175 research outputs found

    From functional diversity to human well-being: A conceptual framework for agroecosystem sustainability

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    [EN] CONTEXT: Agricultural intensification contributes to global food security and well-being by supplying the food demand of a growing human population. However, ongoing land-use change and intensification seriously affect the abundance, diversity and distribution of species, besides many other impacts, thereby threatening the functioning of ecosystems worldwide. Despite the accumulating evidence that the current agricultural model is unsustainable, we are far from understanding the consequences of functional diversity loss for functioning and ecosystem service supply and the potential long-term threats to food security and human well-being. OBJECTIVE: In this review, we propose a conceptual framework to understand the relationships between functional diversity and human well-being that also considers agroecosystem health. To this end, we identify the most commonly assumed relationships linking functional diversity to regulating and provisioning agroecosystem services and their importance for human well-being, emphasising the most serious knowledge gaps in the in-dividual pathways of the conceptual framework. METHODS: A consortium formed by an international panel of experts from different disciplines including functional diversity, ecosystem services and human health compiled 275 articles. Members of the consortium proposed literature to exemplify each specific aspect of the conceptual framework in the text, in accordance with his/her field of expertise. The guideline for all experts was to focus mostly in current literature (38% of the references are from the last 5 years and 66% from the last decade), with special interest in reviews and synthesis articles (42% of the references), as well as meta-analyses and global studies (10% of the references). RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The factors that influence agroecosystem health are extremely complex, involving both services and disservices related to land-use management and environmental conditions. The global human population needs sustainable and resilient agroecosystems and a concerted effort is needed to fundamentally redesign agricultural practices to feed the growing human population without further jeopardising the quality of life for future generations. We highlight the potential effects of land-use change and ecological intensification on the functional diversity of plant and animal communities, and the resulting consequences for ecosystem services and ultimately human health. SIGNIFICANCE: The resulting conceptual model is developed for researchers as well as policy makers high- lighting the need for a holistic approach to understand diversity impacts on human well-being. Finally, we document a major knowledge gap due to the lack of any studies focusing on the full pathway from diversity to human well-being.S

    A qualitative analysis exploring preferred methods of peer support to encourage adherence to a Mediterranean diet in a Northern European population at high risk of cardiovascular disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Epidemiological and randomised controlled trial evidence demonstrates that adherence to a Mediterranean diet (MD) can reduce cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. However, methods used to support dietary change have been intensive and expensive. Peer support has been suggested as a possible cost-effective method to encourage adherence to a MD in at risk populations, although development of such a programme has not been explored. The purpose of this study was to use mixed-methods to determine the preferred peer support approach to encourage adherence to a MD. METHODS: Qualitative (focus groups) and quantitative methods (questionnaire and preference scoring sheet) were used to determine preferred methods of peer support. Sixty-seven high CVD risk participants took part in 12 focus groups (60% female, mean age 64 years) and completed a questionnaire and preference scoring sheet. Focus group data were transcribed and thematically analysed. RESULTS: The mean preference score (1 being most preferred and 5 being least preferred) for group support was 1.5, compared to 3.4 for peer mentorship, 4.0 for telephone peer support and 4.0 for internet peer support. Three key themes were identified from the transcripts: 1. Components of an effective peer support group: discussions around group peer support were predominantly positive. It was suggested that an effective group develops from people who consider themselves similar to each other meeting face-to-face, leading to the development of a group identity that embraces trust and honesty. 2. Catalysing Motivation: participants discussed that a group peer support model could facilitate interpersonal motivations including encouragement, competitiveness and accountability. 3. Stepping Stones of Change: participants conceptualised change as a process, and discussed that, throughout the process, different models of peer support might be more or less useful. CONCLUSION: A group-based approach was the preferred method of peer support to encourage a population at high risk of CVD to adhere to a MD. This finding should be recognised in the development of interventions to encourage adoption of a MD in a Northern European population

    Identifying Future Study Designs and Indicators for Somatic Health Associated with Diets of Cohorts Living in Eco-Regions: Findings from the INSUM Expert Workshop

