1,322 research outputs found

    Segregación socio-espacial en la Región Metropolitana de Bogotá 2014

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    La segregación reporta especial interés en los estudios urbanos desde hace varias décadas, en particular en ciudades que, como Bogotá, que se han visto sujetas a diferentes presiones tanto demográficas como económicas. El espacio urbano expresa dichos movimientos y cambios sociales, en especial con la localización residencial de ciertos grupos que se distinguen de acuerdo a su capacidad de pago. El artículo presenta un análisis de la segregación a través de la distribución de la pobreza monetaria, para las 19 localidades urbanas de Bogotá y 20 municipios con los que conforma la región metropolitana. Se plantean un índice de disimilitud y otro índice de entropía que permiten concluir no solo la evidencia de patrones espaciales de segregación, sino la persistencia de trampas de pobreza.The segregation reports special interest in urban studies since some decades ago, in particular in cities as Bogota, which has been under different pressures both demographics and economics. The urban space expresses these movements and social changes, in special in household allocation of some group that they are noticed by its purchase power. The article presents a segregation analysis through monetary poverty distribution, for 19 urban localities of Bogota and 20 municipalities which conform the metropolitan region. We display a dissimilarity index and another of entropy; those permits conclude not only evidence of spatial patterns of segregation, but also the persistence of poverty

    Propiedades físicas de los suelos de los Llanos Orientales y sus requerimientos de labranza

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    Interactive pace approach to learning in physics : method and materials

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    This study has the following general objectives: first, to present in detail the techniques that the author has developed and used in designed the course and the final materials produced for am introductory physics course in Mechanics; second, to state and examine the important blended ingredients used to get a new strategy for teaching-learning in which and individualized pace together with a group interaction is used; third, to analyze a combination of structural and operational course where concept, structure formation, and problem solving are emphasized

    Liquens silicícoles de l'illa de Menorca (I)

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    Biometrical applications in tropical pasture and agro-pastoral research

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    "Biometrical Applications in Tropical Pasture and Agro-pastoral Research" illustrates, through selected Case Studies, the contribution of Biometry to pasture and agro-pastoral research in Tropical Latin America ( TLA ) in the last two decades. Its contribution is represented in research concepts, methodology, and practical research results that help increase land and animal productivity, human welfare, and efficient conservation and management of natural resources.The selected Case Studies were conducted in various countries of TLA, on the two major ecosystems of the lowland tropics: the Savanna Ecosystem , with 250 million ha, and the Tropical Forest Ecosystem , with 44 million ha. Each Case Study was part of the research agenda and strategy of CIAT (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, or International Centre for Tropical Agriculture, based in Cali, Colombia), the RIEPT (Red Internacional de Evaluación de Pasturas Tropicales, or International Network for Tropical Pastures Evaluation), the Agro-pastoral Research Network for the Savanna Ecosystem of Tropical America, and pasture and agro-pastoral research programs from Latin American National Agricultural Research and Development Institutions. Each Case Study aimed at solving concrete research problems of pasture and agro-pastoral research in TLA and has been published in relevant scientific media, especially in those addressing needs of Latin American researchers.The different Case Studies (presented in chapters 3 to 9) show a "gradient" in research scale: --from controlled, small-plot, multilocational agronomic research conducted at the Experiment Station to characterise and evaluate a large number of forage grass and legume ecotypes, to medium-size grazing experiments conducted to evaluate a smaller number of pastures (grass-alone or grass-legume associations) both at the Experiment Station and at the farm, ending with agro-pastoral experiments aimed at integrating research findings from the two previous research phases into economically attractive pasture-crop production systems--. Chapter 2 is of a conceptual nature. It summarises the role of Biometry in pasture and agro-pastoral research. The last chapter (chapter 10) deals with organisation and resources of Biometry Units in Latin American Agricultural Research Institutions and offers practical recommendations concerning the desired role of the biometrician as a true partner in research teams.Chapter 3 illustrates the selection process for promising forage grass and legume ecotypes and identifies promising material. Chapter 4 defines "adaptation niches" for an important pasture cultivar identified as promising by the previous case study: the legume Stylosanthes guianensis 184. Chapter 5 presents concepts and methods for the planning, design and analysis of grazing experiments, with emphasis on continuous designs for evaluating beef production. Chapters 6 and 7 present concepts, methods and research solutions concerning the design and analysis of milk and dual-purpose production experiments using Bos taurus and Bos taurus × Bos indicus cows, of different genetic levels, both at the Experiment Station and at the farm. Chapters 8 and 9 discuss concepts, methodology and research results concerning the planning, design and analysis of agro-pastoral experiments for the Savanna Ecosystem of TLA.</p

    Scrum methodology application analysis as PMI methodologies complement for projects control in software development

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    Se dan a conocer los conceptos básicos sobre el control del tiempo y el ciclo de vida de un proyecto según los planteamientos del PMI (Project Management Institute), para plantearlos como el soporte de metodologías como SCRUM, la cual replantea la manera en que se controlan los proyectos enfocados al desarrollo de software, tomando como premisa los constantes cambios que se presentan en estos proyectos.The article introduce the basic concepts about time management and projects lifecycle, following the Project Management Institute (PMI) approaches as a support to the SCRUM methodology, which rethink the way how the software development projects are being controlled taking into account the frequent changes inside themselves

    Influencia de una estrategia metodológica en el aprendizaje del concepto: estructura aditiva

