90 research outputs found

    VÀÀrkohtlemise esinemine noorukite kÀitumissuhetes

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    W Serpentis-tĂŒĂŒpi kaksiktĂ€htede orbitaalperioodi muutlikkus

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    Improved analytical approximation to arbitrary l-state solutions of the Schrodinger equation for the hyperbolical potentials

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    A new approximation scheme to the centrifugal term is proposed to obtain the l≠0l\neq 0 bound-state solutions of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation for an exponential-type potential in the framework of the hypergeometric method. The corresponding normalized wave functions are also found in terms of the Jacobi polynomials. To show the accuracy of the new proposed approximation scheme, we calculate the energy eigenvalues numerically for arbitrary quantum numbers nn and ll with two different values of the potential parameter σ0.\sigma_{\text{0}}. Our numerical results are of high accuracy like the other numerical results obtained by using program based on a numerical integration procedure for short-range and long-range potentials. The energy bound-state solutions for the s-wave (l=0l=0) and σ0=1\sigma_{0}=1 cases are given.Comment: 17 page

    Bound States in one and two Spatial Dimensions

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    In this paper we study the number of bound states for potentials in one and two spatial dimensions. We first show that in addition to the well-known fact that an arbitrarily weak attractive potential has a bound state, it is easy to construct examples where weak potentials have an infinite number of bound states. These examples have potentials which decrease at infinity faster than expected. Using somewhat stronger conditions, we derive explicit bounds on the number of bound states in one dimension, using known results for the three-dimensional zero angular momentum. A change of variables which allows us to go from the one-dimensional case to that of two dimensions results in a bound for the zero angular momentum case. Finally, we obtain a bound on the total number of bound states in two dimensions, first for the radial case and then, under stronger conditions, for the non-central case.Comment: Latex, 27pp no figure

    Retinal regeneration

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    The goal of research on neural regeneration is to restore brain function following injury. To many, this suggests regrowing damaged axons and re-establishing the interrupted pathways. A second, but little studied aspect of brain regeneration, is the replacement of lost neurons. For example, in some animals the neural retina is reconstituted by regenerative neurogenesis following its partial or total destruction. Two separate processes underlying retinal regeneration have been described: transdifferentiation of retinal pigmented epithelial cells into retinal neural progenitors (in adult urodeles, tadpoles, and embryonic chickens), and alteration in the fate of photoreceptor progenitors intrinsic to the retina (in adult fish).Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/30297/1/0000699.pd

    The Youngest Victims: Children and Youth Affected by War

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    In 1989, the United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child declared, “[state parties] shall take all feasible measures to ensure protection and care of children who are affected by an armed conflict.” In addition to attempting to secure the welfare of children in armed conflict, the Convention went on to ban the recruitment and deployment of children during armed conflict. Despite the vast majority of sovereign nations signing and ratifying this agreement, this treaty, unfortunately, has not prevented children and youth from witnessing, becoming victims of, or participating in political, ethnic, religious, and cultural violence across the past three decades. This chapter offers an “ecological perspective” on the psychosocial consequences of exposure to the trauma of war-related violence and social disruption

    ExoClock Project III: 450 new exoplanet ephemerides from ground and space observations

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    The ExoClock project has been created with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the Ariel mission. It will achieve this by continuously monitoring and updating the ephemerides of Ariel candidates over an extended period, in order to produce a consistent catalogue of reliable and precise ephemerides. This work presents a homogenous catalogue of updated ephemerides for 450 planets, generated by the integration of ∌\sim18000 data points from multiple sources. These sources include observations from ground-based telescopes (ExoClock network and ETD), mid-time values from the literature and light-curves from space telescopes (Kepler/K2 and TESS). With all the above, we manage to collect observations for half of the post-discovery years (median), with data that have a median uncertainty less than one minute. In comparison with literature, the ephemerides generated by the project are more precise and less biased. More than 40\% of the initial literature ephemerides had to be updated to reach the goals of the project, as they were either of low precision or drifting. Moreover, the integrated approach of the project enables both the monitoring of the majority of the Ariel candidates (95\%), and also the identification of missing data. The dedicated ExoClock network effectively supports this task by contributing additional observations when a gap in the data is identified. These results highlight the need for continuous monitoring to increase the observing coverage of the candidate planets. Finally, the extended observing coverage of planets allows us to detect trends (TTVs - Transit Timing Variations) for a sample of 19 planets. All products, data, and codes used in this work are open and accessible to the wider scientific community.Comment: Recommended for publication to ApJS (reviewer's comments implemented). Main body: 13 pages, total: 77 pages, 7 figures, 7 tables. Data available at http://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/P298

