130 research outputs found

    Prostitution and the Contagious Diseases Acts in 19th Century British Colonies

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    The Contagious Diseases Act allowed the British government to arrest anyone who was thought to be a prostitute and perform unauthorized, and oftentimes non consensual, medical tests on them. Despite the confidence the British government felt while backing up the Act, there has been plenty of evidence to show that the spread of disease actually increased while the Act was in place, and declined sharply after the repeal in the late 19th Century. Many different organizations were created to put a stop to the unfair treatment against women, such as the Woman’s Club and the protests put on by Josephine Butler, despite the fact that the women were known or suspected prostitutes. This paper will explain how discriminatory the Acts were towards the citizens of Natal Africa, India, and the British Isles, more specifically the women who lived in these places. The Contagious Diseases Act was designed to aid in the health and well-being of the colonial population from these specific countries. The creation of the Contagious Diseases Act was contrived to address the health of the British soldiers rather than the women who were being infected as well. As a consequence, the Act also blurred the lines between social classes and racial domesticity in the British Isles, which will be addressed throughout this thesis

    Sanitätspolizeiliche Bekämpfung übertragbarer Krankheiten

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    Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit erfolgt eine Darstellung der historischen Entwicklung legislativer Maßnahmen auf dem Gebiet des „Seuchenrechts“. Im zweiten Teil werden jene verfassungsrechtlich geschützten subjektiven Rechte dargestellt, deren Einschränkung die derzeit geltenden Vorschriften im Zuge der Abwehr von Epidemien vorsehen. Auch der nachfolgende dritte Teil beschäftigt sich mit verfassungsrechtlichen Fragestellungen, nämlich der kompetenzrechtlichen Einordnung der „Seuchengesetze“ im System des B-VG. In einem vierten Teil erschien es notwendig, den wachsenden Einfluss des Völker- und Unionsrecht auf die innerstaatliche Epidemieabwehr aufzuzeigen, bevor sich die Arbeit im Anschluss daran den derzeit vorgesehenen Maßnahmen widmet. Am Ende steht ein Ausblick auf mögliche künftige Entwicklungen.The first chapter depicts the historical development of legislative measures against epidemics. In its second chapter, the paper focuses on those constitutional rights, which may be affected by the provisions yet in force against the spread of epidemic plagues. The following chapter deals with questions of constitutional law as well, discussing the jurisdictional allocation of laws concerning the defeat of communicable diseases in the system of the Austrian B-VG. In its fourth part, the paper emphasizes the increasing influence of European law and international law on the national public health legislation. Subsequently, the measures provided by the respective laws yet in force are depicted. Finally an outlook on possible developments is presented

    Investigation of Post-Consumer Regrind Content in Polyethylene and Polypropylene for Consumer Packaging Applications

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    With the rise of plastics products in waste streams, both consumer products companies and consumers are looking for greener methods to produce the same products with less of a carbon footprint. One way of achieving these goals is to include recycled plastic into consumer goods. These recycled greener alternatives provide many of the same benefits of virgin plastic material. The goal of this project was to determine what, if any, differences are there between virgin resins and resins that contain post-consumer recycled content (PCR). Control and experimental resins were obtained and injection molded to create samples for analysis. Control resins were Ineos H05A-00 Polypropylene Homopolymer and Marlex 9012 High-Density Polyethylene. Experimental resins included Plastic Bank SDS clear polypropylene (Social Plastic), KWR-621 Post Consumer Recycled FDA Polypropylene Resin, and KW Post-Consumer Recycled Polyethylene Resins: KWR 102 BM High-Density Polyethylene and KWR 101 150 Natural High-Density Polyethylene. Samples underwent thermal testing by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) to determine key thermal transition and material degradation temperatures to compare each of the experimental materials to the virgin resins. Mechanical testing included tensile testing and Izod impact testing to determine the mechanical strength of each experimental materials to compare to the virgin resins. Melt flow was performed to determine the rheological properties of the virgin and post-consumer recycled (PCR) resins in the melt

    Social Class

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    Discussion of class structure in fifth-century Athens, historical constitution of theater audiences, and the changes in the comic representation of class antagonism from Aristophanes to Menander

    From Saussure to sociology and back to linguistics

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    The article highlights a semiotically relevant aspect of Niklas Luhmann’s Theory of Social Systems: its reception of the Saussurean dichotomies signifiant/signifié and langue/parole. Luhmann’s position is weighted against the Cours as well as Saussure’s original writings, sampling their approaches to form, meaning, the sign’s two-sidedness, and the relation of linguistic structure and speech events. Ultimately, the article proposes a social ontology of linguistic abstraction in line with general semiology that explains the motility of language through communication, thereby accounting for variability and optionality. It also indicates as to how the theoretical framework can feed into a model of linguistic description.Peer Reviewe

    The language(s) of comedy

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    Note additionnelle relative à l'étymologie d'ὅρκος et d'ὀμνύναι

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    Dans un appendice étymologique à l'article précédent, l'auteur critique l'interprétation de M. Benveniste, pour qui ὅρκος désigne à l'origine l'objet sacralisant, et l'étymologie établie par M. Leumann, pour qui cet objet est d'abord le sceptre. La délimitation des champs sémantiques d'ὅρκος ; et d'ἕρκος montre qu'on a eu raison de rapprocher les deux mots. Quant à l'étymologie d'ὀμνύναι, le rapprochement avec la racine sanscrite am est retenu, mais les deux mots ne peuvent être directement liés, parce qu'ils apparaissent comme deux dérivés différents de la même racine.Hiersche Rolf. Note additionnelle relative à l'étymologie d'ὅρκος et d'ὀμνύναι. In: Revue des Études Grecques, tome 71, fascicule 334-338, Janvier-décembre 1958. pp. 35-41