560 research outputs found

    Distributional extensions of Carollia castanea and Micronycteris minuta from Guatemala, Central America

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    Field expeditions in 2011 that inventoried the terrestrial vertebrate fauna of two wildlife protected areas in the tropical Caribbean of Guatemala have produced the first confirmed records of two bats for the country: the white-bellied big-eared bat, Micronycteris (Schizonycteris) minuta (Gervais 1856) and the Chesnut short-tailed bat Carollia castanea H. Allen, 1890, both of neotropical distribution and with their current northern limit at Lancetilla, Honduras. The record of M. minuta at Sierra de Caral, Guatemala extends the range of this species 137 km to the west, and the record of C. castanea at Cerro San Gil extends its range 147 km to the west

    Prevalence and Correlates of Food Insecurity Among Students Attending a Midsize Rural University in Oregon

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    Objective: To examine the prevalence and identify correlates of food insecurity among students attending a rural university in Oregon. Methods: Cross-sectional non-probability survey of 354 students attending a midsize rural university in Oregon during May 2011. Main outcome was food insecurity measured using the USDA Household Food Security Survey Module: Six-Item Short Form. Socioeconomic and demographic variables were included in multivariate logistic regression models. Results: Over half of students (59%) were food insecure at some point during the previous year. Having fair/poor health (OR: 2.08, 95%CI: 1.07 – 4.63), being employed (OR: 1.73, 95%CI: 1.04 – 2.88) and with incomes below $15,000 per year (OR: 2.23, 95% CI: 1.07 – 4.63) was associated with food insecurity. In turn, good academic performance (GPA 3.1 or higher) was inversely associated with food insecurity. Conclusions: Food insecurity seems to be a significant issue for college students. It is necessary to expand research on different campus settings, and further strengthen support systems to increase access to nutritious foods for this population

    Complexity-based learning and teaching: a case study in higher education

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    This paper presents a learning and teaching strategy based on complexity science and explores its impacts on a higher education game design course. The strategy aimed at generating conditions fostering individual and collective learning in educational complex adaptive systems, and led the design of the course through an iterative and adaptive process informed by evidence emerging from course dynamics. The data collected indicate that collaboration was initially challenging for students, but collective learning emerged as the course developed, positively affecting individual and team performance. Even though challenged, students felt highly motivated and enjoyed working on course activities. Their perception of progress and expertise were always high, and the academic performance was on average very good. The strategy fostered collaboration and allowed students and tutors to deal with complex situations requiring adaptation

    MASSIV: Mass Assembly Survey with SINFONI in VVDS. V. The major merger rate of star-forming galaxies at 0.9 < z < 1.8 from IFS-based close pairs

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    We aim to measure the major merger rate of star-forming galaxies at 0.9 < z <1.8, using close pairs identified from integral field spectroscopy (IFS). We use the velocity field maps obtained with SINFONI/VLT on the MASSIV sample, selected from the star-forming population in the VVDS. We identify physical pairs of galaxies from the measurement of the relative velocity and the projected separation (r_p) of the galaxies in the pair. Using the well constrained selection function of the MASSIV sample we derive the gas-rich major merger fraction (luminosity ratio mu = L_2/L_1 >= 1/4), and, using merger time scales from cosmological simulations, the gas-rich major merger rate at a mean redshift up to z = 1.54. We find a high gas-rich major merger fraction of 20.8+15.2-6.8 %, 20.1+8.0-5.1 % and 22.0+13.7-7.3 % for close pairs with r_p <= 20h^-1 kpc in redshift ranges z = [0.94, 1.06], [1.2, 1.5) and [1.5, 1.8), respectively. This translates into a gas-rich major merger rate of 0.116+0.084-0.038 Gyr^-1, 0.147+0.058-0.037 Gyr^-1 and 0.127+0.079-0.042 Gyr^-1 at z = 1.03, 1.32 and 1.54, respectively. Combining our results with previous studies at z < 1, the gas-rich major merger rate evolves as (1+z)^n, with n = 3.95 +- 0.12, up to z = 1.5. From these results we infer that ~35% of the star-forming galaxies with stellar masses M = 10^10 - 10^10.5 M_Sun have undergone a major merger since z ~ 1.5. We develop a simple model which shows that, assuming that all gas-rich major mergers lead to early-type galaxies, the combined effect of gas-rich and dry mergers is able to explain most of the evolution in the number density of massive early-type galaxies since z ~ 1.5, with our measured gas-rich merger rate accounting for about two-thirds of this evolution.Comment: Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 24 pages, 30 figures, 2 tables. Appendix with the residual images from GALFIT added. Minor changes with respect to the initial versio

