59 research outputs found

    Rectenna thermal model development

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    Deploying rectennas in space requires adapting existing designs developed for terrestrial applications to the space environment. One of the major issues in doing so is to understand the thermal performance of existing designs in the space environment. Toward that end, a 3D rectenna thermal model has been developed, which involves analyzing shorted rectenna elements and finite size rectenna element arrays. A shorted rectenna element is a single element whose ends are connected together by a material of negligible thermal resistance. A shorted element is a good approximation to a central element of a large array. This model has been applied to Brown's 2.45 GHz rectenna design. Results indicate that Brown's rectenna requires redesign or some means of enhancing the heat dissipation in order for the diode temperature to be maintained below 200 C above an output power density of 620 W/sq.m. The model developed in this paper is very general and can be used for the analysis and design of any type of rectenna design of any frequency

    El franquisme i les manifestacions festives. L'estat actual de les investigacions

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    Treballs Finals de Grau en Història, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2013-2014, Tutor: Antoni Vives RieraEl plantejament del treball es basa en l’estudi de les principals interpretacions de com aquesta dictadura va determinar, partint de la base ideològica, les manifestacions festives i de cultura popular en el conjunt del territori espanyol però fent un èmfasi especial en els territoris de parla catalana. Per a tal propòsit, s’estableix una visió generalista del territori en funció de les anàlisis dels autors considerats més rellevants i es fa referència a diversos elements relacionats amb la cultura popular: des de la festa de les falles a València, la repressió d’elements lingüístics més focalitzats a la zona de Catalunya, fins al Carnaval, entre d’altres. Cal dir, emperò, que l’objectiu inicial del treball pretenia basar-se en l’afectació del franquisme a les festes de la població rural de la zona de les Terres de l’Ebre, tot i que no ha estat possible per escassetat d’estudis i investigacions sobre el tema

    Els escolars tonsurats de la catedral de Barcelona (S. XIV)

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    When we consider education during the 14th century, we tend to refer to the University. It is often forgotten that there existed institutions, such as cathedral schools, which dealt with the grammatical education of clergymen who were receiving the tonsure. This paper sheds light on the students of the cathedral school of Barcelona. Through the registrum ordinatorum of the Diocesan Archive, two pieces of information crucial to this research can be obtained, these are the number of students and their origins. We can therefore consider the cathedral school to be an educational institution of very notable success which, above all, offered the possibility of learning the trivium for free.When we consider education during the 14th century, we tend to refer to the University. It is often forgotten that there existed institutions, such as cathedral schools, which dealt with the grammatical education of clergymen who were receiving the tonsure. This paper sheds light on the students of the cathedral school of Barcelona. Through the registrum ordinatorum of the Diocesan Archive, two pieces of information crucial to this research can be obtained, these are the number of students and their origins. We can therefore consider the cathedral school to be an educational institution of very notable success which, above all, offered the possibility of learning the trivium for free

    So On Comunicació. Integració d’una empresa de comunicació cultural a les Terres de l’Ebre

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    Màster Oficial en Gestió Cultural, Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat d’Economia i Empresa , curs: 2015-2016, Tutor: Tino Carreño MoralesLa cultura a les Terres de l’Ebre és quelcom molt arrelat, degut que es tracta d’una zona on es manté la reminiscència de les tradicions i les pràctiques culturals d’abans de la transició democràtica. Això potser és degut pel fet que es tracta d’una zona eminentment rural, molt lligada al treball de la terra i consegüentment, al seguiment del calendari estacional. Per altra banda, també es tracta d’un territori que durant anys, s’ha mantingut aïllat en relació a la resta de Catalunya, ocupant una posició secundària davant el centralisme de la capital i la seva àrea metropolitana. És important tenir en compte aquests factors abans de realitzar qualsevol anàlisi que es plantegi sobre les Terres de l’Ebre, ja que contribueixen a conformar el desenvolupament intern i les seves relacions amb la resta del territori

    Revising Ecological Assumptions About Human Papillomavirus Interactions And Type Replacement

