1,052 research outputs found

    Short-term activity cycles impede information transmission in ant colonies.

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    Rhythmical activity patterns are ubiquitous in nature. We study an oscillatory biological system: collective activity cycles in ant colonies. Ant colonies have become model systems for research on biological networks because the interactions between the component parts are visible to the naked eye, and because the time-ordered contact network formed by these interactions serves as the substrate for the distribution of information and other resources throughout the colony. To understand how the collective activity cycles influence the contact network transport properties, we used an automated tracking system to record the movement of all the individuals within nine different ant colonies. From these trajectories we extracted over two million ant-to-ant interactions. Time-series analysis of the temporal fluctuations of the overall colony interaction and movement rates revealed that both the period and amplitude of the activity cycles exhibit a diurnal cycle, in which daytime cycles are faster and of greater amplitude than night cycles. Using epidemiology-derived models of transmission over networks, we compared the transmission properties of the observed periodic contact networks with those of synthetic aperiodic networks. These simulations revealed that contrary to some predictions, regularly-oscillating contact networks should impede information transmission. Further, we provide a mechanistic explanation for this effect, and present evidence in support of it

    Evidence for a Massive Protocluster in S255N

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    S255N is a luminous far-infrared source that contains many indications of active star formation but lacks a prominent near-infrared stellar cluster. We present mid-infrared through radio observations aimed at exploring the evolutionary state of this region. Our observations include 1.3mm continuum and spectral line data from the Submillimeter Array, VLA 3.6cm continuum and 1.3cm water maser data, and multicolor IRAC images from the Spitzer Space Telescope. The cometary morphology of the previously-known UCHII region G192.584-0.041 is clearly revealed in our sensitive, multi-configuration 3.6cm images. The 1.3mm continuum emission has been resolved into three compact cores, all of which are dominated by dust emission and have radii < 7000AU. The mass estimates for these cores range from 6 to 35 Msun. The centroid of the brightest dust core (SMA1) is offset by 1.1'' (2800 AU) from the peak of the cometary UCHII region and exhibits the strongest HC3N, CN, and DCN line emission in the region. SMA1 also exhibits compact CH3OH, SiO, and H2CO emission and likely contains a young hot core. We find spatial and kinematic evidence that SMA1 may contain further multiplicity, with one of the components coincident with a newly-detected H2O maser. There are no mid-infrared point source counterparts to any of the dust cores, further suggesting an early evolutionary phase for these objects. The dominant mid-infrared emission is a diffuse, broadband component that traces the surface of the cometary UCHII region but is obscured by foreground material on its southern edge. An additional 4.5 micron linear feature emanating to the northeast of SMA1 is aligned with a cluster of methanol masers and likely traces a outflow from a protostar within SMA1. Our observations provide direct evidence that S255N is forming a cluster of intermediate to high-mass stars.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Assessing Changes Within the Lumbosacral Spinal Cord in Neurological Disease: Preliminary Results of a Pilot in Vivo MRI Study

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-derived tissue-specific measures of neuronal loss and demyelination were assessed at the lumbosacral level of the spinal cord (SC) in relation to neurological dysfunction. Acquisition of grey and white matter measures for the lumbosacral SC proved feasible, and were sensitive to detect tissue-specific changes in two neurological disorders commonly associated with lumbosacral cord involvement: Multiple system atrophy and Multiple sclerosis. This preliminary study demonstrates the utility of this cutting edge MRI acquisition method to detect pathological changes in the lumbosacral SC, and is a first step towards establishing new MRI biomarkers for these patient groups

    Abundances and Isotope Ratios in the Magellanic Clouds: The Star Forming Environment of N113

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    With the goal of deriving the physical and chemical conditions of star forming regions in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), a spectral line survey of the prominent star forming region N113 is presented. The observations cover parts of the frequency range from 85 GHz to 357 GHz and include 63 molecular transitions from a total of 16 species, among them spectra of rare isotopologues. Maps of selected molecular lines as well as the 1.2 mm continuum distribution are also presented. Molecular abundances in the core of the complex are found to be consistent with a photon dominated region (PDR) that is nitrogen deficient, with the potential exception of N2H+. Densities range from 5x10^3 cm-3 for CO to almost 10^6 for CS and HCN, indicating that only the densest regions provide sufficient shielding even for some of the most common species. An ortho- to para-H_2CO ratio of ~3 hints at H_2CO formation in a warm (>=40 K) environment. Isotope ratios are 12C/13C ~ 49+-5, 16O/18O ~ 2000+-250, 18O/17O ~ 1.7+-0.2 and 32S/34S ~ 15. Agreement with data from other star forming clouds shows that the gas is well mixed in the LMC . The isotope ratios do not only differ from those seen in the Galaxy. They also do not form a continuation of the trends observed with decreasing metallicity from the inner to the outer Galaxy. This implies that the outer Galaxy, is not providing a transition zone between the inner Galaxy and the metal poor environment of the Magellanic Clouds. A part of this discrepancy is likely caused by differences in the age of the stellar populations in the outer Galaxy and the LMC.Comment: 50 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The SwissLipids knowledgebase for lipid biology.

