312 research outputs found

    The relationship between Economic intelligence and Innovation

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    Dans un monde de plus en plus intégré et connecté, les entreprises sont sous la pression d’une concurrence intolérable qui les pousse à chercher chaque jour des solutions pour leur problème aussi bien technique, organisationnel que financier.Ainsi, l’intelligence économique représente un outil de premier plan pour aider ces entreprises à prendre les bonnes décisions au bon moment. Cependant, cet outil reste sans intérêt si l’entreprise est incapable d’innover en permanence pour répondre aux besoins du consommateur et assurer sa position au niveau du marché. De ce fait, l’intelligence économique est devenue un instrument à la disposition des entreprises innovantes qui peuvent l’utiliser afin d’avoir les informations nécessaires sur leur environnement interne et externe pour garantir leur continuité sur le marché faute de quoi elles seront éjectées par le système.Ce papier est une occasion pour éclaircir la relation existante entre les deux outils à savoir l’intelligence économique et l’innovation

    Novel targets of the CbrAB/Crc carbon catabolite control system revealed by transcript abundance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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    The opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa is able to utilize a wide range of carbon and nitrogen compounds, allowing it to grow in vastly different environments. The uptake and catabolism of growth substrates are organized hierarchically by a mechanism termed catabolite repression control (Crc) whereby the Crc protein establishes translational repression of target mRNAs at CA (catabolite activity) motifs present in target mRNAs near ribosome binding sites. Poor carbon sources lead to activation of the CbrAB two-component system, which induces transcription of the small RNA (sRNA) CrcZ. This sRNA relieves Crc-mediated repression of target mRNAs. In this study, we have identified novel targets of the CbrAB/Crc system in P. aeruginosa using transcriptome analysis in combination with a search for CA motifs. We characterized four target genes involved in the uptake and utilization of less preferred carbon sources: estA (secreted esterase), acsA (acetyl-CoA synthetase), bkdR (regulator of branched-chain amino acid catabolism) and aroP2 (aromatic amino acid uptake protein). Evidence for regulation by CbrAB, CrcZ and Crc was obtained in vivo using appropriate reporter fusions, in which mutation of the CA motif resulted in loss of catabolite repression. CbrB and CrcZ were important for growth of P. aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis (CF) sputum medium, suggesting that the CbrAB/Crc system may act as an important regulator during chronic infection of the CF lung

    The Importance of The Income of The Islamic Wakf In Moving : The Wheel of Sustainable Development in Algeria

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    في هذه الورقة البحثية تتبعنا مسار الوقف في الجزائر ودوره في تحريك عجلة التنمية المحلية ثم أثره الايجابي على الحياة الاقتصادية للمجتمع. فتوصلت إلى أن الجزائر تزخر بموارد هامة مالية وعقارية للوقف بسبب محبة المجتمع الجزائري لقطاع الوقف من الجانب الديني والاجتماعي، هذه الموارد جعلت من الوقف قطاعا ثالثا بجانب العام والخاص، رغم هذا إلا أن الوقف يفتقر إلى سياسة رشيدة للتسيير الأمثل لموارده وتجديد مداخله وترميم إرثه .In this paper, we follow the path of waqf in Algeria and its role in moving the wheel of local development and then its positive impact on the economic life of society. It concluded that Algeria is endowed with important financial and real resources for the waqf because of the Algerian society's love of the waqf sector from the religious and social side. These resources have made the waqf a third sector besides the public and private sectors. However, the waqf lacks a rational policy for the optimal management of its resources, renewing its income and restoring its heritage

    Assessing the effect of organic residue quality on active decomposing fungi in a tropical Vertisol using 15N-DNA stable isotope probing

