Scientific Journals of University Amar Telidji - Laghouat
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    the relationship between emotional intelligence and positive thinking and their impact on academic decision-making among secondary school students

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    تهدف الدراسة الحالية إلى الكشف عن العلاقة بين  كل من الذكاء الوجداني  و التفكير الايجابي على اتخاذ القرار الدراسي لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الثانوية ومعرفة مدى تاثير الذكاء على كل منهما . ولتحقيق هذين الهدفين تم استخدام المنهج الوصفي التحليلي في منحاه الارتباطي على عينة قوامها 50 تلميذا وتلميذة من أقسام المرحلة الثانوية  وهذا بثانوية محمد بوضياف بالعفرون ولاية البليدة،اختيرو بطريقة عشوائية في بعض ثانويات ولاية البليدة. ولجمع البيانات تم الاعتماد على مقياس الذكاء العاطفي لبارون ومقياس التفكير الايجابي المعد من طرف على تركي نافل القرشي ومقياس القدرة على اتخاذ القرار وتحمل المسؤولية والمصمم من طرف الباحث خليفة زواري (2011).وتوصلت الدراسة إلى أن وجود علاقة ارتباطية موجبة ذات دلالة إحصائية بين كل من الذكاء العاطفي والتفكير الايجابي واتخاذ القرار لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الثانوية.The current study aims to reveal the relationship between emotional intelligence and positive thinking on academic decision-making among secondary school students, and to find out the extent of the impact of intelligence on each of them. To achieve these two goals, the analytical descriptive approach was used in its correlational approach on a sample of 50 male and female students from the secondary school departments; This is in Mohamed Boudiaf High School in Afron, Blida Province. They were chosen randomly from some of the secondary schools in Blida Province. To collect data, the measure of emotional intelligence was relied upon by Baron, the measure of positive thinking prepared by Ali Turki Nafel Al-Qurashi, and the measure of the ability to make decisions and take responsibility, designed by researcher Khalifa Zouari (2011). The study found that there is a positive correlation with statistical significance between each of the Emotional intelligence, positive thinking and decision-making among secondary schoo students

    Ruptures Du Tendon d’Achille Une étude rétrospective des ruptures de tendon d’Achille A propos de 137 cas

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    une étude rétrospective des ruptures de tendond’Achille à propos de 137 casintroduction :Le tendon d’Achille est le plus épais, le plusvolumineux et le plus résistant des tendons del’organisme. Il présente une zone étroite, Si lediagnostic clinique de la lésion est aisé, sontraitement reste sans consensusmateriel et methode :Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective, concernant137 cas opérés au service de traumatologie orthopédiede centre hospitalo-universitaireFrance fanon entre 2001 et 2017résultats :Sur une période de 16 ans nous avons recensé137 cas de rupture du tendon d’Achille, ce quicorrespond à une fréquence de 8,6 cas par an.L’âge moyen dans notre série était de 38 ansavec sexe ratio H/F de 9 ; Activité sportive : 99cas soit 72.26 %.100patients ont bénéficié d’unsuture sous cutanée ; 33 patients ont bénéficiéd’un laçage, soit 89.1 %. La technique deBosworth a été réalisée dans 4 cas, soit 10.8 %.Elle a été nécessaire vue la faiblesse de la zonesuturée à cause d’un effilochement des deuxbouts.Discussion :La cause la plus fréquente des ruptures dutendon d’Achille est représentée par lesaccidents de sport ce qui a été rapporté danstoutes les séries de la littérature. Prédominancemasculine s’explique par une activité sportiveplus élevée chez les hommes.Dans notre série 37 patients ont bénéficié d’untraitement chirurgical à ciel ouvert utilisantdifférentes techniques : sutures simple avecsurjet de renforcement ou laçage pour lamajorité des cas .et 100 CAS réparationpercutanéeWeber et al et Farizon ont aussi privilégié lasuture et laçage avec un éventuel s’il existe unefragilité tendineuse.L’équipe du service de traumatologieorthopédie de l’hôpital  a utilisé,selon un article publié en 2003 la technique deBosworth .Lecestre, Rouvillain , Boukhrisetbeaucoup d’autres auteurs ont privilégié laténorraphie percutanée selon la technique deDelponte. Lansdaal et Assal , quant à eux ontutilisé la chirurgie mini invasive.Richard et al ont utilisé le traitementfonctionnel.Conclusion :Cretnik et al. , dans une étude comparantchirurgie à ciel ouvert versus ténorraphiepercutanée recommande cette dernière car elleapporte des résultats fonctionnels comparablesà la réparation ouverte, avec un tauxsensiblement inférieur de complications.Justin Lim a conclu que la réparationpercutanée est recommandée sur la base du bastaux de complications et l’aspect cosmétiqueamélioré

