12 research outputs found

    Novi nalazi vrsta Penestoglossa dardoinella (Millière, 1863) I Eochorica balcanica (Rebel, 1919) (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) na Balkanskom poluotoku

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    Penestoglossa dardoinella (Millière, 1863) was found for the first time in Bulgaria. Finding of this species in southeastern Bulgaria extends its known distribution further to the east. Additional records are given for Greece and one is confirmed for Croatia. New and confirmed records of Eochorica balcanica (Rebel, 1919) are provided for Bulgaria, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Greece. This species has also been collected in southern Serbia which makes it a new member of the Serbian fauna. Previously published data on these two species and new data are presented on the map.Penestoglossa dardoinella (Millière, 1863) nađena je prvi put u Bugarskoj. Nalaz ove vrste u jugoistočnoj Bugarskoj proširuje njeno poznato rasprostranjenje dalje na istok. Daju se dodatni nalazi za Grčku i jedan potvrđen za Hrvatsku. Novi i potvrđeni nalazi Eochorica balcanica (Rebel, 1919) se daju za Bugarsku, bivšu jugoslavensku Republiku Makedoniju i Grčku. Ova vrsta je prikupljena i u južnoj Srbiji što je čini novim članom faune Srbije. Prethodno publicirani podaci o ovim vrstama i novi podaci prikazani su na karti


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    Review of Antlions (Insecta: Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) in North Macedonia

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    We present the state of knowledge on the family Myrmeleontidae occurring in North Macedonia based on published records, museum specimens and new samples, and provide a comprehensive species list. North Macedonia represents only 3.9% of the area of the Balkan Peninsula but harbours 19 species belonging to 14 antlion genera, i.e., 61% of the peninsular fauna. We report collection localities, literature records and biological data for each species. Three species, Nemoleon poecilopterus, Neuroleon assimilis and Myrmeleon inconspicuus, are reported for the first time in North Macedonia. The genus Nemoleon Navás is also reported for the first time in the country

    A new species of Elegia (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Phycitinae) from the Balkan Peninsula

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    Elegia occultalis Plant, sp. nov. (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Phycitinae) is described from the Balkans and compared with related species. Adults and male and female genitalia of the new species are illustrated

    Diversity in warning coloration: selective paradox or the norm?

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    Aposematic theory has historically predicted that predators should select for warning signals to converge on a single form, as a result of frequency-dependent learning. However, widespread variation in warning signals is observed across closely related species, populations and, most problematically for evolutionary biologists, among individuals in the same population. Recent research has yielded an increased awareness of this diversity, challenging the paradigm of signal monomorphy in aposematic animals. Here we provide a comprehensive synthesis of these disparate lines of investigation, identifying within them three broad classes of explanation for variation in aposematic warning signals: genetic mechanisms, differences among predators and predator behaviour, and alternative selection pressures upon the signal. The mechanisms producing warning coloration are also important. Detailed studies of the genetic basis of warning signals in some species, most notably Heliconius butterflies, are beginning to shed light on the genetic architecture facilitating or limiting key processes such as the evolution and maintenance of polymorphisms, hybridisation, and speciation. Work on predator behaviour is changing our perception of the predator community as a single homogenous selective agent, emphasising the dynamic nature of predator-prey interactions. Predator variability in a range of factors (e.g. perceptual abilities, tolerance to chemical defences, and individual motivation), suggests that the role of predators is more complicated than previously appreciated. With complex selection regimes at work, polytypisms and polymorphisms may even occur in Mullerian mimicry systems. Meanwhile, phenotypes are often multifunctional, and thus subject to additional biotic and abiotic selection pressures. Some of these selective pressures, primarily sexual selection and thermoregulation, have received considerable attention, while others, such as disease risk and parental effects, offer promising avenues to explore. As well as reviewing the existing evidence from both empirical studies and theoretical modelling, we highlight hypotheses that could benefit from further investigation in aposematic species. Finally by collating known instances of variation in warning signals, we provide a valuable resource for understanding the taxonomic spread of diversity in aposematic signalling and with which to direct future research. A greater appreciation of the extent of variation in aposematic species, and of the selective pressures and constraints which contribute to this once-paradoxical phenomenon, yields a new perspective for the field of aposematic signalling.Peer reviewe

