1,198 research outputs found


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         Besides the holotype of Tityus cerroazul Lourenço, 1986 (Scorpiones: Buthidae), female from Cerro Azul, Panama Province, Panama, no additional specimens have been reported up to the present. Here we recognize that the holotype is an immature female, Tityus mongei Lourenço, 1996 is considered a New Synonymy of Tityus cerroazul, the previously unknown male is here described, new distribution records in Panama are presented, observations on its natural histoy, and the first known case of death of a child caused by the sting of a subadult male of this species. Diagnostic characters are discussed and illustrated, intraspecific variations recognized based on the examination of 16 specimens: 1 ♂ , 2 ♂♂ subadults, 8 ♀♀ y 5 immatures, necessary for the future recognition of this endemic species of Panama.        EspecĂ­menes adicionales al holotipo de Tityus cerroazul Lourenço, 1986 (Scorpiones: Buthidae), hembra de Cerro Azul, Provincia de PanamĂĄ, PanamĂĄ, no se habĂ­an reportado hasta el presente. En el presente trabajo reconocemos que el holotipo es una hembra juvenil, colocamos a Tityus mongei Lourenço, 1996, bajo su sinonimia, describimos al macho que hasta el presente era desconocido, presentamos nuevos registros de distribuciĂłn en PanamĂĄ, notas sobre su biologĂ­a y el primer caso conocido de picadura mortal de un niño por un macho subadulto de Ă©sta especie. Discutimos e ilustramos caracteres diagnĂłsticos importantes para reconocer a Ă©sta especie endĂ©mica de PanamĂĄ y las variaciones intraespecĂ­ficas basadas en el examen de 16 especĂ­menes: 1 ♂ adulto, 2 ♂♂ subadultos, 8 ♀♀ y 5 juveniles.  &nbsp


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      The genus Stephanopoides Keyserling (Araneae: Thomisidae: Stephanopinae) is reported from Panama for the first time. Males and females of two species, S. brasiliana Keyserling and S. simoni Keyserling, previously known only from South America, were found in Panama. Illustrations for both sexes and a key to their identification are presented. In addition, we present the first records of S. simoni Keyserling from Peru and consider Synema jocosum Banks (Thomisidae: Misumeninae) to be a junior synonymy of S. simoni Keyserling.  Se reporta al gĂ©nero Stephanopoides Keyserling (Araneae: Thomisidae: Stephanopinae) por primera vez para PanamĂĄ. Machos y hembras de dos especies del gĂ©nero se han encontrado presentes en PanamĂĄ, S. brasiliana Keyserling y S. simoni Keyserling, ambas eran previamente conocidas sĂłlo de AmĂ©rica del Sur. Se ilustran ambos sexos y una clave para la identificaciĂłn de las dos especies de Stephanopoides presentes en PanamĂĄ. AdemĂĄs, se reporta a S. simoni Keyserling por primera vez para PerĂș y se hace la sinonimia de Synema jocosum Banks (Thomisidae: Misumeninae) bajo S. simoni Keyserling

    Multiple and Precessing Collimated Outflows in the Planetary Nebula IC 4634

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    With its remarkable double-S shape, IC 4634 is an archetype of point-symmetric planetary nebulae (PN). In this paper, we present a detailed study of this PN using archival HST WFPC2 and ground-based narrow-band images to investigate its morphology, and long-slit spectroscopic observations to determine its kinematics and to derive its physical conditions and excitation. The data reveal new structural components, including a distant string of knots distributed along an arc-like feature 40"-60" from the center of the nebula, a skin of enhanced [O III]/H-alpha ratio enveloping the inner shell and the double-S feature, and a triple-shell structure. The spatio-kinematical study also finds an equatorial component of the main nebula that is kinematically independent from the bright inner S-shaped arc. We have investigated in detail the bow shock-like features in IC 4634 and found that their morphological, kinematical and emission properties are consistent with the interaction of a collimated outflow with surrounding material. Indeed, the morphology and kinematics of some of these features can be interpreted using a 3D numerical simulation of a collimated outflow precessing at a moderate, time-dependent velocity. Apparently, IC 4634 has experienced several episodes of point-symmetric ejections oriented at different directions with the outer S-shaped feature being related to an earlier point-symmetric ejection and the outermost arc-like string of knots being the relic of an even much earlier point-symmetric ejection. There is tantalizing evidence that the action of these collimated outflows has also taken part in the shaping of the innermost shell and inner S-shaped arc of IC 4634.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Structural mechanical simulation to optimize the sensor arm geometry to be implemented on cranial remodeling orthosis

