94 research outputs found

    Dynamics of a model of Toxoplasmosis disease in human and cat populations

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    AbstractA mathematical model for the transmission of Toxoplasmosis disease in human and cat populations is proposed and analyzed. We explore the dynamics of the Toxoplasmosis disease at the population level using an epidemiological type model. Discussion of the basic concepts of the Toxoplasmosis transmission dynamics on human and cat populations are presented. The cats in this model plays a role of infectious agents and host of the protozoan Toxoplasma Gondii parasite. Qualitative dynamics of the model is determined by the basic reproduction number, R0. If the threshold parameter R0<1, then the solution converges to the disease free equilibrium point. On the other hand if R0>1 the convergence is to the endemic equilibrium point. Numerical simulations of the model illustrates several different dynamics depending on the threshold parameter R0 and show the importance of this parameter

    Membership duration in a Spanish Union : a survival analysis

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    This article presents an analysis of the characteristics that are associated with union membership duration using data from the membership registers of the largest Spanish trade union: Comisiones Obreras (CCOO, Workers' Commissions). Making use of survival analysis techniques, the results indicate that the shortest membership durations and the highest risks of leaving are associated with workers with poor employment conditions, mainly youth and foreigners, as well as those in firms, economic sectors, and territories where the union has a rather weak presence. As workers in these situations represent the majority of both current joining and leaving rates, the article concludes that retention policies should focus on the early stages of union membership

    Plataforma para la gestión de Actividades Académicamente Dirigidas Personalizadas

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    Con la divulgaci&oacute;n generalizada de las nuevas tecnolog&iacute;as y el acceso extensivo a la red internet, pr&aacute;cticamente en cualquier &aacute;mbito y en particular tambi&eacute;n en el universitario, la distribuci&oacute;n de informaci&oacute;n o documentaci&oacute;n de cualquier titulaci&oacute;n y en particular de cualquier asignatura, as&iacute; como la comunicaci&oacute;n profesor-alumno se realiza por canales telem&aacute;ticos, v&iacute;a web, correo electr&oacute;nico, SMS,&hellip;; siendo en muchas ocasiones estos canales los &uacute;nicos usados para tal fin. En consecuencia, cada vez son mayores las tareas de gesti&oacute;n y mantenimiento de aquellos lugares o p&aacute;ginas web destinadas a estos prop&oacute;sitos: p&aacute;ginas institucionales, de departamentos, de centros, de titulaciones, de asignaturas o del profesor.Enmarcado dentro del EEES, cada vez es m&aacute;s recurrente la proposici&oacute;n de actividades acad&eacute;micamente dirigidas (en adelante A.A.D.), adem&aacute;s en la mayor&iacute;a de ocasiones se hace imprescindible la personalizaci&oacute;n de las mismas, sin embargo y tras las experiencias piloto realizadas estos &uacute;ltimos a&ntilde;os, se hace especialmente dif&iacute;cil con grupos numerosos la proposici&oacute;n, el seguimiento y la evaluaci&oacute;n de las mismas. Por otro lado, para evitar el plagio entre alumnos, las A.A.D. tienen que personalizarse, origin&aacute;ndose como consecuencia, la tediosa tarea que supone: buscar y proponer A.A.D. distintas para cada alumno. Posteriormente tambi&eacute;n es complicado el seguimiento de su desarrollo y la recogida y evaluaci&oacute;n de los trabajos (muy especialmente en grupos de alumnos numerosos). En el curso 2010/11 comenzar&aacute;n a funcionar las titulaciones de grado y con ellas los nuevos enfoques a los que alumnos y docentes deber&aacute;n enfrentarse. Es por ello que parece razonable aprovechar los recursos inform&aacute;ticos, hoy muy extendidos y accesibles para todo el alumnado, para desarrollar y construir en su caso herramientas que faciliten las nuevas perspectivas docentes

    Las acequias de careo de Sierra Nevada (sur de España), un sistema de recarga ancestral en acuíferos de alta montaña

