118 research outputs found

    Duration of heat treatment and true digestibility of amino acids in meat meal for Leghorn cockerels

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    Knowledge of the true digestibility of amino acids in the ingredients of a poultry ration is important in order to use them properly, especially the proteinic ingredients that have been heated during processing, such as meat meal. Protein solubility is a good indicator of heat damage. To estimate true digestibility, Leghorn White cockerels were fasted for 24 h and then force fed with meat meal autoclaved at 121°C and 1.5 kg/cm2 for 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes. A correction for endogenous amino acids was included. Nitrogen was determined by micro Kjeldahl; protein solubility by the methods of 2% KOH and coomassie blue; amino acids concentrations were also determined by HPLC. Treatments had an effect (P<.05) on meat meal protein solubility, means being 89% and 84% for the KOH and coomassie blue methods, respectively. However, protein solubility increased until 30 minutes and then decreased according to the KOH method, whereas it increased until 15 minutes (P<.05) and then remained constant by the coomassie blue method. Autoclaving had an effect on true digestibility of all amino acids, except methionine. There was a high and significant correlation (0.81) between protein solubility by the KOH method and true digestibility of amino acids

    Effect of Grazing Management on Herbage Accumulation of Lucerne-Orchard Grass Sward

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    Throughout most of México, lucerne (Medicago sativa) is the primary forage legume used in the dairy industry. Unfortunately, lucerne does not grow in late autumn and winter due to adverse weather. Recent studies with lucerne have suggested that the inclusion of a companion grass will invariably increase the seasonal distribution and total annual yield of swards (Laidlaw & Teuber, 2001). However the management of mixed swards containing lucerne is difficult as a grazing frequency or intensity which suits one species may be detrimental to the other. Changes in balance between grass and legume, especially in grazed swards, have been observed. In México mixtures of lucerne-orchard grass have a good persistence and productivity. However the explanation for this is unclear. This study examined the effects of different grazing management practices on lucerne-orchard grass production and seasonal distribution

    Risk factors associated with mastitis and raw milk quality in small farms of Texcoco, México

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    The consumption of raw milk or its use in the production of dairy products, increases the risk of transmission of diseases, caused by pathogenic organisms or toxins, which affect the quality and safety of milk, as a result of poor milking practices or improper handling of the product. The objective of the study was to determine the nutritional and physicochemical quality, the presence of aflatoxins in raw milk, as well as risk factors for mastitis, in 20 family farms in the Texcoco region of Mexico. MilkoScan FT1 was used for physicochemical and nutritional analysis of milk and somatic cells and cow health were quantified using the Somaticell test; in addition, the presence of Aflatoxin M1 was determined by lateral flow immuno-chromatogenetics. The results showed normal nutritional values of milk according to NMX-F-700-COFOCALEC-2012, which assure its quality for human. The pH varied from 5.0 - 8.4, indicating poor control of milk temperature on some farms, causing acidity problems. Logistic analysis showed that a good cleaning of the udder in the milking prevents it to be a risk factor for the increase of somatic cells and degree of mastitis, not so the type of milking and sealing of udders. The Somaticell technique®, allowed a quantitative and efficient diagnosis of clinical mastitis and no presence of aflatoxin AFM1 was found in raw milk, which ensures that there is no problem for the consumption of the product or its transformation into products Dairy.Objective: to determine the nutritional and physicochemical quality, and the presenceof aflatoxins in raw milk, as well as risk factors for developing mastitis in 20 family farmsin the region of Texcoco, Mexico.Methods: MilkoSCan FT1 was used for nutritional and physicochemical analysis ofmilk. Somatic cells were quantified and the cow’s health status was tested usingSomaticell; furthermore, the presence of Aflatoxin M1 was determined using lateral flowimmunochromatography.Results: the milk evaluated in this study reported normal nutritional values according toNMX-F-700-COFOCALEC-2012, which guarantees its quality for human consumption.The pH ranged from 5.0 to 8.4, which indicates deficient temperature control in somefarms, leading to problems with acidity. The logistical analysis showed that adequateudder cleaning during milking is important to avoid it being a risk factor for an increasein somatic cells and degree of mastitis, although not the milking technique or teatsealing. The presence of aflatoxin AFM1 was not reported in raw milk.Study implications: the Somaticell® technique renders a qualitative and efficientdiagnosis of clinical mastitis. Conclusions: raw milk quality from this region guarantees consumers with a safe andapt product for human consumption or transformation into dairy byproducts

    Estado nutricional y su relación con la seguridad alimentaria en el medio rural de Oaxaca

