196 research outputs found

    Assessment of the Social Electricity Online Platform Tools and their Potential Impact on European Citizens

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    Through the Social Electricity Online Platform (SEOP) European project, four learning modules, educational content and online eco-feedback platforms have been developed, to raise the awareness and knowledge of citizens about energy, the environment and sustainability. The platform allows European citizens to become educated on energy-saving practices and techniques, including the use of renewable technologies at their home. Moreover, through the Social Electricity application, people may become aware of their electrical energy consumption by means of comparisons with the corresponding electrical consumption of their friends, as well as with the total consumption in the street, neighbourhood, village, city and country where they live, in a collaborative and social environment.In this paper, a pilot study performed in eight European countries involving more than 300 European citizens is presented, in order to demonstrate the influence of online learning modules and ecofeedback platforms on the everyday lives of people, in terms of rational energy use and energy savings. In this pilot, participants have been divided into two groups: the former uses the four learning modules available on the SEOP platform and then the Social Electricity application, whereas the latter uses only the Social Electricity application. This paper describes our overall findings after three months, exploring the completeness and educational value of the learning modules, and the potential of Social Electricity as an effective online tool for personal energy management. The results also evaluate the impact, behavioural change and the increase on energy awareness among the two groups, as well as the general effectiveness and acceptance of the platform

    Lowering the cost of large-scale energy storage: high temperature adiabatic compressed air energy storage

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    Compressed air energy storage is an energy storage technology with strong potential to play a significant role in balancing energy on transmission networks, owing to its use of mature technologies and low cost per unit of storage capacity. Adiabatic compressed air energy storage (A-CAES) systems typically compress air from ambient temperature in the charge phase and expand the air back to ambient temperature in the discharge phase. This papers explores the use of an innovative operating scheme for an A-CAES system aimed at lowering the total cost of the system for a given exergy storage capacity. The configuration proposed considers preheating of the air before compression which increases the fraction of the total exergy that is stored in the form of high-grade heat in comparison to existing designs in which the main exergy storage medium is the compressed air itself. Storing a high fraction of the total exergy as heat allows reducing the capacity of costly pressure stores in the system and replacing it with cheaper thermal energy stores. Additionally, a configuration that integrates a system based on the aforementioned concept with solar thermal power or low-medium grade waste heat is introduced and thoroughly discussed

    A review on technology maturity of small scale energy storage technologies

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    This paper reviews the current status of energy storage technologies which have the higher potential to be applied in small scale energy systems. Small scale energy systems can be categorized as ones that are able to supply energy in various forms for a building, or a small area, or a limited community, or an enterprise; typically, they are end-user systems. Energy storage technologies are classified based on their form of energy stored. A two-step evaluation is proposed for selecting suitable storage technologies for small scale energy systems, including identifying possible technical options, and addressing techno-economic aspects. Firstly, a review on energy storage technologies at small scale level is carried out. Secondly, an assessment of technology readiness level (TRL) is conducted. The TRLs are ranked according to information gathered from literature review. Levels of market maturity of the technologies are addressed by taking into account their market development stages through reviewing published materials. The TRLs and the levels of market maturity are then combined into a technology maturity curve. Additionally, market driving factors are identified by using different stages in product life cycle. The results indicate that lead-acid, micro pumped hydro storage, NaS battery, NiCd battery, flywheel, NaNiCl battery, Li-ion battery, and sensible thermal storage are the most mature technologies for small scale energy systems. In the near future, hydrogen fuel cells, thermal storages using phase change materials and thermochemical materials are expected to become more popular in the energy storage market

    PV self-consumption optimization with storage and Active DSM for the residential sector

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    With the rising prices of the retail electricity and the decreasing cost of the PV technology, grid parity with commercial electricity will soon become a reality in Europe. This fact, together with less attractive PV feed-in-tariffs in the near future and incentives to promote self-consumption suggest, that new operation modes for the PV Distributed Generation should be explored; differently from the traditional approach which is only based on maximizing the exported electricity to the grid. The smart metering is experiencing a growth in Europe and the United States but the possibilities of its use are still uncertain, in our system we propose their use to manage the storage and to allow the user to know their electrical power and energy balances. The ADSM has many benefits studied previously but also it has important challenges, in this paper we can observe and ADSM implementation example where we propose a solution to these challenges. In this paper we study the effects of the Active Demand-Side Management (ADSM) and storage systems in the amount of consumed local electrical energy. It has been developed on a prototype of a self-sufficient solar house called “MagicBox” equipped with grid connection, PV generation, lead–acid batteries, controllable appliances and smart metering. We carried out simulations for long-time experiments (yearly studies) and real measures for short and mid-time experiments (daily and weekly studies). Results show the relationship between the electricity flows and the storage capacity, which is not linear and becomes an important design criterion

    A new synthesis route for sustainable gold copper utilization in direct formic acid fuel cells