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    En las partes altas de Sierra Nevada (sur de España) se realiza, desde época andalusí (Edad Media), un Sistema Integrado de Gestión del Agua Subterránea, en el que las acequias de careo constituyen un elemento clave. Estos canales excavados en el terreno están diseñados para recargar las aguas procedentes del deshielo, a lo largo de su recorrido y en distintas zonas concretas, donde hay una mayor permeabilidad del terreno. Una vez que el agua se infiltra en las partes altas de los valles, pasa a circular lentamente por los acuíferos superficiales y surge por ríos y manantiales situados a media ladera. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados conseguidos mediante el monitoreo e investigación hidrogeológica de una cuenca de 68 km2 (cuenca del río Bérchules), situada en Sierra Nevada, donde se aplica la técnica de careo. Los resultados conseguidos han permitido comprobar que el careo aplana el hidrograma de los ríos de alta montaña, reduciendo su componente nival y aumentando la subterránea. Además contribuye a mantener el caudal de los manantiales y los ecosistemas asociados a esta descarga. Su uso en otras zonas de alta montaña permitiría disponer de una excelente herramienta de adaptación al cambio climático.Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaUniversidad Politécnica de Cataluña, EspañaAgencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua de la Junta de Andalucía, EspañaUniversidad Pablo de Olavide, EspañaConsejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio, Junta de Andalucía, EspañaPeer reviewe

    One-step in vitro generation of ETV2-null pig embryos

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    Each year, tens of thousands of people worldwide die of end-stage organ failure due to the limited availability of organs for use in transplantation. To meet this clinical demand, one of the last frontiers of regenerative medicine is the generation of humanized organs in pigs from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) via blastocyst complementation. For this, organ-disabled pig models are needed. As endothelial cells (ECs) play a critical role in xenotransplantation rejection in every organ, we aimed to produce hematoendothelial-disabled pig embryos targeting the master transcription factor ETV2 via CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome modification. In this study, we designed five different guide RNAs (gRNAs) against the DNA-binding domain of the porcine ETV2 gene, which were tested on porcine fibroblasts in vitro. Four out of five guides showed cleavage capacity and, subsequently, these four guides were microinjected individually as ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNPs) into one-cell-stage porcine embryos. Next, we combined the two gRNAs that showed the highest targeting efficiency and microinjected them at higher concentrations. Under these conditions, we significantly improved the rate of biallelic mutation. Hence, here, we describe an efficient one-step method for the generation of hematoendothelial-disabled pig embryos via CRISPR-Cas9 microinjection in zygotes. This model could be used in experimentation related to the in vivo generation of humanized organs

    Evaluation of an autonomous smart system for optimal management of fertigation with variable sources of irrigation water

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    Modern irrigation technologies and tools can help boost fertigation efficiency and sustainability, particularly when using irrigation water of varying quality. In this study, a high-tech irrigation head using a new fertigation optimization tool called NutriBalance, which is designed to manage feed waters of different qualities, has been evaluated from technical and economic perspectives. NutriBalance computes the optimal fertigation dose based on specific data about the equipment, the crop, the irrigation water, and the fertilizers available, in order to enable autonomous and accurate water and fertilizer supply. The system was trialed in a grapefruit orchard irrigated with fresh and desalinated water for several values of crop nutritional requirements and considering different fertilizer price scenarios. The results showed the good interoperability between the tool and the irrigation head and the nearly flawless ability (error below 7% for most ions) of the system to provide the prescribed fertigation with different combinations of irrigation water. Fertilizer savings of up to 40% were achieved, which, for the lifespan of the equipment, were estimated to correspond to around 500 EUR/ha/year. The results of this study can encourage the adoption of novel technologies and tools by farmers

