21 research outputs found

    This Corrosion: A systematic Review of the Association between Alternative Subcultures and the Risk of Self-Harm and Suicide

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    Background: Rates of self-harm and suicide are increasing in young people. The literature suggests that individuals who identify with alternative subcultures (e.g. Goth) may be at a greater risk. Objective: To explore the prevalence of self-harm and suicide in alternative subcultures and the factors that might contribute to this increased risk. Method: Using a systematic strategy, the databases PsycINFO, Scopus, MEDLINE and Web of Science and the E-Thesis online service (ETHOS) were searched for English language only papers, with no restrictions in terms of date of publication. Papers were selected that included data on the relationship between either alternative subculture identity (e.g. Goth) or preference for alternative music (e.g. Heavy Metal) and self-harm or suicide. Ten quantitative papers were included; seven cross-sectional, two longitudinal and one cross-sectional state level comparison study. Two qualitative papers were also included. Studies were assessed by two reviewers for risk of bias Results: The findings indicated that individuals who associated with alternative subcultures were at a greater risk of self-harm and suicide. Whilst qualitative papers identified potential mechanisms (e.g. exposure to self-harm and the way self-harm is presented or normalised) there remains limited support for these mechanisms. Conclusions: More research is required to understand the association between self-harm, suicide and alternative subculture affiliation, and the factors underlying it. Longitudinal studies and studies focusing on mechanism are particularly important

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    Meeting abstrac

    Degradation of pharmaceutical compounds by microalgae: photobioreactor wastewater treatment, biomass harvesting and methanization

