8 research outputs found

    Profil ƩpidƩmiologique de la Tuberculose, SƩnƩgal, 2009-2018: Epidemiological profile of Tuberculosis, Senegal, 2009-2018

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    Introduction: Le fardeau de la tuberculose (TB) pose un grave probleĢ€me de santeĢ publique au SeĢneĢgal. Nous avons analyseĢ les donneĢes de surveillance de la tuberculose pour deĢcrire le poids et la tendance de la tuberculose au SeĢneĢgal. MĆ©thodes: Nous avons effectueĢ une analyse secondaire des donneĢes de surveillance de la tuberculose du 1er janvier 2009 au 31 deĢcembre 2018 du programme national de lutte contre la tuberculose (PNT). RĆ©sultats: Au total, 128 836 cas de tuberculose toutes formes ont eĢteĢ analyseĢes dont 67,42% de nouveaux cas de TB pulmonaire confirmeĢe par microscopie. Les personnes aĢ‚geĢes de 25-34 ans repreĢsentaient 29,66%. Le sex-ratio H/F eĢtait de 2,33. Dakar avait rapporteĢ la plupart des cas 44,17%. L'incidence pour 100 000 habitants eĢtait de 91, 87 et 86 en 2009, 2008 et 2011, de 93, 95 et 95 en 2012, 2013 et 2014 et de 92, 86, 87 et 84 en 2015, 2016, 2017 et 2018. La majoriteĢ des cas (77%) avaient eĢteĢ testeĢs pour le VIH, dont 6,84% co-infecteĢs. Le taux de TB multireĢsistante (TB-MR) eĢtait de 11%. Conclusion: Au SeĢneĢgal, l'incidence de la tuberculose a leĢgeĢ€rement diminueĢ en raison du faible taux de deĢtection qui eĢtait de 62% en 2018. Le nombre de cas deĢtecteĢ a augmenteĢ entre 2013 et 2014, mais elle restait infeĢrieure aĢ€ celle estimeĢe par l'organisation mondiale de la santeĢ. Une surveillance accrue de la tuberculose et un suivi des tuberculeux pour eĢviter la pharmaco-reĢsistance sont neĢcessaires. Introduction: The burden of tuberculosis (TB) is a serious public health problem in Senegal. We analysed TB surveillance data to describe the burden and trend of TB in Senegal. Method: We conducted a secondary analysis of TB surveillance data from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2018 from the national TB control programme (NTP). Results: A total of 128,836 cases of all forms of tuberculosis were analysed, of which 67.42% were new cases of microscopically confirmed pulmonary TB. Persons aged 25-34 years accounted for 29.66%. The sex ratio M/F was 2.33. Dakar reported most cases 44.17%. The incidence per 100 000 populations was 91, 87 and 86 in 2009, 2008 and 2011, 93, 95 and 95 in 2012, 2013 and 2014 and 92, 86, 87 and 84 in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. The majority of cases (77%) had tested positive for HIV, with 6.84% co-infected. The rate of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) was 11%. Conclusion: In Senegal, the incidence of TB has slightly decreased due to the low detection rate which was 62% in 2018. The number of detected cases increased between 2013 and 2014, but it remained below that estimated by the World Health Organization. Increased surveillance of TB and monitoring of TB patients to avoid drug resistance is needed. &nbsp

    Uniform aligned bioconjugation of biomolecule motifs for integration within microfabricated microfluidic devices

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    Full details and a step-by-step guide suitable for printing proteins aligned to micron-sized sensors and subsequent integration and alignment of microfluidic structures are presented. The precise alignment and grafting of micron-sized biomolecule patterns with an underlying substrate at predefined locations is achieved using a novel semi-automated microcontact printer. Through integration of optical alignment methods in the x, y, and z directions, uniform contact of micron-sized stamps is achieved. Feature compression of the stamp is avoided by fine control of the stamp during contact. This printing method has been developed in combination with robust, compatible bioconjugate chemistry for patterning of a dextran-functionalized silicon oxide substrate with a NeutrAvidin-"inked" stamp and subsequent incubation with a biotin-functionalized protein. The bioconjugate chemistry is such that uniform coverage of the protein (without denaturation) over the printed motif is obtained and reproduction of the initial mask shape and dimensions is achieved. Later integration with a microfluidic structure aligned with the printed motif on the substrate is also described

    Sub-Micrometer Patterning Using Soft Lithography

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    This chapter reviews the current state of soft lithography with a particular emphasis on the patterning of structures having lateral dimensions of below 1 ?m. Soft lithography is generally perceived as an ensemble of techniques that collectively employ elastomeric polymers \u2013 mostly based on poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) \u2013 in the form of a mold, stamp or mask as the central element of a pattern-forming process. The virtue of these techniques is rapid prototyping during which the structural information from either of these elements is translated into multiple copies of a functional material. This chapter comprises a set of dedicated sections that outline principal patterning strategies, and highlight relatively recent developments in research which are illustrated with selected examples from the open literature.Ce chapitre passe en revue l\u2019\ue9tat actuel de la lithographie molle et se penche plus particuli\ue8rement sur l\u2019\ue9tablissement de motifs de structures qui ont des dimensions lat\ue9rales inf\ue9rieures \ue0 1 \u3bcm. La lithographie molle d\ue9signe habituellement un ensemble de techniques qui font toutes appel \ue0 des polym\ue8res \ue9lastom\ue8res \u2013 la plupart \ue9tant bas\ue9s sur le poly(dim\ue9thylsiloxane) ou PDMS \u2013 sous la forme d\u2019un moule, d\u2019un tampon ou d\u2019un masque comme principal \ue9l\ue9ment d\u2019un proc\ue9d\ue9 de formation de motifs. La principale qualit\ue9 de ces techniques est la rapidit\ue9 de prototypage, alors que l\u2019information structurelle provenant d\u2019un de ces \ue9l\ue9ments peut \ueatre reproduite en de multiples exemplaires d\u2019un mat\ue9riau fonctionnel. Ce chapitre comporte un ensemble de sections qui d\ue9crivent les principales strat\ue9gies d\u2019\ue9tablissement des motifs et donnent un aper\ue7u des progr\ue8s relativement r\ue9cents de la recherche, qui sont illustr\ue9s par des exemples choisis dans la litt\ue9rature publi\ue9e.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    Modeling angiogenesis with micro- and nanotechnology

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