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2013.12.028 © 2014. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/The controversy over whether vaccine-targeted HPV types will be replaced by other oncogenic, non-vaccine-targeted types remains unresolved. This is in part because little is known about the ecology of HPV types. Patient data has been interpreted to suggest independence or facilitative interactions between types and therefore replacement is believed to be unlikely. With a novel mathematical model, we investigated which HPV type interactions and their immune responses gave qualitatively similar patterns frequently observed in patients. To assess the possibility of type replacement, vaccination was added to see if non-vaccine-targeted types increased their 'niche'. Our model predicts that independence and facilitation are not necessary for the coexistence of types inside hosts, especially given the patchy nature of HPV infection. In fact, independence and facilitation inadequately represented co-infected patients. We found that some form of competition is likely in natural co-infections. Hence, non-vaccine-targeted types that are not cross-reactive with the vaccine could spread to more patches and can increase their viral load in vaccinated hosts. The degree to which this happens will depend on replication and patch colonization rates. Our results suggest that independence between types could be a fallacy, and so without conclusively untangling HPV within-host ecology, type replacement remains theoretically viable. More ecological thinking is needed in future studies.Canadian Institutes of Health Researc

    Could The Human Papillomavirus Vaccines Drive Virulence Evolution?

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    Definitive version as published available at: Full Cite, http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2014.1069The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines hold great promise for preventing several cancers caused by HPV infections. Yet little attention has been given to whether HPV could respond evolutionarily to the new selection pressures imposed on it by the novel immunity response created by the vaccine. Here, we present and theoretically validate a mechanism by which the vaccine alters the transmission-recovery trade-off that constrains HPV's virulence such that higher oncogene expression is favoured. With a high oncogene expression strategy, the virus is able to increase its viral load and infected cell population before clearance by the vaccine, thus improving its chances of transmission. This new rapid cell-proliferation strategy is able to circulate between hosts with medium to high turnover rates of sexual partners. We also discuss the importance of better quantifying the duration of challenge infections and the degree to which a vaccinated host can shed virus. The generality of the models presented here suggests a wider applicability of this mechanism, and thus highlights the need to investigate viral oncogenicity from an evolutionary perspective.CIH

    Does diversity beget diversity in microbiomes?

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available on open access from eLife Sciences Publications via the DOI in this recordMicrobes are embedded in complex communities where they engage in a wide array of intra- and inter-specific interactions. The extent to which these interactions drive or impede microbiome diversity is not well understood. Historically, two contrasting hypotheses have been suggested to explain how species interactions could influence diversity. 'Ecological Controls' (EC) predicts a negative relationship, where the evolution or migration of novel types is constrained as niches become filled. In contrast, 'Diversity Begets Diversity' (DBD) predicts a positive relationship, with existing diversity promoting the accumulation of further diversity via niche construction and other interactions. Using high-throughput amplicon sequencing data from the Earth Microbiome Project, we provide evidence that DBD is strongest in low-diversity biomes, but weaker in more diverse biomes, consistent with biotic interactions initially favoring the accumulation of diversity (as predicted by DBD). However, as niches become increasingly filled, diversity hits a plateau (as predicted by EC).Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC

    Guía de seguimiento farmacoterapéutico sobre niño enfermo

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    Coordinadores de esta edición: Emilio García Jiménez y Martha Milena Silva CastroEsta guía tiene por objetivo facilitar la fase de estudio necesaria para realizar seguimiento farmacoterapéutico en el niño enfermo. En primer lugar se han tratado las características farmacocinéticas y farmacodinámicas especiales de los niños. Para, a continuación presentar las características de los problemas de salud más importantes en la población infantil, así como los tratamientos de tipo farmacológico o no, indicados para tratar estos problemas de salud

    Creació d'una infraestructura de dades espacials i publicació de metadades per a l'Ajuntament de Granollers