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    Els contaminants emergents (ECs) són un ampli grup de compostos orgànics detectats en diversos compartiments ambientals que degut a la seva presència en el medi ambient i la seva difícil degradació han aixecat un gran interès en la comunitat científica. Tot i que la seva concentració normalment està compresa entre els ng/L i els μg/L, poden representar una amenaça per a la salut humana i el medi ambient ja que són excretats per la orina i els fems, ja sigui en forma de compost actiu o com a metabòlit, ja que no són completament assimilats. D’entre tots els emergents, els compostos disruptors endocrins (EDCs) i els principis actius dels fàrmacs (PhACs) generen especial preocupació. Està àmpliament acceptat que la seva principal font d’entrada al medi ambient és a través dels efluents de les plantes depuradores (WWTP), on els tractaments convencionals de llots actius no són capaços de degradar-ne la majoria, sent capaços d’arribar a les aigües superficials, subterrànies i, posteriorment, a l’aigua potable. Per tant, s’han de buscar tractaments alternatius. Un d’aquests tractaments podria ser l’ús de les microalgues aprofitant la seva capacitat pel tractament d’aigües residuals, eliminant els nutrients de l’aigua residual i la seva posterior conversió en biocombustibles. Aquesta tesi avalua diferents aspectes relacionats amb la degradació de contaminants emergents i tractament d’aigües amb microalgues. A més de l’estudi d’un dels principals colls d’ampolla dels sistemes de microalgues, la collita, que té l’avantatge de clarificar l’aigua residual tractada i concentrar la biomassa algal per a la seva conversió a biogàs. Tant, cultius purs com efluents de microalgues s’han considerat. Primerament, s’ha estudiat la degradació individual de dos compostos estrogènics. Aquests dos compostos estrogènics s’han introduït recentment a la llista de substàncies prioritàries de la directiva de l’aigua: 17α-etinileestradiol (EE2) i 17β- estradiol (E2). La seva degradació s’ha monitoritzat a partir dels cultius purs de Chlamydomonas reinhardtii i Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata a nivell de laboratori. Per tal d’obtenir més informació sobre els mecanismes de degradació s’ha fet la identificació dels productes de transformació. A més, la degradació d’una mescla de 10 fàrmacs (9 antibiòtics i un antidepressiu) s’ha avaluat en cultius purs de microalgues a escala laboratori. S’ha realitzat la identificació dels productes de transformació de tres PhACs seleccionats. Posteriorment, un dels antibiòtics, la ciprofloxacina, s’ha analitzat. Els seus mecanismes d’eliminació han estat estudiats en sistemes algals, tant en reactors a escala laboratori com en escala pilot. Per altra banda, s’ha dissenyat un fotobioreactor (PBR) d’algues tractant aigua residual urbana i en operació durant 6 mesos. S’ha monitoritzat el seu seguiment i s’han provat diferents condicions d’operació. A més, un cop a l’estat estacionari l’eliminació de PhACs s’ha estimat i s’ha caracteritzat la població microbiana. També s’ha estudiat l’eliminació del compost estrogènic E2 en el PBR. En aquesta tesi també es remarca la importància de la collita de microalgues. Tres tècniques de collita (i.e., sedimentació natural, coagulació-floculació i la tècnica innovadora de co-pel·letització utilitzant el fong Trametes versicolor) s’han aplicat en dos efluents reals de microalgues i a una suspensió pura de Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Finalment, s’ha dut a terme la metanització de biomassa exhausta. Abans del procés de digestió anaeròbia, per tal de solubilitzar la paret cel·lular les algues han estat sotmeses a un pretractament enzimàtic. S’han provat enzims específics i no específics, així com l’efecte combinat utilitzant una mescla d’enzims. Aquest estudi es completa amb la valorització de biomassa fúngica que prové del tractament d’efluents.Emerging contaminants (ECs) are a wide range of organic compounds detected in many environmental compartments that have raised an increasing interest in the scientific community due to their ubiquitous presence in the environment and their difficult degradation. Even though their environmental concentration is usually in the range of ng/L to μg/L, they still represent a threat to human health and environment since they are excreted with urine and faeces either as active substances or metabolites, because they are not completely assimilated. Among emerging contaminants, endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs) are of major concern. It is widely accepted that the main source to the environment are the effluents of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), where conventional activated sludge treatments are not able to degrade most of them being able to reach surface, groundwater and subsequently, drinking water. Therefore, alternative treatments should be found. One of those alternatives might be the use of microalgae by taking advantage of their capacity for wastewater treatment removing the nutrients contained in the wastewater and further microalgal biomass conversion into biofuels. The present thesis assesses different factors related to microalgal degradation of emerging contaminants and wastewater treatment. As well as the study of one of the major bottlenecks on microalgal systems, the harvesting, which has the advantage to clarify the treated wastewater and concentrate the microalgal biomass for further biogas production. Pure microalgal cultures and real microalgal effluents have been considered. First of all, individual degradation of two estrogenic compounds has been studied. The two estrogenic compounds evaluated have been recently incorporated in the priority substances in the Water Framework Directive: 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) and 17β- estradiol (E2). Their degradation by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata pure cultures at laboratory scale conditions has been monitored. To obtain further insights in the mechanism of degradation the transformation products have been identified. Moreover, the removal of a mixture of 10 PhACs (9 antibiotics and an antidepressant) has also been assessed in pure microalgal cultures at laboratory scale conditions. Transformation products from three chosen PhACs have been identified. One of the antibiotics, ciprofloxacin, was further evaluated. The removal mechanisms have been studied in real algal ponds in both, laboratory and pilot scale reactors. On the other hand, an algal photobioreactor (PBR) treating urban wastewater has been designed and operated during 6 months. Its performance has been monitored and different operating conditions have been tested. Furthermore, PhACs removal has been evaluated during the steady state and microbial diversity has been identified. The estrogenic compound E2 removal in the PBR has been studied. The importance of microalgal harvesting has been highlighted in the thesis. Three different harvesting techniques (i.e., natural sedimentation, coagulation-flocculation and the novel technique of co-pelletization using Trametes versicolor fungus) have been evaluated using two real microalgal effluents and a pure Chlamydomonas reinhardtii suspension. Finally, methanization of exhausted biomass has been conducted. Prior the anaerobic digestion process microalgal biomass has been submitted to an enzymatic pretreatment for its cell wall solubilisation. Specific and non-specific enzymes have been tested as well as the synergistic effects between an enzymatic mixture. The study is completed valorising fungal biomass coming from the treatment of effluents

    Degradation of pharmaceutical compounds by microalgae: photobioreactor wastewater treatment, biomass harvesting and methanization