    Zygaenidae (Lepidoptera) u zbirkama leptira Hrvatskoga prirodoslovnoga muzeja

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    We examined 581 specimens from the family Zygaenidae (Lepidoptera) from the Balkans and the surrounding area (Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia) in the collections of Croatian Natural History Museum in Zagreb. Almost all species occurring in Croatia are represented in the collections of the Croatian Natural History Museum. Despite the small number of specimens stored in this museum Zygaenidae of Croatia are well studied comparing with other countries of the Balkan Peninsula.Pregledan je 581 primjerak leptira iz porodice Zygaenidae iz zbirki leptira Hrvatskoga prirodoslovnoga muzeja sa šireg područja Balkana (Hrvatska, Makedonija, Srbija, Slovenija). U zbirci su pohranjene sve vrste koje su zastupljene u fauni te porodice u Hrvatskoj. Unatoč relativno malom broju primjeraka u zbirkama, porodica Zygaenidae u Hrvatskoj je dobro istražena u usporedbi s drugim dijelovima Balkanskog poluotok


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    Desertobia ankeraria (Staudinger, 1861) is a Natura 2000 target species and it is included in Anex II of EEC 92/43 Habitat Directive. It is strictly protected species in Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary. It is recorded for the first time in Serbia in Pčinja river valley near Trgovište at locality Vražji Kamen. The species was attracted to the light trap on March 15th, 2016. D. ankeraria usually inhabits inhabits xerothermic oak woodlands and caterpillars are feeding on leaves of Downy Oak Quercus pubescens Wild. and Sessile Oak Q. petraea (Matt.) Liebl. Such habitat and Downy Oak were found at Vražji Kamen during our previous research in southern Serbia

    Penestoglossa dardoinella (Millière, 1863) (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) recorded for the first time in Albania

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    In August, 2016 authors spent four nights light collecting in Albania. In this paper we present one new genus and species for Albania - Penestoglossa dardoinella (Millière, 1863)

    Prispevek k poznavanju mrežekrilcev - Neuropterida (Raphidioptera, Neuroptera) Srbije, zbranih v obdobju od 2015 do 2016

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    As a result of field studies in 2015-2016 in Serbia, mainly during two field collecting trips, four species of Raphidioptera and 65 species of Neuroptera were collected. The following species are reported from Serbia for the first time: Ornatoraphidia flavilabris (A. Costa, 1855), Phaeostigma pilicollis (Stein, 1863), Nothochrysa fulviceps (Stephens, 1836), Nineta pallida (Schneider, 1846), Apertochrysa ventralis (Curtis, 1834), Chrysoperla mediterranea (Hölzel, 1972), Hemerobius nitidulus Fabricius, 1777, Coniopteryx tineiformis Curtis, 1834 and Mantispilla perla (Pallas, 1772).Med terenskim delom v Srbiji v obdobju 2015-2016, predvsem na dveh odpravah, smo nabrali štiri vrste kamelovratnic (Raphidioptera) in 65 vrst pravih mrežekrilcev (Neuroptera). Naslednje vrste so nove za Srbijo: Ornatoraphidia flavilabris (A. Costa, 1855), Phaeostigma pilicollis (Stein, 1863), Nothochrysa fulviceps (Stephens, 1836), Nineta pallida (Schneider, 1846), Apertochrysa ventralis (Curtis, 1834), Chrysoperla mediterranea (Hölzel, 1972), Hemerobius nitidulus Fabricius, 1777, Coniopteryx tineiformis Curtis, 1834 and Mantispilla perla (Pallas, 1772)