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    15N-DNA stable isotope probing (15N-DNA-SIP) combined with 18S rRNA gene-based community analysis was used to identify active fungi involved in decomposition of 15N-labeled maize and soybean litter in a tropical Vertisol. Phylogenetic analysis of 15N-labeled DNA subjected to 18S rRNA gene-based community fingerprinting showed that organic residue quality promoted either slow (i.e. Penicillium sp., Aspergillus sp.) or fast growing (i.e. Fusarium sp., Mortierella sp.) fungal decomposers in soils treated with maize or soybean residues, respectively, whereas Chaetomium sp. were found as dominant decomposers in both residue treatments. Therefore, we have clear evidence that specific members of the fungal community used 15N derived from the two different organic resources for growth and stimulated early decomposition of maize or soybean decomposition. In conclusion, our study showed that 15N-DNA-SIP-based community analyses cannot only follow the flow of N from organic resources into bacteria, but also into the actively decomposing fungal communities of soils

    Sampling location of the inoculum is crucial in designing anodes for microbial fuel cells

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    A Kraft pulp mill effluent was used as the inoculum to form microbial bioanodes under controlled potential at +0.4 V/SCE. Samples were collected at the inlet and outlet of the aerated lagoon of the treatment line. The outlet sample allowed efficient bioanodes to be designed (5.1 A/m²), which included Geobacter and Desulfuromonas sp. in their microbial community. In contrast, the bioanodes formed with the inlet sample did not contain directly connecting anode-respiring bacteria and led to lower currents. It was necessary to reform this bioanode at lower applied potential (-0.2 V/SCE) to select more efficient electroactive species and increase the current density to 5 A/m²

    Diversifying Anaerobic Respiration Strategies to Compete in the Rhizosphere

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    The rhizosphere is the interface between plant roots and soil where intense, varied interactions between plants and microbes influence plants' health and growth through their influence on biochemical cycles, such as the carbon, nitrogen, and iron cycles. The rhizosphere is also a changing environment where oxygen can be rapidly limited and anaerobic zones can be established. Microorganisms successfully colonize the rhizosphere when they possess specific traits referred to as rhizosphere competence. Anaerobic respiration flexibility contributes to the rhizosphere competence of microbes. Indeed, a wide range of compounds that are available in the rhizosphere can serve as alternative terminal electron acceptors during anaerobic respiration such as nitrates, iron, carbon compounds, sulfur, metalloids, and radionuclides. In the presence of multiple terminal electron acceptors in a complex environment such as the rhizosphere and in the absence of O2, microorganisms will first use the most energetic option to sustain growth. Anaerobic respiration has been deeply studied, and the genes involved in anaerobic respiration have been identified. However, aqueous environment and paddy soils are the most studied environments for anaerobic respiration, even if we provide evidence in this review that anaerobic respiration also occurs in the plant rhizosphere. Indeed, we provide evidence by performing a BLAST analysis on metatranscriptomic data that genes involved in iron, sulfur, arsenate and selenate anaerobic respiration are expressed in the rhizosphere, underscoring that the rhizosphere environment is suitable for the establishment of anaerobic respiration. We thus focus this review on current research concerning the different types of anaerobic respiration that occur in the rhizosphere. We also discuss the flexibility of anaerobic respiration as a fundamental trait for the microbial colonization of roots, environmental and ecological adaptation, persistence and bioremediation in the rhizosphere. Anaerobic respiration appears to be a key process for the functioning of an ecosystem and interactions between plants and microbes

    Plant Nutrient Resource Use Strategies Shape Active Rhizosphere Microbiota Through Root Exudation

