-selected Chandra sample of 20 galaxy clusters -- II. Gas properties and cool-core/non-cool core bimodality

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    We investigate the thermodynamic and chemical structure of the intracluster medium (ICM) across a statistical sample of 20 galaxy clusters analysed with the Chandra X-ray satellite. In particular, we focus on the scaling properties of the gas density, metallicity and entropy and the comparison between clusters with and without cool cores (CCs). We find marked differences between the two categories except for the gas metallicity, which declines strongly with radius for all clusters (Z ~ r^{-0.31}), outside ~0.02 r500. The scaling of gas entropy is non-self-similar and we find clear evidence of bimodality in the distribution of logarithmic slopes of the entropy profiles. With only one exception, the steeper sloped entropy profiles are found in CC clusters whereas the flatter slope population are all non-CC clusters. We explore the role of thermal conduction in stabilizing the ICM and conclude that this mechanism alone is sufficient to balance cooling in non-CC clusters. However, CC clusters appear to form a distinct population in which heating from feedback is required in addition to conduction. Under the assumption that non-CC clusters are thermally stabilized by conduction alone, we find the distribution of Spitzer conduction suppression factors, f_c, to be log-normal, with a log (base 10) mean of -1.50+/-0.03 (i.e. f_c=0.032) and log standard deviation 0.39+/-0.02.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Could AGN Outbursts Transform Cool Core Clusters?

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    The origin of the bimodality in cluster core entropy is still unknown. At the same time, recent work has shown that thermal conduction in clusters is likely a time-variable phenomenon. We consider if time-variable conduction and AGN outbursts could be responsible for the cool-core (CC), non cool-core (NCC) dichotomy. We show that strong AGN heating can bring a CC cluster to a NCC state, which can be stably maintained by conductive heating from the cluster outskirts. On the other hand, if conduction is shut off by the heat-flux driven buoyancy instability, then the cluster will cool to the CC state again, where it is stabilized by low-level AGN heating. Thus, the cluster cycles between CC and NCC states. In contrast with massive clusters, we predict the CC/NCC bimodality should vanish in groups, due to the lesser role of conductive heating there. We find tentative support from the distribution of central entropy in groups, though firm conclusions require a larger sample carefully controlled for selection effects.Comment: Slightly revised version, accepted for publication in MNRAS. 9 pages, 3 figure

    Invasion success of a global avian invader is explained by within-taxon niche structure and association with humans in the native range

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    Aim To mitigate the threat invasive species pose to ecosystem functioning, reli- able risk assessment is paramount. Spatially explicit predictions of invasion risk obtained through bioclimatic envelope models calibrated with native species distribution data can play a critical role in invasive species management. Fore- casts of invasion risk to novel environments, however, remain controversial. Here, we assess how species’ association with human-modified habitats in the native range and within-taxon niche structure shape the distribution of invasive populations at biogeographical scales and influence the reliability of predictions of invasion risk. Location Africa, Asia and Europe. Methods We use ~1200 native and invasive ring-necked parakeet (Psittacula krameri) occurrences and associated data on establishment success in combi- nation with mtDNA-based phylogeographic structure to assess niche dynam- ics during biological invasion and to generate predictions of invasion risk. Niche dynamics were quantified in a gridded environmental space while bioclimatic models were created using the biomod2 ensemble modelling framework. Results Ring-necked parakeets show considerable niche expansion into climates colder than their native range. Only when incorporating a measure of human modification of habitats within the native range do bioclimatic envelope mod- els yield credible predictions of invasion risk for parakeets across Europe. Inva- sion risk derived from models that account for differing niche requirements of phylogeographic lineages and those that do not achieve similar statistical accu- racy, but there are pronounced differences in areas predicted to be susceptible for invasion. Main conclusions Information on within-taxon niche structure and especially association with humans in the native range can substantially improve predic- tive models of invasion risk. To provide policymakers with robust predictions of invasion risk, including these factors into bioclimatic envelope models is recommended

