284 research outputs found

    Retour sur la crise covid-19 : analyse de la résilience du ministÚre Emploi et Développement social Canada

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    Le terme de « rĂ©silience » est populaire derniĂšrement, il est utilisĂ© Ă  toutes les sauces dans de multiples domaines. Cette effervescence a piquĂ© notre curiositĂ©, car bien que sa connotation semble d’emblĂ©e comprĂ©hensible, elle est rarement dĂ©finie avec prĂ©cision. Cependant, la notion de rĂ©silience dans le domaine de la gestion, pour ĂȘtre analysĂ©e, doit ĂȘtre observĂ©e dans un milieu de travail Ă©prouvĂ© par une crise. En effet, les termes « crises » et « rĂ©siliences » sont souvent associĂ©s, un est le problĂšme et l’autre est la posture pour y rĂ©pondre. Bien que les chocs sociĂ©taux de grande envergure (pandĂ©mie, dĂ©sastre naturel, crise Ă©conomique) dĂ©passent le contrĂŽle d’une organisation donnĂ©e, celle-ci est nĂ©anmoins habilitĂ©e Ă  gĂ©rer les Ă©lĂ©ments qu’elle peut gĂ©rer. C’est dans l’intersection de ces deux vecteurs de pensĂ©es que l’intĂ©rĂȘt pour ce projet de recherche est nĂ©; soit les effets d’une crise telle que la COVID-19 sur un milieu de travail et l’utilisation grandissante du terme rĂ©silience pour y faire face. Ce projet vise Ă  prĂ©senter des pistes de solution par l’analyse de faits et d’écrits acadĂ©miques afin d’accroitre des Ă©lĂ©ments sous-tendant Ă  la culture de rĂ©silience chez EDSC

    CrĂ©ation de valeur de l’entreprise par l’application de la gestion du cycle de vie pour la mise en Ɠuvre du dĂ©veloppement durable

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    Dans le but de rendre possible la transition vers une Ă©conomie verte, les organisations ont besoin d’approches visant Ă  traduire ce concept dans leur modĂšle d’affaires, afin de prendre des dĂ©cisions Ă©clairĂ©es et d’éviter le dĂ©placement de problĂšmes. L’approche de gestion du cycle de vie consiste Ă  l’adoption d’une vision holistique sur les produits et activitĂ©s d’une organisation, basĂ©e sur l’ensemble du cycle de vie, soit de l’extraction des ressources Ă  la gestion en fin de vie, selon les principes du dĂ©veloppement durable. Afin d’accroitre l’adoption de cette approche dans l’industrie, il est impĂ©ratif de pouvoir dĂ©montrer ses avantages, ainsi que les bĂ©nĂ©fices que peut en retirer une entreprise. L’objectif principal de cet essai est de dĂ©montrer comment la mise en oeuvre d’une approche de gestion du cycle permet de crĂ©er de la valeur en entreprise et permet l’atteinte d’un avantage compĂ©titif. Pour ce faire, une revue de littĂ©rature des diffĂ©rents outils de gestion du cycle de vie et en particulier sur les dĂ©veloppements mĂ©thodologiques actuels et futurs de l’analyse du cycle de vie a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. Puis, une analyse des diffĂ©rents champs d’action en entreprise permet de mettre en lumiĂšre le potentiel de bĂ©nĂ©fices tangibles et intangibles pour l’ensemble des parties prenantes. Ces bĂ©nĂ©fices sont ensuite traduits en leviers de crĂ©ation de valeur soit : diagnostic du portefeuille de projets et de produits, innovation et dĂ©veloppement de nouveaux produits, acquisition de parts de marchĂ© et de nouveaux consommateurs, commercialisation et ventes vertes, chaĂźne de valeur durable, opĂ©rations durables, gestion rĂšglementaire, gestion de la rĂ©putation et gestion opĂ©rationnelle. Ainsi, il s’avĂšre que la mise en oeuvre d’une approche de gestion du cycle de vie peut contribuer Ă  l’atteinte d’un avantage compĂ©titif en favorisant des occasions de croissance, en amĂ©liorant le retour sur investissement et par la rĂ©duction de divers risques. Les propos avancĂ©s sont supportĂ©s par des exemples concrets des organisations Airbus, ABB, Procter & Gamble, Walmart, Steelcase, Victor Innovatex, Bain Ultra, Bostik (Total), Vestas Winds Systems, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, COOP Denmark, Beck & JĂžrgensen, Danisco (DuPont) et NestlĂ©. Des recommandations sont effectuĂ©es pour le dĂ©veloppement des approches sociales et Ă©conomiques de l’analyse du cycle de vie afin de tendre vers une analyse de la durabilitĂ©, pour la rĂ©alisation de plus d’études de cas en entreprise, ainsi que pour l’évaluation des coĂ»ts d’une telle dĂ©marche. Enfin, des recommandations portent sur le dĂ©veloppement d’une approche structurelle et d’un guide mĂ©thodologie de l’opĂ©rationnalisation de la gestion du cycle de vie

