199 research outputs found

    Vibrio cholerae Proteome-Wide Screen for Immunostimulatory Proteins Identifies Phosphatidylserine Decarboxylase as a Novel Toll-Like Receptor 4 Agonist

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    Recognition of conserved bacterial components provides immediate and efficient immune responses and plays a critical role in triggering antigen-specific adaptive immunity. To date, most microbial components that are detected by host innate immune system are non-proteinaceous structural components. In order to identify novel bacterial immunostimulatory proteins, we developed a new high-throughput approach called “EPSIA”, Expressed Protein Screen for Immune Activators. Out of 3,882 Vibrio cholerae proteins, we identified phosphatidylserine decarboxylase (PSD) as a conserved bacterial protein capable of activating host innate immunity. PSD in concentrations as low as 100 ng/ml stimulated RAW264.7 murine macrophage cells and primary peritoneal macrophage cells to secrete TNFα and IL-6, respectively. PSD-induced proinflammatory response was dependent on the presence of MyD88, a known adaptor molecule for innate immune response. An enzymatically inactive PSD mutant and heat-inactivated PSD induced ∼40% and ∼15% of IL-6 production compared to that by native PSD, respectively. This suggests that PSD induces the production of IL-6, in part, via its enzymatic activity. Subsequent receptor screening determined TLR4 as a receptor mediating the PSD-induced proinflammatory response. Moreover, no detectable IL-6 was produced in TLR4-deficient mouse macrophages by PSD. PSD also exhibited a strong adjuvant activity against a co-administered antigen, BSA. Anti-BSA response was decreased in TLR4-deficient mice immunized with BSA in combination with PSD, further proving the role of TLR4 in PSD signaling in vivo. Taken together, these results provide evidence for the identification of V. cholerae PSD as a novel TLR4 agonist and further demonstrate the potential application of PSD as a vaccine adjuvant

    HIF-1 and c-Src Mediate Increased Glucose Uptake Induced by Endothelin-1 and Connexin43 in Astrocytes

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    In previous work we showed that endothelin-1 (ET-1) increases the rate of glucose uptake in astrocytes, an important aspect of brain function since glucose taken up by astrocytes is used to supply the neurons with metabolic substrates. In the present work we sought to identify the signalling pathway responsible for this process in primary culture of rat astrocytes. Our results show that ET-1 promoted an increase in the transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) in astrocytes, as shown in other cell types. Furthermore, HIF-1α-siRNA experiments revealed that HIF-1α participates in the effects of ET-1 on glucose uptake and on the expression of GLUT-1, GLUT-3, type I and type II hexokinase. We previously reported that these effects of ET-1 are mediated by connexin43 (Cx43), the major gap junction protein in astrocytes. Indeed, our results show that silencing Cx43 increased HIF-1α and reduced the effect of ET-1 on HIF-1α, indicating that the effect of ET-1 on HIF-1α is mediated by Cx43. The activity of oncogenes such as c-Src can up-regulate HIF-1α. Since Cx43 interacts with c-Src, we investigated the participation of c-Src in this pathway. Interestingly, both the treatment with ET-1 and with Cx43-siRNA increased c-Src activity. In addition, when c-Src activity was inhibited neither ET-1 nor silencing Cx43 were able to up-regulate HIF-1α. In conclusion, our results suggest that ET-1 by down-regulating Cx43 activates c-Src, which in turn increases HIF-1α leading to the up-regulation of the machinery required to take up glucose in astrocytes. Cx43 expression can be reduced in response not only to ET-1 but also to various physiological and pathological stimuli. This study contributes to the identification of the signalling pathway evoked after Cx43 down-regulation that results in increased glucose uptake in astrocytes. Interestingly, this is the first evidence linking Cx43 to HIF-1, which is a master regulator of glucose metabolism

    Indeks delovne zmožnosti medicinskih sester starih 50 let in več v hospitalni dejavnosti v Sloveniji

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    Nurses with reduced work ability are highly susceptible to the deleterious effects of their working environments,and their rates of sick leave, disability, and early retirement are higher than average. The aim of this study was to evaluate work ability in 433 Slovenian hospital nurses aged over fifty years providing secondary care in thirteen hospitals across Slovenia. To do that we used a standardised instrument known as work ability index (WAI). Mean WAI was 36.98±6.46 and median 38. WAI was not associated with age (Spearman’s ρ=-0.034, p=0.475). Total WAI score strongly correlated with the 1st item of the WAI questionnaire “current work ability” (ρ=0.726, p<0.001). Higher WAI scores were also associated with academic education, full-time employment, and working in a single (morning) or three shifts. Our WAI findings in nurses over fifty call for systemic changes in the nursing environment to maintain good work ability among nurses until the retirement age and beyond.Izvajalci zdravstvene nege z zmanjšano delovno zmožnostjo so bolj dovzetni za negativne vplive delovnega okolja ter podvrženi tveganju za bolniško odsotnost, invalidnost in predčasno upokojevanje. Namen raziskave je oceniti delovno zmožnost izvajalcev zdravstvene nege starih 50 let in več, zaposlenih v hospitalni dejavnosti v Sloveniji, s ciljem raziskati povezavo med oceno delovne zmožnosti in trenutno delovno zmožnostjo ter demografskimi dejavniki. V raziskavi, ki je potekala od aprila do decembra 2016 je sodelovalo 433 izvajalcev zdravstvene nege 50 let in več, iz 13 bolnišnic na sekundarnem nivoju v Sloveniji. Uporabljen je standardiziran merski instrument za merjenje delovne zmožnosti (WAI), kratke verzije. Izračunana aritmetična srednja vrednost WAI je znašala 36,98±6,46 ter mediana 38. Ob predpostavki p=0.05 je bilo ugotovljeno, da starost in WAI nista povezani (ρ= - 0.034, p=0.475). Izkazalo se je, da sta oceni WAI in »trenutna delovna zmožnost« močno pozitivno povezani (ρ=0,726, p<0.001). Demografske spremenljivke kot so višja izobrazba, polni delovni čas, enoizmenski ali triizmenski turnus so v naši raziskavi povezane z višjo oceno WAI. Izračunani WAI pri medicinskih sestrah, starejših od petdeset let, kaže na potrebo po sistemskih spremembah v okolju zdravstvene nege, tako da da bodo zaposleni v zdravstveni negi lahko ohranjali dobro delovno sposobnost vse do upokojitvene starosti in dlje

