427 research outputs found

    Fluctuaciones en la presencia de Radón 222 ambiental en la ciudad de Lima (Zona San Miguel)

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    La presencia de contaminantes radiactivos en forma natural es y será un problema medio ambiental. Existen elementos radiactivos que sobreviven en la Tierra desde su formación inicial, como el Uranio 238, Torio 232, Actinio 227 y por intervenciones humanas el Neptunio 235. Particularmente, en la cadena de desintegración del Uranio 238 encontramos un elemento gaseoso radiactivo que puede difundirse en el agua o en el aire que respiramos llamado Radón222. Este gas radiactivo se encuentra en porcentajes importantes en la atmósfera de nuestro planeta Tierra. En este trabajo se muestras mediciones de Radón222 realizadas desde la azotea del edificio de Física (edificio de tres pisos) de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú situado en el distrito de San Miguel, realizadas durante cuatro años, con la finalidad de establecer fluctuaciones de este contaminante en el aire circundante. Las mediciones se hicieron aplicando la técnica de huellas nucleares y usando un detector de estado sólido, el polímero LR-115 tipo 2. Esta técnica permite captar las partículas subatómicas que emiten los elementos al desintegrarse y que al interaccionar con el detector polimérico dejan sus huellas o trazas; en este trabajo se demuestra que no solo se forman las trazas ocasionadas por las partículas alfa asociadas al Radón222 sino también se forman otro tipo de trazas que son analizadas teniendo en cuenta las diferentes fases del procedimiento de medición. Los resultados muestran las trazas asociadas a la presencia del contaminante gaseoso radiactivo Radón222 en el aire y la formación de las otras trazas son analizadas teniendo en cuenta la metodología usada y suponiendo que pueden ser asociadas a otros eventos de origen nuclear.Tesi

    Estudio de la contaminación ambiental debido a elementos radiactivos naturales

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    La presencia de materiales radiactivos en la corteza terrestre y en consecuencia en la super ficie, origina la contaminaci ón radiactiva natural en los diferentes materiales s ólidos, l íquidos, gaseosos; particularmente en el aire que se respira. Entre estos materiales radiactivos contribuyen a la contaminaci ón ambiental el uranio, el radio, el torio y sus respectivas cadenas de desintegraci ón, entre las cuales se encuentra el gas rad ón (222Rn) que se difunde en el aire; cuya presencia aumenta en zonas donde la actividad s smica es notoria o debido a otros eventos naturales, caso de la ciudad de Lima-Per ú. En este trabajo se muestran las mediciones realizadas durante dos a~nos consecutivos en la azotea del edi ficio de Fí sica (edifi cio de tres pisos) en la ciudad de Lima, con la finalidad de establecer las fluctuaciones de este contaminante gaseoso en el aire circundante. Las mediciones se hicieron usando detectores de nitrocelulosa (LR-115 tipo 2) y aplicando la t écnica de huellas nucleares. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten tener un indicador de la presencia de rad ón en el aire durante diferentes estaciones del a~no y tambi én de la presencia de otros posibles contaminantes radiactivos. El uso de esta t écnica permite obtener y estudiar las huellas que generan las partí culas que son emitidas durante la desintegraci ón del rad ón o por sus descendientes o antecesores; y nos permite discriminar entre las trazas de corto alcance o huellas de tipo lineal y otras huellas muy distintas obtenidas durante las mediciones. En este trabajo se muestran los resultados de las mediciones que son analizados de acuerdo a modelos propuestos.Tesi

    Power Spectrum Analysis of Far-IR Background Fluctuations in 160 Micron Maps From the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer

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    We describe data reduction and analysis of fluctuations in the cosmic far-IR background (CFIB) in observations with the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) instrument 160 micron detectors. We analyzed observations of an 8.5 square degree region in the Lockman Hole, part of the largest low-cirrus mapping observation with this instrument. We measured the power spectrum of the CFIB in these observations by fitting a power law to the IR cirrus component, the dominant foreground contaminant, and subtracting this cirrus signal. The CFIB power spectrum in the range 0.2 arc min^{-1} <k< 0.5 arc min^{-1} is consistent with previous measurements of a relatively flat component. However, we find a large power excess at low k, which falls steeply to the flat component in the range 0.03 arc min^{-1} <k< 0.1 arc min^{-1}. This low-k power spectrum excess is consistent with predictions of a source clustering "signature". This is the first report of such a detection in the far-IR.Comment: This is the version of the paper accepted by A&A, which includes various changes and new material. The superior-quality PDF with integrated figures may be downloaded at http://www-astro.lbl.gov/~bruce/spitzerpaper1/cfibaa_pub.pdf 15 pages, figures integrated with text. This paper supersedes astro-ph/050416

    The type Ib supernova 2010O: an explosion in a Wolf-Rayet X-ray binary?