    La banque d'investissement et la conglomĂ©ration du secteur financier : une multiplicitĂ© d'intĂ©rĂȘts en quĂȘte d'Ă©quilibre

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    Jouant un rĂŽle crucial pour l’efficience des marchĂ©s, la banque d’investissement contemporaine se caractĂ©rise par l’exercice d’une grande diversitĂ© d’activitĂ©s aussi complexes qu’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes sous un mĂȘme toit. Agissant tantĂŽt auprĂšs d’une clientĂšle de particuliers, d’entreprises, d’institutions financiĂšres, de fonds d’investissement ou de gouvernements, et tantĂŽt pour son propre compte, elle compose avec une multitude d’intĂ©rĂȘts divergents, ce qui soulĂšve un certain questionnement quant Ă  la portĂ©e de l’obligation de loyautĂ© dont elle peut ĂȘtre tributaire envers ses clients. Les implications rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©es des banques d’affaires dans la vague de rĂ©cents scandales financiers ont inĂ©vitablement affectĂ© la confiance que les Ă©pargnants tĂ©moignent envers l’intĂ©gritĂ© de cette institution et des marchĂ©s financiers en gĂ©nĂ©ral. Elles ont de plus contribuĂ© significativement Ă  relancer le dĂ©bat concernant la pertinence de contrĂŽler, et mĂȘme d’éliminer les conflits d’intĂ©rĂȘts, un phĂ©nomĂšne largement rĂ©pandu au sein de la banque d’investissement. À titre de mĂ©canismes prĂ©ventifs, les solutions de marchĂ©s et l’autodiscipline des intermĂ©diaires financiers sont imparfaits. La rĂ©glementation des conflits d’intĂ©rĂȘts se justifie alors afin de pallier les dĂ©faillances du marchĂ© et de l’autorĂ©gulation. Pour autant qu’il maintienne sa rĂ©glementation dans un rapport efficience-Ă©quitĂ© acceptable, l’État est appelĂ© Ă  concevoir des normes de contrĂŽle aux objectifs variĂ©s, allant de la rĂ©forme structurelle du secteur financier Ă  l’élaboration de principes gĂ©nĂ©raux devant servir de balises Ă  la conduite des intermĂ©diaires financiers. Ainsi, dans une industrie caractĂ©risĂ©e par une forte conglomĂ©ration, la rĂ©ponse des lĂ©gislateurs semble s’articuler autour du traitement adĂ©quat des conflits d’intĂ©rĂȘts, traitement qui s’opĂšre par divers mĂ©canismes, dont la muraille Chine, la divulgation et le refus d’agir.Playing a key role in market efficiency, the modern investment bank offers a wide variety of services that are as complex as they are different, all under one roof. Acting sometimes in the interest of individuals, businesses, financial institutions, investment funds or governments and sometimes in its own interest, an investment bank must contend with a multitude of diverging interests, which raises certain questions as to the extent of any duty for loyalty it may owe to its clients. Repeated involvement by investment banks in the wave of recent financial scandals has inevitably affected investors’ confidence with respect to the integrity of these institutions and financial markets in general. This factor has significantly contributed to renewing the debate concerning the relevance of controlling, or even eliminating, conflicts of interest, which are a wide-spread phenomenon in the investment banking industry. In terms of preventive measures, market-related solutions and self-discipline by financial intermediaries are inherently flawed. Therefore, in order to offset such deficiencies, it becomes justifiable to regulate conflict of interest situations. Numerous possibilities exist and, as long as regulation is maintained at an acceptable effectiveness/fairness ratio, the State is called upon to establish monitoring standards for various objectives, ranging from a structural reform of the financial sector to developing general principles to serve as guidelines for the conduct of financial intermediaries. Thus, in an industry characterized by a strong tendency for conglomeration, the response from regulators seems to hinge on adequate handling of conflicts of interest, which includes various mechanisms such as the Chinese wall, disclosure and a refusal to act