    Synaptic Transmission from Horizontal Cells to Cones Is Impaired by Loss of Connexin Hemichannels

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    In the vertebrate retina, horizontal cells generate the inhibitory surround of bipolar cells, an essential step in contrast enhancement. For the last decades, the mechanism involved in this inhibitory synaptic pathway has been a major controversy in retinal research. One hypothesis suggests that connexin hemichannels mediate this negative feedback signal; another suggests that feedback is mediated by protons. Mutant zebrafish were generated that lack connexin 55.5 hemichannels in horizontal cells. Whole cell voltage clamp recordings were made from isolated horizontal cells and cones in flat mount retinas. Light-induced feedback from horizontal cells to cones was reduced in mutants. A reduction of feedback was also found when horizontal cells were pharmacologically hyperpolarized but was absent when they were pharmacologically depolarized. Hemichannel currents in isolated horizontal cells showed a similar behavior. The hyperpolarization-induced hemichannel current was strongly reduced in the mutants while the depolarization-induced hemichannel current was not. Intracellular recordings were made from horizontal cells. Consistent with impaired feedback in the mutant, spectral opponent responses in horizontal cells were diminished in these animals. A behavioral assay revealed a lower contrast-sensitivity, illustrating the role of the horizontal cell to cone feedback pathway in contrast enhancement. Model simulations showed that the observed modifications of feedback can be accounted for by an ephaptic mechanism. A model for feedback, in which the number of connexin hemichannels is reduced to about 40%, fully predicts the specific asymmetric modification of feedback. To our knowledge, this is the first successful genetic interference in the feedback pathway from horizontal cells to cones. It provides direct evidence for an unconventional role of connexin hemichannels in the inhibitory synapse between horizontal cells and cones. This is an important step in resolving a long-standing debate about the unusual form of (ephaptic) synaptic transmission between horizontal cells and cones in the vertebrate retina

    Regulation of connexin- and pannexin-based channels by post-translational modifications

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    Connexin (Cx) and pannexin (Panx) proteins form large conductance channels, which function as regulators of communication between neighbouring cells via gap junctions and/or hemichannels. Intercellular communication is essential to coordinate cellular responses in tissues and organs, thereby fulfilling an essential role in the spreading of signalling, survival and death processes. The functional properties of gap junctions and hemichannels are modulated by different physiological and pathophysiological stimuli. At the molecular level, Cxs and Panxs function as multi-protein channel complexes, regulating their channel localisation and activity. In addition to this, gap junctional channels and hemichannels are modulated by different post-translational modifications (PTMs), including phosphorylation, glycosylation, proteolysis, N-acetylation, S-nitrosylation, ubiquitination, lipidation, hydroxylation, methylation and deamidation. These PTMs influence almost all aspects of communicating junctional channels in normal cell biology and pathophysiology. In this review, we will provide a systematic overview of PTMs of communicating junction proteins and discuss their effects on Cx and Panx-channel activity and localisation

    Diets of giants: the nutritional value of sauropod diet during the Mesozoic

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    A major uncertainty in estimating energy budgets and population densities of extinct animals is the carrying capacity of their ecosystems, constrained by net primary productivity (NPP) and its digestible energy content. The hypothesis that increases in NPP due to elevated atmospheric CO₂ contributed to the unparalleled size of the sauropods has recently been rejected, based on modern studies on herbivorous insects that imply a general, negative correlation of diet quality and increasing CO₂. However, the nutritional value of plants grown under elevated CO₂ levels might be very different for vertebrate megaherbivores than for insects. Here we show plant species‐specific responses in metabolizable energy and nitrogen content, equivalent to a two‐fold variation in daily food intake estimates for a typical sauropod, for dinosaur food plant analogues grown under CO₂ concentrations spanning estimates for Mesozoic atmospheric concentrations. Our results potentially rebut the hypothesis that constraints on sauropod diet quality were driven by Mesozoic CO₂ concentration