745 research outputs found

    Language re-discovered: A death education intervention in the net between kindergarten, family and territory

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    The article presents the positive results of a death education experience, realized owing to a collaboration between school, family and territory. The project, with the scope of reflecting on topics of death and spirituality, included 46 children of 5 from kindergarten and 50 parents, and then mobilizing the entire community. Social services and public administration had a special role in this, aiming to guarantee the necessary support for the families in the existential reflections. The experience was monitored with participatory observation, via interviews and questionnaires. The children answered questions regarding death and spirituality during an open and sincere conversation with the teachers. The parents, who at home talked about certain pre-defined teams with the children, were asked to give their informed consent and were given a questionnaire with open questions ex-ante/ ex-post. All data were processed via qualitative analysis of the texts. The results are truly positive, showing that children are capable of facing the problem of death and are able to acquire a certain representation of the spiritual dimension. The parents, who in the beginning demonstrated some anxiety, eventually were greatly satisfied and expressed their willingness to continue to search for the connection between death and transcendence

    Garnets from Val d’Ala Rodingites, Piedmont, Italy: An Investigation of Their Gemological, Spectroscopic and Crystal Chemical Properties

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    In Val d\u2019Ala (Piedmont,Western Alps, Italy), the more interesting rocks for the mineralogical research are represented by rodingites (rich in mineralized veins and fractures) associated with serpentinites in the eclogitized oceanic crust of Piemonte Zone, south of Gran Paradiso Massif. Among the vein-filling minerals, garnets are the most appreciated as mineral specimens and, in less degree despite their vivid and rich colors, for their potential as gem-quality materials. This study provides a complete gemological characterization of five faceted samples and others new information by means of Synchrotron X-ray computed micro-tomography imaging gem features. Electron-probe microanalysis (EMPA) and laser ablation\u2013inductively coupled plasma\u2013mass spectrometry (LA\u2013ICP\u2013MS) established that the chemical composition of garnets from different localities, resulted both close to pure andradite, enriched in light rare earth elements (LREE) with a positive Eu anomaly, and grossular-andradite solid solution (grandite), enriched in heavy rare earth elements (HREE). X-ray powder diffraction analyses indicate the possible coexistence of almost pure grossular and andradite. A spectroscopic approach, commonly used with gem-like material, by Raman and diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy, completes the characterization of the samples. The new data on the textural and geochemical features of the grandite and andradite garnets suggest local growth processes under various chemical and oxidation conditions of metasomatic and metamorphic fluids interacting with the host-rocks. Garnets represent long-lasting mineral records of the complex geological history of the Val d\u2019Ala rodingitic dikes during their oceanic- and subduction-related metamorphic evolution


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    Satellite images are used widely in the risk cycle to understand the exposure, refine hazard maps and quickly provide an assessment after a natural or man-made disaster. Though there are different types of satellite images (e.g. optical, radar) these have not been combined for risk assessments. The characteristics of different remote sensing data type may be extremely valuable for monitoring and evaluating the impacts of disaster events, to extract additional information thus making it available for emergency situations. To base this approach, two different change detection methods, for two different sensor's data were used: Coherence Change Detection (CCD) for SAR data and Covariance Equalization (CE) for multispectral imagery. The CCD provides an identification of the stability of an area, and shows where changes have occurred. CCD shows subtle changes with an accuracy of several millimetres to centimetres. The CE method overcomes the atmospheric effects differences between two multispectral images, taken at different times. Therefore, areas that had undergone a major change can be detected. To achieve our goals, we focused on the urban areas affected by the tsunami event in Sendai, Japan that occurred on March 11, 2011 which affected the surrounding area, coastline and inland. High resolution TerraSAR-X (TSX) and Landsat 7 images, covering the research area, were acquired for the period before and after the event. All pre-processed and processed according to each sensor. Both results, of the optical and SAR algorithms, were combined by resampling the spatial resolution of the Multispectral data to the SAR resolution. This was applied by spatial linear interpolation. A score representing the damage level in both products was assigned. The results of both algorithms, high level of damage is shown in the areas closer to the sea and shoreline. Our approach, combining SAR and multispectral images, leads to more reliable information and provides a complete scene for the emergency response following an event

