80 research outputs found
Arboricultura de lenho: o caso de uma plantação mista de folhosas nobres com uma espécie acessória fixadora de azoto
Em 1998, no âmbito do projeto PRAXIS XXI – 3/3.2/Flor/2127/95, foi instalado um ensaio de consociação de folhosas nobres: cerejeira (Prunus avium) Pa, carvalho (Quercus rubra) Qr e castanheiro (Castanea sativa) Cs, com a espécie acessória, robínia (Robinia pseudoacacia) Rp, em Vimioso (Latitude 41º 34’ 12’’ N; Longitude.6º 30’ 7’’ W e altitude de 700 m) antes da publicação do Decreto-Lei 565/99. O ensaio foi delineado em 30 parcelas de estudo permanentes num desenho experimental aleatorizado com 10 tratamentos e 3 repetições (T1 – Puro de Cs; T2 – Puro de Pa; T3 – Puro de Qr; T4 – Puro de Rb; T5 – Linha de Cs × linha de Rb; T6 – Linha de Pa × linha de Rb; T7 – Linha de Qr × linha de Rb; T8 – Cs + Rb alternadas na linha; T9 – Pa + Rb alternadas na linha; T10 – Qr + Rb alternadas na linha). Avaliações anteriores do ensaio demonstraram que Cs não apresentou ganhos em qualquer uma das consociações testadas pelo facto das condições edafoclimáticas do local serem consideradas limitantes para o bom desenvolvimento da espécie. Nesta fase de avaliação do ensaio consideram-se apenas os tratamentos relativos às espécies objetivo Pa e Qr. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o comportamento das espécies principais Pa e Qr em mistura com uma espécie fixadora de azoto (Rb). Espera-se assim melhorar a nutrição e o vigor das espécies produtoras de madeira de qualidade em estudo e, consequentemente, a sua forma e crescimento.
O ensaio foi avaliado em termos dendrométricos, sobrevivência, produtividade relativa das espécies objetivo e produtividade relativa total. Foi usada a regressão logística para modelar a sobrevivência das espécies objetivo na mistura. O teste Z de Wald utilizado demonstrou, para a Pa, uma elevada probabilidade de sobrevivência tanto no tratamento puro como nos consociados com Rb (64-75%). As restantes espécies estão associadas a baixa probabilidade de sobreviver devido, principalmente, ao insucesso verificado na fase de instalação (46 – 55% aos 10 anos) agravada pela forte geada negra na primavera de 2010. Atualmente a sobrevivência da Qr varia de 35 a 54 %. Comparou-se o crescimento entre os diferentes tratamentos, para cada espécie, usando o teste das diferenças mínimas significativas (LSD). A Pa mostra maior crescimento em altura na mistura linha a linha (T6) seguido do puro (T2). Evidencia-se uma relação de benefício direto de facilitação e/ou complementaridade proporcionado pela espécie acessória fazendo com que o crescimento médio da espécie objetivo em T6 seja superior à média do crescimento em altura observado nos restantes tratamentos (interação positiva). O ensombramento lateral proporcionado pela Rb no tratamento T6 favorece o crescimento em altura da Pa devido à maior frescura e proteção proporcionadas. O efeito da competição pela luz é visível no tratamento T9 onde se verifica também maior instabilidade devido a maior concorrência com a espécie acessória. Para a Qr o crescimento em altura no T3 não difere do T7 embora difiram do T10. A menor estabilidade da Qr no tratamentoT10 é devida à maior pressão competitiva observada não havendo compensação suficiente ao nível do solo uma vez que apresenta menor crescimento médio quer em altura quer em diâmetro. No tratamento T10 verifica-se um efeito depressivo da Rb sobre a Qr. O processo de facilitação também não é evidente no T7 uma vez que não difere do puro. O efeito da facilitação/complementaridade é evidente para a Pa consociada linha a linha.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Biological treatment for bullous pemphigoid
BackgroundBullous pemphigoid (BP) is the most common autoimmune subepidermal bullous disease. Topical or systemic corticosteroids are often used as the first-line treatment. However, long-term corticosteroid use may lead to significant side effects. Therefore, various adjuvant immunosuppressant therapies are used as steroid-sparing agents, with accumulating reports of biological treatments for severely recalcitrant BP.ObjectiveTo describe the clinical and immunological features of a series of patients with recalcitrant BP treated with immunobiological therapies. To assess the efficacy and safety of their therapies.MethodsPatients receiving biological treatment for BP from two centers were assessed. Here, we described the clinical, immunopathological, and immunofluorescence findings of adult patients with BP and analyzed the clinical response and adverse events associated with various biological therapies.ResultsWe identified nine eligible patients treated with rituximab (seven), omalizumab (three), or dupilumab (one). The mean age at diagnosis was 60.4 years, the average BP duration before biologic initiation was 1.9 years, and the average previous treatment failure was 2.11 therapies. The mean follow-up period from the first biological treatment to the last visit was 29.3 months. Satisfactory response, defined as clinical improvement, was achieved in 78% (7) of the patients, and total BP clearance was achieved in 55% (5) of the patients at the last follow-up visit. Additional rituximab courses improved the disease outcomes. No adverse events were reported.ConclusionsEfficient and safe novel therapies can be considered in recalcitrant steroid-dependent BP non-responsive to conventional immunosuppressant therapies
A new multibranch model for metals in river systems: Impacts and control of tannery wastes in Bangladesh
