641 research outputs found

    Political economy on modernisation of old industrial areas and the crisis of the new economy: the example of the Ruhr area and the citiy of Dortmund

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    In 90s of the last century two trends took place in a parallel manner: (1) the neoliberal transformation of the western industrial countries continued, but indeed with a very significant difference between the USA (and UK) and Western Europe. (2) High growth rates in the US, partly induced by the 90s accumulation wave in the "new economy", resulted - driven by the asset inflation since 1996 - in a fundamental over-accumulation of capital in the IT-sector. The crisis of the new economy and the implosion of the asset markets now seem to bear a deeper than a ´normal´ cyclical crisis. Old industrial regions in crisis (high unemployment and poorness rates, low public budgets and investments and therefore neglected infrastructure systems) like the Ruhr area or some parts of them like the city of Dortmund try to reduce their employment problems by launching new regional clusters like the IT-sector and e-commerce, micro-systems technologies and logistics in the late 90s and the new decade. Mc Kinsey consulted the city of Dortmund and Thyssen-Krupp - the second largest steel company of western Europe and the owner of the former steel plants in Dortmund - to create 60.000 new jobs until the year 2010 in those new basic industries, founded on a very successful development of the software complex in the 80s and 90s that created about 15.000 jobs since 1985. The ´empirical base´ of these prospects have been prolonged exponential functions of the new economy branches in the late 90s. The combination of the general economic crisis, the special crisis of the new economy and the results of the contra-productive macroeconomic austerity policy including the federal tax reforms lead to a very deep crisis of the public funds in the Ruhr-area, the city of Dortmund, the Land North-Rhine Westfalia an the FRG. Although we can assume that the branches of the new economy will expand again after the crisis - but with much lower growth rates as before - the public actors will have to reduce their activities significantly, if the austerity policies are continued. So it is very probably that the job targets until 2010 will not be realised. Instead of a fundamental change of macroeconomic policy more symbolic policies are activated intensively: - top events (world football championship, appointment for the 2012 Olympic Games, Triennale) are applied; - new expensive flagship - projects which reduce the money for the non-spectaculative expenditures (for schools, qualification activities etc.) - are launched: the Metrorapid as a new regional high speed train between Düsseldorf and Dortmund; entertainment and cultural industries investments like indoor skiing malls, philhamonic halls; - policies "without money" take place: voluntarian appelles, privatisation of public infrastructure, more competition in the public sphere; more pressure on unemployed people. - debates, but no decisions, are going on on functional reforms and new institutions like the Metropolitan Region Rhine-Ruhr, Ruhstadt and so on. As a result of this analysis a framework on an eco-social new deal for regions in crisis is proposed. This means alternative strategies on all relevant tiers for regional development, the european, federal, länder, regional and local level. Theories of vertical and horizontal interweaving (Scharpf) and alternative macroeconomic strategies in combination with the state of the art of regional innovation strategies are discussed briefly.

    Opvang Philipsdorp

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    Rolling circle amplification to screen yam germplasm for badnavirus infections and to amplify and characterise novel badnavirus genomes

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    Since the first discovery of badnaviruses (family Caulimoviridae, genus Badnavirus) in yam (Dioscorea spp.) germplasm in the 1970s (Harrison and Roberts, 1973), several hundred partial badnavirus reverse transcriptase (RT)-ribonuclease H (RNaseH) sequences have been characterised (Kenyon et al., 2008; Bousalem et al., 2009), but only a few complete Dioscorea bacilliform virus (DBV) genome sequences have been reported (Phillips et al., 1999; Seal and Muller, 2007; Bömer et al., 2016 and 2017; Sukal et al., 2017; Umber et al., 2017). We have optimised a workflow involving total nucleic acid extractions and rolling circle amplification (RCA) combined with restriction enzyme analysis for the detection and amplification of DBVs present in yam germplasm. We have employed this approach successfully revealing three novel episomal yam badnaviruses (Bömer et al., 2016). We proposed this to be a complementary method to denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, which enables a rapid indication of badnavirus diversity as well as the identification of potentially integrated badnavirus sequences in the host genome (Turaki et al., 2017). Here, we describe the step-by-step protocol to screen yam germplasm for badnavirus infections using RCA as an efficient research tool in the amplification and characterization of novel badnavirus genomes

    A sequence-independent strategy for amplification and characterisation of episomal badnavirus sequences reveals three previously uncharacterised yam badnaviruses

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    Yam (Dioscorea spp.) plants are potentially hosts to a diverse range of badnavirus species (genus Badnavirus, family Caulimoviridae), but their detection is complicated by the existence of integrated badnavirus sequences in some yam genomes. To date, only two badnavirus genomes have been characterised, namely, Dioscorea bacilliform AL virus (DBALV) and Dioscorea bacilliform SN virus (DBSNV). A further 10 tentative species in yam have been described based on their partial reverse transcriptase (RT)-ribonuclease H (RNaseH) sequences, generically referred to here as Dioscorea bacilliform viruses (DBVs). Further characterisation of DBV species is necessary to determine which represent episomal viruses and which are only present as integrated badnavirus sequences in some yam genomes. In this study, a sequence-independent multiply-primed rolling circle amplification (RCA) method was evaluated for selective amplification of episomal DBV genomes. This resulted in the identification and characterisation of nine complete genomic sequences (7.4–7.7 kbp) of existing and previously undescribed DBV phylogenetic groups from Dioscorea alata and Dioscorea rotundata accessions. These new yam badnavirus genomes expand our understanding of the diversity and genomic organisation of DBVs, and assist the development of improved diagnostic tools. Our findings also suggest that mixed badnavirus infections occur relatively often in West African yam germplasm