    Identification and characterization of Vitis vinifera subsp sylvestris populations in north-western Italy

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    The Italian peninsula, for its favorable environmental and geo-morphological conditions, can be considered an ultimate area for survival and development of Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris (Gmelin) Hegi, even though severely affected by human impact. Large surveys started in early 1990 throughout the country. At the time few regions, like Piedmont located in the north-west of the country, were considered lacking of wild vinifera. More recent prospection started several years ago, leading to the discovering of five vinifera sylvestris populations plus other sites with few individuals. The sites of discovery were described for their ecological features and the identified plants were referenced and characterized by morphology (18 descriptors from the OIV list) and genetics (14 n-SSR loci). The esteemed consistency of each population ranged from 20 to 150 individuals. Morphological and biological traits (dioecious plants, females producing very small roundish black berries), as well as genetic profiles, indicated the observed plants are true vinifera sylvestris. As to the ecological requirements, plants were confirmed to be highly dependent on water availability into the soil. The neighbor-joining (NJ) dendrogram resulting from SSR allelic pattern of the individuals belonging to the five populations and to one location with isolated plants, indicated population's genetic similarity broadly reflects site's geographic distance. Considering the numerous reports in the past, spreading and consistency of wild grape germplasm from the region of Piedmont severely decreased over a period of 100-150 years. The relative short distance from wild population's sites and vineyards must also be regarded as a worrying condition because of contamination risks. All means to avoid the loss of this native Vitis germplasm must be undertaken by protection policy and proper land management

    The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey: The build-up of the colour-density relation

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    We investigate the redshift and luminosity evolution of the galaxy colour-density relation using the data from the First Epoch VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey (VVDS). The size (6582 galaxies), depth (I_AB<=24) and redshift sampling rate of the survey enable us to reconstruct the 3D galaxy environment on relatively local scales (R=5 Mpc) up to z~1.5. Particular attention has been devoted to calibrate a density reconstruction scheme, which factors out survey selection effects and reproduces in an unbiased way the underlying `real' galaxy environment. While at lower redshift we confirm the existence of a steep colour-density relation, with the fraction of the reddest(/bluest) galaxies of the same luminosity increasing(/decreasing) as a function of density, this trend progressively disappears in the highest redshift bins investigated. The rest frame u*-g' colour-magnitude diagram shows a bimodal pattern in both low and high density environments up to z~1.5. We find that the bimodal distribution is not universal but strongly depends upon environment: at lower redshifts the colour-magnitude diagrams in low and high density regions are significantly different while the progressive weakening of the colour-density relation causes the two bimodal distributions to nearly mirror each other in the highest redshift bin investigated. Both the colour-density and the colour-magnitude-density relations appear to be a transient, cumulative product of genetic and environmental factors operating over at least a period of 9 Gyr. These findings support an evolutionary scenario in which star formation/gas depletion processes are accelerated in more luminous objects and in high density environments: star formation activity is shifting with cosmic time towards lower luminosity (downsizing), and out of high density environments.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, figures added, accepted by A&

    The XMM-LSS Survey: A well controlled X-ray cluster sample over the D1 CFHTLS area