A new multibranch Integrated Catchment (INCA) model INCA-Metals has been developed to simulate the impact of tannery discharges on river systems. The model accounts for the key chemical reaction kinetic processes operating as well as sedimentation, resuspension, dilution, mixing and redistribution of pollutants in rivers downstream of tannery discharge points and for mine discharges or acid rock drainage sites. The model is dynamic and simulates the daily behaviour of hydrology and eight metals, including cadmium, mercury, copper, zinc, lead, arsenic, manganese and chromium, as well as cyanide and ammonia. The model is semi-distributed and can simulate catchments, tributaries and instream river behaviour. The model can also account for diffuse pollution from rural runoff as well as point sources from effluent and trade discharges. The model has been applied to the new Savar tannery complex on the Dhaleshwari River system in Bangladesh to assess the impacts on pollution levels in the river system and to evaluate a set of treatment scenarios for pollution control, particularly in the dry season. It is shown that the new effluent treatment plant at Savar needs to significantly improve its operation and treatment capability in order to alleviate metal pollution in the downstream Dhaleshwari River System and also protect the Meghna River System that falls in the Bay of Bengal
Definitions and outcome measures for bullous pemphigoid: Recommendations by an international panel of experts
Our scientific knowledge of bullous pemphigoid (BP) has dramatically progressed in recent years. However, despite the availability of various therapeutic options for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, only a few multicenter controlled trials have helped to define effective therapies in BP. A major obstacle in sharing multicenter-based evidences for therapeutic efforts is the lack of generally accepted definitions for the clinical evaluation of patients with BP. Common terms and end points of BP are needed so that experts in the field can accurately measure and assess disease extent, activity, severity, and therapeutic response, and thus facilitate and advance clinical trials. These recommendations from the International Pemphigoid Committee represent 2 years of collaborative efforts to attain mutually acceptable common definitions for BP and proposes a disease extent score, the BP Disease Area Index. These items should assist in the development of consistent reporting of outcomes in future BP reports and studies. © 2011 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc
Mucosal Pemphigus Vulgaris Anti-Dsg3 IgG Is Pathogenic to the Oral Mucosa of Humanized Dsg3 Mice
There are two major clinical subsets of pemphigus vulgaris (PV), mucosal PV (mPV) and mucocutaneous PV (mcPV). The mPV subset exhibits anti-human desmoglein (Dsg) 3 autoantibodies that fail to recognize murine Dsg3; thus, passive transfer experiments of mPV IgG into WT mice have been unsuccessful at inducing disease. We therefore generated a fully humanized Dsg3 (hDSG3) murine model utilizing a human Dsg3 transgenic animal crossed to the murine Dsg3 knockout line. Expression of hDsg3 in the mucosa rescues the murine Dsg3 knockout phenotype. Well characterized mPV sera bind mucosal epithelia from the hDsg3 mice, but not mucosal tissues from WT mice by as detected by indirect immunofluorescence. The majority of mPV sera preferentially recognize hDsg3 compared to mDsg3 by immunoprecipitation as well. Passive transfer of mPV IgG into adult hDsg3 mice, but not WT mice, induces suprabasilar acantholysis in mucosal tissues, thus confirming pathogenicity of mPV anti-hDsg3 IgG in vivo. Human anti-hDsg3 antibodies are detected in perilesional mucosa as well as in sera of recipient mice by immunofluorescence. These findings suggest that the Dsg3 epitopes targeted by pathogenic mPV IgG are human specific. This hDsg3 mouse model will be invaluable in studying the clinical transition from mPV to mcPV
National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic
Changing collective behaviour and supporting non-pharmaceutical interventions is an important component in mitigating virus transmission during a pandemic. In a large international collaboration (Study 1, N = 49,968 across 67 countries), we investigated self-reported factors associated with public health behaviours (e.g., spatial distancing and stricter hygiene) and endorsed public policy interventions (e.g., closing bars and restaurants) during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic (April-May 2020). Respondents who reported identifying more strongly with their nation consistently reported greater engagement in public health behaviours and support for public health policies. Results were similar for representative and non-representative national samples. Study 2 (N = 42 countries) conceptually replicated the central finding using aggregate indices of national identity (obtained using the World Values Survey) and a measure of actual behaviour change during the pandemic (obtained from Google mobility reports). Higher levels of national identification prior to the pandemic predicted lower mobility during the early stage of the pandemic (r = −0.40). We discuss the potential implications of links between national identity, leadership, and public health for managing COVID-19 and future pandemics.publishedVersio
National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic (vol 13, 517, 2022) : National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic (Nature Communications, (2022), 13, 1, (517), 10.1038/s41467-021-27668-9)
Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s) 2022.In this article the author name ‘Agustin Ibanez’ was incorrectly written as ‘Augustin Ibanez’. The original article has been corrected.Peer reviewe
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