    Feasibility work to inform the design of a randomized clinical trial of wound dressings in elective and unplanned abdominal surgery

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    Background: Designing RCTs in surgery requires consideration of existing evidence, stakeholders' views and emerging interventions, to ensure that research questions are relevant to patients, surgeons and the health service. When there is uncertainty about RCT design, feasibility work is recommended. This study aimed to assess how feasibility work could inform the design of a future pilot study and RCT (Bluebelle, HTA ‐ 12/200/04). Methods: This was a prospective survey of dressings used to cover abdominal wounds. Surgical trainees from 25 hospitals were invited to participate. Information on patient risk factors, operation type and type of wound dressings used was recorded for elective and unplanned abdominal procedures over a 2‐week interval. The types of dressing used were summarized, and associations with operation type and patient risk factors explored. Results: Twenty hospitals participated, providing data from 727 patients (1794 wounds). Wounds were predominantly covered with basic dressings (1203 of 1769, 68·0 per cent) and tissue adhesive was used in 27·4 per cent (485 of 1769); dressing type was missing for 25 wounds. Just 3·6 per cent of wounds (63 of 1769) did not have a dressing applied at the end of the procedure. There was no evidence of an association between type of dressing used and patient risk factors, type of operation, or elective and unscheduled surgery. Conclusion: Based on the findings from this large study of current practice, the pilot study design has evolved. The inclusion criteria have expanded to encompass patients undergoing unscheduled surgery, and tissue adhesive as a dressing will be evaluated as an additional intervention group. Collaborative methods are recommended to inform the design of RCTs in surgery, helping to ensure they are relevant to current practice

