10 research outputs found

    Solvent Engineered Synthesis of Layered SnO Nanoparticles for High-Performance Anodes

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    Batteries are the most abundant form of electrochemical energy storage. Lithium and sodium ion batteries account for a significant portion of the battery market, but high-performance electrochemically active materials still need to be discovered and optimized for these technologies. Recently, tin(II) oxide (SnO) has emerged as a highly-promising battery electrode. In this work, we present a facile synthesis method to produce SnO nanoparticles whose size and shape can be tailored by changing the solvent nature. We study the complex relationship between wet chemistry synthesis conditions and resulting layered nanoparticle morphology. Furthermore, high-level electronic structure theory, including dispersion corrections to account for van der Waals forces, are employed to enhance our understanding of the underlying chemical mechanisms. The electronic vacuum alignment and surface energies are determined, allowing the prediction of the thermodynamically-favoured crystal shape (Wulff construction) and surface-weighted work function. Finally, the synthesized nanomaterials were tested as Li-ion battery anodes, demonstrating significantly enhanced electrochemical performance for morphologies obtained from specific synthesis conditions

    Motivating systems and investing in human capital and their influence on the growing of the organization, by the extinction of Company X

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    Dobrze wykształcona i kompetentna kadra to podstawa sukcesu współczesnego przedsiębiorstwa. Jednak nawet tacy ludzie, bez odpowiedniej motywacji do pracy nie będą przydatni dla organizacji. Dlatego tak ważne jest, aby w firmie zatrudnić ludzi posiadających odpowiednią wiedzę i umiejętności, a do tego odpowiednio ich zmotywować, aby wspólnie z całą organizacją, dążyli oni do osiągnięcia jej celów. Jako, że człowiek uczy się przez całe życie, firma powinna zadbać o to, aby jej pracownicy cały czas rozwijali swe kompetencje. Niniejsza praca przedstawia sposoby motywowania pracowników i inwestowania w ich rozwój, a także mówi jaki ma to wpływ na efektywność i rozwój całej organizacji, na przykładzie firmy X. Celem niniejszej pracy jest pokazanie, iż odpowiednio wyszkoleni, kompetentni i zmotywowani pracownicy są najcenniejszym kapitałem organizacji i tylko dzięki inwestowaniu w ich ciągły rozwój firma może osiągnąć przewagę konkurencyjną. Pierwszy rozdział pokazuje różnorodne sposoby motywowania pracowników do efektywnej pracy. Wyjaśnia on znaczenie motywacji we współczesnych przedsiębiorstwach, a także przedstawia sposoby wdrażania systemów motywacyjnych w fimie. Drugi rozdział wyjaśnia znaczenie pojęcia " kapitał ludzki", pokazuje jak ważne jest określenie niezbędnych do prawidłowego funkcjonowania organizacji kompetencji jej pracowników, a także przedstawia metody podnoszenia ich kwalifikacji. Ostatni rozdział przedstawia praktyczne rozwiązania z zakresu motywowania i rozwoju zawodowego pracowników w firmie X, a także pokazuje jaki wpływ miały te rozwiązania na całą organizację i jej funkcjonowanie.Well educated and professional personnel is the basics of modern company. But even such people without a proper motivation for work won't be effective and useful for a company. That is why it is so important to employ people with suitable knowlegde and skills and to properly motivate them to achieve the companies aims. As people learn their whole lives it is the company who should take care of the employees and allow them to develop their competences. The following thesis shows the ways to motivate employees and investing in their growth but also tells how does it reflect on company's efficiency at the example of Company X.The thesis' target is showing that properly educated, qualified and motivated employees are the most valuable assets of organisation and thanks to investing into their constant development the company can achieve competitive advantage.The first chapter shows different ways of motivating people for effective work. It explains the meaning of motivation in modern enterprises and tells about methods of motivating systems implementation in the company as well.The second chapter explains the meaning of „ human capital”, shows how important it is to describe the proper qualifications of employees for the regular functioning of enterprise and also what are the methods of upskilling.The last chapter tells about practical solutions of motivations and professional development in the Company X. It also shows how do these solutions reflect on the whole Company and its functioning

    Recent nanosheet-based materials for monovalent and multivalent ions storage

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    Owing to the unique advantages of short solid-state diffusion length for metal ions, outstanding ability to alleviate the huge volume expansion of the electrode during repeated charge/discharge process, considerable large amount of channels for electrolyte access leading promoting fast ion diffusion between electrode, and numerous exposed active sites, nanosheet structures are regarded as the ideal electrode structures for achieving high capacity and ultrafast charge/discharge of energy storage. Herein, this review provides a comprehensive introduction of recent nanosheet-based electrode materials for high performance batteries, like monovalent ion (lithium and sodium) batteries and multivalent ion (magnesium, zinc and aluminum) batteries. Facile and simple strategies of synthesizing electrodes and different mechanisms of energy storage are presented. Furthermore, the challenges and development directions of nanosheet-based materials and rechargeable battery systems are discussed.Ministry of Education (MOE)This work was mainly supported by MoE Tier 1 (Grant No. RG19/17). W. H. thanks the supports by the National Basic Research Program of China-Fundamental Studies of Perovskite Solar Cells (Grant No. 2015CB932200), Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (Grant No. BM2012010), Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (Grant No. YX03001), Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. IRT1148), Synergetic Innovation Center for Organic Electronics and Information Displays, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61136003 and 51173081)

    Electronic structure engineering on two-dimensional (2D) electrocatalytic materials for oxygen reduction, oxygen evolution, and hydrogen evolution reactions

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