    Galaxy Pairs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - III: Evidence of Induced Star Formation from Optical Colours

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    We have assembled a large, high quality catalogue of galaxy colours from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7, and have identified 21,347 galaxies in pairs spanning a range of projected separations (r_p < 80 h_{70}^{-1} kpc), relative velocities (\Delta v < 10,000 km/s, which includes projected pairs that are essential for quality control), and stellar mass ratios (from 1:10 to 10:1). We find that the red fraction of galaxies in pairs is higher than that of a control sample matched in stellar mass and redshift, and demonstrate that this difference is likely due to the fact that galaxy pairs reside in higher density environments than non-paired galaxies. We detect clear signs of interaction-induced star formation within the blue galaxies in pairs, as evidenced by a higher fraction of extremely blue galaxies, along with blueward offsets between the colours of paired versus control galaxies. These signs are strongest in close pairs (r_p < 30 h_{70}^{-1} kpc and \Delta v < 200 km/s), diminish for more widely separated pairs (r_p > 60 h_{70}^{-1} kpc and \Delta v < 200 km/s) and disappear for close projected pairs (r_p < 30 h_{70}^{-1} kpc and \Delta v > 3000 km/s). These effects are also stronger in central (fibre) colours than in global colours, and are found primarily in low- to medium-density environments. Conversely, no such trends are seen in red galaxies, apart from a small reddening at small separations which may result from residual errors with photometry in crowded fields. When interpreted in conjunction with a simple model of induced starbursts, these results are consistent with a scenario in which close peri-centre passages trigger induced star formation in the centres of galaxies which are sufficiently gas rich, after which time the galaxies gradually redden as they separate and their starbursts age.Comment: 17 pages. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Robust determination of the major merger fraction at z = 0.6 in Groth Strip

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    (Abridged) We measure the fraction of galaxies undergoing disk-disk major mergers (f_m) at intermediate redshifts (0.35 <= z < 0.85) by studying the asymmetry index A of galaxy images. Results are provided for B- and Ks-band absolute magnitude selected samples from the Groth strip in the GOYA photometric survey. Three sources of systematic error are carefully addressed: (i) we avoid morphological K-corrections, (ii) we measure asymmetries in artificially redshifted to z_d = 0.75 galaxies to lead with loss of morphological information with redshift, and (iii) we take into account the observational errors in z and A, that tend to overestimate the merger fraction, by maximum likelihood techniques. We find: (i) our data allow for a robust merger fraction to be provided for a single redshift bin centered at z=0.6. (ii) Merger fractions have low values: f_m = 0.045 for M_B <= -20 galaxies, and f_m = 0.031 for M_Ks <= -23.5 galaxies. And, (iii) failure to address the effects of the observational errors leads to overestimating f_m by factors of 10%-60%. Combining our results with those on literature, and parameterizing the merger fraction evolution as f_m(z) = f_m(0)(1+z)^m, we obtain that m = 2.9 +- 0.8, and f_m(0) = 0.012 +- 0.004$. Assuming a Ks-band mass-to-light ratio not varying with luminosity, we infer that the merger rate of galaxies with stellar mass M >= 3.5x10^10 M_Sun is R_m = 1.6x10^-4 Mpc^-3 Gyr^-1. When we compare with previous studies at similar redshifts, we find that the merger rate decreases when mass increases.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 11 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Formatted with emulateap

    Spectro-photometric close pairs in GOODS-S: major and minor companions of intermediate-mass galaxies

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    (Abriged) Our goal here is to provide merger frequencies that encompass both major and minor mergers, derived from close pair statistics. We use B-band luminosity- and mass-limited samples from an Spitzer/IRAC-selected catalogue of GOODS-S. We present a new methodology for computing the number of close companions, Nc, when spectroscopic redshift information is partial. We select as close companions those galaxies separated by 6h^-1 kpc < rp < 21h^-1 kpc in the sky plane and with a difference Delta_v <= 500 km s^-1 in redshift space. We provide Nc for four different B-band-selected samples. Nc increases with luminosity, and its evolution with redshift is faster in more luminous samples. We provide Nc of M_star >= 10^10 M_Sun galaxies, finding that the number including minor companions (mass ratio >= 1/10) is roughly two times the number of major companions alone (mass ratio >= 1/3) in the range 0.2 <= z < 1.1. We compare the major merger rate derived by close pairs with the one computed by morphological criteria, finding that both approaches provide similar merger rates for field galaxies when the progenitor bias is taken into account. Finally, we estimate that the total (major+minor) merger rate is ~1.7 times the major merger rate. Only 30% to 50% of the M_star >= 10^10 M_Sun early-type (E/S0/Sa) galaxies that appear z=1 and z=0 may have undergone a major or a minor merger. Half of the red sequence growth since z=1 is therefore unrelated to mergers.Comment: Accepted in A&A. 14 pages, 6 figures, 8 tables. We have tested the method with a local, volume-limited spectroscopic sample