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    Els contaminants emergents (ECs) són un ampli grup de compostos orgànics detectats en diversos compartiments ambientals que degut a la seva presència en el medi ambient i la seva difícil degradació han aixecat un gran interès en la comunitat científica. Tot i que la seva concentració normalment està compresa entre els ng/L i els μg/L, poden representar una amenaça per a la salut humana i el medi ambient ja que són excretats per la orina i els fems, ja sigui en forma de compost actiu o com a metabòlit, ja que no són completament assimilats. D’entre tots els emergents, els compostos disruptors endocrins (EDCs) i els principis actius dels fàrmacs (PhACs) generen especial preocupació. Està àmpliament acceptat que la seva principal font d’entrada al medi ambient és a través dels efluents de les plantes depuradores (WWTP), on els tractaments convencionals de llots actius no són capaços de degradar-ne la majoria, sent capaços d’arribar a les aigües superficials, subterrànies i, posteriorment, a l’aigua potable. Per tant, s’han de buscar tractaments alternatius. Un d’aquests tractaments podria ser l’ús de les microalgues aprofitant la seva capacitat pel tractament d’aigües residuals, eliminant els nutrients de l’aigua residual i la seva posterior conversió en biocombustibles. Aquesta tesi avalua diferents aspectes relacionats amb la degradació de contaminants emergents i tractament d’aigües amb microalgues. A més de l’estudi d’un dels principals colls d’ampolla dels sistemes de microalgues, la collita, que té l’avantatge de clarificar l’aigua residual tractada i concentrar la biomassa algal per a la seva conversió a biogàs. Tant, cultius purs com efluents de microalgues s’han considerat. Primerament, s’ha estudiat la degradació individual de dos compostos estrogènics. Aquests dos compostos estrogènics s’han introduït recentment a la llista de substàncies prioritàries de la directiva de l’aigua: 17α-etinileestradiol (EE2) i 17β- estradiol (E2). La seva degradació s’ha monitoritzat a partir dels cultius purs de Chlamydomonas reinhardtii i Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata a nivell de laboratori. Per tal d’obtenir més informació sobre els mecanismes de degradació s’ha fet la identificació dels productes de transformació. A més, la degradació d’una mescla de 10 fàrmacs (9 antibiòtics i un antidepressiu) s’ha avaluat en cultius purs de microalgues a escala laboratori. S’ha realitzat la identificació dels productes de transformació de tres PhACs seleccionats. Posteriorment, un dels antibiòtics, la ciprofloxacina, s’ha analitzat. Els seus mecanismes d’eliminació han estat estudiats en sistemes algals, tant en reactors a escala laboratori com en escala pilot. Per altra banda, s’ha dissenyat un fotobioreactor (PBR) d’algues tractant aigua residual urbana i en operació durant 6 mesos. S’ha monitoritzat el seu seguiment i s’han provat diferents condicions d’operació. A més, un cop a l’estat estacionari l’eliminació de PhACs s’ha estimat i s’ha caracteritzat la població microbiana. També s’ha estudiat l’eliminació del compost estrogènic E2 en el PBR. En aquesta tesi també es remarca la importància de la collita de microalgues. Tres tècniques de collita (i.e., sedimentació natural, coagulació-floculació i la tècnica innovadora de co-pel·letització utilitzant el fong Trametes versicolor) s’han aplicat en dos efluents reals de microalgues i a una suspensió pura de Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Finalment, s’ha dut a terme la metanització de biomassa exhausta. Abans del procés de digestió anaeròbia, per tal de solubilitzar la paret cel·lular les algues han estat sotmeses a un pretractament enzimàtic. S’han provat enzims específics i no específics, així com l’efecte combinat utilitzant una mescla d’enzims. Aquest estudi es completa amb la valorització de biomassa fúngica que prové del tractament d’efluents.Emerging contaminants (ECs) are a wide range of organic compounds detected in many environmental compartments that have raised an increasing interest in the scientific community due to their ubiquitous presence in the environment and their difficult degradation. Even though their environmental concentration is usually in the range of ng/L to μg/L, they still represent a threat to human health and environment since they are excreted with urine and faeces either as active substances or metabolites, because they are not completely assimilated. Among emerging contaminants, endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs) are of major concern. It is widely accepted that the main source to the environment are the effluents of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), where conventional activated sludge treatments are not able to degrade most of them being able to reach surface, groundwater and subsequently, drinking water. Therefore, alternative treatments should be found. One of those alternatives might be the use of microalgae by taking advantage of their capacity for wastewater treatment removing the nutrients contained in the wastewater and further microalgal biomass conversion into biofuels. The present thesis assesses different factors related to microalgal degradation of emerging contaminants and wastewater treatment. As well as the study of one of the major bottlenecks on microalgal systems, the harvesting, which has the advantage to clarify the treated wastewater and concentrate the microalgal biomass for further biogas production. Pure microalgal cultures and real microalgal effluents have been considered. First of all, individual degradation of two estrogenic compounds has been studied. The two estrogenic compounds evaluated have been recently incorporated in the priority substances in the Water Framework Directive: 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) and 17β- estradiol (E2). Their degradation by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata pure cultures at laboratory scale conditions has been monitored. To obtain further insights in the mechanism of degradation the transformation products have been identified. Moreover, the removal of a mixture of 10 PhACs (9 antibiotics and an antidepressant) has also been assessed in pure microalgal cultures at laboratory scale conditions. Transformation products from three chosen PhACs have been identified. One of the antibiotics, ciprofloxacin, was further evaluated. The removal mechanisms have been studied in real algal ponds in both, laboratory and pilot scale reactors. On the other hand, an algal photobioreactor (PBR) treating urban wastewater has been designed and operated during 6 months. Its performance has been monitored and different operating conditions have been tested. Furthermore, PhACs removal has been evaluated during the steady state and microbial diversity has been identified. The estrogenic compound E2 removal in the PBR has been studied. The importance of microalgal harvesting has been highlighted in the thesis. Three different harvesting techniques (i.e., natural sedimentation, coagulation-flocculation and the novel technique of co-pelletization using Trametes versicolor fungus) have been evaluated using two real microalgal effluents and a pure Chlamydomonas reinhardtii suspension. Finally, methanization of exhausted biomass has been conducted. Prior the anaerobic digestion process microalgal biomass has been submitted to an enzymatic pretreatment for its cell wall solubilisation. Specific and non-specific enzymes have been tested as well as the synergistic effects between an enzymatic mixture. The study is completed valorising fungal biomass coming from the treatment of effluents