    Calibrating Climate Model Ensembles for Assessing Extremes in a Changing Climate

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    Climate models serve as indispensable tools to investigate the effect of anthropogenic emissions on current and future climate, including extremes. However, as low-dimensional approximations of the climate system, they will always exhibit biases. Several attempts have been made to correct for biases as they affect extremes prediction, predominantly focused on correcting model-simulated distribution shapes. In this study, the effectiveness of a recently published quantile-based bias correction scheme, as well as a new subset selection method introduced here, are tested out-of-sample using model-as-truth experiments. Results show that biases in the shape of distributions tend to persist through time, and therefore, correcting for shape bias is useful for past and future statements characterizing the probability of extremes. However, for statements characterized by a ratio of the probabilities of extremes between two periods, we find that correcting for shape bias often provides no skill improvement due to the dominating effect of bias in the long-term trend. Using a toy model experiment, we examine the relative importance of the shape of the distribution versus its position in response to long-term changes in radiative forcing. It confirms that the relative position of the two distributions, based on the trend, is at least as important as the shape. We encourage the community to consider all model biases relevant to their metric of interest when using a bias correction procedure and to construct out-of-sample tests that mirror the intended application

    What is a Cool-Core Cluster? A Detailed Analysis of the Cores of the X-ray Flux-Limited HIFLUGCS Cluster Sample

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    We use the largest complete sample of 64 galaxy clusters (HIghest X-ray FLUx Galaxy Cluster Sample) with available high-quality X-ray data from Chandra, and apply 16 cool-core diagnostics to them, some of them new. We also correlate optical properties of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) with X-ray properties. To segregate cool core and non-cool-core clusters, we find that central cooling time, t_cool, is the best parameter for low redshift clusters with high quality data, and that cuspiness is the best parameter for high redshift clusters. 72% of clusters in our sample have a cool core (t_cool < 7.7 h_{71}^{-1/2} Gyr) and 44% have strong cool cores (t_cool <1.0 h_{71}^{-1/2} Gyr). For the first time we show quantitatively that the discrepancy in classical and spectroscopic mass deposition rates can not be explained with a recent formation of the cool cores, demonstrating the need for a heating mechanism to explain the cooling flow problem. [Abridged]Comment: 45 pages, 19 figures, 7 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A. Contact Person: Rupal Mittal ([email protected]

    A deep Chandra observation of the poor cluster AWM 4 - I. Properties of the central radio galaxy and its effects on the intracluster medium

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    Using observations from the Chandra X-ray Observatory and Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, we examine the interaction between the intracluster medium and central radio source in the poor cluster AWM 4. In the Chandra observation a small cool core or galactic corona is resolved coincident with the radio core. This corona is capable of fuelling the active nucleus, but must be inefficiently heated by jet interactions or conduction, possibly precluding a feedback relationship between the radio source and cluster. A lack of clearly detected X-ray cavities suggests that the radio lobes are only partially filled by relativistic plasma. We estimate a filling factor of phi=0.21 (3 sigma upper limit phi<0.42) for the better constrained east lobe. We consider the particle population in the jets and lobes, and find that the standard equipartition assumptions predict pressures and ages which agree poorly with X-ray estimates. Including an electron population extending to low Lorentz factors either reduces (gamma_min=100) or removes (gamma_min=10) the pressure imbalance between the lobes and their environment. Pressure balance can also be achieved by entrainment of thermal gas, probably in the first few kiloparsecs of the radio jets. We estimate the mechanical power output of the radio galaxy, and find it to be marginally capable of balancing radiative cooling.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 18 pages, 9 postscript figures

    Mass transport by buoyant bubbles in galaxy clusters

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    We investigate the effect of three important processes by which AGN-blown bubbles transport material: drift, wake transport and entrainment. The first of these, drift, occurs because a buoyant bubble pushes aside the adjacent material, giving rise to a net upward displacement of the fluid behind the bubble. For a spherical bubble, the mass of upwardly displaced material is roughly equal to half the mass displaced by the bubble, and should be ~ 10^{7-9} solar masses depending on the local ICM and bubble parameters. We show that in classical cool core clusters, the upward displacement by drift may be a key process in explaining the presence of filaments behind bubbles. A bubble also carries a parcel of material in a region at its rear, known as the wake. The mass of the wake is comparable to the drift mass and increases the average density of the bubble, trapping it closer to the cluster centre and reducing the amount of heating it can do during its ascent. Moreover, material dropping out of the wake will also contribute to the trailing filaments. Mass transport by the bubble wake can effectively prevent the build-up of cool material in the central galaxy, even if AGN heating does not balance ICM cooling. Finally, we consider entrainment, the process by which ambient material is incorporated into the bubble. AbridgedComment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 17 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Formatted for letter paper and adjusted author affiliations
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