348 research outputs found

    Effect of Phosphorus Nutrition on Growth and Physiology of Cotton Under Ambient and Elevated Carbon Dioxide

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    Phosphorous deficiency in soil limits crop growth and productivity in the majority of arable lands worldwide and may moderate the growth enhancement effect of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. To evaluate the interactive effect of these two factors on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) growth and physiology, plants were grown in controlled environment growth chambers with three levels of phosphate (Pi) supply (0.20, 0.05 and 0.01 mM) under ambient and elevated (400 and 800 μmol mol‒1, respectively) CO2. Phosphate stress caused stunted growth and resulted in early leaf senescence with severely decreased leaf area and photosynthesis. Phosphate stress led to over 77 % reduction in total biomass across CO2 levels. There was a below-ground (roots) shift in biomass partitioning under Pi deficiency. While tissue phosphorus (P) decreased, tissue nitrogen (N) content tended to increase under Pi deficiency. The CO2 × Pi interactions were significant on leaf area, photosynthesis and biomass accumulation. The stimulatory effect of elevated CO2 on growth and photosynthesis was reduced or highly depressed suggesting an increased sensitivity of cotton to Pi deficiency under elevated CO2. Although, tissue P and stomatal conductance were lower at elevated CO2, these did not appear to be the main causes of cotton unresponsiveness to elevated CO2 under severe Pi-stress. The alteration in the uptake and utilization of N was suggested due to a consistent reduction (18–21 %) in the cotton plant tissue N content under elevated CO2

    Statistical Analysis of Microarray Data with Replicated Spots: A Case Study with Synechococcus WH8102

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    Until recently microarray experiments often involved relatively few arrays with only a single representation of each gene on each array. A complete genome microarray with multiple spots per gene (spread out spatially across the array) was developed in order to compare the gene expression of a marine cyanobacterium and a knockout mutant strain in a defined artificial seawater medium. Statistical methods were developed for analysis in the special situation of this case study where there is gene replication within an array and where relatively few arrays are used, which can be the case with current array technology. Due in part to the replication within an array, it was possible to detect very small changes in the levels of expression between the wild type and mutant strains. One interesting biological outcome of this experiment is the indication of the extent to which the phosphorus regulatory system of this cyanobacterium affects the expression of multiple genes beyond those strictly involved in phosphorus acquisition

    Phosphorus Nutrition Affects Temperature Response of Soybean Growth and Canopy Photosynthesis

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    In nature, crops such as soybean are concurrently exposed to temperature (T) stress and phosphorus (P) deficiency. However, there is a lack of reports regarding soybean response to T × P interaction. To fill in this knowledge-gap, soybean was grown at four daily mean T of 22, 26, 30, and 34°C (moderately low, optimum, moderately high, and high temperature, respectively) each under sufficient (0.5 mM) and deficient (0.08 mM) P nutrition for the entire season. Phosphorus deficiency exacerbated the low temperature stress, with further restrictions on growth and net photosynthesis. For P deficient soybean at above optimum temperature (OT) regimes, growth, and photosynthesis was maintained at levels close to those of P sufficient plants, despite a lower tissue P concentration. P deficiency consistently decreased plant tissue P concentration ≈55% across temperatures while increasing intrinsic P utilization efficiency of canopy photosynthesis up to 147%, indicating a better utilization of tissue P. Warmer than OTs delayed the time to anthesis by 8–14 days and pod development similarly across P levels. However, biomass partitioning to pods was greater under P deficiency. There were significant T × P interactions for traits such as plant growth rates, total leaf area, biomass partitioning, and dry matter production, which resulted a distinct T response of soybean growth between sufficient and deficient P nutrition. Under sufficient P level, both lower and higher than optimum T tended to decrease total dry matter production and canopy photosynthesis. However, under P-deficient condition, this decrease was primarily observed at the low T. Thus, warmer than optimum T of this study appeared to compensate for decreases in soybean canopy photosynthesis and dry matter accumulation resulting from P deficiency. However, warmer than OT appeared to adversely affect reproductive structures, such as pod development, across P fertilization. This occurred despite adaptations, especially the increased P utilization efficiency and biomass partitioning to pods, shown by soybean under P deficiency

    Determination of composition and structure of spongy bone tissue in human head of femur by Raman spectral mapping