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    Diets, but also overall food environments, comprise a variety of significant factors with direct and indirect impacts on human health. Eco-Regions are geographical areas with a territorial approach to rural development, utilizing organic food and farming practices, and principles and promoting sustainable communities and food systems. However, so far, little attention has been given to quantifying aspects of the health of citizens living in these sustainable transition territories. The project “Indicators for Assessment of Health Effects of Consumption of Sustainable, Organic School Meals in Eco-Regions” (INSUM) aims to identify and discuss research approaches and indicators that could be applied to effectively measure the somatic, mental, and social health dimensions of citizens in Eco-Regions, linked to the intake of organic foods in their diets. In this paper, we focus on the somatic (physical) health dimension. A two-day workshop was held to discuss suitable methodology with an interdisciplinary, international group of experts. The results showed the limitations of commonly used tools for measuring dietary intake (e.g., relying on the memory of participants), and nutritional biomarkers (e.g., variations in correlations with specific intakes) for research understanding dietary intake and the health effects of diets. To investigate the complexity of this issue, the most suitable approach seems to be the combination of traditional markers of physical and mental health alongside emerging indicators such as the microbiome, nutrigenomics, metabolomics, or inflammatory biomarkers. Using new, digital, non-invasive, and wearable technologies to monitor indicators could complement future research. We conclude that future studies should adopt systemic, multidisciplinary approaches by combining not only indicators of somatic and mental health and social wellbeing (MHSW) but also considering the potential benefits of organic diets for health as well as aspects of sustainability connected to food environments

    Estradiol Is a Critical Mediator of Macrophage-Nerve Cross Talk in Peritoneal Endometriosis

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    Endometriosis occurs in approximately 10% of women and is associated with persistent pelvic pain. It is defined by the presence of endometrial tissue (lesions) outside the uterus, most commonly on the peritoneum. Peripheral neuroinflammation, a process characterized by the infiltration of nerve fibers and macrophages into lesions, plays a pivotal role in endometriosis-associated pain. Our objective was to determine the role of estradiol (E2) in regulating the interaction between macrophages and nerves in peritoneal endometriosis. By using human tissues and a mouse model of endometriosis, we demonstrate that macrophages in lesions recovered from women and mice are immunopositive for estrogen receptor beta, with up to 20% being estrogen receptor alpha positive. In mice, treatment with E2 increased the number of macrophages in lesions as well as concentrations of mRNAs encoded by Csf1, Nt3, and the tyrosine kinase neurotrophin receptor, TrkB. By using in vitro models, we determined that the treatment of rat dorsal root ganglia neurons with E2 increased mRNA concentrations of the chemokine C-C motif ligand 2 that stimulated migration of colony-stimulating factor 1-differentiated macrophages. Conversely, incubation of colony-stimulating factor 1 macrophages with E2 increased concentrations of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin 3, which stimulated neurite outgrowth from ganglia explants. In summary, we demonstrate a key rote for E2 in stimulating macrophage-nerve interactions, providing novel evidence that endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent neuroinflammatory disorder

    Research response to coronavirus disease 2019 needed better coordination and collaboration: a living mapping of registered trials

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    Objectives: Researchers worldwide are actively engaging in research activities to search for preventive and therapeutic interventions against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Our aim was to describe the planning of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in terms of timing related to the course of the COVID-19 epidemic and research question evaluated. Study Design and Setting: We performed a living mapping of RCTs registered in the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform. We systematically search the platform every week for all RCTs evaluating preventive interventions and treatments for COVID-19 and created a publicly available interactive mapping tool at https://covid-nma.com to visualize all trials registered. Results: By August 12, 2020, 1,568 trials for COVID-19 were registered worldwide. Overall, the median ([Q1–Q3]; range) delay between the first case recorded in each country and the first RCT registered was 47 days ([33–67]; 15–163). For the 9 countries with the highest number of trials registered, most trials were registered after the peak of the epidemic (from 100% trials in Italy to 38% in the United States). Most trials evaluated treatments (1,333 trials; 85%); only 223 (14%) evaluated preventive strategies and 12 postacute period intervention. A total of 254 trials were planned to assess different regimens of hydroxychloroquine with an expected sample size of 110,883 patients. Conclusion: This living mapping analysis showed that COVID-19 trials have relatively small sample size with certain redundancy in research questions. Most trials were registered when the first peak of the pandemic has passed