    Impact of subsidies for wood processing enterprises

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    Puidutööstus on töötleva tööstuse majandusharu, mis tegeleb puidu töötlemisega. Puidutööstus jaguneb kolmeks valdkonnaks – puidu töötlemine (sh puit-, korktoodete ja punutiste tootmine); paberi- ja paberitoodete tootmine ja mööbli tootmine. KĂ€esolevas töös vaadeldi puidutööstussektori kolmest valdkonnast ĂŒht – puidutöötlemise valdkonda. Vaatluse all olid just puidutöötlemisega tegelevad ettevĂ”tted ning neile antud toetused, sest tegemist on puidutöötlemise sektori suurima ja Eesti jaoks ĂŒhe ĂŒliolulise valdkonnaga. Seni on Eestis aga suhteliselt vĂ€he uuritud puidutöötlemise valdkonda ning toetuste mĂ”ju ettevĂ”tetele. Puidutöötlemise valdkond piiritleti antud töö raames Eesti majanduse tegevusalade klassifikaatori EMTAK 2008 koodiga 16. Nimetatud valdkonda jÀÀvad ettevĂ”tted, mis tegelevad puittoodete tootmisega. Antud töö eesmĂ€rk oli analĂŒĂŒsida perioodil 2006-2008 makstud ekspordi-, nĂ”ustamis-, koolitus- ja investeeringutoetuste mĂ”ju puidutöötlemise valdkonna ettevĂ”tete majandusnĂ€itajatele, vĂ”rrelda neid nĂ€itajaid toetust mitte saanud ettevĂ”tete nĂ€itajatega ning teha saadud tulemustest jĂ€reldused toetuste mĂ”ju kohta ettevĂ”tete kĂ€ibe- ja pĂ”hivarale, omakapitalile, mĂŒĂŒgitulule, töötajate arvule, vĂ”lakordajale ning pĂ”hivara tootlikkusele ja rentaablusele. Puidutöötlemise valdkonna vaatlemisel selgus, et perioodil 2005-2010 on puidutöötlemise valdkonnas olnud kolm perioodi: ‱ aastatel 2005-2007 kasvuperiood (majandustĂ”usu aeg), mil ettevĂ”tted ĂŒldiselt laienesid ja mĂŒĂŒgitulud suurenesid; ‱ aastatel 2008-2009 langusperiood (majandussurutise aeg), mil vĂ€henes ettevĂ”tete arv, ettevĂ”tted minimeerisid tootmiskulusid (vĂ€henes töötajate arv) ning vĂ€henes mĂŒĂŒgitulu ja investeerimismaht; ‱ 2010.a turgude taasaktiviseerumine, mil on hakanud suurenema ĂŒle kahe aasta nii ettevĂ”tete, kui neis töötavate inimeste arv ning tootmismahud ja seelĂ€bi ka mĂŒĂŒgitulu ning ekspordimahud. MajandusnĂ€itajate vaatlemisel selgus, et nii toetust saanud kui toetust mitte saanud ettevĂ”tetel suurenes perioodil 2006-2010 teistest nĂ€itajatest enam omakapitali ja kĂ€ibevarade maht. See nĂ€itab, et ettevĂ”tted pĂŒĂŒavad muuta oma majandusseisu stabiilsemaks ja sellest tulenevalt ka jĂ€tkusuutlikumaks. Toetust saanud ja toetust mitte saanud ettevĂ”tete analĂŒĂŒsimisel nĂ€htus, et koguni iga neljas perioodil 2006-2008 toetust saanud ettevĂ”te on oma tegevuse lĂ”petanud vĂ”i raskustes. Toetusmeetmete lĂ”ikes on enim raskustesse sattunud nĂ”ustamis- vĂ”i koolitustoetust ja investeeringutoetust saanud ettevĂ”tted (mĂ”lemal juhul umbes 22% nimetatud toetusliigi raames toetust saanutest). Tegevuse on 2012. a aprilli lĂ”pu seisuga lĂ”petanud 12,6% perioodil 2006-2008 toetust saanud ettevĂ”tetest (kustutatud vĂ”i pankrotis). Suur pankrotistunud vĂ”i kustutatud ettevĂ”tete osakaal tuleneb kindlasti vaadeldud perioodi jÀÀnud raskest ĂŒlemaailmsest majandusolukorrast. Suureks vĂ”i pikemaajaliseks maksuvĂ”lglaseks osutus 21.04.2012 seisuga 7% toetuse saajatest ja 5% toetust mitte saanud ettevĂ”tetest. Suhteliselt samas suurusjĂ€rgus olev maksuvĂ”lga omavate ettevĂ”tete osakaal nĂ€itas, et toetuse saamine vĂ”i mittesaamine ei mĂ”juta oluliselt ettevĂ”tte vĂ”imekust kanda oma kohustusi riigi ees. Toetuste positiivne mĂ”ju ettevĂ”tete majandusnĂ€itajatele avaldus kolmel korral. Selgus, et toetustel on positiivne mĂ”ju ettevĂ”tete töötajate arvule just keerulisemates majandusoludes, soodustades kiiremat kohanemist uutes turutingimustes. Lisaks avaldus positiivne mĂ”ju ka nĂ”ustamistoetusel ettevĂ”tete omakapitali suurenemisele. Kui vaadata toetust mitte saanud ettevĂ”tete omakapitali muutumist, siis tĂ”enĂ€oliselt oleks neis ettevĂ”tetes omakapital suurenenud ka ilma toetust maksmata, kuid siis tĂ”enĂ€oliselt perioodi jooksul vĂ€iksemas mahus. Kolmas koht, kus avaldus toetuste positiivne mĂ”ju, oli vĂ”lakordaja vaatlemine. Toetust saanud ettevĂ”tete vĂ”lakordaja oli teisel ja kolmandal aastal peale investeeringu tegemist vĂ€iksem kui toetust mitte saanud ettevĂ”tetel. Toetust saanud ettevĂ”tted tegid toetuse raames suuremaid investeeringuid lĂŒhema aja jooksul, mistĂ”ttu vĂ”eti enam lĂŒhiajalisi kohustusi, erinevalt toetust mitte saanud ettevĂ”tetest. Toetust saanud ettevĂ”tted on suutnud enamiku vĂ”etud kohustustest ka tasuda. Toetust mitte saanud ettevĂ”tted on investeerinud samal ajal vĂ€iksemas mahus, kuid pidevalt (igal aastal natuke), mistĂ”ttu vĂ”lakordaja on suurenenud perioodi keskmisena isegi enam kui toetust saanud ettevĂ”tetes. Toetuste andmisega ei kaasnenud olulist mĂ”ju vaadeldud perioodil puidutöötlemise valdkonna ettevĂ”tete pĂ”hi- ja kĂ€ibevara vÀÀrtuse muutumisele.Toetuste negatiivne mĂ”ju avaldus investeeringu- ja eksporditoetuste saamise korral ettevĂ”tte omakapitali