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    Biomechanical properties of bone depend on the composition and organization of collagen fibers. In this study, Raman microspectroscopy was employed to determine the content of mineral and organic constituents and orientation of collagen fibers in spongy bone in the human head of femur at the microstructural level. Changes in composition and structure of trabecula were illustrated using Raman spectral mapping. The polarized Raman spectra permit separate analysis of local variations in orientation and composition. The ratios of ν2PO43−/Amide III, ν4PO43−/Amide III and ν1CO32−/ν2PO43− are used to describe relative amounts of spongy bone components. The ν1PO43−/Amide I ratio is quite susceptible to orientation effect and brings information on collagen fibers orientation. The results presented illustrate the versatility of the Raman method in the study of bone tissue. The study permits better understanding of bone physiology and evaluation of the biomechanical properties of bone

    Characterisation and correction of signal fluctuations in successive acquisitions of microarray images

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There are many sources of variation in dual labelled microarray experiments, including data acquisition and image processing. The final interpretation of experiments strongly relies on the accuracy of the measurement of the signal intensity. For low intensity spots in particular, accurately estimating gene expression variations remains a challenge as signal measurement is, in this case, highly subject to fluctuations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To evaluate the fluctuations in the fluorescence intensities of spots, we used series of successive scans, at the same settings, of whole genome arrays. We measured the decrease in fluorescence and we evaluated the influence of different parameters (PMT gain, resolution and chemistry of the slide) on the signal variability, at the level of the array as a whole and by intensity interval. Moreover, we assessed the effect of averaging scans on the fluctuations. We found that the extent of photo-bleaching was low and we established that 1) the fluorescence fluctuation is linked to the resolution e.g. it depends on the number of pixels in the spot 2) the fluorescence fluctuation increases as the scanner voltage increases and, moreover, is higher for the red as opposed to the green fluorescence which can introduce bias in the analysis 3) the signal variability is linked to the intensity level, it is higher for low intensities 4) the heterogeneity of the spots and the variability of the signal and the intensity ratios decrease when two or three scans are averaged.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Protocols consisting of two scans, one at low and one at high PMT gains, or multiple scans (ten scans) can introduce bias or be difficult to implement. We found that averaging two, or at most three, acquisitions of microarrays scanned at moderate photomultiplier settings (PMT gain) is sufficient to significantly improve the accuracy (quality) of the data and particularly those for spots having low intensities and we propose this as a general approach. For averaging and precise image alignment at sub-pixel levels we have made a program freely available on our web-site <url>http://bioinfome.cgm.cnrs-gif.fr</url> to facilitate implementation of this approach.</p

    Radiation hardness qualification of PbWO4 scintillation crystals for the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter

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    This is the Pre-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2010 IOPEnsuring the radiation hardness of PbWO4 crystals was one of the main priorities during the construction of the electromagnetic calorimeter of the CMS experiment at CERN. The production on an industrial scale of radiation hard crystals and their certification over a period of several years represented a difficult challenge both for CMS and for the crystal suppliers. The present article reviews the related scientific and technological problems encountered

    Carotenoid Distribution in Living Cells of Haematococcus pluvialis (Chlorophyceae)

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    Haematococcus pluvialis is a freshwater unicellular green microalga belonging to the class Chlorophyceae and is of commercial interest for its ability to accumulate massive amounts of the red ketocarotenoid astaxanthin (3,3′-dihydroxy-β,β-carotene-4,4′-dione). Using confocal Raman microscopy and multivariate analysis, we demonstrate the ability to spectrally resolve resonance–enhanced Raman signatures associated with astaxanthin and β-carotene along with chlorophyll fluorescence. By mathematically isolating these spectral signatures, in turn, it is possible to locate these species independent of each other in living cells of H. pluvialis in various stages of the life cycle. Chlorophyll emission was found only in the chloroplast whereas astaxanthin was identified within globular and punctate regions of the cytoplasmic space. Moreover, we found evidence for β-carotene to be co-located with both the chloroplast and astaxanthin in the cytosol. These observations imply that β-carotene is a precursor for astaxanthin and the synthesis of astaxanthin occurs outside the chloroplast. Our work demonstrates the broad utility of confocal Raman microscopy to resolve spectral signatures of highly similar chromophores in living cells
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