    Consumption of organic foods in the French cohort NutriNet-Santé

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    La consommation d’aliments biologiques et sa part relative dans le rĂ©gime alimentaire n’ont Ă©tĂ© que peu Ă©tudiĂ©es. De mĂȘme, les profils nutritionnels et de santĂ©, les motivations et les pratiques de tels consommateurs ne sont que rarement dĂ©crits. L’objectif de cette thĂšse Ă©tait d’étudier et de caractĂ©riser les profils des consommateurs de produits issus de l’agriculture biologique sur le plan nutritionnel, de la santĂ© et des pratiques. Les donnĂ©es de la cohorte NutriNet-SantĂ© incluant des adultes français ont Ă©tĂ© exploitĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats de cette thĂšse ont montrĂ© qu’une forte consommation de produits bio Ă©tait associĂ©e Ă  une meilleure qualitĂ© nutritionnelle globale du rĂ©gime. Le rĂ©gime des trĂšs forts consommateurs de bio Ă©tait ainsi souvent caractĂ©risĂ© par une place importante donnĂ©e aux produits vĂ©gĂ©taux et aux produits complets en particulier. La mise en oeuvre d'une analyse typologique a mis en Ă©vidence une diversitĂ© de profils des consommateurs sur le plan nutritionnel d'une part et sur les modes de production d'autre part. Ces diffĂ©rents profils de consommateurs Ă©taient marquĂ©s par des diffĂ©rences sur le plan des caractĂ©ristiques sociodĂ©mographiques, des modes de vie, des pratiques d’achat et des motivations d’achat. Par ailleurs, la probabilitĂ© de prĂ©senter le syndrome mĂ©tabolique Ă©tait plus faible chez les forts consommateurs de bio comparĂ©s aux faibles consommateurs. L’étude cas-tĂ©moins a montrĂ© chez les forts consommateurs de bio une teneur significativement plus faible de certains rĂ©sidus de pesticides dans les urines (2-(diethylamino)-6-mĂ©thylpyrimidin-4-ol/one total, en DETP et DMTP et en 3-PBA). Les conclusions des premiĂšres analyses transversales sur les marqueurs de santĂ© restent Ă  confirmer dans des Ă©tudes prospectives. L’ensemble de ces travaux souligne la nĂ©cessitĂ© de considĂ©rer toutes les dimensions de l’alimentation (structure du rĂ©gime et mode de production bio ou conventionnel) dans les futures Ă©tudes sur les potentiels effets de la consommation de bio sur la santĂ©. Ces rĂ©sultats plaident Ă©galement pour l’intĂ©gration d’une diversitĂ© de profils de consommateurs lors de l’élaboration de stratĂ©gies visant Ă  encourager les consommations alimentaires durables.Few data are available regarding the contribution of organic foods to the diet. In addition, dietary patterns, nutritional and health status of organic food consumers have rarely been described. The objective of this thesis was to study the characteristics of different groups of organic food consumers in terms of nutritional intakes, health status and practices. Data of the cohort NutriNet-SantĂ© including French adults were analysed. The results showed strong dietary behaviour correlates associated with high organic food consumption. Higher levels of organic food consumption were related to healthier dietary patterns. Dietary patterns of high organic food consumers were characterised by high consumption of plant-based products, and wholegrain products in particular. A cluster analysis has underlined a diversity of profiles of consumers in terms of dietary patterns and mode of food production. Disparities in sociodemographic and lifestyle patterns were observed across clusters. Furthermore, the probability of having the metabolic syndrome was lower among high organic food consumers. The case-control study showed significantly lower levels of some pesticide residues (2-(diethylamino)-6-methylpyrimidin-4-ol/one total, DETP, DMTP and 3-PBA) among high organic food consumers compared to low organic food consumers. Prospective studies are needed to confirm these findings. To accurately assess potential effects of consumption of organic products, future etiological studies need to take into consideration all components of the diet (dietary patterns as well as level of organic food consumption in the diet). These results highlight the importance of the integration of a diversity of consumers’ profiles when developing strategies aimed at promoting sustainable food practices

    Produits d’origine vĂ©gĂ©tale, pesticides et contaminants dans l’alimentation : quel rĂŽle de l’agriculture biologique ?

