60 research outputs found

    Deformation theory of objects in homotopy and derived categories II: pro-representability of the deformation functor

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    This is the second paper in a series. In part I we developed deformation theory of objects in homotopy and derived categories of DG categories. Here we extend these (derived) deformation functors to an appropriate bicategory of artinian DG algebras and prove that these extended functors are pro-representable in a strong sense.Comment: Alexander Efimov is a new co-author of this paper. New material was added: A_{\infty}-structures, Maurer-Cartan theory for A_{\infty}-algebras. This allows us to strengthen our main results on the pro-representability of pseudo-functors coDEF_{-} and DEF_{-}. We also obtain an equivalence between homotopy and derived deformation functors under weaker hypothese

    ART^2 : Coupling Lyman-alpha Line and Multi-wavelength Continuum Radiative Transfer

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    Narrow-band Lya line and broad-band continuum have played important roles in the discovery of high-redshift galaxies in recent years. Hence, it is crucial to study the radiative transfer of both Lya and continuum photons in the context of galaxy formation and evolution in order to understand the nature of distant galaxies. Here, we present a three-dimensional Monte Carlo radiative transfer code, All-wavelength Radiative Transfer with Adaptive Refinement Tree (ART^2), which couples Lya line and multi-wavelength continuum, for the study of panchromatic properties of galaxies and interstellar medium. This code is based on the original version of Li et al., and features three essential modules: continuum emission from X-ray to radio, Lya emission from both recombination and collisional excitation, and ionization of neutral hydrogen. The coupling of these three modules, together with an adaptive refinement grid, enables a self-consistent and accurate calculation of the Lya properties. As an example, we apply ART^2 to a cosmological simulation that includes both star formation and black hole growth, and study in detail a sample of massive galaxies at redshifts z=3.1 - 10.2. We find that these galaxies are Lya emitters (LAEs), whose Lya emission traces the dense gas region, and that their Lya lines show a shape characteristic of gas inflow. Furthermore, the Lya properties, including photon escape fraction, emergent luminosity, and equivalent width, change with time and environment. Our results suggest that LAEs evolve with redshift, and that early LAEs such as the most distant one detected at z ~ 8.6 may be dwarf galaxies with a high star formation rate fueled by infall of cold gas, and a low Lya escape fraction.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Expected Performance of the ATLAS Experiment - Detector, Trigger and Physics

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    A detailed study is presented of the expected performance of the ATLAS detector. The reconstruction of tracks, leptons, photons, missing energy and jets is investigated, together with the performance of b-tagging and the trigger. The physics potential for a variety of interesting physics processes, within the Standard Model and beyond, is examined. The study comprises a series of notes based on simulations of the detector and physics processes, with particular emphasis given to the data expected from the first years of operation of the LHC at CERN

    A competitive integration model of exogenous and endogenous eye movements

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    We present a model of the eye movement system in which the programming of an eye movement is the result of the competitive integration of information in the superior colliculi (SC). This brain area receives input from occipital cortex, the frontal eye fields, and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, on the basis of which it computes the location of the next saccadic target. Two critical assumptions in the model are that cortical inputs are not only excitatory, but can also inhibit saccades to specific locations, and that the SC continue to influence the trajectory of a saccade while it is being executed. With these assumptions, we account for many neurophysiological and behavioral findings from eye movement research. Interactions within the saccade map are shown to account for effects of distractors on saccadic reaction time (SRT) and saccade trajectory, including the global effect and oculomotor capture. In addition, the model accounts for express saccades, the gap effect, saccadic reaction times for antisaccades, and recorded responses from neurons in the SC and frontal eye fields in these tasks. © The Author(s) 2010

    Drons col·laboratius

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    La robòtica col·laborativa és senzillament robots dissenyats per dur a terme treballs de col·laboració amb els humans. Els robots col·laboratius o cobots són cada cop més utilitzats a les indústries. La robòtica col·laborativa és un dels àmbits d'actualitat en aquests moments. Però també és un dels més interessants en més d'un sentit. Com es comuniquen dos drons autònoms que col·laboren per fer una tasca? Com són aquests missatges que s'envien? Que poden fer que no podrien fer sols? Aquestes són algunes de les preguntes que ens volem respondre en aquest projecte. En aquest treball es presenta un disseny i implementació de dos drons terrestres que es comuniquen per col·laborar entre ells per resoldre una tasca.Collaborative robotics is simply robots designed to perform collaborative work with humans. Collaborative robots or cobots are increasingly used in industries. Collaborative robotics is one of the current topics now. But it is also one of the most interesting in more ways than one. How do two autonomous drones that collaborate to perform a task communicate? How are these messages sent? What can they do that they could not do alone? These are some of the questions we want to answer in this project. This work presents a design and implementation of two ground drones that communicate to collaborate with each other to solve a task.La robótica colaborativa es sencillamente robots diseñados para llevar a cabo trabajos de colaboración con los humanos. Los robots colaborativos o cobots son cada vez más utilizados en las industrias. La robótica colaborativa es uno de los ámbitos de actualidad. Pero también es uno de los más interesantes en más de un sentido. ¿Cómo se comunican drones autónomos que colaboran para hacer una tarea? ¿Cómo son estos mensajes que es envían? ¿Qué pueden hacer que no lo podrían hacer solos? Estas son algunas de las preguntas que queremos responder con este proyecto. En este trabajo se presenta un diseño e implementación de dos drones terrestres que se comunican para colaborar entre ellos para resolver una tarea

    ATLAS detector and physics performance: Technical Design Report, 1

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    Sur les A [infini]-catégories

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    PARIS7-Bibliothèque centrale (751132105) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Mathématiques rech (751052111) / SudocSudocFranceF