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    RESUM: El present treball final de màster tracta sobre el projecte desenvolupat en el marc de col·laboració entre el Màster en Tecnologies de la Informació Geogràfica (19ª edició) i l'Ajuntament de Granollers. Aquest treball té com objectiu el desenvolupament d'una Infraestructura de Dades Espacials (IDE) i la creació d'un catàleg de metadades per a l'Ajuntament de Granollers. Aquesta IDE permetrà gestionar i donar a conèixer el gran volum d'informació geogràfica que gestiona l'Ajuntament. La IDE s'ha implementat mitjançant l'eina de software lliure i de codi obert GeoNetwork. Aquest programari proporciona una interfície web que permet la creació, edició i consulta de metadades, la configuració del catàleg de metadades, la personalització de l'aspecte de la IDE i la visualització de dades geogràfiques mitjançant un mapa interactiu. A més, es poden realitzar modificacions en la IDE de caire avançat modificant el codi font, gràcies a que GeoNetwork és un programari de codi obert. Els resultats obtinguts són un catàleg de metadades avançat i de fàcil accés, estandarditzat a normatives ISO adaptades a sistemes d'informació geogràfica, a més d'una IDE amb un aspecte personalitzat als requeriments de l'Ajuntament. De les 477 dades geogràfiques gestionades per l'Ajuntament, 35 d'elles se'ls hi han assignat metadades. Finalment, el balanç d'aquest projecte ha estat positiu ja que ha assolit tots els objectius, tant generals com específics, en el temps planificat. Actualment l'Ajuntament es troba en la fase d'assignar un domini d'Internet a la IDE i realitzar la migració d'aquesta a un servidor informàtic adequat amb l'objectiu de permetre que els ciutadans tinguin accés obert al catàleg.El presente trabajo final de máster trata sobre el proyecto desarrollado en el marco de colaboración entre el Máster en Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica (19ª edición) y el Ayuntamiento de Granollers. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de una Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales (IDE) y la creación de un catálogo de metadatos para el Ayuntamiento de Granollers. Esta IDE permitirá gestionar y dar a conocer el gran volumen de información geográfica que gestiona el Ayuntamiento. La IDE se ha implementado mediante la herramienta de software libre y de código abierto GeoNetwork. Este software proporciona una interfaz web que permite la creación, edición y consulta de metadatos, la configuración del catálogo de metadatos, la personalización del aspecto de la IDE y la visualización de datos geográficos mediante un mapa interactivo. Además, se pueden realizar modificaciones de la IDE de tipo avanzado modificando el código fuente, gracias a que GeoNetwork es un software de código abierto. Los resultados obtenidos son un catálogo de metadatos avanzado y de fácil acceso, estandarizado a normativas ISO adaptadas a sistemas de información geográfica, además de una IDE con un aspecto personalizado a los requerimientos del Ayuntamiento. De los 477 datos geográficos gestionados por el Ayuntamiento, a 35 de ellos se les han asignados metadatos. Finalmente, el balance de este proyecto ha sido positivo ya que ha alcanzado todos los objetivos, tanto generales como específicos, en el tiempo planificado. Actualmente el Ayuntamiento se encuentra en la fase de asignar un dominio de Internet a la IDE y realizar la migración de esta a un servidor informático adecuado con el objetivo de permitir que los ciudadanos tengan acceso abierto al catálogo.The present MSc thesis deals with the project developed in the collaboration framework between the Màster en Tecnologies de la Informació Geogràfica (19th Edition) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the City Council of Granollers in Spain. The objective of this project is the development of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and the creation of a metadata catalog for the City Council. This SDI will allow managing and publishing the large volume of geographic information managed by the City Council. The SDI has been implemented with GeoNetwork, an open-source software tool. This software provides a web interface that allows the creation, edition and query of metadata information, the configuration of the metadata catalog, the customization of the SDI appearance, and the visualization of geographic data by means of an interactive map. Since GeoNetwork is an open-source software tool, advanced modifications of the SDI can be performed. The project outcomes are an easy-access advanced metadata catalog standardized to ISO normative conceived for geographical information systems, as well as a SDI with a personalized appearance that meets the City Council requirements. From the 477 geographical data instances maintained by the City Council, 35 of them have been assigned metadata. Finally, the balance of this project has been positive since it has achieved all general and specific objectives following the time schedule. Currently, the City Council is in the phase of assigning an Internet domain to the SDI and migrate it to a suitable computer server, with the aim of allowing citizens to have open access to the catalog

    Protective Microbiota: From Localized to Long-Reaching Co-Immunity

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    Resident microbiota do not just shape host immunity, they can also contribute to host protection against pathogens and infectious diseases. Previous reviews of the protective roles of the microbiota have focused exclusively on colonization resistance localized within a microenvironment. This review shows that the protection against pathogens also involves the mitigation of pathogenic impact without eliminating the pathogens (i.e., “disease tolerance”) and the containment of microorganisms to prevent pathogenic spread. Protective microorganisms can have an impact beyond their niche, interfering with the entry, establishment, growth, and spread of pathogenic microorganisms. More fundamentally, we propose a series of conceptual clarifications in support of the idea of a “co-immunity,” where an organism is protected by both its own immune system and components of its microbiota