    DAPA MI study: la Dapagliflozine est elle aussi efficace en post - infractus chez le non diabetique

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    Cette étude présentée en hotline par le Dr Stefan James lors des sessions scientifiques de l'American Heart Association (AHA) qui se sont tenues à Philadelphia en novembre 2023, et dont les résultats ont été publiés dans la revue internationale New England Journal of Medecine, a pour objectif d'évaluer l'innocuité et l'efficacité de la Dapagliflozine sur un large éventail de résultats cardiométaboliques lorsque elle est administrée en plus des soins standards, chez des patients hospitalisés pour un infarctus du myocarde (IDM) avec une fonction systolique du ventricule gauche (VG) altérée, mais sans diabète connu ni IC symptomatique chroniqu

    Controls of scientific miracles in the Holy Quran

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    Scientific miracles is that science that examines the miracles of the Holy Qur'an as well as the Sunnah of the Prophet purified and did not appear those miracles only recently in the era of science and modern technologies, God blessed and Almighty revealed the Qur'an to be a valid book for every time and place, and deposited God in it of the brilliant scientific facts what human beings are unable to come up with like him or simulate it was necessary for us to highlight those aspects and present them to people, the Qur'an has a wonderful and concise style in the presentation of the scientific truth, clearly and simply In brief words, we find many scientific facts, and a miracle, and these facts were not known to anyone at the time of the revelation of the Qur'an in the era of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him . But with scientific developments, scientists and researchers have been able to discover and show some of these miracles, and there must be controls for this science to stay away from errors, as happens from some in their writings in this field, which we find their owners exaggerating and moving away from the meaning of the verses in order to obtain a scientific, rhetorical or numerical miracle according to what they see In this research we highlight the concept of scientific miracles in the Qur'an and how to deal with science Miracles and what are the rules and controls that the researcher should observe and how to trust a research in scientific miracles using the inductive approach as well as the descriptive analytical approach to highlight those aspects require

    The role of the written press in activating the Political awareness for the young algerian : Survey study on a sample of young people from the state of Tizi Ouzou

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة للبحث في علاقة الصحافة المكتوبة الجزائرية بالوعي السياسي للشياب الجزائري (الذي اخترنا منه عينة من الشباب بولاية تيزي وزو) وكيفية مساهمتها في تزويده بالمعلومات والمعارف السياسية حول القضايا المحلية والإقليمية والدولية وكل ما يحدث في المجتمع الجزائري من وقائع وأحداث وكذا ما يحدث دوليا من أزمات وصراعات وخلافات، وكيف تساهم في تشكيل أفكاره واتجاهاته وآرائه ومواقفه نحو المواضيع المختلفة وكذا كيف توجه سلوكاته وتصرفاته. ولقد توصلنا إلى نتائج أهمها الدور النسبي الذي تؤديه الصحف الجزائرية في عملية تفعيل الوعي السياسي وهذا يعود لعدة اعتبارات وظروف وعوامل بعضها يرتبط بطبيعة المجتمع الجزائري، وبعضها يرتبط بأزمة الثقة السياسية في الجزائر، وأخرى ترتبط بعدم الثقة بموضوعية ومصداقية وكذا شفافية وسائل الإعلام الجزائرية بما فيها الصحافة المكتوبة.This study aims to investigate the relationship of the Algerian written press with the Algerian youth's political consciousness. (From which we selected a sample of young people in the state of Tizi Ouzou) and how they contribute to providing him with political information and knowledge on local, regional and international issues and all the facts and events that occur in Algerian society, as well as international crises, conflicts and disputes, and how they contribute to shaping his ideas, trends, opinions and attitudes towards different subjects as well as how his behaviour and actions are directed. We have reached results, most notably the relative role played by Algerian newspapers in the process of activating political awareness. This is due to a number of considerations, circumstances and factors, some of which are linked to the nature of Algerian society. Some are linked to Algeria's crisis of political confidence and others are linked to lack of confidence in the objectivity and credibility of the Algerian media, including the written press

    Phéochromocytome de découverte fortuite (à propos d’un cas)

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    Nous rapportons un cas inhabituel d’incidentalome surrénalien compliqué d’un état de choc après surrénalectomie lors d’une intervention pour néoplasie du bas rectum ; qui s’est avéré être un phéochromocytome. Ainsi, cette observation montre la nécessité d’une exploration hormonale systématique de tout incidentalome surrénalien , afin d'éviter tout incident pouvant être fatal

    The Achieving Powers According to J. C. Searle: Their Structure and Classification