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    In the efforts to develop a more sustainable energy mix there is an urgent need to develop new materials for environmentally friendly processes. Developing low metal loading anode catalyst with high electrocatalytic activity for liquid fuel cells remains a great challenge. Polyvinylpyrrolodoneprotected AuCu-C core-shell was fabricated by a facile one-pot modified chemical reduction method. The nanoparticles were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and atomic force microscopy (AFM) analyses. XRD analysis indicates the preferential orientation of catalytically active (111) planes in AuCu-C core-shell nanoparticles. The inclusion of Cu in the AuCuC catalysts increased catalytic activities, which can be attributed to the increases lattice parameters. Comparative results show that AuCu-C catalyst exhibited much better electrocatalytic activity and stabilization compared to commercial Au nanoparticle on carbon support catalyst. The high performance of AuCu-C catalyst may be attributed to the electronic coupling or synergistic interaction between Cu core structure, and the Au shell makes it a promising for DFAFCs application

    Bismuth ferrite-based lead free ceramics and multilayers with high recoverable energy density

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    Lead-free ceramics with high recoverable energy density (Wrec) and energy storage efficiency (η) are attractive for advanced pulsed power capacitors to enable greater miniaturization and integration. In this work, dense bismuth ferrite (BF)-based, lead-free 0.75(Bi1-xNdx)FeO3-0.25BaTiO3 (BNxF-BT) ceramics and multilayers were fabricated. A transition from a mixed pseudocubic and R3c to a purely pseudocubic structure was observed as x increased with optimum properties obtained for mixed compositions. Highest energy densities, W ~ 4.1 J/cm3 and Wrec ~ 1.82 J/cm3 were achieved for BN15F-BT, due to the enhanced breakdown field strength (BDS ~ 180 kV/cm) and large maximum polarization (Pmax ~ 40 ΌC/cm2). Multilayers of this composition possessed both high Wrec of 6.74 J/cm3 and η of 77% and were stable up to 125 °C. Nd doped BF-based ceramics with enhanced BDS and large Wrec are therefore considered promising candidates for lead-free energy storage applications

    Wind/hydrogen hybrid systems: opportunity for Ireland’s wind resource to provide consistent sustainable energy supply

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    Ireland with its resource of wind has the potential to use this natural resource and sustain the country’s power needs for the future. However, one of the biggest drawbacks to renewable energy generation, particularly wind generated electricity is that it is an intermittent and a variable source of power. Even at the "best" sites wind varies dramatically from hour to hour and minute to minute. This leads to two main problems: 1) When the wind drops below a lower limit or goes above a higher limit the turbine can shut down and electricity is not produced. 2) Energy is not stored when there is an excess of electricity generated on site. Because of these problems wind power has a very low capacity credit and backup power is needed to handle the large fluctuation of production. This paper introduces the energy system of Ireland and the targets that Irish operators are to achieve in the next decade. A review of energy storage options for Ireland is outlined including the use of hydrogen and fuel cell technology. It is concluded that a project similar to the Norwegian Utsira wind / hydrogen project could be piloted in Ireland and a site similar to Dundalk Institute of Technology could be used to demonstrate and test the system. Going forward to achieve high levels of renewable energy generation, similar distributed wind / hydrogen hybrid systems could reduce the need for curtailment of wind farms, save wasted energy, reduce backup power, reduce transmission losses, generate large revenue by selling power at peak times, ensure security of supply and reduce the need for costly interconnects to Europe

    Integrated biorefineries: CO2 utilization for maximum biomass conversion

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    Biomass-derived fuels can contribute to energy sustainability through diversifying energy supply and mitigating carbon emissions. However, the biomass chemistry poses an important challenge, i.e., the effective hydrogen to carbon ratio is significantly lower for biomass compared to petroleum, and biomass conversion technologies produce a large amount of carbon dioxide by-product. Therefore, CO2 capture and utilization will be an indispensable element of future biorefineries. The present research explores the economic feasibility and environmental performance of utilizing CO2 from biomass pyrolysis for biodiesel production via microalgae. The results suggest that it is possible to increase biomass to fuel conversion from 55% to 73%. In addition, if subsidies and fuel taxes are included in the economic analysis, the extra produced fuel can compensate the cost of CO2 utilization, and is competitive with petroleum-derived fuels. Finally, the proposed integrated refinery shows promise as CO2 in the flue gas is reduced from 45% of total input carbon to 6% with another 19% in biomass residue waste streams

    Heteroatom Doped High Porosity Carbon Nanomaterials as Electrodes for Energy Storage in Electrochemical Capacitors: A Review

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    At present it is indispensable to develop and implement new/state-of-the-art carbon nanomaterials as electrodes in electrochemical capacitors, since conventional activated carbon based supercapacitor cells cannot fulfil the growing demand of high energy and power densities of electronic devices of the present era, as a result of the rapid developments in this field. Functionalized carbon nanomaterials symbolize the type of materials with huge potential for their use in energy related applications in general and as an electrode active material for electrochemical capacitors in particular. Nitrogen doping of carbons has shown promising results in the field of energy storage in electrochemical capacitors, gaining attention of researchers to evaluate the performance of new heteroatoms functionalised materials such as sulphur, phosphorus and boron lately. Literature is widely available on nitrogen doped materials research for energy storage applications; however, there has been a limited number of review works on other functional materials beyond nitrogen. This review article thus aims to provide important insights and an up-to-date analysis of the most recent developments, the directions of future research, and the techniques used for the synthesis of these functional materials. A critical review of the electrochemical performance including specific capacitance and energy/power densities is made, when these single doped or co-doped active materials are used as electrodes in electrochemical capacitors