    Le point de vue d’adolescents montrĂ©alais sur les musĂ©es

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    Cette recherche a pour objet de recueillir les perceptions, les pratiques de visite, les prĂ©fĂ©rences et les intĂ©rĂȘts des adolescents par rapport Ă  divers contextes et projets musĂ©aux. Un questionnaire a Ă©tĂ© complĂ©tĂ© par 1 088 Ă©lĂšves francophones de 4 secondaire de MontrĂ©al et de ses proches banlieues. Plus de la moitiĂ© rapportent avoir frĂ©quentĂ© les musĂ©es durant les quatre ou cinq derniĂšres annĂ©es; plus du quart disent en avoir visitĂ© au cours de la derniĂšre annĂ©e. Leurs intĂ©rĂȘts et prĂ©fĂ©rences vont Ă  des projets appelant la participation active Ă  des expositions en lien avec leur culture et Ă  des ap- prentissages rĂ©alisables en contexte de divertissement. We examined adolescents’ perceptions, visiting practices, preferences, and interests in relation to various museum contexts and projects, using a questionnaire completed by 1,088 Francophone students in Secondary IV and V (Grades 10 and 11) in Montreal and its inner suburbs. More than half reported having visited museums in the previous four or five years; more than a quarter said they had visited within the last year. Their interests and preferences were for projects calling for active participation in exhibits dealing with their culture and for learning that was also entertaining.

    Challenging Public Rhetoric Justifying Immigrants as ‘Indecent\u27

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    Elites employ various rhetorical strategies in public discourse, including on the topic of immigration. As such, those with influence rely on storytelling to shape views about the narratives related to immigrants as a minority out-group. This has significant consequences, particularly in areas of policy development. Policy shapers have isolated immigrant groups by creating certain ideologically derived criteria well beyond citizenship for them to eventually receive “full American” status. Further, such status first has required immigrants to unduly prove their “worthiness” as exceptional—like being extra hardworking and very law abiding. Our essay seeks to show how foundational rhetoric is often intentionally chosen in order to categorize immigrants as inherently different and intrinsically inferior. As an alternative, we propose a pragmatically conceived model of discourse for the practice of public rhetoric that redescribes immigrant narratives as one of belonging and inclusion. To this end, we draw on examples of how rhetoric, informed by Richard Rorty, has sought to emphasize this-worldly commonalities rather than metaphysical abstractions about similarity or difference. Pragmatism prevents the philosophical justification of cruel acts endured by immigrants, both in indecent rhetoric and wrong-headed public policy, while simultaneously enlarging the definition of “one of us,” in part by reconceiving the notion of democratic loyalty

    Médiation de l'architecture par l'exposition et sa réception par des visiteurs experts et non experts