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    The type Ib supernova 2010O was recently discovered in the interacting starburst galaxy Arp 299. We present an analysis of two archival Chandra X-ray observations of Arp 299, taken before the explosion and show that there is a transient X-ray source at a position consistent with the supernova. Due to the diffuse emission, the background is difficult to estimate. We estimate the flux of the transient from the difference of the two X-ray images and conclude that the transient can be described by a 0.225 keV black body with a luminosity of 2.5+/-0.7 10^{39} erg/s for a distance of 41 Mpc. These properties put the transient in between the Galactic black hole binary XTE J1550-564 and the ultra-luminous X-ray binaries NGC 1313 X-1 and X-2. The high level of X-ray variability associated with the active starburst makes it impossible to rule out a chance alignment. If the source is associated with the supernova, it suggests SN2010O is the explosion of the second star in a Wolf-Rayet X-ray binary, such as Cyg X-3, IC 10 X-1 and NGC 300 X-1.Comment: Accepted version. To appear in MNRAS

    An Observational Estimate for the Mean Secular Evolution Rate in Spiral Galaxies

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    We have observationally quantified the effect of gravitational torques on stars in disk galaxies due to the stellar distribution itself and explored whether these torques are efficient at transporting angular momentum within a Hubble Time. We derive instantaneous torque maps for a sample of 24 spiral galaxies, based on stellar mass maps that were derived using the pixel-by-pixel mass-to-light estimator by Zibetti, Rix and Charlot. In conjunction with an estimate of the rotation velocity, the mass maps allow us to determine the torque-induced instantaneous angular momentum flow across different radii, resulting from the overall stellar distributions for each galaxy in the sample. By stacking the sample, which effectively replaces a time average by an ensemble average, we find that the torques due to the stellar disk act to transport angular momentum outward over much of the disk (within 3 disk scale lengths). The strength of the ensemble-averaged gravitational torques within one disk scale length have a timescale of ~ 4 Gyr for angular momentum redistribution. This study is the first to observationally determine the strength of torque-driven angular momentum flow of stars for a sample of spiral galaxies, providing an important empirical constraint on secular evolution. (abridged)Comment: 24 pages, 18 Figures A high resolution version of this paper can be found at http://www.mpia-hd.mpg.de/~foyle/papers/MN-09-1350-MJ.pd

    Detecting microvariability in type 2 quasars using enhanced F-test

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    Microvariability (intranight variability) is a low amplitude flux change at short time-scales (i.e. hours). It has been detected in unobscured type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGN) and blazars. However in type 2 AGN, the detection is hampered by the low contrast between the presumably variable nucleus and the host galaxy. In this paper, we present a search for microvariability in a sample of four type 2 quasars as an astrostatistical problem. We are exploring the use of a newly introduced enhanced F-test, proposed by Diego. The presented results show that out of four observed target, we are able to apply this statistical method to three of them. Evidence of microvariations is clear in the case of quasar J0802+2552 in all used filters (g?, r? and i?) during both observing nights, and they are present in one of the nights of observations, J1258+5239 in one filter (i?), while for the J1316+4452, there is evidence for microvariability within our detection levels during one night and two filters (r? and i?). We demonstrate the feasibility of the enhanced F-test to detect microvariability in obscured type 2 quasars. At the end of this paper, we discuss possible causes of microvariability. One of the options is the misclassification of the targets. A likely scenario for explanation of the phenomenon involves optically thin gaps in a clumpy obscuring medium, in accordance with the present view of the circumnuclear medium. There is a possible interesting connection between the merging state of the targets and detection of microvariability

    Automating vertical services deployments over the 5GT platform

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    This article presents a system for 5G networks that makes it possible to meet the diverse needs of vertical industries simultaneously sharing the same physical infrastructure. Orchestration, network slicing, edge computing, and federation are key technologies enabling industry verticals to have their own virtual networks, which might require aggregating transport networking and computing fabric, from the edge up to the core and cloud. Three novel building blocks are defined to meet these challenges in an automated manner: a vertical slicer as the entry point to create services and request slices, a service orchestrator to manage the services and decide their placement and allocation of required resources, and a mobile transport and computing platform virtualizing infrastructure networking and computing resources in an integrated manner. An experimental evaluation of the developed system shows its feasibility and confirms some of the benefits expected

