858 research outputs found

    Quasilocality of joining/splitting strings from coherent states

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    Using the coherent state formalism we calculate matrix elements of the one-loop non-planar dilatation operator of N=4{\cal N}=4 SYM between operators dual to folded Frolov-Tseytlin strings and observe a curious scaling behavior. We comment on the {\it qualitative} similarity of our matrix elements to the interaction vertex of a string field theory. In addition, we present a solvable toy model for string splitting and joining. The scaling behaviour of the matrix elements suggests that the contribution to the genus one energy shift coming from semi-classical string splitting and joining is small.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures in 11 file

    A new derivation of Luscher F-term and fluctuations around the giant magnon

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    15 pages, no figures; v2: added assumption on diagonal scattering and a section on generalizations; v3: minor changes, version accepted for publication in JHEPIn this paper we give a new derivation of the generalized Luscher F-term formula from a summation over quadratic fluctuations around a given soliton. The result is very general providing that S-matrix is diagonal and is valid for arbitrary dispersion relation. We then apply this formalism to compute the leading finite size corrections to the giant magnon dispersion relation coming from quantum fluctuations.Peer reviewe

    Review of AdS/CFT Integrability, Chapter III.2: Exact world-sheet S-matrix

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    We review the derivation of the S-matrix for planar N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and type IIB superstring theory on an AdS5xS5 background. After deriving the S-matrix for the su(2) and su(3) sectors at the one-loop level based on coordinate Bethe ansatz, we show how su(2|2) symmetry leads to the exact asymptotic S-matrix up to an overall scalar function. We then briefly review the spectrum of bound states by relating these states to simple poles of the S-matrix. Finally, we review the derivation of the asymptotic Bethe equations, which can be used to determine the asymptotic multiparticle spectrum.Comment: 20 pages, see also overview article arXiv:1012.3982, v2: references to other chapters updated, v3: references added and minor change

    Conformal Dimensions of Two-Derivative BMN Operators

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    We compute the anomalous dimensions of BMN operators with two covariant derivative impurities at the planar level up to first order in the effective coupling lambda'. The result equals those for two scalar impurities as well as for mixed scalar and vector impurities given in the literature. Though the results are the same, the computation is very different from the scalar case. This is basically due to the existence of a non-vanishing overlap between the derivative impurity and the ``background'' field Z. We present details of these differences and their consequences.Comment: 27 pages, v2: references added, minor change

    The classical R-matrix of AdS/CFT and its Lie dialgebra structure

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    The classical integrable structure of Z_4-graded supercoset sigma-models, arising in the AdS/CFT correspondence, is formulated within the R-matrix approach. The central object in this construction is the standard R-matrix of the Z_4-twisted loop algebra. However, in order to correctly describe the Lax matrix within this formalism, the standard inner product on this twisted loop algebra requires a further twist induced by the Zhukovsky map, which also plays a key role in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The non-ultralocality of the sigma-model can be understood as stemming from this latter twist since it leads to a non skew-symmetric R-matrix.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    On String S-matrix, Bound States and TBA

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    The study of finite J effects for the light-cone AdS superstring by means of the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz requires an understanding of a companion 2d theory which we call the mirror model. It is obtained from the original string model by the double Wick rotation. The S-matrices describing the scattering of physical excitations in the string and mirror models are related to each other by an analytic continuation. We show that the unitarity requirement for the mirror S-matrix fixes the S-matrices of both theories essentially uniquely. The resulting string S-matrix S(z_1,z_2) satisfies the generalized unitarity condition and, up to a scalar factor, is a meromorphic function on the elliptic curve associated to each variable z. The double Wick rotation is then accomplished by shifting the variables z by quarter of the imaginary period of the torus. We discuss the apparent bound states of the string and mirror models, and show that depending on a choice of the physical region there are one, two or 2^{M-1} solutions of the M-particle bound state equations sharing the same conserved charges. For very large but finite values of J, most of these solutions, however, exhibit various signs of pathological behavior. In particular, they might receive a finite J correction to their energy which is complex, or the energy correction might exceed corrections arising due to finite J modifications of the Bethe equations thus making the asymptotic Bethe ansatz inapplicable.Comment: 77 pages, 6 figures, v2: the statement about the periodicity condition for mirror fermions corrected; typos corrected; references added, v3: misprints correcte

    An alternative formulation of light-cone string field theory on the plane wave

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    We construct a manifestly SO(4) x SO(4) invariant, supersymmetric extension of the closed string cubic interaction vertex and dynamical supercharges in light-cone string field theory on the plane wave space-time. We find that the effective vertex for states built out of bosonic creation oscillators coincides with the one previously constructed in the SO(8) formalism and conjecture that in general the two formulations are physically equivalent. Further evidence for this claim is obtained from the discrete Z_2-symmetry of the plane wave and by computing the mass-shift of the simplest stringy state using perturbation theory. We verify that the leading non-planar correction to the anomalous dimension of the dual gauge theory operators is correctly recovered.Comment: 28 pages; v2: minor change

    Review of AdS/CFT Integrability, Chapter II.2: Quantum Strings in AdS5xS5

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    We review the semiclassical analysis of strings in AdS5xS5 with a focus on the relationship to the underlying integrable structures. We discuss the perturbative calculation of energies for strings with large charges, using the folded string spinning in an AdS3 subset of AdS5 as our main example. Furthermore, we review the perturbative light-cone quantization of the string theory and the calculation of the worldsheet S-matrix.Comment: 20 pages, see also overview article arXiv:1012.3982, v2: references to other chapters update

    Updated precision measurement of the average lifetime of B hadrons

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    The measurement of the average lifetime of B hadrons using inclusively reconstructed secondary vertices has been updated using both an improved processing of previous data and additional statistics from new data. This has reduced the statistical and systematic uncertainties and gives \tau_{\mathrm{B}} = 1.582 \pm 0.011\ \mathrm{(stat.)} \pm 0.027\ \mathrm{(syst.)}\ \mathrm{ps.} Combining this result with the previous result based on charged particle impact parameter distributions yields \tau_{\mathrm{B}} = 1.575 \pm 0.010\ \mathrm{(stat.)} \pm 0.026\ \mathrm{(syst.)}\ \mathrm{ps.

    Multiplicity dependence of inclusive J/psi production at midrapidity in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    Measurements of the inclusive J/psi yield as a function of charged-particle pseudorapidity density dN(ch)/d eta in pp collisions at root s = 13 TeV with ALICE at the LHC are reported. The J/psi meson yield is measured at midrapidity (vertical bar y vertical bar <0.9) in the dielectron channel, for events selected based on the charged-particle multiplicity at midrapidity (vertical bar eta vertical bar <1) and at forward rapidity (-3.7 <eta <-1.7 and 2.8 <eta <5.1); both observables are normalized to their corresponding averages in minimum bias events. The increase of the normalized J/psi yield with normalized dN(ch)/d eta is significantly stronger than linear and dependent on the transverse momentum. The data are compared to theoretical predictions, which describe the observed trends well, albeit not always quantitatively. (C) 2020 European Organization for Nuclear Research. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe