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    إن خير وريث لفكر الفلسفة التحليلية من بين فلاسفة اللغة المعاصرين، في بريطانيا وأمريكا خصوصا، هو الفيلسوف ج .سيرل  j .searle  وتعتبر أعماله في فلسفة اللغة العادية متابَعة معمّقة لمشروع أستاذه أوستين، فقد عدّل في كثير التصنيفات وزاوج بين رأيه ورأي أستاذه أوستين وآراء غيره من فلاسفة اللغة من أمثال: فيتغنشتين wittgenstein  وشتراوسن strawson، وغيرهما... ألف سيرل كتابه الثالث -في استدراك بعض الجزئيات في النظرية ، وصياغتها صياغة منطقية- بالاشتراك مع زميله فاندرفاكن Daniel Vanderveken ، وهو: " 1985- fondements des forces illocutionnaires  " ، غير أن أهم إنجاز لسيرل في الموضوع هو ما ضمّنه كتابيه الأول و الثاني و هما  -actes de langage , essai de philosophie de langage – traduction francaise de helene pauchard- preface de oswald ducrot- hermann- paris- 1972. - sens et expression ,etudes de theorie des actes de langage – traduction francaise et preface de: joelle proust – minuit –paris- 1982. ...   وهما مصدرانا الأساسيان في هذا المقال

    Domestic violence and its relationship to Choosing to the traffic police

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    الامن اساس بناء المجتمعات و مطلب أساسي يسعى كل فرد لتحصيله باختلاف انواعه  بدءا بالأمن الاسري ووصولا الى الأمن  الاجتماعي  و يهدف هذا المقال الى معرفة العلاقة بين العنف الاسري و اقبال المرأة للمهن الأمنية، ولذلك قمنا بدراسة ميدانية و اتبعنا فيها المنهج الاستطلاعي الوصفي  و كانت العينة هي عينة كرة الثلج فقمنا بتوزيع استمارات بحث على عدد من شرطيات المرور في الجزائر العاصمة ، و بعد تحليلنا للنتائج توصلنا الى أن توجه المرأة لهذه المهنة كان سببه التهميش أو التعنيف الاسري الذي تعانيه هي نفسها او احد النساء في اسرتها أكثر من اقتناعها بمدودها المهني و احتكارها لهذا المجال .Security is the basis of building societies and a basic requirement that every individual seeks to achieve in all its forms, starting with family security and ending with social security. This article aims to know the relationship between domestic violence and women's demand for security professions .Therefore, we conducted a field study in which we followed the descriptive exploratory approach, and the sample was a snowball sample. We distributed research forms to a number of women of the traffic regulation police in Algiers.  And after analyzing the results, we concluded that women's orientation to this profession was caused by marginalization or domestic violence, which she herself or one of the women in her family suffers from more than her conviction of her professional capabilities in this field

    Training the university professor and improving his performance as a pedagogical companion for the student

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    The pedagogical accompaniment process is considered one of the most important tasks entrusted to the university professor, as it represents a form of academic guidance for the university student in his formative journey, as it aims to contain it from multiple aspects such as the academic, psychological, scientific and social aspects..., in order to achieve the quality of higher education and produce a graduate with efficiency. In view of the importance of this process, we find the Algerian university seeking after this in every way, as it considered that the way to reduce the difficulties facing the process of pedagogical accompaniment to the student is to train the university professor so that he acquires the necessary skills that make him a good pedagogical accompaniment. From this point of view, this research aimed at clarifying the contribution of training for the university professor in improving his performance as a pedagogical companion for the student, by referring to the process of pedagogical accompaniment, then addressing the training process for the professor in the field of pedagogical accompaniment, and finally clarifying the impact of training in improving the performance of the professor as a pedagogical companion, for the student

    Didactic image, its importance, conditions and controls for its use

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    The integration of visual arts into the educational learning process contributes to raising the degree of scientific awareness and keeping pace with the development witnessed in the philosophy of education and international education systems. Among the forms of visual arts, we find the image, this medium that occupies a prominent place in the educational field, as through it the emotional, physical, psychological, cognitive and mental aspects of the learner are developed. And through it, the teacher and the learner can both practice understanding and explaining on the grounds that the image, whether fixed or animated, as carrying denotative and connotative significations, as it brings understanding closer to the minds away from abstraction, and thus the didactic image has many functions that are used in the process of teaching and learning, which made it is characterized by being an important and necessary pedagogical tool in the educational field, in addition to its quality mainly linked to its good selection and usage pattern. Therefore, in this article, we will try to talk about the role of visual arts in general, and the image in particular, in educational and learning practice, in order to be in line with scientific and cognitive progress and the improvement of language learning, through: Clarifying what is meant by visual arts and its relationship to the educational aspect; The requirements of the didactic image and its necessary conditions in educational practice; The importance of the image in promoting didactic research; How to use the picture in teaching the Arabic language to improve learning; In order to achieve these goals, the descriptive analytical approach was relied on to serve and the nature of the subject under stud


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