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    International audienceFlexitarian and vegetarian diets are of growing interest in France. While thenutritional profiles of individuals with high intakes of plant products are well characterized,exposure to pesticide residues and chemical contaminants are less documented. Moreover,higher consumption of organic products has been associated with higher consumption of plantproducts. Organic agriculture differs from its conventional counterpart since it bans the useof synthetic pesticides and considerably limits the use of inputs. These differences result inlower levels of pesticide residues and certainly cadmium in organic plant products compared toconventional products, while more data are needed to establish whether the levels of nitrates,mycotoxins and certain metals differ between organic and conventional products. Consumptionof organic products reduces exposure to synthetic pesticide residues in individuals followingvegetarian dietsLes rĂ©gimes flexitariens et vĂ©gĂ©tariens suscitent un intĂ©rĂȘt croissant au sein de lapopulation franc ̧aise. Pourtant si les profils nutritionnels des individus ayant de forts apports enproduits vĂ©gĂ©taux sont bien caractĂ©risĂ©s, l’exposition aux rĂ©sidus de pesticides et aux conta-minants alimentaires est moins documentĂ©e. Par ailleurs, de plus fortes consommations deproduits issus de l’agriculture biologique ont Ă©tĂ© associĂ©es Ă  de plus fortes consommations deproduits vĂ©gĂ©taux. L’agriculture biologique diffĂšre de son homologue conventionnelle de parle recours Ă  des pratiques culturales qui excluent l’usage de pesticides de synthĂšse et limitel’emploi d’intrants. Ces diffĂ©rences de pratiques se traduisent par de plus faibles teneurs enrĂ©sidus de pesticides et certainement de cadmium dans les produits vĂ©gĂ©taux bio comparĂ©s Ă leurs homologues conventionnels tandis que davantage de donnĂ©es sont nĂ©cessaires pour Ă©ta-blir s’il existe de rĂ©elles diffĂ©rences de teneurs en nitrates, mycotoxines et certains mĂ©taux.La consommation de produits bio permet de diminuer l’exposition aux rĂ©sidus de pesticides desynthĂšse chez des individus suivant des rĂ©gimes vĂ©gĂ©tarien

    Dietary pesticide exposure and non-communicable diseases and mortality: a systematic review of prospective studies among adults

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    Abstract Background Research on the effect of pesticide exposure on health has been largely focused on occupational settings. Few reviews have synthesized the associations between dietary pesticide exposure and health outcomes in non-occupationally exposed adults. Objective We aim to summarize the evidence regarding dietary pesticide exposure and non-communicable diseases (NCD) in adults, using a systematic review of prospective studies. Methods Electronic and manual searches were performed until July 2023. The inclusion criteria were the following: 1) adults aged ≄ 18years, 2) (non)-randomized trials, prospective cohort studies, 3) dietary exposure to pesticides. A bias analysis was carried out using the Nutrition Evidence Systematic Review guidelines based on the Cochrane ROBINS-I. Results A total of 52 studies were retrieved and 6 studies that met the above criteria were included. Studies were conducted either in France or in the United States. The studies investigated the risk of cancer (n = 3), diabetes (n = 1), cardiovascular diseases (n = 1), and mortality (n = 1). The quality of the studies varied with overall grades derived from the bias analysis ranging from low to moderate bias. The level of evidence was estimated as low for the risk of cancer while the grading was not assignable for other outcomes, as only one study per outcome was available. Conclusions Although further research is warranted to examine more in depth the relationships between low-dose chronic exposure to pesticides through diet and NCD outcomes in non-occupationally-exposed adults, studies suggest a possible role of exposure to dietary pesticide on health. Standardized methodological guidelines should also be proposed to allow for comparison across studies

    Organic food consumption and Gluten-free diet, is there a link? results in French adults without celiac disease

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    The rising popular belief that gluten is detrimental for health has led to growth in gluten avoidance in people without celiac disease. Little information is available on their dietary profiles and their behavior regarding other specific dietary-related features. Our aim was to compare the consumption of organic foods between gluten avoiders and non-avoiders, and their places of food purchase. We described their sociodemographic and dietary profiles. The study population included participants of the NutriNet-Santé cohort who both completed a food exclusion questionnaire and an organic semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (n=23,468). Food intake and organic food consumption ratios were compared using ANCOVA models adjusted for age, sex and energy intake. Associations between gluten avoidance and organic food consumption as well as places of food purchase were investigated with multivariable logistic regression. Participants avoiding gluten were more likely to be women and had a healthier dietary profile. Organic food consumption was higher among gluten avoiders (48.50% of total diet for total avoiders, 17.38% for non-avoiders). After adjustments for confounders, organic food consumption and purchase in organic stores were positively associated with gluten avoidance: aOR Q5 vs Q1organic food=4.95, 95% CI=3.70-6.63 and aOR organic stores vs supermarkets=1.82, 95% CI=1.42-2.33 for total avoiders. Our study highlights that individuals who avoid gluten are high organic consumers and frequently purchase their foods in organic stores which propose an extended offer of gluten-free food. Further research is needed to determine the underlying common motivations and the temporality of the dietary behaviors of healthy people avoiding gluten
