13 research outputs found

    Diagnostic value of CT scan in Orbital Diseases with histopathological correlation

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    INTRODUCTION: The technique of CT scanning was originated by Sir Godfrey Hounsfield in England and led to his being awarded the noble prize for medicine in 1979. The accelerated development of the technology of computed tomographic scanning has led to new generations of advanced scanners. 1. Decreased time required for examination is most important in children and uncooperative patients. Instead of a single beam , a fan beam could be emitted and received by a number of detectors. 2. Increased resolution is obtained by decreasing voxel size through more rapid switching of the detectors. This allows for increased detail at no increased radiation risk. 3. Larger gantry apertures make possible direct coronal scans and certain nonmidline sagittal scans. 4. Thinner sections allow for increased detail. Injection of intravenous contrast media is an adjunct to CT scanning. These dyes donot cross the blood brain barrier. Contrast is crucial in the evaluation of chiasmal and paraciasmal lesions. The major complications following use of contrast media are allergic reactions and can be life threatening. AIMS AND OBJECTIVE: 1. To evaluate diagnostic precision of CT scan in orbital diseases. 2. To establish correlation between CT scan diagnosis and histopathological diagnosis in orbital diseases. METHODOLOGY: This study was conducted on 100 patients during a period of two years (September 2007-september 2009), who were suspected to have orbital disease. Detailed history was taken and thorough clinical examination was done. CT scan was taken in all patients and all patients underwent appropriate surgical procedure. CT SCAN – ORBIT: Axial and coronal sections were taken. CT – brain/chest were taken in selected patients in order to achieve and augment the diagnostic accuracy. SURGICAL PROCEDURE: Most of the patients underwent excision biopsy. Some underwent incision biopsy/ Enucleation/ debulking depending on the diagnosis. HISTOPATHOLOGY: All the specimens were sent for histopathological examination. Special stains were used whenever needed. DISCUSSION: In our study, maximum number of patients fell in middle age group, followed by elderly population. There was no sex predilection. 50% were male and 50% were females. There was no definite laterality. 48% of patients had right eye involvement and 48% had left eye involvement. Bilateral involvement was seen in 4% of patients. Majority of the patients complained of prominence (52%) though a small majority did not notice it (17%). In the above category, some patients had only prominence and some had defective vision along with prominence. 7% of patients presented with double vision, 10% of patients complained of pain. Most of the patients with retinoblastoma presented with white reflex. Extra ocular movement limitation was a predominant anterior segment finding (45%). RAPD was seen in 15%. 2% presented with lymphadenitis. Salmon patch was seen in 2% of patients. Ptosis was seen in 7% of patients. 56% of patients presented with mass. Patients with both extra-ocular and intra-ocular mass were included. Totally 69 patients presented with proptosis (46 patients had eccentric proptosis and 23 of them had axial proptosis). CONCLUSION: In 80% of cases, radiological diagnosis by CT scan matched with histopathological diagnosis. Chi-square value was 3.83% (p<0.05), which proves a significant association between CT scan and histopathology. Sensitivity was found to be 84%, it was especially high in cases like pleomorphic adenoma, cavernous hemangioma, Non-hodgkins lymphoma, fungal infection and sinonasal malignancy. But, however, specificity was less (3%)

    Mineral composition of some selected brown seaweeds from Mandapam region of Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu

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    63-66Mineral content was determined in different brown seaweeds (Sargassum wightii, Padina tetrastromatica, Chnoospora minima, Hormophysa triquetra, Sargassum myriocystum, Sargassum plagiophyllum and Sargassum ilicifolium), collected from Mandapam region (Gulf of Mannar), Southeast coast of India. The ash content of different seaweeds ranged from 15 % to 20.5 %. The ash values were significantly different among the seaweeds (PË‚ 0.05). The selected brown seaweeds contained both macro elements (0.77-564.5 mg/100g; Na, K, Ca, Mg) and trace elements (0.1-4.83 mg/100g; Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu). The present study was carried out in some of the underutilized brown seaweeds and it was concluded that the selected species can be used as feed additives in future.</span


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    Objective: Famotidine an H2 receptor antagonist is the drug of choice to treat ulcers in stomach (gastric and duodenal), erosive esophagitis (heartburn or acid indigestion) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Drug molecules with limited aqueous solubility are becoming very common in the research and development portfolios of discovery focused pharmaceutical companies. Prodrugs are an established concept to overcome barriers like poor solubility to drug's usefulness. Polar Amino acids which are biocompatible and easily ionisable were chosen as promoiety for the formation of prodrugs. Aqueous solubility is an important parameter to enhance the bioavailability of the drug. Hence the present study aims to enhance aqueous solubility and in turn bioavailability by prodrug approaches.Methods: Synthesis of novel amino acid prodrug of famotidine was done by microwave irradiation technique. The synthesized amino acid prodrug was characterized by IR, NMR, Mass and DSC.Results: In vitro chemical hydrolysis profiles revealed that the synthesized amino acid derivative of famotidine was chemically stable in Simulated Gastric fluid pH 1.2 and Simulated Intestinal Fluid pH 7.4. Decrease in Log P value,-0.39 of amino acid prodrug compared to-0.60 of famotidine was observed.Conclusion: Hence a novel amino acid prodrug of famotidine with better solubility and bioavailability was synthesized and characterized.Ă‚

    Mineral composition of some selected brown seaweeds from Mandapam region of Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu

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    Mineral content was determined in different brown seaweeds (Sargassum wightii, Padina tetrastromatica, Chnoospora minima, Hormophysa triquetra, Sargassum myriocystum, Sargassum plagiophyllum and Sargassum ilicifolium), collected from Mandapam region (Gulf of Mannar), Southeast coast of India. The ash content of different seaweeds ranged from 15 % to 20.5 %. The ash values were significantly different among the seaweeds (PË‚ 0.05). The selected brown seaweeds contained both macro elements (0.77-564.5 mg/100g; Na, K, Ca, Mg) and trace elements (0.1-4.83 mg/100g; Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu). The present study was carried out in some of the underutilized brown seaweeds and it was concluded that the selected species can be used as feed additives in future

    Risks and benefits of consuming edible seaweeds

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