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    We present the XMM-LSS cluster catalogue corresponding to the CFHTLS D1 area. The list contains 13 spectroscopically confirmed, X-ray selected galaxy clusters over 0.8 deg2 to a redshift of unity and so constitutes the highest density sample of clusters to date. Cluster X-ray bolometric luminosities range from 0.03 to 5x10^{44} erg/s. In this study, we describe our catalogue construction procedure: from the detection of X-ray cluster candidates to the compilation of a spectroscopically confirmed cluster sample with an explicit selection function. The procedure further provides basic X-ray products such as cluster temperature, flux and luminosity. We detected slightly more clusters with a (0.5-2.0 keV) X-ray fluxes of >2x10^{-14} erg/s/cm^{-2} than we expected based on expectations from deep ROSAT surveys. We also present the Luminosity-Temperature relation for our 9 brightest objects possessing a reliable temperature determination. The slope is in good agreement with the local relation, yet compatible with a luminosity enhancement for the 0.15 < z< 0.35 objects having 1 < T < 2 keV, a population that the XMM-LSS is identifying systematically for the first time. The present study permits the compilation of cluster samples from XMM images whose selection biases are understood. This allows, in addition to studies of large-scale structure, the systematic investigation of cluster scaling law evolution, especially for low mass X-ray groups which constitute the bulk of our observed cluster population. All cluster ancillary data (images, profiles, spectra) are made available in electronic form via the XMM-LSS cluster database.Comment: 12 pages 5 figures, MNRAS accepted. The paper with full resolution cluster images is available at http://vela.astro.ulg.ac.be/themes/spatial/xmm/LSS/rel_pub_e.htm

    Metabolic Syndrome and Heart Transplantation: An Underestimated Risk Factor?

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    Metabolic Syndrome (MetS), a multifactorial condition that increases the risk of cardio-vascular events, is frequent in Heart-transplant (HTx) candidates and worsens with immunosuppressive therapy. The aim of the study was to analyze the impact of MetS on long-term outcome of HTx patients. Since 2007, 349 HTx patients were enrolled. MetS was diagnosed if patients met revised NCEP-ATP III criteria before HTx, at 1, 5 and 10 years of follow-up. MetS was present in 35% of patients pre-HTx and 47% at 1 year follow-up. Five-year survival in patients with both pre-HTx (65% vs. 78%, p < 0.01) and 1 year follow-up MetS (78% vs 89%, p < 0.01) was worst. At the univariate analysis, risk factors for mortality were pre-HTx MetS (HR 1.86, p < 0.01), hypertension (HR 2.46, p < 0.01), hypertriglyceridemia (HR 1.50, p=0.03), chronic renal failure (HR 2.95, p < 0.01), MetS and diabetes at 1 year follow-up (HR 2.00, p < 0.01; HR 2.02, p < 0.01, respectively). MetS at 1 year follow-up determined a higher risk to develop Coronary allograft vasculopathy at 5 and 10 year follow-up (25% vs 14% and 44% vs 25%, p < 0.01). MetS is an important risk factor for both mortality and morbidity post-HTx, suggesting the need for a strict monitoring of metabolic disorders with a careful nutritional follow-up in HTx patients

    The evolution of the luminosity functions in the FORS Deep Field from low to high redshift: I. The blue bands

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    We use the very deep and homogeneous I-band selected dataset of the FORS Deep Field (FDF) to trace the evolution of the luminosity function over the redshift range 0.5 < z < 5.0. We show that the FDF I-band selection down to I(AB)=26.8 misses of the order of 10 % of the galaxies that would be detected in a K-band selected survey with magnitude limit K(AB)=26.3 (like FIRES). Photometric redshifts for 5558 galaxies are estimated based on the photometry in 9 filters (U, B, Gunn g, R, I, SDSS z, J, K and a special filter centered at 834 nm). A comparison with 362 spectroscopic redshifts shows that the achieved accuracy of the photometric redshifts is (Delta z / (z_spec+1)) < 0.03 with only ~ 1 % outliers. This allows us to derive luminosity functions with a reliability similar to spectroscopic surveys. In addition, the luminosity functions can be traced to objects of lower luminosity which generally are not accessible to spectroscopy. We investigate the evolution of the luminosity functions evaluated in the restframe UV (1500 Angstroem and 2800 Angstroem), u', B, and g' bands. Comparison with results from the literature shows the reliability of the derived luminosity functions. Out to redshifts of z ~ 2.5 the data are consistent with a slope of the luminosity function approximately constant with redshift, at a value of -1.07 +- 0.04 in the UV (1500 Angstroem, 2800 Angstroem) as well as u', and -1.25 +- 0.03 in the blue (g', B). We do not see evidence for a very steep slope (alpha < -1.6) in the UV at z ~ 3.0 and z ~ 4.0 favoured by other authors. There may be a tendency for the faint-end slope to become shallower with increasing redshift but the effect is marginal. We find a brightening of M_star and a decrease of Phi_star with redshift for all analyzed wavelengths. [abridged]Comment: 30 pages, re-submitted to A&A after referee comments have been taken into account, full-resolution version available at http://www.usm.uni-muenchen.de/people/gabasch/publications/gabasch_lfblue.p