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    MOTIVATION: Lipids are a large and diverse group of biological molecules with roles in membrane formation, energy storage and signaling. Cellular lipidomes may contain tens of thousands of structures, a staggering degree of complexity whose significance is not yet fully understood. High-throughput mass spectrometry-based platforms provide a means to study this complexity, but the interpretation of lipidomic data and its integration with prior knowledge of lipid biology suffers from a lack of appropriate tools to manage the data and extract knowledge from it. RESULTS: To facilitate the description and exploration of lipidomic data and its integration with prior biological knowledge, we have developed a knowledge resource for lipids and their biology-SwissLipids. SwissLipids provides curated knowledge of lipid structures and metabolism which is used to generate an in silico library of feasible lipid structures. These are arranged in a hierarchical classification that links mass spectrometry analytical outputs to all possible lipid structures, metabolic reactions and enzymes. SwissLipids provides a reference namespace for lipidomic data publication, data exploration and hypothesis generation. The current version of SwissLipids includes over 244 000 known and theoretically possible lipid structures, over 800 proteins, and curated links to published knowledge from over 620 peer-reviewed publications. We are continually updating the SwissLipids hierarchy with new lipid categories and new expert curated knowledge. AVAILABILITY: SwissLipids is freely available at http://www.swisslipids.org/. CONTACT: [email protected] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    Matching geographical assignment by stable isotopes with African non-breeding sites of barn swallows Hirundo rustica tracked by geolocation

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    Knowledge on whereabouts within the annual cycle of migratory species is prerequisite for many aspects in ecology and biological conservation. Spatial assignments of stable isotopes archived in tissues allows for later inference on sites where the specific tissue had been grown. It has been rarely tested whether spatial assignments match directly tracked non-breeding residences, especially for migratory songbirds. We here compare assignments of stable isotopes from feathers of Palaearctic Barn swallows Hirundo rustica with their African non-breeding residence sites tracked by geolocation.Assignments based on \u3b42H, \u3b413C and \u3b415N isotope compositions delineate three main non-breeding regions: A main cluster in central Africa, a second in West Africa, and the third cluster in Northern Africa. Using \u3b413C, \u3b415N only, non-breeding sites ranged from clusters in West/Southwest Africa to South East Africa with a centre in Central Africa. The non-breeding areas (50% and 75% Kernel density estimates, KDE) of the birds tracked by geolocation stretched from West Africa via central Africa to southern Africa. We found little overlap of 0.3% (assuming a 1:1 odds ratio) to 1.4% (3:1 odds ratio) in the three element assignments and KDEs for only 2 and 13 individuals out of 32 birds. Assignment maps for two elements (\u3b413C, \u3b415N) and KDEs showed higher consistencies with an overlap of 3.6 and 8.5% for 12 and 18 birds. We argue that the low matching between stable isotope assignments and non-breeding sites in our study arise from insufficient baseline data for Africa (concerning both isoscapes and specific discrimination functions). However, other factors like aerial foraging habit of the species, and a potential mismatch of non-breeding site location and the spatial origin of aerial plankton might further hamper accurate assignments. Finally we call for concerted analyses of tissues i.e. feathers and claws of birds which are grown at known sites across the continent and from species with various ecological requirements (diverse habitats, foraging behaviours, and diet compositions) to establish isoscapes for general applicability

    Analysis of the dynamic co-expression network of heart regeneration in the zebrafish.

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    The zebrafish has the capacity to regenerate its heart after severe injury. While the function of a few genes during this process has been studied, we are far from fully understanding how genes interact to coordinate heart regeneration. To enable systematic insights into this phenomenon, we generated and integrated a dynamic co-expression network of heart regeneration in the zebrafish and linked systems-level properties to the underlying molecular events. Across multiple post-injury time points, the network displays topological attributes of biological relevance. We show that regeneration steps are mediated by modules of transcriptionally coordinated genes, and by genes acting as network hubs. We also established direct associations between hubs and validated drivers of heart regeneration with murine and human orthologs. The resulting models and interactive analysis tools are available at http://infused.vital-it.ch. Using a worked example, we demonstrate the usefulness of this unique open resource for hypothesis generation and in silico screening for genes involved in heart regeneration

    Convergent origination of a Drosophila-like dosage compensation mechanism in a reptile lineage

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    Sex chromosomes differentiated from different ancestral autosomes in various vertebrate lineages. Here, we trace the functional evolution of the XY Chromosomes of the green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis), on the basis of extensive high-throughput genome, transcriptome and histone modification sequencing data and revisit dosage compensation evolution in representative mammals and birds with substantial new expression data. Our analyses show that Anolis sex chromosomes represent an ancient XY system that originated at least ≈160 million years ago in the ancestor of Iguania lizards, shortly after the separation from the snake lineage. The age of this system approximately coincides with the ages of the avian and two mammalian sex chromosomes systems. To compensate for the almost complete Y Chromosome degeneration, X-linked genes have become twofold up-regulated, restoring ancestral expression levels. The highly efficient dosage compensation mechanism of Anolis represents the only vertebrate case identified so far to fully support Ohno's original dosage compensation hypothesis. Further analyses reveal that X up-regulation occurs only in males and is mediated by a male-specific chromatin machinery that leads to global hyperacetylation of histone H4 at lysine 16 specifically on the X Chromosome. The green anole dosage compensation mechanism is highly reminiscent of that of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster Altogether, our work unveils the convergent emergence of a Drosophila-like dosage compensation mechanism in an ancient reptilian sex chromosome system and highlights that the evolutionary pressures imposed by sex chromosome dosage reductions in different amniotes were resolved in fundamentally different ways