    Comparative analysis of two biomaterials mixed with autogenous bone graft for vertical ridge augmentation: A histomorphometric study in humans

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    BackgroundThe vertical increase of the alveolar ridge dimension using allograft or xenograft mixed with autogenous bone graft and covered by a nonabsorbable high-density polytetrafluoroethylene (d-PTFE) membrane is well documented in the literature.PurposeThe aim of this study was to assess vital mineralized tissue formation in vertical ridge augmentation (VRA) procedures using autogenous bone chips mixed either with an allograft or a xenograft.MethodsThis prospective clinical trial recruited 16 partially edentulous patients to undergo vertical ridge augmentation in one or more sites, making up a total of 24 samples for histological evaluation. Patients were sequentially stratified into Group A (treated with a freeze-dried bone allograft [FDBA] mixed with autogenous bone) or to Group B (treated with a bovine xenograft mixed with autogenous bone). Histological samples were analyzed according to the biomaterial used for VRA. Histological samples were obtained on the same day of membrane removal and implant placement.ResultsThirty-three implants were placed in 16 sites of regenerated bone via VRA, 13 patients with ridge augmentation in the posterior mandible, and 3 patients with VRA in the anterior maxilla. Group A (FDBA + autogenous) and Group B (xenograft + autogenous) showed a percent vital mineralized tissue (VMT) area of 67.64 ± 16.84 and 60.93 ± 18.25, respectively. A significant difference between the two biomaterials was not observed.ConclusionWhen mixed with autogenous bone, either allografts or xenografts may provide a successful augmentation. Either mixture could serve as reliable alternative in VRA for obtaining a high percentage of VMT.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/175117/1/cid13124.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/175117/2/cid13124_am.pd