    Changes in the use of anti-asthmatic medication in an international cohort

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links fieldThe aim of this study was to describe changes in pharmacotherapy for asthma since the early 1990s in an international cohort of young and middle-aged adults. A total of 28 centres from 14 countries participated in a longitudinal study. The study included 8,829 subjects with a mean follow-up time of 8.7 yrs. Change in the prevalence of use for medication was expressed as absolute net change (95% confidence interval) standardised to a 10-yr period. The use of anti-asthmatics was found to have increased by 3.1% (2.4-3.7%) and the prevalence of symptomatic asthma by 4.0% (3.5-4.5%). In the sample with asthma in both surveys (n=423), the use of inhaled corticosteroids increased by 12.2% (6.6-17.8%). Despite this, only 17.2% were using inhaled corticosteroids on a daily basis at follow-up. Females with continuous asthma were more likely, compared with males, and smokers with asthma, to have started using inhaled corticosteroids since the first survey. The use of anti-asthmatics has increased in a pattern consistent with current consensus on treatment. However, despite increased use of inhaled corticosteroids, a large majority of subjects with symptomatic asthma do not use this treatment on a daily basis, particularly males and smokers with asthma

    Clustering of the AKARI NEP deep field 24<i>Ό</i>m selected galaxies

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    Aims. We present a method of selection of 24 ÎŒm galaxies from the AKARI north ecliptic pole (NEP) deep field down to 150 ÎŒJy and measurements of their two-point correlation function. We aim to associate various 24 ÎŒm selected galaxy populations with present day galaxies and to investigate the impact of their environment on the direction of their subsequent evolution. Methods. We discuss using of Support Vector Machines (SVM) algorithm applied to infrared photometric data to perform star-galaxy separation, in which we achieve an accuracy higher than 80%. The photometric redshift information, obtained through the CIGALE code, is used to explore the redshift dependence of the correlation function parameter (r0) as well as the linear bias evolution. This parameter relates galaxy distribution to the one of the underlying dark matter. We connect the investigated sources to their potential local descendants through a simplified model of the clustering evolution without interactions. Results. We observe two different populations of star-forming galaxies, at zmed ∌ 0.25, zmed ∌ 0.9. Measurements of total infrared luminosities (LTIR) show that the sample at zmed ∌ 0.25 is composed mostly of local star-forming galaxies, while the sample at zmed ∌ 0.9 is composed of luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) with LTIR ∌ 1011.62 L⹀. We find that dark halo mass is not necessarily correlated with the LTIR: for subsamples with LTIR = 1011.15 L⹀ at zmed ∌ 0.7 we observe a higher clustering length (r0 = 6.21 ± 0.78 [h−1Mpc]) than for a subsample with mean LTIR = 1011.84 L⹀ at zmed ∌ 1.1 (r0 = 5.86 ± 0.69 h−1Mpc). We find that galaxies at zmed ∌ 0.9 can be ancestors of present day L∗ early type galaxies, which exhibit a very high r0 ∌ 8h−1 Mpc.</p
