30 research outputs found

    Bedeutungsgeschichte im neuen "Paul"

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    Lahja alkoholi reklaami vastuvõtt Eesti teismeliste seas

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    The aim of this Bachelor`s thesis „The perception of light alcoholic drinks among Estonian teenagers“ was to find out young peoples views about the subject that has caused a wide debate in Estonian media. As the debate has concentrated on teenagers as the most vulnerable target of the alcohol marketers, the purpose of this paper was to find out what the teenagers think about the advertisements themselves. Eight young people aged 14-17 viewed 2 advertisements from the year 2008 and described them with their own words. In addition to that they answered questions about alcohol advertisements in general. The findings show that the primary role that teenagers attach to advertisements is informative role. They also see the aspect of profit to the marketers and distinguish alcohol advertisements from other product advertisements. An interesting finding showed that the less young people have been involved with alcoholic bevarages, the less critical they are towards the content. Teenagers who already consume alcohol as a normal part of their life show a critical attitude about the content as well as try to find hidden messages that may be attached to the advertisements. The most interesting finding of this paper was the fact that brands are not that important. This explains why the informants say that concrete advertisements do not affect the decicion of buying certain products, but it also indicates that the advertisements have the power to create positive beliefs toward alcohol consumption as a part of normal lifestyle. Young people tend to replace expensive advertised brands with alternative cheaper ones. The methods used in this paper are adequate to answer the raised research questions, but it is important to note that this subject causes the problem of socially advisable answers. Regarding to this I would recommend to use other, more anonymous methods such as questionnaires with selective answers and essays, because it showed that young people often do not manage to say what they really think about various subjects. Using other methods combined with interwievs gives the option to create more profound discussion and draw a parallel between findings.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2450128~S1*es

    Coordination chemistry of the main group elements with phosphine, arsine and stibine ligands

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    Design phosphorzentrierter Januskopf-Liganden

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    Ziel dieser Arbeit war unter anderem die Synthese eines Januskopf-Liganden auf der Grundlage des N,P,N Liganden Di-2-picolylphenylphosphan und die Synthese der entsprechenden Metallkomplexe. Die erhaltenen Verbindungen sollten mit Hilfe von Einkristall-Röntgenstrukturanalyse untersucht werden. Januskopf-Liganden sind eine spezielle Form der hemilabilen Liganden. Sie haben mindestens zwei unterschiedliche Lewisbasen-Donoratome, wobei die räumliche Orientierung dieser Donoren entscheidend ist. Unter Verwendung der lithiumorganischen Verbindung nButyllithium und des Gruppe 14 Silylamids [Sn{N(SiMe3)2}2] konnte der dianionische Januskopf-Ligand [PhP(CHPy)2]2- hergestellt werden, wobei eine Koordinationsseite von der N,P,N bzw. N,P Klammer des Liganden ausgebildet wird, während in der entgegengesetzten Richtung das Metallion von den beiden negativ geladenen Kohlenstoffatomen chelatisiert wird. Neben dem dianionischen Liganden konnten ebenfalls Metallkomplexe mit dem monoanionischen Liganden [PhP{C(H)Py}(CH2Py)]- synthetisiert und charakterisiert werden. Während dieser Arbeit war es außerdem möglich Phosphorane zu synthetisieren, welche Sauerstoff, Schwefel oder Selen als Heteroatom haben. Experimentelle Elektronendichteuntersuchungen konnten die geminderte Reaktivität von [PhP(CH2Py)2LiCl]2 im Vergleich zum Reaktionsverhalten des Lithiumchlorid-freien Phosphans erklären

    German student jargon in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries /

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    Cover title.Season's greetings to our authors and friends 1982/1983De Smet, Gilbert A. R

    Oxidative Addition Versus Substitution Reactions of Group 14 Dialkylamino Metalylenes with Pentafluoropyridine

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    Dialkylamino compounds of group 14 elements (Si, Ge, Sn) in the +2 oxidation state supported by benzamidinate ligands were synthesized and treated with pentafluoropyridine. Two different modes of reactivity were observed, depending on the metal atom and the basicity of the substituent at the metal. Pentafluoropyridine undergoes oxidative addition reaction at the Si­(II) and Ge­(II) atoms whereas at the Sn­(II) atom substitution of the NMe<sub>2</sub> group by the para fluorine of pentafluoropyridine occurs. The C–F bond activation by the lone pair of germanium is the first report of this kind. The Sn­(II) fluoride obtained has an elongated Sn–F bond length and can be used as a good fluorinating agent. The compounds were characterized by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, elemental analysis, and X-ray structural analysis. Single crystal X-ray structural analysis of the tin fluoride shows an asymmetric dimer with weak interactions