23 research outputs found

    Factores que explican el cambio de la imagen de un destino turístico antes y después de la visita

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    El presente trabajo ha tenido como principal objetivo estudiar y analizar empíricamente los factores que explican el cambio de imagen antes y después de la visita a un destino turístico. En el estudio empírico se ha utilizado una muestra representativa de turistas de la isla de Tenerife (Islas Canarias), que es uno de los principales destinos turísticos de España. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que los factores que mejor explican el cambio de imagen antes y después de la visita están relacionados con el esfuerzo dedicado a la búsqueda de información, el grado de incertidumbre, el nivel de implicación con el viaje, el número de fuentes secundarias de información consultadas y la duración e intensidad de la visita

    Factores que explican el cambio de la imagen de un destino turístico antes y después de la visita

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    El presente trabajo ha tenido como principal objetivo estudiar y analizar empíricamente los factores que explican el cambio de imagen antes y después de la visita a un destino turístico. En el estudio empírico se ha utilizado una muestra representativa de turistas de la isla de Tenerife (Islas Canarias), que es uno de los principales destinos turísticos de España. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que los factores que mejor explican el cambio de imagen antes y después de la visita están relacionados con el esfuerzo dedicado a la búsqueda de información, el grado de incertidumbre, el nivel de implicación con el viaje, el número de fuentes secundarias de información consultadas y la duración e intensidad de la visita

    Insight from an Italian Delphi Consensus on EVAR feasibility outside the instruction for use: the SAFE EVAR Study

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    BACKGROUND: The SAfety and FEasibility of standard EVAR outside the instruction for use (SAFE-EVAR) Study was designed to define the attitude of Italian vascular surgeons towards the use of standard endovascular repair (EVAR) for infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) outside the instruction for use (IFU) through a Delphi consensus endorsed by the Italian Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (Societa Italiana di Chirurgia Vascolare ed Endovascolare - SICVE). METHODS: A questionnaire consisting of 26 statements was developed, validated by an 18 -member Advisory Board, and then sent to 600 Italian vascular surgeons. The Delphi process was structured in three subsequent rounds which took place between April and June 2023. In the first two rounds, respondents could indicate one of the following five degrees of agreement: 1) strongly agree; 2) partially agree; 3) neither agree nor disagree; 4) partially disagree; 5) strongly disagree; while in the third round only three different choices were proposed: 1) agree; 2) neither agree nor disagree; 3) disagree. We considered the consensus reached when >70% of respondents agreed on one of the options. After the conclusion of each round, a report describing the percentage distribution of the answers was sent to all the participants. RESULTS: Two -hundred -forty-four (40.6%) Italian Vascular Surgeons agreed to participate the first round of the Delphi Consensus; the second and the third rounds of the Delphi collected 230 responders (94.3% of the first -round responders). Four statements (15.4%) reached a consensus in the first rounds. Among the 22 remaining statements, one more consensus (3.8%) was achieved in the second round. Finally, seven more statements (26.9%) reached a consensus in the simplified last round. Globally, a consensus was reached for almost half of the proposed statements (46.1%). CONCLUSIONS: The relatively low consensus rate obtained in this Delphi seems to confirm the discrepancy between Guideline recommendations and daily clinical practice. The data collected could represent the source for a possible guidelines' revision and the proposal of specific Good Practice Points in all those aspects with only little evidence available

    Prediction of second neurological attack in patients with clinically isolated syndrome using support vector machines

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    The aim of this study is to predict the conversion from clinically isolated syndrome to clinically definite multiple sclerosis using support vector machines. The two groups of converters and non-converters are classified using features that were calculated from baseline data of 73 patients. The data consists of standard magnetic resonance images, binary lesion masks, and clinical and demographic information. 15 features were calculated and all combinations of them were iteratively tested for their predictive capacity using polynomial kernels and radial basis functions with leave-one-out cross-validation. The accuracy of this prediction is up to 86.4% with a sensitivity and specificity in the same range indicating that this is a feasible approach for the prediction of a second clinical attack in patients with clinically isolated syndromes, and that the chosen features are appropriate. The two features gender and location of onset lesions have been used in all feature combinations leading to a high accuracy suggesting that they are highly predictive. However, it is necessary to add supporting features to maximise the accuracy. © 2013 IEEE

    Factors that explain the change in the image of a tourist destination before and after a visit

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    El presente trabajo ha tenido como principal objetivo estudiar y analizar empíricamente los factores que explican el cambio de imagen antes y después de la visita a un destino turístico. En el estudio empírico se ha utilizado una muestra representativa de turistas de la isla de Tenerife (Islas Canarias), que es uno de los principales destinos turísticos de España. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que los factores que mejor explican el cambio de imagen antes y después de la visita están relacionados con el esfuerzo dedicado a la búsqueda de información, el grado de incertidumbre, el nivel de implicación con el viaje, el número de fuentes secundarias de información consultadas y la duración e intensidad de la visita.ABSTRACT This paper aims to study and empirically analyze the factors that explains the change in image before and after the visit to a tourist destination. In the empirical study it used a representative sample of tourists from the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands), which is one of the main tourist destinations in Spain. The results show that the factors that best explain the change in image before and after the visit are related to the effort dedicated to search for information, the degree of uncertainty, the level of involvement with the trip, the number of secondary sources of information consulted and the duration and intensity of the visit

    Old Shatterhand vor Gericht

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    Guidelines summarize and evaluate all available evidence on a particular issue at the time of the writing process, with the aim of assisting health professionals in selecting the best management strategies for an individual patient with a given condition, taking into account the impact on outcome, as well as the risk\u2013benefit ratio of particular diagnostic or therapeutic means. Guidelines and recommendations should help health professionals to make decisions in their daily practice. However, the final decisions concerning an individual patient must be made by the responsible health professional(s) in consultation with the patient and caregiver as appropriate


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    The Joint Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Respiratory Society (ERS)Endorsed by: Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC), International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT

    2015 ESC/ERS Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension

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    Guidelines summarize and evaluate all available evidence on a particular issue at the time of the writing process, with the aim of assisting health professionals in selecting the best management strategies for an individual patient with a given condition, taking into account the impact on outcome, as well as the risk\u2013benefit ratio of particular diagnostic or therapeutic means. Guidelines and recommendations should help health professionals to make decisions in their daily practice. However, the final decisions concerning an individual patient must be made by the responsible health professional(s) in consultation with the patient and caregiver as appropriate