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    Plant strategies for soil nutrient uptake have the potential to strongly influence plant–microbiota interactions, due to the competition between plants and microorganisms for soil nutrient acquisition and/or conservation. In the present study, we investigate whether these plant strategies could influence rhizosphere microbial activities via root exudation, and contribute to the microbiota diversification of active bacterial communities colonizing the root-adhering soil (RAS) and inhabiting the root tissues. We applied a DNA-based stable isotope probing (DNA-SIP) approach to six grass species distributed along a gradient of plant nutrient resource strategies, from conservative species, characterized by low nitrogen (N) uptake, a long lifespans and low root exudation level, to exploitative species, characterized by high rates of photosynthesis, rapid rates of N uptake and high root exudation level. We analyzed their (i) associated microbiota composition involved in root exudate assimilation and soil organic matter (SOM) degradation by 16S-rRNA-based metabarcoding. (ii) We determine the impact of root exudation level on microbial activities (denitrification and respiration) by gas chromatography. Measurement of microbial activities revealed an increase in denitrification and respiration activities for microbial communities colonizing the RAS of exploitative species. This increase of microbial activities results probably from a higher exudation rate and more diverse metabolites by exploitative plant species. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that plant nutrient resource strategies have a role in shaping active microbiota. We present evidence demonstrating that plant nutrient use strategies shape active microbiota involved in root exudate assimilation and SOM degradation via root exudation

    Harvesting Electricity with Geobacter bremensis Isolated from Compost

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    Electrochemically active (EA) biofilms were formed on metallic dimensionally stable anode-type electrode (DSA), embedded in garden compost and polarized at +0.50 V/SCE. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene libraries revealed that biofilms were heavily enriched in Deltaproteobacteria in comparison to control biofilms formed on non-polarized electrodes, which were preferentially composed of Gammaproteobacteria and Firmicutes. Among Deltaproteobacteria, sequences affiliated with Pelobacter and Geobacter genera were identified. A bacterial consortium was cultivated, in which 25 isolates were identified as Geobacter bremensis. Pure cultures of 4 different G. bremensis isolates gave higher current densities (1400 mA/m2 on DSA, 2490 mA/m2 on graphite) than the original multi-species biofilms (in average 300 mA/m2 on DSA) and the G. bremensis DSM type strain (100–300 A/m2 on DSA; 2485 mA/m2 on graphite). FISH analysis confirmed that G. bremensis represented a minor fraction in the original EA biofilm, in which species related to Pelobacter genus were predominant. The Pelobacter type strain did not show EA capacity, which can explain the lower performance of the multi-species biofilms. These results stressed the great interest of extracting and culturing pure EA strains from wild EA biofilms to improve the current density provided by microbial anodes

    Long-term nutrient enrichment of an oligotroph-dominated wetland increases bacterial diversity in bulk soils and plant rhizospheres.

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.In nutrient-limited conditions, plants rely on rhizosphere microbial members to facilitate nutrient acquisition, and in return, plants provide carbon resources to these root-associated microorganisms. However, atmospheric nutrient deposition can affect plant-microbe relationships by changing soil bacterial composition and by reducing cooperation between microbial taxa and plants. To examine how long-term nutrient addition shapes rhizosphere community composition, we compared traits associated with bacterial (fast-growing copiotrophs, slow-growing oligotrophs) and plant (C3 forb, C4 grass) communities residing in a nutrient-poor wetland ecosystem. Results revealed that oligotrophic taxa dominated soil bacterial communities and that fertilization increased the presence of oligotrophs in bulk and rhizosphere communities. Additionally, bacterial species diversity was greatest in fertilized soils, particularly in bulk soils. Nutrient enrichment (fertilized versus unfertilized) and plant association (bulk versus rhizosphere) determined bacterial community composition; bacterial community structure associated with plant functional group (grass versus forb) was similar within treatments but differed between fertilization treatments. The core forb microbiome consisted of 602 unique taxa, and the core grass microbiome consisted of 372 unique taxa. Forb rhizospheres were enriched in potentially disease-suppressive bacterial taxa, and grass rhizospheres were enriched in bacterial taxa associated with complex carbon decomposition. Results from this study demonstrate that fertilization serves as a strong environmental filter on the soil microbiome, which leads to distinct rhizosphere communities and can shift plant effects on the rhizosphere microbiome. These taxonomic shifts within plant rhizospheres could have implications for plant health and ecosystem functions associated with carbon and nitrogen cycling.ECU Open Access Publishing Support Fun