muutusele, mis oli toetuse andmise aastal ja sellele jĂ€rgneval aastal pigem negatiivne. Samuti avaldas toetuse saamine ettevĂ”tetes negatiivset mĂ”ju tööjĂ”u tootlikkuse kasvule. Seda eeskĂ€tt just ekspordi- ja investeeringutoetust saanud ettevĂ”tete korral. Nimetatud ettevĂ”tete töötajate tulemuslikkus on pĂ€rast toetuse saamist teiste ettevĂ”tetega vĂ”rreldes pigem vĂ€henenud. Nende ettevĂ”tete töötajad, kes said nĂ”ustamistoetust, on teistest toetust saanud ettevĂ”tetest ning toetust mitte saanud ettevĂ”tetest tootlikumad, kuid jÀÀvad siiski alla valdkonna keskmisele nĂ€itajale. Lisaks selgus, et olenemata asjaoludest teenib toetust saanud ettevĂ”te keskmiselt enam kasumit, kuigi nende pĂ”hivara rentaablus on madalam kui toetust mitte saanud ettevĂ”tetel. PĂ”hjuseks on asjaolu, et toetust saanud ettevĂ”tetel on pĂ”hivara mĂ€rksa enam kui toetust mitte saanud ettevĂ”tetel, mistĂ”ttu rentaabluse tĂ”stmiseks oleks vaja tulemuslikkust (efektiivsust) tĂ”sta. Ka pĂ”hivara tootlikkus on toetust mitte saanud ettevĂ”tetes parem.Manufacture of wood is one of the three fields in the timber industry. This thesis examined manufacturers of wood as well as the subsidies they have received as this is the largest field in the wood manufacturing sector and extremely important for Estonia. For the purposes of this thesis, the manufacture of wood was delimited to code 16 of the Estonian classification of economic activities (hereinafter: EMTAK 2008). Said field covers companies engaged in the manufacture of products of wood. This thesis aimed to analyse the impact of the export, consultation, training and investment subsidies granted in 2006−2008 on the economic indicators of the companies in the field of wood manufacturing, compare these indicators with those of the companies that did not receive subsidies, and draw conclusions based on the results about the impact of the subsidies on the current and fixed assets, equity capital, sales revenue, staff numbers, debt coefficient, and the yield and ROE of the fixed assets of the companies. Examination of the field of wood manufacturing indicated that there were three distinct periods in the field of wood manufacturing over the period of 2005−2010: ‱ 2005−2007 was a growth period (economic upturn) when companies were generally expanding and sales revenues increasing; ‱ 2008−2009 was a downturn period (economic recession) when the number of companies decreased, companies minimised production costs (number of employees decreased) and sales revenue and investment volume decreased; ‱ recovery of markets in 2010 when over two years, both the number of companies and the number of people employed at these have started to increase, thus increasing production volumes and also sales revenue and export volumes. Having analysed the companies that were subsidised and those that were not, it appeared that as many as every fourth company that was subsidised in the period 2006−2008 has discontinued business or is in difficulties. As of the end of April 2012, 12.6% of the companies that were subsidised in the period 2006−2008 have been dissolved (deleted from register or bankrupt). As of 21 April 2012, there were respectively 7% and 5% of subsidised and non-subsidised companies among those that have large or long-term tax arrears. The proportion of companies that had a rather similar level of tax arrears indicated that subsidisation or non-subsidisation has no significant effect on the ability of a company to fulfil its obligations towards the state. The positive impact of subsidies on the economic indicators of companies manifested itself mainly through staff numbers. It appeared that subsidies have a positive impact on the preservation or increase of the number of staff mainly in more complex economic situations and that they facilitate a faster adaptation to the new market conditions. Subsidies did not have any significant impact on the changes in the value of the fixed and current assets of the manufacturers of wood. The negative effect of the subsidies manifested itself in the change in a company’s equity capital in cases where investment and export subsidies had been received, and the change was mainly negative during the year of subsidisation and the year following it. Moreover, subsidies had a negative impact on the increase in labour productivity of the companies. This was mainly the case with the companies that had been granted export and investment subsidies. After the receipt of subsidies, the staff productivity at these companies has mainly decreased when we compare them to other companies. In addition, it appeared that regardless of the fact that a company that has been subsidised generally makes more profit, the ROE of its fixed assets is lower than that of the companies that have not been subsidised. Likewise, ROE is generally also better in unsubsidised companies