    The Magnus expansion and some of its applications

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    Approximate resolution of linear systems of differential equations with varying coefficients is a recurrent problem shared by a number of scientific and engineering areas, ranging from Quantum Mechanics to Control Theory. When formulated in operator or matrix form, the Magnus expansion furnishes an elegant setting to built up approximate exponential representations of the solution of the system. It provides a power series expansion for the corresponding exponent and is sometimes referred to as Time-Dependent Exponential Perturbation Theory. Every Magnus approximant corresponds in Perturbation Theory to a partial re-summation of infinite terms with the important additional property of preserving at any order certain symmetries of the exact solution. The goal of this review is threefold. First, to collect a number of developments scattered through half a century of scientific literature on Magnus expansion. They concern the methods for the generation of terms in the expansion, estimates of the radius of convergence of the series, generalizations and related non-perturbative expansions. Second, to provide a bridge with its implementation as generator of especial purpose numerical integration methods, a field of intense activity during the last decade. Third, to illustrate with examples the kind of results one can expect from Magnus expansion in comparison with those from both perturbative schemes and standard numerical integrators. We buttress this issue with a revision of the wide range of physical applications found by Magnus expansion in the literature.Comment: Report on the Magnus expansion for differential equations and its applications to several physical problem

    Preparation of polycaprolactone nanoparticles via supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of emulsions

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    Polycaprolactone (PCL) nanoparticles were produced via supercritical fluid extraction of emulsions (SFEE) using supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2). The efficiency of the scCO2 extraction was investigated and compared to that of solvent extraction at atmospheric pressure. The effects of process parameters including polymer concentration (0.6–10% w/w in acetone), surfactant concentration (0.07 and 0.14% w/w) and polymer-to-surfactant weight ratio (1:1–16:1 w/w) on the particle size and surface morphology were also investigated. Spherical PCL nanoparticles with mean particle sizes between 190 and 350 nm were obtained depending on the polymer concentration, which was the most important factor where increase in the particle size was directly related to total polymer content in the formulation. Nanoparticles produced were analysed using dynamic light scattering and scanning electron microscopy. The results indicated that SFEE can be applied for the preparation of PCL nanoparticles without agglomeration and in a comparatively short duration of only 1 h

    Riego de un cultivo de citricos con agua marina desalinizada. resultados preliminares en suelo y planta

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    La escasez de agua y la creciente presión sobre los recursos hídricos en las regiones semiáridas ha extendido la utilización para el riego de recursos hídricos no convencionales, como el agua marina desalinizada (AMD). Debido a su composición en Cl-, Na+ y B3+, el riego con AMD podría causar problemas agronómicos y afectar al suelo y a los cultivos a medio y largo plazo. En este estudio, se regó una parcela de mandarinos durante 20 meses con (i) agua proporcionada por la Comunidad de Regantes del Campo de Cartagena (CR), (ii) agua marina desalinizada (AMD) y (iii) mezcla de agua 50% CR y 50% AMD (AM). Se evaluó el efecto sobre la dinámica y acumulación de los iones tóxicos Cl-, Na+ y B3+ en el suelo y en la planta. La [B3+] del agua AMD fue superior a la de CR, acumulándose en el suelo, con una concentración un 25% superior a la encontrada con CR al final del ensayo. La [B3+] en la capa superficial del suelo se correlacionó con la [B3+] en el agua y con la [B3+] en la hoja. Aunque tras 20 meses los árboles regados con AMD tuvieron una [B3+] foliar un 25% superior a la de árboles regados con CR, no presentaron síntomas de toxicidad. Las [Cl-] y [Na+] del agua fueron similares en los tres tipos de agua, superando los umbrales a partir de los cuales pueden producir toxicidad en cítricos. Las concentraciones de Cl- y Na+ en hoja permanecieron por debajo del umbral de toxicidad establecido para cítricos. Los resultados obtenidos son preliminares ya que este estudio debería extenderse durante un periodo más largo para obtener datos más concluyentes acerca de los efectos a largo plazo de la utilización de AMD tanto en el suelo como en la planta