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    Cette thĂšse s intĂ©resse Ă  la mĂ©diation de l architecture au musĂ©e et aux divers moyens employĂ©s pour communiquer le projet architectural en exposition. L objectif est de mieux connaĂźtre la rĂ©ception que font les visiteurs architectes et non-architectes des outils utilisĂ©s pour exposer les aspects variĂ©s du projet architectural. On s entend pour dire que la communication du projet architectural par l exposition n est pas tĂąche facile. Des reprĂ©sentations diverses (dessins, maquettes, photographies, vidĂ©os, etc.) sont utilisĂ©es pour exposer le bĂąti absent. Plusieurs des objets prĂ©sentĂ©s sont complexes Ă  interprĂ©ter, surtout pour un nĂ©ophyte, notamment en raison des codes qu ils contiennent. Une mĂ©thode souvent employĂ©e par les commissaires est la mise en sĂ©rie de divers types de reprĂ©sentations, chaque outil permettant d accĂ©der Ă  des informations spĂ©cifiques sur le projet. Comme les objets prĂ©sentĂ©s sont souvent difficiles d accĂšs et que leur prĂ©sentation sous forme de sĂ©rie peut ajouter Ă  la complexitĂ©, il apparaĂźt important d investiguer la maniĂšre dont les visiteurs font sens de ce type de dispositif. Cette recherche vise principalement Ă  jeter les bases d une connaissance empirique de la rĂ©ception d expositions d architecture par les visiteurs. Six questions ont Ă©tĂ© retenues pour analyse: (1) Quels objets sont mobilisĂ©s par le visiteur? (2) Quels types d opĂ©rations mentales sont faites en lien avec ces objets? (3) Quels sont les obstacles rencontrĂ©s, et que fait le visiteur suite Ă  la rencontre d un obstacle? (4) Quels aspects du projet architectural (matĂ©rialitĂ©, concept, contexte, etc.) retiennent l attention du visiteur? (5) Comment le visiteur fait-il des liens entre les diffĂ©rents objets exposĂ©s sous forme de sĂ©rie? (6) Le profil professionnel des visiteurs (architectes vs non-architectes) a-t-il une influence sur la construction de sens? Le recueil de donnĂ©es auprĂšs d une trentaine de visiteurs s est dĂ©roulĂ© au Centre canadien d'architecture (CCA) de MontrĂ©al dans l exposition Perspectives de vie Ă  Londres et Ă  Tokyo imaginĂ©es par Stephen Taylor et Ryue Nishizawa . Chaque participant visite l'exposition en compagnie de la chercheure avec qui il partage, au fur et Ă  mesure de sa visite, ses pensĂ©es et Ă©motions, selon la mĂ©thode des protocoles verbaux concomitants (aussi connue sous le nom de thinking aloud ou protocol analysis). L'ensemble des propos est enregistrĂ© pour permettre une retranscription exacte avant analyse. Plusieurs des rĂ©sultats obtenus confirment des idĂ©es dĂ©jĂ  avancĂ©es par les chercheurs telles la popularitĂ© des photographies, le peu d intĂ©rĂȘt de la part des non-architectes pour les plans, les aspects variĂ©s du projet mentionnĂ©s face aux objets exposĂ©s, ou encore l Ă©tablissement de liens entre les objets comme moyen d identifier la sĂ©rie. D autres rĂ©sultats mettent plutĂŽt en doute des affirmations retrouvĂ©es dans les Ă©crits, mais encore jamais appuyĂ©es par des donnĂ©es empiriques. Par exemple, plusieurs commissaires considĂšrent que la maquette est un excellent outil pour communiquer l architecture et qu elle est apprĂ©ciĂ©e de tous. Or, dans le cadre de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude, la maquette est peu utilisĂ©e par les visiteurs. Le type de maquette et la maniĂšre dont elle est disposĂ©e dans l espace peuvent ainsi rendre cet outil peu utile dans la construction de sens du visiteur. Plusieurs auteurs apprĂ©hendent des difficultĂ©s et des obstacles pour les visiteurs non-architectes. Les prĂ©sents rĂ©sultats confirment certaines difficultĂ©s des visiteurs nĂ©ophytes, mais ils dĂ©montrent Ă©galement que les architectes rencontrent eux aussi des obstacles variĂ©sThis thesis focusses on the mediation of architecture in the museum setting and on the different tools used to communicate the architectural project in the exhibition. The main goal of this research is to get a better knowledge and understanding of the reception of the different objects used to exhibit the many aspects of architectural projects by visitors (architects and non-architects). There is a general agreement on the fact that it is difficult to communicate architecture through the exhibition media. Many objects are typically used to exhibit the architectural project: drawings, models, photographs, videos and so forth. Some of these tools can be hard to understand, especially for a layperson, since they are coded objects. In order to better communicate the architectural project, curators often choose to depict it by presenting a series of objects, each tool conveying a different aspect of the building. This serial type of presentation can make the task even harder for some visitors. Since understanding an architectural project can be quite difficult for visitors, it appears important to investigate the meaning making of visitors of varying profiles. Six main questions were investigated in this thesis: (1) Which exhibition objects attracted the visitor s attention? (2) What type of mental operations did the visitor do in relation to these objects? (3) Which obstacles did the visitor face, and what did he do when faced with such obstacles? (4) Which aspects of the architectural project (materiality, concept, context, etc.) attracted the visitor s attention? (5) How did the visitor link the different objects presented in a serial manner? (6) Did the visitor s professionnal profile (architect or non-architect) influence his meaning making? Data were collected among thirty visitors at the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) in Montreal during the exhibition Some Ideas on Living in London and Tokyo by Stephen Taylor and Ryue Nishizawa . Each participant was asked to express, as freely as possible, what he thought, saw, felt and imagined during the course of his visit, as is prescribed by the thinking aloud method (also known as protocol analysis). The participant is accompanied by the researcher throughout his visit. Visitor s verbalisations are recorded, then typed and encoded for analysis. Many of the results obtained in this research confirm ideas that were presented in previous texts by scholars: the popularity of photographs; the little interest for plans by non-architects; the various aspects of the architectural project mentionned in relation to the objects exhibited; the links established between objects as a means to identify the serial presentation. Other results, though, challenge some ideas frequently presented by authors, but never validated by empirical data. For instance, many curators consider a model to be a very popular and easily understood tool used to communicate architecture. In the present research, the model is not used very much by visitors. Therefore, the type of model and the way to exhibit it might make this tool more or less useful for meaning making by visitors. Many authors believe that non architects encounter difficulties and obstacles during their visit. The results obtained in this thesis show that, as expected, non architects do face obstacles, but they also reveal that architects themselves face many obstacles and challenges in their meaning making while visiting the architecture exhibitionAVIGNON-Bib. numĂ©rique (840079901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Differences in the early stages of social information processing for adolescents involved in bullying