    Digitalisierung im Arbeitsalltag von Beschäftigten: Konsequenzen für Tätigkeiten, Verhalten und Arbeitsbedingungen; Sonderbericht

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    In diesem Sonderbericht werden der Stand und die Dynamik der Digitalisierung und deren Wirkung, Konsequenzen und Hürden aus Sicht der Beschäftigten in deutschen Betrieben mit über 50 sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigten untersucht. Es zeigt sich, dass Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien im Arbeitsalltag der Beschäftigten bereits sehr weit verbreitet sind, während Maschinen und Produktionsmittel größtenteils von darauf spezialisierten Beschäftigten genutzt werden. Bezüglich der Tätigkeiten zeigt sich eine heterogene Ausübung über die Funktionsbereiche, aber auch eine größere Selektion der Beschäftigten nach ihrem Hintergrund. Insgesamt 69 Prozent der Beschäftigten geben an, dass in den letzten Jahren eine Technologie an ihrem Arbeitsplatz neu eingeführt wurde, die ihren Arbeitsalltag verändert hat. Beschäftigte passen sich vor allem durch Weiterbildung und Ausweitung von Kompetenzen an diese Neuerungen in ihrem Arbeitsumfeld an. In Bezug auf die Wirkung der Technologien für die Arbeitsergebnisse und subjektiven Produktivitätsgewinne geben zwar 39 Prozent der Beschäftigten an, dass sie bessere Ergebnisse erzeugen können, jedoch widersprechen dem auch 32 Prozent.This report examines the state and dynamics of digitization and its effects, consequences and obstacles from the perspective of employees in German establishments with more than 50 employees subject to compulsory social insurance. Information and communication technologies are already very widespread in the everyday working routine of employees, while machines and production equipment are largely used by employees who are specialized in such technologies. In terms of activities, the study reveals a heterogeneous practice across functional areas, but also a greater selection of employees according to their background. A total of 69 percent of the employees state that in recent years a technology has been newly introduced at their workplace which has changed their everyday work routine. Employees adapt to these changes in their working environment primarily through further training and the expansion of competencies. While 39 percent of employees report that they can produce better results in terms of the impact of technology on work outcomes and subjective productivity gains, 32 percent disagree

    PCR-DGGE analysis: Unravelling complex mixtures of badnavirus sequences present in yam germplasm

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    Badnaviruses (family Caulimoviridae, genus Badnavirus) have emerged as serious pathogens especially affecting the cultivation of tropical crops. Badnavirus sequences can be integrated in host genomes, complicating the detection of episomal infections and the assessment of viral genetic diversity in samples containing a complex mixture of sequences. Yam (Dioscorea spp.) plants are hosts to a diverse range of badnavirus species, and recent findings have suggested that mixed infections occur frequently in West African yam germplasm. Historically, the determination of the diversity of badnaviruses present in yam breeding lines has been achieved by cloning and sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products. In this study, the molecular diversity of partial reverse transcriptase (RT)-ribonuclease H (RNaseH) sequences from yam badnaviruses was analysed using PCR-dependent denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). This resulted in the identification of complex ‘fingerprints’ composed of multiple sequences of Dioscorea bacilliform viruses (DBVs). Many of these sequences show high nucleotide identities to endogenous DBV (eDBV) sequences deposited in GenBank, and fall into six monophyletic species groups. Our findings highlight PCR-DGGE as a powerful tool in badnavirus diversity studies enabling a rapid indication of sequence diversity as well as potential candidate integrated sequences revealed by their conserved nature across germplasm

    Chancengleichheit - Frauen in Führung

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    Das Thema der Chancengleichheit bei der Besetzung von Führungspositionen hat in der öffentlichen Debatte in den letzten Jahren an Fahrt aufgenommen. In diesem Forschungsbericht zeigt sich, dass der Fortschritt bei der Gleichstellung im Managementbereich sehr langsam vorangeht und dabei der Frauenanteil in Führungspositionen stark vom Frauenanteil in der Belegschaft abhängt. Zum Beispiel nennen etwa 30 Prozent der Betriebe keine explizite Frauenförderstrategie, bewegen sich im Mittelfeld bei den Frauenanteilen in Führungspositionen, weisen aber höhere Frauenanteilen in den unteren Ebenen auf. Nur sehr wenige Betriebe haben eine Geschlechterquote für die Besetzung von Führungspositionen eingeführt. Bei der Bewertung der Geschlechterquote zeigen sich deutliche Interessenkonflikte zwischen weiblichen und männlichen Beschäftigten. Frauen weisen eine höhere Akzeptanz der Quote auf, Männer möchten eher nach dem Leistungsprinzip entschieden haben. Schlussendlich haben Betriebe mit einem expliziten Frauenförderziel eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit, ihren tatsächlichen Frauenanteil in Managementfunktionen zu erhöhen. Frauen honorieren diese Strategien, indem sie sich weniger benachteiligt und mehr gefördert fühlen.Equality of opportunities regarding promotions was increasingly debated in the recent years. This report shows however, that the convergence of chances between the sexes develops slowly and the female share in management positions is highly determined by the female share in the workforce. For instance, around 30 percent of the establishments report no explicit strategy to support women for being promoted to a management position. These establishments exhibit a medium share of women in management positions but a larger share among lower level jobs. In addition, only few establishments announce a gender quota for management positions. Conflicts of interest between male and female employees are observed when the perception of a gender quota is evaluated. While women show a larger acceptance of a gender quota, men prefer promotion decisions to be based on the meritocracy principle. Finally, those establishments with an explicit strategy to support women exhibit a larger probability to actually increase their female share in management positions. And these establishments profit from women perceiving less discrimination and a higher level of support