    Geographical variation in the high-duty cycle echolocation of the cryptic common mustached bat Pteronotus cf. rubiginosus (Mormoopidae)

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    The use of bioacoustics as a tool for bat research is rapidly increasing worldwide. There is substantial evidence that environmental factors such as weather conditions or habitat structure can affect echolocation call structure in bats and thus compromise proper species identification. However, intraspecific differences in echolocation due to geographical variation are poorly understood, which poses a number of issues in terms of method standardization. We examined acoustic data for Pteronotus cf. rubiginosus from the Central Amazon and the Guiana Shield. We provide the first evidence of intraspecific geographic variation in bat echolocation in the Neotropics, with calls significantly differing in almost all standard acoustic parameters for the two lineages of this clade. We complement our bioacoustic data with molecular and morphological data for both species. Considerable overlap in trait values prevents reliable discrimination between the two sympatric Pteronotus based on morphological characters. On the other hand, significant divergence in the frequency of maximum energy suggests that bioacoustics can be used to readily separate both taxa despite extensive intraspecific variability in their echolocation across the Amazon. Given the relative lack of barriers preventing contact between bat populations from the Central Amazon and French Guiana, the documented acoustic variation needs to be further studied in geographically intermediate locations to understand the potential isolation processes that could be causing the described divergence in echolocation and to determine whether this variation is either discrete or continuous

    A coincidence of disturbed morphology and blue UV colour: minor-merger driven star formation in early-type galaxies at z~0.6

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    We exploit multi-wavelength photometry of early-type galaxies (ETGs) in the COSMOS survey to demonstrate that the low-level star formation activity in the ETG population at intermediate redshift is likely to be driven by minor mergers. Splitting the ETGs into galaxies that show disturbed morphologies indicative of recent merging and those that appear relaxed, we find that ~32% of the ETG population appears to be morphologically disturbed. While the relaxed objects are almost entirely contained within the UV red sequence, their morphologically disturbed counterparts dominate the scatter to blue UV colours, regardless of luminosity. Empirically and theoretically determined major-merger rates in the redshift range z<1 are several times too low to account for the fraction of disturbed ETGs in our sample, suggesting that minor mergers represent the principal mechanism driving the observed star formation activity in our sample. The young stellar components forming in these events have ages between 0.03 and 0.3 Myrs and typically contribute <10% of the stellar mass of the remnant. Together with recent work which demonstrates that the structural evolution of nearby ETGs is consistent with one or more minor mergers, our results indicate that the overall evolution of massive ETGs may be heavily influenced by minor merging at late epochs and highlights the need to systematically study this process in future observational surveys.Comment: MNRAS in press (significant revisions to version 1

    A New Automatic Method to Identify Galaxy Mergers I. Description and Application to the STAGES Survey

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    We present an automatic method to identify galaxy mergers using the morphological information contained in the residual images of galaxies after the subtraction of a Sersic model. The removal of the bulk signal from the host galaxy light is done with the aim of detecting the fainter minor mergers. The specific morphological parameters that are used in the merger diagnostic suggested here are the Residual Flux Fraction and the asymmetry of the residuals. The new diagnostic has been calibrated and optimized so that the resulting merger sample is very complete. However, the contamination by non-mergers is also high. If the same optimization method is adopted for combinations of other structural parameters such as the CAS system, the merger indicator we introduce yields merger samples of equal or higher statistical quality than the samples obtained through the use of other structural parameters. We explore the ability of the method presented here to select minor mergers by identifying a sample of visually classified mergers that would not have been picked up by the use of the CAS system, when using its usual limits. Given the low prevalence of mergers among the general population of galaxies and the optimization used here, we find that the merger diagnostic introduced in this work is best used as a negative merger test, i.e., it is very effective at selecting non-merging galaxies. As with all the currently available automatic methods, the sample of merger candidates selected is contaminated by non-mergers, and further steps are needed to produce a clean sample. This merger diagnostic has been developed using the HST/ACS F606W images of the A901/02 cluster (z=0.165) obtained by the STAGES team. In particular, we have focused on a mass and magnitude limited sample (log M/M_{O}>9.0, R_{Vega}<23.5mag)) which includes 905 cluster galaxies and 655 field galaxies of all morphological types.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables. To appear in MNRA