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    The perception of food security does not guarantee an appropriate nutritional status, since the latter is influenced by the age and physiological condition of the individual and not by the sensation of satiety. The objective of this study was to relate the family’s perception of its food security (FS) with the diversity of foods available and the contribution of macronutrients to their diet. For this purpose, 100 families were sampled to determine which type and the amount of foods consumed, as well as the contribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to the total caloric value (TCV), and the FS perception. The results suggest that social backwardness and the age of members of the family negatively affect the status of FS. The contribution of proteins to the TCV was adjusted to official recommendations of around 12%, while fat had a contribution lower than 25%, and carbohydrates more than 60%. The contribution of 80% of energy consumed comes from maize, wheat, bean, oil, rice and meats, in lower proportion. The conclusion is that energy, protein and fat intake are independent from the FS perception of families.Las percepciones de seguridad alimentaria no garantizan un estado nutricional apropiado, este último se encuentra influenciado por la edad y condición fisiológica del individuo, y no por las sensaciones de saciedad. El objetivo de la investigación fue relacionar la percepción de la familia sobre su seguridad alimentaria (SA) con la diversidad de alimentos de que dispone y el aporte de macronutrientes de su dieta. Se muestrearon 100 familias y se determinó el tipo y cantidad de alimentos, el aporte de las proteínas, la grasa y los carbohidratos al valor calórico total (VCT) y la percepción de SA. Los resultados evidencian que el rezago social y la edad de los integrantes de la familia afectan negativamente al estado de SA. El aporte al VCT de las proteínas se adecuó a las recomendaciones oficiales, en torno a 12 %, la grasa tuvo un aporte inferior a 25% y los carbohidratos sobrepasaron 60%. El aporte de 80% de energía consumida proviene del maíz, trigo, frijol, aceite, arroz y en menor proporción de cárnicos. Se concluye que la ingesta energética, proteica y de grasas de la dieta son independientes de la percepción de SA que tienen las familias

    Potassium Starvation in Yeast: Mechanisms of Homeostasis Revealed by Mathematical Modeling

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    The intrinsic ability of cells to adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions is a fundamental process required for survival. Potassium is the most abundant cation in living cells and is required for essential cellular processes, including the regulation of cell volume, pH and protein synthesis. Yeast cells can grow from low micromolar to molar potassium concentrations and utilize sophisticated control mechanisms to keep the internal potassium concentration in a viable range. We developed a mathematical model for Saccharomyces cerevisiae to explore the complex interplay between biophysical forces and molecular regulation facilitating potassium homeostasis. By using a novel inference method (“the reverse tracking algorithm”) we predicted and then verified experimentally that the main regulators under conditions of potassium starvation are proton fluxes responding to changes of potassium concentrations. In contrast to the prevailing view, we show that regulation of the main potassium transport systems (Trk1,2 and Nha1) in the plasma membrane is not sufficient to achieve homeostasis

    Potassium and Sodium Transport in Yeast

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    [EN] As the proper maintenance of intracellular potassium and sodium concentrations is vital for cell growth, all living organisms have developed a cohort of strategies to maintain proper monovalent cation homeostasis. In the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, potassium is accumulated to relatively high concentrations and is required for many aspects of cellular function, whereas high intracellular sodium/potassium ratios are detrimental to cell growth and survival. The fact that S. cerevisiae cells can grow in the presence of a broad range of concentrations of external potassium (10 M–2.5 M) and sodium (up to 1.5 M) indicates the existence of robust mechanisms that have evolved to maintain intracellular concentrations of these cations within appropriate limits. In this review, current knowledge regarding potassium and sodium transporters and their regulation will be summarized. The cellular responses to high sodium and potassium and potassium starvation will also be discussed, as well as applications of this knowledge to diverse fields, including antifungal treatments, bioethanol production and human disease.L.Y. is funded by grant BFU2011-30197-C03-03 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Madrid, Spain) and EUI2009-04147 [Systems Biology of Microorganisms (SysMo2) European Research Area-Network (ERA-NET)].Yenush, L. (2016). Potassium and Sodium Transport in Yeast. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 892:187-228. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-25304-6_8S187228892Ahmed A, Sesti F, Ilan N, Shih TM, Sturley SL et al (1999) A molecular target for viral killer toxin: TOK1 potassium channels. Cell 99:283–291Albert A, Yenush L, Gil-Mascarell MR, Rodriguez PL, Patel S et al (2000) X-ray structure of yeast Hal2p, a major target of lithium and sodium toxicity, and identification of framework interactions determining cation sensitivity. 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    Clinical phenotypes of acute heart failure based on signs and symptoms of perfusion and congestion at emergency department presentation and their relationship with patient management and outcomes

