4 research outputs found


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    U procjeni revolucionarnih promjena velik je dio znanstvene rasprave posvećen određivanju uvjeta pod kojima su se te promjene dogodile kao sredstvu objašnjavanja specifičnih revolucionarnih ishoda. Ta rasprava stvorila .je niz analitičkih modela. Od paralela s prirodom i anatomijom do strukturalne teorije teoretičari revolucija pokušavali su identificirati uvjete koji su postojali u državama i društvima i koji su doveli do revolucija. Različiti su teoretičari naglašavali različite elemente u predrevolucionarnim društvima, što je dovelo do multipliciranja pristupa, koji se razlažu u ovom članku.In assessing revolutionary change or change -from one political system to another, much of the academic discussion bas focused on determining the conditions under which revolutionary change occurs as a means of explaining specific revolutionary outcomes. This debate over the origins and implications of revolutions has produced a wide range of analytical models. From the parallels with natural history and anatomy developed by Lyford Edwards and Crane Brinton, to the structural theory of Theda Skocpol theorists of revolution have sought to identify the conditions leading to revolutions that exist in states and societies. Whether revolutions are characterized as pathologies, special forms of political violence, or as structural crises, they are described primarily in terms of the states and societies to which they pose a challenge. Different theorists have chosen to emphasize various elements in pre-revolutionary societies, which haslead in turn to a multiplication of approaches which are discussed in this article


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    U procjeni revolucionarnih promjena velik je dio znanstvene rasprave posvećen određivanju uvjeta pod kojima su se te promjene dogodile kao sredstvu objašnjavanja specifičnih revolucionarnih ishoda. Ta rasprava stvorila .je niz analitičkih modela. Od paralela s prirodom i anatomijom do strukturalne teorije teoretičari revolucija pokušavali su identificirati uvjete koji su postojali u državama i društvima i koji su doveli do revolucija. Različiti su teoretičari naglašavali različite elemente u predrevolucionarnim društvima, što je dovelo do multipliciranja pristupa, koji se razlažu u ovom članku.In assessing revolutionary change or change -from one political system to another, much of the academic discussion bas focused on determining the conditions under which revolutionary change occurs as a means of explaining specific revolutionary outcomes. This debate over the origins and implications of revolutions has produced a wide range of analytical models. From the parallels with natural history and anatomy developed by Lyford Edwards and Crane Brinton, to the structural theory of Theda Skocpol theorists of revolution have sought to identify the conditions leading to revolutions that exist in states and societies. Whether revolutions are characterized as pathologies, special forms of political violence, or as structural crises, they are described primarily in terms of the states and societies to which they pose a challenge. Different theorists have chosen to emphasize various elements in pre-revolutionary societies, which haslead in turn to a multiplication of approaches which are discussed in this article

    Regulating Axonal Responses to Injury: The Intersection between Signaling Pathways Involved in Axon Myelination and The Inhibition of Axon Regeneration

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