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    Bullying victimization has commonly been associated with deficiencies in social information processing (SIP). In contrast, findings regarding bullying perpetration are mixed, with some researchers claiming that bullies may have superior SIP abilities than victimized or uninvolved youth. This study investigated the effects of bullying and victimization on early SIP; specifically the recognition and interpretation of social information. In stage 1, 2,782 adolescents (11–16 years) were screened for bullying involvement, and in stage 2, 723 of these participants (mean age = 13.95) were assessed on measures of emotion recognition, hostile attribution bias, and characterological self‐blame (CSB). No associations between bullying and early SIP were found. In contrast, victimization was associated with more hostile attribution bias and CSB attributions. Girls performed better than boys on the emotion recognition task while boys showed greater hostile attribution biases. No interaction effects of bullying or victimization with gender were found. Follow‐up categorical analyses that considered pure victims versus victims who also bullied (bully‐victims) on SIP, found a similar pattern of findings. These findings suggest that those who purely bully others are neither superior nor deficient in the early stages of SIP. Victimized adolescents, however, show biases in their interpretations of social situations and the intentions of others. These biases may lead to maladaptive responses and may increase risk for further victimization by peers.Alexa Guy and Kirsty Lee were supported to undertake this research by a fellowship from the Department of Psychology, University of Warwick.Published versio

    A cluster randomised controlled trial and evaluation and cost-effectiveness analysis of the Roots of Empathy schools-based programme for improving social and emotional well-being outcomes among 8- to 9-year-olds in Northern Ireland