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    Objective To compare the clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with acute heart failure (AHF) according to clinical profiles based on congestion and perfusion determined in the emergency department (ED). Methods and results Overall, 11 261 unselected AHF patients from 41 Spanish EDs were classified according to perfusion (normoperfusion = warm; hypoperfusion = cold) and congestion (not = dry; yes = wet). Baseline and decompensation characteristics were recorded as were the main wards to which patients were admitted. The primary outcome was 1-year all-cause mortality; secondary outcomes were need for hospitalisation during the index AHF event, in-hospital all-cause mortality, prolonged hospitalisation, 7-day post-discharge ED revisit for AHF and 30-day post-discharge rehospitalisation for AHF. A total of 8558 patients (76.0%) were warm+ wet, 1929 (17.1%) cold+ wet, 675 (6.0%) warm+ dry, and 99 (0.9%) cold+ dry; hypoperfused (cold) patients were more frequently admitted to intensive care units and geriatrics departments, and warm+ wet patients were discharged home without admission. The four phenotypes differed in most of the baseline and decompensation characteristics. The 1-year mortality was 30.8%, and compared to warm+ dry, the adjusted hazard ratios were significantly increased for cold+ wet (1.660; 95% confidence interval 1.400-1.968) and cold+ dry (1.672; 95% confidence interval 1.189-2.351). Hypoperfused (cold) phenotypes also showed higher rates of index episode hospitalisation and in-hospital mortality, while congestive (wet) phenotypes had a higher risk of prolonged hospitalisation but decreased risk of rehospitalisation. No differences were observed among phenotypes in ED revisit risk. Conclusions Bedside clinical evaluation of congestion and perfusion of AHF patients upon ED arrival and classification according to phenotypic profiles proposed by the latest European Society of Cardiology guidelines provide useful complementary information and help to rapidly predict patient outcomes shortly after ED patient arrival

    Erratum to: 36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1186/s13054-016-1208-6.]

    The global burden of adolescent and young adult cancer in 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Background: In estimating the global burden of cancer, adolescents and young adults with cancer are often overlooked, despite being a distinct subgroup with unique epidemiology, clinical care needs, and societal impact. Comprehensive estimates of the global cancer burden in adolescents and young adults (aged 15–39 years) are lacking. To address this gap, we analysed results from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019, with a focus on the outcome of disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), to inform global cancer control measures in adolescents and young adults. Methods: Using the GBD 2019 methodology, international mortality data were collected from vital registration systems, verbal autopsies, and population-based cancer registry inputs modelled with mortality-to-incidence ratios (MIRs). Incidence was computed with mortality estimates and corresponding MIRs. Prevalence estimates were calculated using modelled survival and multiplied by disability weights to obtain years lived with disability (YLDs). Years of life lost (YLLs) were calculated as age-specific cancer deaths multiplied by the standard life expectancy at the age of death. The main outcome was DALYs (the sum of YLLs and YLDs). Estimates were presented globally and by Socio-demographic Index (SDI) quintiles (countries ranked and divided into five equal SDI groups), and all estimates were presented with corresponding 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs). For this analysis, we used the age range of 15–39 years to define adolescents and young adults. Findings: There were 1·19 million (95% UI 1·11–1·28) incident cancer cases and 396 000 (370 000–425 000) deaths due to cancer among people aged 15–39 years worldwide in 2019. The highest age-standardised incidence rates occurred in high SDI (59·6 [54·5–65·7] per 100 000 person-years) and high-middle SDI countries (53·2 [48·8–57·9] per 100 000 person-years), while the highest age-standardised mortality rates were in low-middle SDI (14·2 [12·9–15·6] per 100 000 person-years) and middle SDI (13·6 [12·6–14·8] per 100 000 person-years) countries. In 2019, adolescent and young adult cancers contributed 23·5 million (21·9–25·2) DALYs to the global burden of disease, of which 2·7% (1·9–3·6) came from YLDs and 97·3% (96·4–98·1) from YLLs. Cancer was the fourth leading cause of death and tenth leading cause of DALYs in adolescents and young adults globally. Interpretation: Adolescent and young adult cancers contributed substantially to the overall adolescent and young adult disease burden globally in 2019. These results provide new insights into the distribution and magnitude of the adolescent and young adult cancer burden around the world. With notable differences observed across SDI settings, these estimates can inform global and country-level cancer control efforts. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities, St Baldrick's Foundation, and the National Cancer Institute

    Five insights from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019 provides a rules-based synthesis of the available evidence on levels and trends in health outcomes, a diverse set of risk factors, and health system responses. GBD 2019 covered 204 countries and territories, as well as first administrative level disaggregations for 22 countries, from 1990 to 2019. Because GBD is highly standardised and comprehensive, spanning both fatal and non-fatal outcomes, and uses a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive list of hierarchical disease and injury causes, the study provides a powerful basis for detailed and broad insights on global health trends and emerging challenges. GBD 2019 incorporates data from 281 586 sources and provides more than 3.5 billion estimates of health outcome and health system measures of interest for global, national, and subnational policy dialogue. All GBD estimates are publicly available and adhere to the Guidelines on Accurate and Transparent Health Estimate Reporting. From this vast amount of information, five key insights that are important for health, social, and economic development strategies have been distilled. These insights are subject to the many limitations outlined in each of the component GBD capstone papers.Peer reviewe