279 research outputs found

    ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: A strongly lensed multiply imaged dusty system at z ≥ 6

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    We report the discovery of an intrinsically faint, quintuply-imaged, dusty galaxy MACS0600-z6 at a redshift z = 6.07 viewed through the cluster MACSJ0600.1–2008 (z = 0.46). A ≃ 4σ dust detection is seen at 1.2mm as part of the ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey (ALCS), an on-going ALMA Large programme, and the redshift is secured via [C II] 158 μm emission described in a companion paper. In addition, spectroscopic follow-up with GMOS/Gemini-North shows a break in the galaxy’s spectrum, consistent with the Lyman break at that redshift. We use a detailed mass model of the cluster and infer a magnification μ ≳ 30 for the most magnified image of this galaxy, which provides an unprecedented opportunity to probe the physical properties of a sub-luminous galaxy at the end of cosmic reionization. Based on the spectral energy distribution, we infer lensing-corrected stellar and dust masses of 2.9-2.3+115 7 109 and 4.8-3.4+45 7 106 M☉, respectively, a star formation rate of 9.7-6.6+220 M☉ yr−1, an intrinsic size of 0.54-0.14+026 kpc, and a luminosity-weighted age of 200 \ub1 100 Myr. Strikingly, the dust production rate in this relatively young galaxy appears to be larger than that observed for equivalent, lower redshift sources. We discuss if this implies that early supernovae are more efficient dust producers and the consequences for using dust mass as a probe of earlier star formation

    Conclusions of the II International and IV Spanish Hydration Congress. Toledo, Spain, 2nd-4th December, 2015

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    Water is the major component of our organism representing about 60% of total body weight in adults and has to be obtained through the consumption of different foods and beverages as part of our diet. Water is an essential nutrient performing important functions, including transport of other nutrients, elimination of waste products, temperature regulation, lubrication and structural support. In this context, hydration through water has an essential role in health and wellness, which has been highly acknowledged in recent years among the health community experts such as nutritionists, dietitians, general practitioners, pharmacists, educators, as well as by physical activity and sport sciences experts and the general population

    The Gas and Stellar Content of a Metal-poor Galaxy at z = 8.496 as Revealed by JWST and ALMA

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    We present a joint analysis of the galaxy S04590 at z = 8.496 based on NIRSpec, NIRCam, and NIRISS observations obtained as part of the Early Release Observations program of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and the far-infrared [C ii] 158 μm emission line detected by dedicated Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations. We determine the physical properties of S04590 from modeling of the spectral energy distribution (SED) and through the redshifted optical nebular emission lines detected with JWST/NIRSpec. The best-fit SED model reveals a low-mass (M ⋆ = 107.2-108 M ⊙) galaxy with a low oxygen abundance of 12 + log ( O / H ) = 7.16 − 0.12 + 0.10 derived from the strong nebular and auroral emission lines. Assuming that [C ii] effectively traces the interstellar medium, we estimate the total gas mass of the galaxy to be M gas = (8.0 \ub1 4.0) 7 108 M ⊙ based on the luminosity and spatial extent of [C ii]. This yields an exceptionally high gas fraction, f gas = M gas/(M gas + M ⋆) ≳ 90%, though one still consistent with the range expected for low metallicity. We further derive the metal mass of the galaxy based on the gas mass and gas-phase metallicity, which we find to be consistent with the expected metal production from Type II supernovae. Finally, we make the first constraints on the dust-to-gas (DTG) and dust-to-metal (DTM) ratios of galaxies in the epoch of reionization at z ≳ 6, showing overall low mass ratios of logDTG < −3.8 and logDTM < −0.5, though they are consistent with established scaling relations and in particular with those of the local metal-poor galaxy I Zwicky 18. Our analysis highlights the synergy between ALMA and JWST in characterizing the gas, metal, and stellar content of the first generation of galaxies

    Two super-Earths at the edge of the habitable zone of the nearby M dwarf TOI-2095

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    The main scientific goal of TESS is to find planets smaller than Neptune around stars bright enough to allow further characterization studies. Given our current instrumentation and detection biases, M dwarfs are prime targets to search for small planets that are in (or nearby) the habitable zone of their host star. Here we use photometric observations and CARMENES radial velocity measurements to validate a pair of transiting planet candidates found by TESS. The data was fitted simultaneously using a Bayesian MCMC procedure taking into account the stellar variability present in the photometric and spectroscopic time series. We confirm the planetary origin of the two transiting candidates orbiting around TOI-2095 (TIC 235678745). The star is a nearby M dwarf (d=41.90±0.03d = 41.90 \pm 0.03 pc, Teff=3759±87T_{\rm eff} = 3759 \pm 87 K, V=12.6V = 12.6 mag) with a stellar mass and radius of M=0.44±0.02  MM_\star = 0.44 \pm 0.02 \; M_\odot and R=0.44±0.02  RR_\star = 0.44 \pm 0.02 \; R_\odot, respectively. The planetary system is composed of two transiting planets: TOI-2095b with an orbital period of Pb=17.66484±(7×105)P_b = 17.66484 \pm (7\times 10^{-5}) days and TOI-2095c with Pc=28.17232±(14×105)P_c = 28.17232 \pm (14\times 10^{-5}) days. Both planets have similar sizes with Rb=1.25±0.07  RR_b = 1.25 \pm 0.07 \; R_\oplus and Rc=1.33±0.08  RR_c = 1.33 \pm 0.08 \; R_\oplus for planet b and c, respectively. We put upper limits on the masses of these objects with Mb<4.1  MM_b < 4.1 \; M_\oplus for the inner and Mc<7.4  MM_c < 7.4 \; M_\oplus for the outer planet (95\% confidence level). These two planets present equilibrium temperatures in the range of 300 - 350 K and are close to the inner edge of the habitable zone of their star.Comment: Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Two-pion Bose-Einstein correlations in central Pb-Pb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 2.76 TeV