    On the nature of the extragalactic number counts in the K-band

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    We investigate the causes of the different shape of the KK-band number counts when compared to other bands, analyzing in detail the presence of a change in the slope around K17.5K\sim17.5. We present a near-infrared imaging survey, conducted at the 3.5m telescope of the Calar Alto Spanish-German Astronomical Center (CAHA), covering two separated fields centered on the HFDN and the Groth field, with a total combined area of 0.27\sim0.27deg2^{2} to a depth of K19K\sim19 (3σ3\sigma,Vega). We derive luminosity functions from the observed KK-band in the redshift range [0.25-1.25], that are combined with data from the references in multiple bands and redshifts, to build up the KK-band number count distribution. We find that the overall shape of the number counts can be grouped into three regimes: the classic Euclidean slope regime (dlogN/dm0.6d\log N/dm\sim0.6) at bright magnitudes; a transition regime at intermediate magnitudes, dominated by MM^{\ast} galaxies at the redshift that maximizes the product ϕdVcdΩ\phi^{\ast}\frac{dV_{c}}{d\Omega}; and an α\alpha dominated regime at faint magnitudes, where the slope asymptotically approaches -0.4(α\alpha+1) controlled by post-MM^{\ast} galaxies. The slope of the KK-band number counts presents an averaged decrement of 50\sim50% in the range 15.5<K<18.515.5<K<18.5 (dlogN/dm0.60.30d\log N/dm\sim0.6-0.30). The rate of change in the slope is highly sensitive to cosmic variance effects. The decreasing trend is the consequence of a prominent decrease of the characteristic density ϕK,obs\phi^{\ast}_{K,obs} (60\sim60% from z=0.5z=0.5 to z=1.5z=1.5) and an almost flat evolution of MK,obsM^{\ast}_{K,obs} (1σ\sigma compatible with MK,obs=22.89±0.25M^{\ast}_{K,obs}=-22.89\pm0.25 in the same redshift range).Comment: 18 pages, 22 figures, Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The COSMOS-WIRCam near-infrared imaging survey: I: BzK selected passive and star forming galaxy candidates at z>1.4

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    (abridged) We present a new near-infrared survey covering the 2 deg sq COSMOS field. Combining our survey with Subaru B and z images we construct a deep, wide-field optical-infrared catalogue. At Ks<23 (AB magnitudes) our survey completeness is greater than 90% and 70% for stars and galaxies respectively and contains 143,466 galaxies and 13,254 stars. At z~2 our catalogues contain 3931 quiescent and 25,757 star-forming BzK-selected galaxies representing the largest and most secure sample of these objects to date. Our counts of quiescent galaxies turns over at Ks~22 an effect which we demonstrate cannot be due to sample incompleteness. In our survey both the number of faint and bright quiescent objects exceeds the predictions of a semi-analytic galaxy formation model, indicating potentially the need for further refinements in the amount of merging and AGN feedback at z~2 in these models. We measure the angular correlation function for each sample and find that at small scales the correlation function for passive BzK galaxies exceeds the clustering of dark matter. We use 30-band photometric redshifts to derive the spatial correlation length and the redshift distributions for each object class. At Ks<22 we find r_0^{\gamma/1.8}=7.0 +/-0.5h^{-1} Mpc for the passive BzK candidates and 4.7+/-0.8h^{-1} Mpc for the star-forming BzK galaxies. Our pBzK galaxies have an average photometric redshift of z_p~1.4, in approximate agreement with the limited spectroscopic information currently available. The stacked Ks image will be made publicly available from IRSA.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. 17 pages, 17 figures, minor revisions to match published version available at http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010ApJ...708..202

    Stellar haloes of disc galaxies at z~1

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    Taking advantage of the ultra-deep near-infrared imaging obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope on the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, we detect and explore for the first time the properties of the stellar haloes of two Milky Way-like galaxies at z~1. We find that the structural properties of those haloes (size and shape) are similar to the ones found in the local universe. However, these high-z stellar haloes are approximately three magnitudes brighter and exhibit bluer colours ((g-r)<0.3 mag) than their local counterparts. The stellar populations of z~1 stellar haloes are compatible with having ages <1 Gyr. This implies that the stars in those haloes were formed basically at 1<z<2. This result matches very well the theoretical predictions that locate most of the formation of the stellar haloes at those early epochs. A pure passive evolutionary scenario, where the stellar populations of our high-z haloes simply fade to match the stellar halo properties found in the local universe, is consistent with our data.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures. Accepted in MNRAS. Replaced to match the published versio