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    Background:There is growing consensus regarding the importance of attending to children’s social and emotional well-being. There is now a substantial evidence base demonstrating the links between a child’s early social and emotional development and a range of key longer-term education, social and health outcomes. Universal school-based interventions provide a significant opportunity for early intervention in this area and yet the existing evidence base, particularly in relation to their long-term effects, is limited.Objectives and main outcomes:To determine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Roots of Empathy (ROE), a universal school-based programme that, through attempting to enhance children’s empathy, seeks to achieve the following two main outcomes: improvement in prosocial behaviour and reduction in difficult behaviour.Design:A cluster randomised controlled trial and an economic evaluation. A total of 74 primary schools were randomly assigned to deliver ROE or to join a waiting list control group. Seven schools withdrew post randomisation and a further two withdrew before the immediate post-test time point. Children (n = 1278) were measured pre test and immediately post test, and then for 3 years following the end of the programme. Data were also collected from teachers and parents.Setting and participants:The intervention schools delivered ROE to their Year 5 children (aged 8–9 years) as a whole class.Intervention:ROE is delivered on a whole-class basis for one academic year (October–June). It consists of 27 lessons based around the monthly visit from a baby and parent who are usually recruited from the local community. Children learn about the baby’s growth and development and are encouraged to generalise from this to develop empathy towards others.Results:Although it was developed in Canada, the programme was very well received by schools, parents and children, and it was delivered effectively with high fidelity. ROE was also found to be effective in achieving small improvements in children’s prosocial behaviour (Hedges’ g = 0.20; p = 0.045) and reductions in their difficult behaviour (Hedges’ g = –0.16; p = 0.060) immediately post test. Although the gains in prosocial behaviour were not sustained after the immediately post-test time point, there was some tentative evidence that the effects associated with reductions in difficult behaviour may have remained up to 36 months from the end of the programme. These positive effects of ROE on children’s behaviour were not found to be associated with improvements in empathy or other social and emotional skills (such as emotional recognition and emotional regulation), on which the trial found no evidence of ROE having an effect. The study also found that ROE was likely to be cost-effective in line with national guidelines.Conclusions:These findings are consistent with those of other evaluations of ROE and suggest that it is an effective and cost-effective programme that can be delivered appropriately and effectively in regions such as Northern Ireland. A number of issues for further consideration are raised regarding opportunities to enhance the role of parents; how a time-limited programme such as ROE can form part of a wider and progressive curriculum in schools to build on and sustain children’s social and emotional development; and the need to develop a better theory of change for how ROE works.Trial registration:Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN07540423.Funding:This project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Public Health Research programme and will be published in full in Public Health Research; Vol. 6, No. 4. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information

    Discrepancy in perception of bullying experiences and later internalizing and externalizing behavior: A prospective study

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    Discrepancy in perception of bullying experiences may lead to later internalizing or externalizing behavior in adolescents. A 1,663 South Korean 7th and 8th graders (mean age: 13.1 and 14.1 years old), were seen for a follow-up study to examine the relationships between the discrepancy in perception of their bullying experiences (defined as discrepancy between self- and peer-reports of bullying experiences) and internalizing or externalizing behavior at follow-up. Bullying was assessed by self- and peer-report. The discrepancy in perception of bullying experiences was defined by the concordance or discordance between self- and peer-reports. Internalizing and externalizing behavior was evaluated using the Youth Self Report and Child Behavior Checklist, at baseline and follow-up. Two by two ANCOVA was performed with a factorial design, categorizing discrepancy in perception of bullying experiences based on the agreement between self-report and peer-report. Internalizing/externalizing behavior-at-follow-up was used as an outcome, adjusting for other known risk factors for internalizing/externalizing behavior, including baseline internalizing/externalizing behavior, and bullying experiences. Adolescents with perceptions of bullying experiences discrepant from peer-reports showed increased internalizing/externalizing behavior at follow-up. Bullying also stands out as an independent risk factor for the development of future externalizing behavior even among adolescents with accurate perceptions of bullying experiences. These specific groups of youth warrant more focused assessment and intervention