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    The first measurement of two-pion Bose-Einstein correlations in central Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 2.76 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider is presented. We observe a growing trend with energy now not only for the longitudinal and the outward but also for the sideward pion source radius. The pion homogeneity volume and the decoupling time are significantly larger than those measured at RHIC.Comment: 17 pages, 5 captioned figures, 1 table, authors from page 12, published version, figures at http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/ArtSubmission/node/388

    Search for resonant ttbar production in ppbar collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV

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    We report on a search for narrow-width particles decaying to a top and antitop quark pair. The data set used in the analysis corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 680 pb^{-1} collected with the Collider Detector at Fermilab in Run II. We present 95% confidence level upper limits on the cross section times branching ratio. Assuming a specific topcolor-assisted technicolor production model, the leptophobic Z' with width \Gamma_{Z'}=0.012M_{Z'}, we exclude the mass range M_{Z'} < 725 GeV/c^2 at the 95% confidence level.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Suppression of charged particle production at large transverse momentum in central Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 2.76 TeV

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    Inclusive transverse momentum spectra of primary charged particles in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{_{\rm NN}}} = 2.76 TeV have been measured by the ALICE Collaboration at the LHC. The data are presented for central and peripheral collisions, corresponding to 0-5% and 70-80% of the hadronic Pb-Pb cross section. The measured charged particle spectra in η<0.8|\eta|<0.8 and 0.3<pT<200.3 < p_T < 20 GeV/cc are compared to the expectation in pp collisions at the same sNN\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}, scaled by the number of underlying nucleon-nucleon collisions. The comparison is expressed in terms of the nuclear modification factor RAAR_{\rm AA}. The result indicates only weak medium effects (RAAR_{\rm AA} \approx 0.7) in peripheral collisions. In central collisions, RAAR_{\rm AA} reaches a minimum of about 0.14 at pT=6p_{\rm T}=6-7GeV/cc and increases significantly at larger pTp_{\rm T}. The measured suppression of high-pTp_{\rm T} particles is stronger than that observed at lower collision energies, indicating that a very dense medium is formed in central Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC.Comment: 15 pages, 5 captioned figures, 3 tables, authors from page 10, published version, figures at http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/ArtSubmission/node/98

    Strange particle production in proton-proton collisions at s=0.9\sqrt{s}=0.9 TeV with ALICE at the LHC

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    The production of mesons containing strange quarks (Ks0^0_s, ϕ\phi) and both singly and doubly strange baryons (Λ\Lambda, Anti-Λ\Lambda, and Ξ\Xi+Anti-Ξ\Xi) are measured at central rapidity in pp collisions at s\sqrt{s} = 0.9 TeV with the ALICE experiment at the LHC. The results are obtained from the analysis of about 250 k minimum bias events recorded in 2009. Measurements of yields (dN/dy) and transverse momentum spectra at central rapidities for inelastic pp collisions are presented. For mesons, we report yields () of 0.184 ±\pm 0.002 stat. ±\pm 0.006 syst. for Ks0^0_s and 0.021 ±\pm 0.004 stat. ±\pm 0.003 syst. for ϕ\phi. For baryons, we find = 0.048 ±\pm 0.001 stat. ±\pm 0.004 syst. for Λ\Lambda, 0.047 ±\pm 0.002 stat. ±\pm 0.005 syst. for Anti-Λ\Lambda and 0.0101 ±\pm 0.0020 stat. ±\pm 0.0009 syst. for Ξ\Xi+Anti-Ξ\Xi. The results are also compared with predictions for identified particle spectra from QCD-inspired models and provide a baseline for comparisons with both future pp measurements at higher energies and heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 33 pages, 21 captioned figures, 10 tables, authors from page 28, published version, figures at http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/ArtSubmission/node/387

    Polarizations of J/psi and psi(2S) Mesons Produced in ppbar Collisions at 1.96 TeV

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    We have measured the polarizations of \jpsi and \psiprime mesons as functions of their transverse momentum \pt when they are produced promptly in the rapidity range y<0.6|y|<0.6 with \pt \geq 5 \pgev. The analysis is performed using a data sample with an integrated luminosity of about 800 \ipb collected by the CDF II detector. For both vector mesons, we find that the polarizations become increasingly longitudinal as \pt increases from 5 to 30 \pgev. These results are compared to the predictions of nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics and other contemporary models. The effective polarizations of \jpsi and \psiprime mesons from BB-hadron decays are also reported.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, published in Physical Review Letter

    Observation and Mass Measurement of the Baryon Ξb\Xi^-_b

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    We report the observation and measurement of the mass of the bottom, strange baryon Ξb\Xi^-_b through the decay chain ΞbJ/ψΞ\Xi^-_b \to J/\psi \Xi^-, where J/ψμ+μJ/\psi \to \mu^+ \mu^-, ΞΛπ\Xi^- \to \Lambda \pi^-, and Λpπ\Lambda \to p \pi^-. Evidence for observation is based on a signal whose probability of arising from the estimated background is 6.6 x 10^{-15}, or 7.7 Gaussian standard deviations. The Ξb\Xi^-_b mass is measured to be 5792.9±2.55792.9\pm 2.5 (stat.) ±1.7\pm 1.7 (syst.) MeV/c2c^2.Comment: Minor text changes for the second version. Accepted by Phys. Rev. Let