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    For the treatment of moderate and severe cases of deformational plagiocephaly, an asymmetrical deformation of the skull, a cranial remodeling orthosis (CRO) is used. For the development of a new CRO concept, a pressure sensor grid is placed inside the orthosis that will allow the monitoring of excessive pressures and incorrect CRO positioning throughout the treatment. To implement the sensor grid in the CRO, high mobility of the sensor arms structure that joins the several sensors of this grid is required, however, it is intended that this procedure does not damage the printed copper tracks on the sensor structure. In this study, computer simulations were performed to optimize the sensor arm structure geometry, minimizing undesirable mechanical behavior in the sensor structure when subjected to tensile forces and displacements applied during its placement in the CRO. It was observed that the different sensor arm structures geometries have different effects on the mechanical behavior of the sensor structure when subjected to tensile forces and tensile displacement. The zigzag curve geometry presents the best performance based on high mobility without intense strain on the structure that could damage the printed copper tracks.511F-603F-4B30 | Francisco MirandaN/

    Disentangling superconducting and magnetic orders in NaFe_1-xNi_xAs using muon spin rotation

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    Muon spin rotation and relaxation studies have been performed on a "111" family of iron-based superconductors NaFe_1-xNi_xAs. Static magnetic order was characterized by obtaining the temperature and doping dependences of the local ordered magnetic moment size and the volume fraction of the magnetically ordered regions. For x = 0 and 0.4 %, a transition to a nearly-homogeneous long range magnetically ordered state is observed, while for higher x than 0.4 % magnetic order becomes more disordered and is completely suppressed for x = 1.5 %. The magnetic volume fraction continuously decreases with increasing x. The combination of magnetic and superconducting volumes implies that a spatially-overlapping coexistence of magnetism and superconductivity spans a large region of the T-x phase diagram for NaFe_1-xNi_xAs . A strong reduction of both the ordered moment size and the volume fraction is observed below the superconducting T_C for x = 0.6, 1.0, and 1.3 %, in contrast to other iron pnictides in which one of these two parameters exhibits a reduction below TC, but not both. The suppression of magnetic order is further enhanced with increased Ni doping, leading to a reentrant non-magnetic state below T_C for x = 1.3 %. The reentrant behavior indicates an interplay between antiferromagnetism and superconductivity involving competition for the same electrons. These observations are consistent with the sign-changing s-wave superconducting state, which is expected to appear on the verge of microscopic coexistence and phase separation with magnetism. We also present a universal linear relationship between the local ordered moment size and the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature TN across a variety of iron-based superconductors. We argue that this linear relationship is consistent with an itinerant-electron approach, in which Fermi surface nesting drives antiferromagnetic ordering.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, Correspondence should be addressed to Prof. Yasutomo Uemura: [email protected]

    When non-activists care: group efficacy mediates the effect of social identification and perceived instability on the legitimacy of collective action

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    In recent years, multiple social movements have emerged around the world. In addition, public surveys indicate the highest recorded levels of support for protest. In this context of acceptance of collective action, we examine the role of non-activists in the legitimacy of social movements, as this ‘passive’ support can contribute to social change. Given that antecedents of legitimacy have been neglected in the literature, we carried out a survey (N = 605) among a general sample of the population in Chile to shed light on this issue. We found that social identification with movements and perceived instability predicted the perceived legitimacy of protests by social movements, and that both variables had only indirect effects, through group efficacy. This suggests that perceiving social movements as able to achieve success can lead non-activists to perceive their actions as legitimate, highlighting the importance to movements of being seen to be effective

    Estudo de seguimento por dois anos de idosos residentes em SĂŁo Paulo, Brasil: metodologia e resultados preliminares

