65 research outputs found

    Putting Flourishing First: Applying Democratic Values to Technology

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    When product design teams gather at the whiteboard in big-tech office parks and startup garages around the world, they ask themselves: How will customers use our technology? Is it better than our competitors’? How much money can we make? But one question that’s rarely asked: does our technology advance human flourishing? In a new white paper by Harvard professor Danielle Allen and her colleagues Eli Frankel, Woojin Lim, Divya Siddarth, Josh Simons, and Glen Weyl entitled “The Ethics of Decentralized Social Technologies: Lessons from Web3, the Fediverse, and Beyond,” the authors not only ask this question but offer a powerful framework for answering it. Drawing on the accumulated wisdom of democratic societies, the authors show that the values of democratic governance that have promoted human flourishing can be translated into a rubric for judging new technologies. In this short research brief, we unpack and comment on the four-step logic at the core of their case. Ultimately, their argument demonstrates the power and the challenge – and above all, the urgency – of placing human flourishing at the center of technology governance

    Quadriceps and gluteus medius activation with increasing task speed during a lateral step-down

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    Clinically, slower task performance is thought to increase task demands. Interestingly, few studies have explored altering task rate on electromyographic (EMG) muscle activity, particularly in the lower extremity.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/dpt_symposium/1034/thumbnail.jp

    The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey: Survey Design and First Data Release

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    The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey is a survey of 240,000 emission line galaxies in the distant universe, measured with the AAOmega spectrograph on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT). The target galaxies are selected using ultraviolet photometry from the GALEX satellite, with a flux limit of NUV<22.8 mag. The redshift range containing 90% of the galaxies is 0.2<z<1.0. The primary aim of the survey is to precisely measure the scale of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) imprinted on the spatial distribution of these galaxies at look-back times of 4-8 Gyrs. Detailed forecasts indicate the survey will measure the BAO scale to better than 2% and the tangential and radial acoustic wave scales to approximately 3% and 5%, respectively. This paper provides a detailed description of the survey and its design, as well as the spectroscopic observations, data reduction, and redshift measurement techniques employed. It also presents an analysis of the properties of the target galaxies, including emission line diagnostics which show that they are mostly extreme starburst galaxies, and Hubble Space Telescope images, which show they contain a high fraction of interacting or distorted systems. In conjunction with this paper, we make a public data release of data for the first 100,000 galaxies measured for the project.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS; this has some figures in low resolution format. Full resolution PDF version (7MB) available at http://www.physics.uq.edu.au/people/mjd/pub/wigglez1.pdf The WiggleZ home page is at http://wigglez.swin.edu.au

    Late Winter Biogeochemical Conditions Under Sea Ice in the Canadian High Arctic

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    With the Arctic summer sea-ice extent in decline, questions are arising as to how changes in sea-ice dynamics might affect biogeochemical cycling and phenomena such as carbon dioxide (CO2) uptake and ocean acidification. Recent field research in these areas has concentrated on biogeochemical and CO2 measurements during spring, summer or autumn, but there are few data for the winter or winter–spring transition, particularly in the High Arctic. Here, we present carbon and nutrient data within and under sea ice measured during the Catlin Arctic Survey, over 40 days in March and April 2010, off Ellef Ringnes Island (78° 43.11â€Č N, 104° 47.44â€Č W) in the Canadian High Arctic. Results show relatively low surface water (1–10 m) nitrate (<1.3 ”M) and total inorganic carbon concentrations (mean±SD=2015±5.83 ”mol kg−1), total alkalinity (mean±SD=2134±11.09 ”mol kg−1) and under-ice pCO2sw (mean±SD=286±17 ”atm). These surprisingly low wintertime carbon and nutrient conditions suggest that the outer Canadian Arctic Archipelago region is nitrate-limited on account of sluggish mixing among the multi-year ice regions of the High Arctic, which could temper the potential of widespread under-ice and open-water phytoplankton blooms later in the season

    Can a systems approach produce a better understanding of mood disorders?

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    Background: One in twenty-five people suffer from a mood disorder. Current treatments are sub-optimal with poor patient response and uncertain modes-of-action. There is thus a need to better understand underlying mechanisms that determine mood, and how these go wrong in affective disorders. Systems biology approaches have yielded important biological discoveries for other complex diseases such as cancer, and their potential in affective disorders will be reviewed. Scope of review: This review will provide a general background to affective disorders, plus an outline of experimental and computational systems biology. The current application of these approaches in understanding affective disorders will be considered, and future recommendations made. Major conclusions: Experimental systems biology has been applied to the study of affective disorders, especially at the genome and transcriptomic levels. However, data generation has been slowed by a lack of human tissue or suitable animal models. At present, computational systems biology has only be applied to understanding affective disorders on a few occasions. These studies provide sufficient novel biological insight to motivate further use of computational biology in this field. General significance: In common with many complex diseases much time and money has been spent on the generation of large-scale experimental datasets. The next step is to use the emerging computational approaches, predominantly developed in the field of oncology, to leverage the most biological insight from these datasets. This will lead to the critical breakthroughs required for more effective diagnosis, stratification and treatment of affective disorders

    The 2020 report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: responding to converging crises

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    The Lancet Countdown is an international collaboration, established to provide an independent, global monitoring system dedicated to tracking the emerging health profile of the changing climate. The 2020 report presents 43 indicators across five sections: climate change impacts, exposures, and vulnerability; adaptation, planning, and resilience for health; mitigation actions and health co-benefits; economics and finance; and public and political engagement. This report represents the findings and consensus of the 35 leading academic institutions and UN agencies that make up the Lancet Countdown, and draws on the expertise of climate scientists, geographers, and engineers; of energy, food, and transport experts; and of economists, social and political scientists, data scientists, public health professionals, and doctors