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    78 páginas y anexosEl trabajo de investigación "influencia de una estrategia metodológica en el aprendizaje del concepto: estructura aditiva", centra su objetivo en analizar la influencia de una estrategia metodológica que involucra problemas aritméticos en el aprendizaje de la estructura aditiva entendida coma un campo conceptual. Los datas fueron obtenidos mediante talleres prácticos que desarrollaron un grupa de niños de grado quinto de un colegio publico de la ciudad de Bogotá, quienes solucionaron situaciones problemicas contextualizadas en intereses de las estudiantes. Los resultados revelaron que la aplicación de un plan de acción permitió un mejor.aprendizaje de los conceptos involucrados en el constructo teórico estructura aditiva, las avances en la superación de las dificultades presentadas fueron muy significativos. El trabajo investigativo permitió progresar en el estudio de la lógica matemática, puesto que este tipo de conceptas al parecer son bien conocidas por los estudiantes, aunque resultan confusos con sus elementos coma es el caso del algoritmo.The research work "Influence of a methodological strategy in the learning of the concept: additive structure ", focused its objective in analyzing the influence of a methodological strategy that involves arithmetic problems in the learning of the additive structure understood as a conceptual field. The data were obtained through practical workshops that developed a group of children from fifth grade of a public school in the city of Bogota, who solved problematic situations contextualized in students' interests. The results revealed that the application of an action plan allowed a better teaming of the concepts involved in the theoretical construct additive structure, the advances in overcoming the difficulties presented were very significant. The research work allowed to progress in the study of mathematical logic, since this type of concepts apparently are well known by students, although they are confusing with their elements as is the case of the algorithm.Magíster en Educación (Modalidad Investigación)Maestrí

    Domestic violence: international mechanisms and instruments

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    In matters of family protection as society’s fundamental core, the Colombian State has subscribed and ratified commitments, so woman and children are granted special protection. The purpose of the study is to collect all the information about the protection agreements that the Colombian State has subscribed and ratified with international organizations in charge of safeguarding human rights -at the international level-, expressed in the Political Constitution of 1991, and included as constitutional block. Based on a bibliographic and archive review, the aim is to demonstrate that, even with such normativity, there is no capability in our country to avoid that each day women and children are mistreated and murdered, which results in the rupture of peace and harmony within the family in Colombia.En materia de protección a la familia como núcleo de la sociedad, el Estado colombiano ha suscrito y ratificado compromisos para que la mujer y los niños tengan una protección especial. El estudio se desarrolló con el fin de recoger toda la información atinente a los convenios que el país ha suscrito y ratificado con organismos internacionales encargados de velar por la protección de los derechos humanos, expresos en la Carta Política de 1991 e incluidos como bloque de constitucionalidad. A partir de una revisión documental y bibliográfica se pretende demostrar que, aun con dicha normatividad, no se ha tenido la capacidad para evitar que cada día se maltraten y asesinen mujeres y niños, lo que rompe la paz y armonía de la familia en Colombia

    Evaluación del modelo de simulación CERES-maize aplicado a una variedad de maíz en oxisoles de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia

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    El modelo de simulación de crecimiento y producción de maíz (Zea mays L.) CERES-Maize bajo DSSATv3.5, se evaluó a nivel del trópico con datos experimentales del ensayo Culticore establecido por CIAT en convenio con Corpoica en el cual se estudiaron sistemas en monocultivo y en rotación con soya, en la Estación Experimental de Carimagua, localizada a 4°30' Latitud Norte y 71°30' Longitud Occidente, ubicada a 160 m.s.n.m., con una temperatura promedio de 27°C y precipitación anual promedio de 2.200 mm, en suelos bien drenados clasificados como Oxisoles Tropeptic Haplustox, franco arcilloso, Isohypertermico. Inicialmente se ajustaron los seis coeficientes genéticos de la variedad, los cuales se calibraron con base en la experimentación en campo en las localidades de Carimagua, Palmira y Santander de Quilichao. La evaluación del modelo presentó estrecha relación entre lo observado y lo simulado para las principales variables de respuesta. La validación con base en datos del experimento de campo Culticore presentó relación muy estrecha (r2 = 0.95) entre lo observado y lo simulado, lo cual indicó que el modelo explica acertadamente la producción de grano y de biomasa y otros parámetros como las épocas de floración y días a cosecha de la variedad. = Intensification of agricultural production on the acid-soil savannas of south America (mainly Oxisols) is constrained by the lack of diversity in acid (aluminum) tolerant crop germplasm, poor soil fertility and high vulnerability to soil physical, chemical and biological degradation. The model of simulation of growth and production of maize CERES-Maize DSSATv3.5, was evaluated to level of the Tropic. In 1993, a long-term field experiment was established in Carimagua, Colombia, (4°36 N, 71°19 W and 160 m altitude). The averange annual rainfall and temperature are 2200 mm and 26 °C, respectively, with a dry season from December to March in soils well drained have been defined as fine, kaolinitic, Isohyperthermic Haplustox (clay loam soil). In orden to study the influence of various systems on soil quality and system productivity on a savanna Oxisol. Initially there adjusted six genetic coefficients of the variety (Sikuani V110), which were calibrated by base in the experimentation in field in the localities of Carimagua, Palmira and Santander de Quilichao. The evaluation of the model presented narrow relation between the observed and the simulated data for the principal variables of response. The validation with base in information of the field experiment Culticore, it presented very narrow relation (r2 = 0.95), between the observed and the simulated data; which indicated, that the model explains good the production of grain and of biomass and other parameters as the epochs of flowering and days to harvest of the variety