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    INTRODUCTION: Previous cross-sectional studies have shown a high prevalence of chronic disease and disability among the elderly. Given Brazil s rapid aging process and the obvious consequences of the growing number of old people with chronic diseases and associated disabilities for the provision of health services, a need was felt for a study that would overcome the limitations of cross-sectional data and shed some light on the main factors determining whether a person will live longer and free of disabling diseases, the so-called successful aging. The methodology of the first follow-up study of elderly residents in Brazil is presented. METHOD: The profile of the initial cohort is compared with previous cross-sectional data and an in-depth analysis of nonresponse is carried out in order to assess the validity of future longitudinal analysis. The EPIDOSO ( Epidemiologia do Idoso ) Study conducted a two-year follow-up of 1,667 elderly people (65+), living in S. Paulo. The study consisted of two waves, each consisting of household, clinical, and biochemical surveys. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: In general, the initial cohort showed a similar profile to previous cross-sectional samples in S. Paulo. There was a majority of women, mostly widows, living in multigenerational households, and a high prevalence of chronic illnesses, psychiatric disturbances, and physical disabilities. Despite all the difficulties inherent in follow-up studies, there was a fairly low rate of nonresponse to the household survey after two years, which did not actually affect the representation of the cohort at the final household assessment, making unbiased longitudinal analysis possible. Concerning the clinical and blood sampling surveys, the respondents tended to be younger and less disabled than the nonrespondents, limiting the use of the clinical and laboratory data to longitudinal analysis aimed at a healthier cohort. It is worth mentioning that gender, education, family support, and socioeconomic status were not important determinants of nonresponse, as is often the case.INTRODUÇÃO: Estudos transversais recentes mostraram alta prevalĂȘncia de doenças crĂŽnicas e incapacidades fĂ­sicas entre idosos. Considerando o rĂĄpido processo de envelhecimento do Brasil e as conseqĂŒĂȘncias que esse aumento de idosos com doenças crĂŽnicas e incapacidades associadas acarretarĂĄ para o sistema de saĂșde, fazia-se necessĂĄrio estudo que pudesse superar as limitaçÔes dos dados transversais, permitindo determinar quais os fatores determinantes de uma vida longa e livre de doenças incapacitantes, o chamado envelhecimento bem sucedido. É apresentada a metodologia do primeiro estudo epidemiolĂłgico longitudinal com idosos residentes na comunidade, no Brasil. MÉTODO: O perfil do cohorte inicial Ă© comparado com dados de estudos anteriores a com o perfil dos nĂŁo respondentes para avaliar a validade de anĂĄlises longitudinais futuras.O projeto EPIDOSO (Epidemiologia do Idoso) seguiu por dois anos 1.667 idosos (65+), residentes em SĂŁo Paulo. Consistiu de duas ondas, cada qual com trĂȘs inquĂ©ritos: domiciliar, clĂ­nico e laboratorial. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: O perfil da população nĂŁo diferiu de estudos anteriores, mostrando maioria de mulheres, viĂșvas, vivendo em domicĂ­lios multigeracionais, com uma alta prevalĂȘncia de doenças crĂŽnicas, distĂșrbios psiquiĂĄtricos e incapacidades fĂ­sicas. A despeito de todas as dificuldades inerentes a um estudo longitudinal, o grupo de nĂŁo-respondentes ao segundo inquĂ©rito domiciliar nĂŁo diferiu significativamente dos respondentes, assegurando anĂĄlises longitudinais livres desse tipo de viĂ©s. Em relação aos inquĂ©ritos clĂ­nico e laboratorial, os nĂŁo-respondentes mostraram-se mais velhos e mais incapacitados que os respondentes, limitando o uso dos dados clĂ­nicos e laboratoriais a anĂĄlises pertinentes a uma cohorte mais jovem e saudĂĄvel. Sexo, educação, apoio familiar e nĂ­vel socioeconĂŽmico nĂŁo influenciaram de forma significativa a taxa de nĂŁo - resposta, ao contrĂĄrio do que se costuma verificar.Universidade Federal de SĂŁo Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Standalone vertex ïŹnding in the ATLAS muon spectrometer

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    A dedicated reconstruction algorithm to find decay vertices in the ATLAS muon spectrometer is presented. The algorithm searches the region just upstream of or inside the muon spectrometer volume for multi-particle vertices that originate from the decay of particles with long decay paths. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated using both a sample of simulated Higgs boson events, in which the Higgs boson decays to long-lived neutral particles that in turn decay to bbar b final states, and pp collision data at √s = 7 TeV collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC during 2011

    Measurements of Higgs boson production and couplings in diboson final states with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

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    Measurements are presented of production properties and couplings of the recently discovered Higgs boson using the decays into boson pairs, H →γ Îł, H → Z Z∗ →4l and H →W W∗ →lÎœlÎœ. The results are based on the complete pp collision data sample recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider at centre-of-mass energies of √s = 7 TeV and √s = 8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 25 fb−1. Evidence for Higgs boson production through vector-boson fusion is reported. Results of combined ïŹts probing Higgs boson couplings to fermions and bosons, as well as anomalous contributions to loop-induced production and decay modes, are presented. All measurements are consistent with expectations for the Standard Model Higgs boson

    Favorable resuscitation characteristics in patients undergoing extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation:A secondary analysis of the INCEPTION-trial

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    Introduction: Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) is increasingly used as a supportive treatment for refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). Still, there is a paucity of data evaluating favorable and unfavorable prognostic characteristics in patients considered for ECPR. Methods: We performed a previously unplanned post-hoc analysis of the multicenter randomized controlled INCEPTION-trial. The study group consisted of patients receiving ECPR, irrespective of initial group randomization. The patients were divided into favorable survivors (cerebral performance category [CPC] 1–2) and unfavorable or non-survivors (CPC 3–5).Results: In the initial INCEPTION-trial, 134 patients were randomized. ECPR treatment was started in 46 (66%) of 70 patients in the ECPR treatment arm and 3 (4%) of 74 patients in the conventional treatment arm. No statistically significant differences in baseline characteristics, medical history, or causes of arrest were observed between survivors (n = 5) and non-survivors (n = 44). More patients in the surviving group had a shockable rhythm at the time of cannulation (60% vs. 14%, p = 0.037), underwent more defibrillation attempts (13 vs. 6, p = 0.002), and received higher dosages of amiodarone (450 mg vs 375 mg, p = 0.047) despite similar durations of resuscitation maneuvers. Furthermore, non-survivors more frequently had post-ECPR implantation adverse events. Conclusion: The persistence of ventricular arrhythmia is a favorable prognostic factor in patients with refractory OHCA undergoing an ECPR-based treatment. Future studies are warranted to confirm this finding and to establish additional prognostic factors. Clinical trial Registration: clinicaltrials.gov</p
