392 research outputs found

    NASA's first in-space optical gyroscope: A technology experiment on the X ray Timing Explorer spacecraft

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    A technology experiment on the X-ray Timing Explorer spacecraft to determine the feasibility of Interferometric Fiber Optic Gyroscopes for space flight navigation is described. The experiment consists of placing a medium grade fiber optic gyroscope in parallel with the spacecraft's inertial reference unit. The performance of the fiber optic gyroscope will be monitored and compared to the primary mechanical gyroscope's performance throughout the two-year mission life

    From aptamer-based biomarker discovery to diagnostic and clinical applications: an aptamer-based, streamlined multiplex proteomic assay

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    Recently, we reported an aptamer-based, highly multiplexed assay for the purpose of biomarker identification. To enable seamless transition from highly multiplexed biomarker discovery assays to a format suitable and convenient for diagnostic and life-science applications, we developed a streamlined, plate-based version of the assay. The plate-based version of the assay is robust, sensitive (sub-picomolar), rapid, can be highly multiplexed (upwards of 60 analytes), and fully automated. We demonstrate that quantification by microarray-based hybridization, Luminex bead-based methods, and qPCR are each compatible with our platform, further expanding the breadth of proteomic applications for a wide user community

    Resolved velocity profiles of galactic winds at Cosmic Noon

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    We study the kinematics of the interstellar medium (ISM) viewed "down the barrel" in 20 gravitationally lensed galaxies during Cosmic Noon (z=1.53.5z=1.5 - 3.5). We use moderate-resolution spectra (R4000R\sim4000) from Keck/ESI and Magellan/MagE to spectrally resolve the ISM absorption in these galaxies into \sim10 independent elements and use double Gaussian fits to quantify the velocity structure of the gas. We find that the bulk motion of gas in this galaxy sample is outflowing, with average velocity centroid \left=-141 km\,s1^{-1} (±111\pm111 km\,s1^{-1} scatter) measured with respect to the systemic redshift. 16 out of the 20 galaxies exhibit a clear positive skewness, with a blueshifted tail extending to 500\sim -500 km\,s1^{-1}. We examine scaling relations in outflow velocities with galaxy stellar mass and star formation rate (SFR), finding correlations consistent with a momentum-driven wind scenario. Our measured outflow velocities are also comparable to those reported for FIRE-2 and TNG50 cosmological simulations at similar redshift and galaxy properties. We also consider implications for interpreting results from lower-resolution spectra. We demonstrate that while velocity centroids are accurately recovered, the skewness, velocity width, and probes of high velocity gas (e.g., v95v_{95}) are subject to large scatter and biases at lower resolution. We find that R1700R\gtrsim1700 is required for accurate results for the gas kinematics of our sample. This work represents the largest available sample of well-resolved outflow velocity structure at z>2z>2, and highlights the need for good spectral resolution to recover accurate properties.Comment: 42 pages, 37 figures (including appendix), Accepted for publication, Ap

    A Census of the High-Density Molecular Gas in M82

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    We present a three-pointing study of the molecular gas in the starburst nucleus of M82 based on 190 - 307 GHz spectra obtained with Z-Spec at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory. We present intensity measurements, detections and upper limits, for 20 transitions, including several new detections of CS, HNC, C2H, H2CO, and CH3CCH lines. We combine our measurements with previously-published measurements at other frequencies for HCN, HNC, CS, C34S, and HCO+ in a multi-species likelihood analysis constraining gas mass, density and temperature, and the species' relative abundances. We find some 1.7 - 2.7 x 10^8 M_sun of gas with n_H2 between 1 - 6 x 10^4 cm^-3 and T > 50 K. While the mass and temperature are comparable to values inferred from mid-J CO transitions, the thermal pressure is a factor of 10 - 20 greater. The molecular interstellar medium is largely fragmented and is subject to ultraviolet irradiation from the star clusters. It is also likely subject to cosmic rays and mechanical energy input from the supernovae, and is warmer on average than the molecular gas in the massive star formation regions in the Milky Way. The typical conditions in the dense gas in M82's central kpc appear unfavorable for further star formation; if any appreciable stellar populations are currently forming, they are likely biased against low mass stars, producing a top-heavy initial mass function.Comment: 15 pages (using emulateapj.cls), 6 figures, Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) consensus statement on the definition and scope of synbiotics

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    In May 2019, the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) convened a panel of nutritionists, physiologists and microbiologists to review the definition and scope of synbiotics. The panel updated the definition of a synbiotic to “a mixture comprising live microorganisms and substrate(s) selectively utilized by host microorganisms that confers a health benefit on the host”. The panel concluded that defining synbiotics as simply a mixture of probiotics and prebiotics could suppress the innovation of synbiotics that are designed to function cooperatively. Requiring that each component must meet the evidence and dose requirements for probiotics and prebiotics individually could also present an obstacle. Rather, the panel clarified that a complementary synbiotic, which has not been designed so that its component parts function cooperatively, must be composed of a probiotic plus a prebiotic, whereas a synergistic synbiotic does not need to be so. A synergistic synbiotic is a synbiotic for which the substrate is designed to be selectively utilized by the co-administered microorganisms. This Consensus Statement further explores the levels of evidence (existing and required), safety, effects upon targets and implications for stakeholders of the synbiotic concept

    Physical properties of Herschel selected galaxies in a semi-analytic galaxy formation model

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    [Abridged] We make use of a semi-analytic cosmological model that includes simple prescriptions for dust attenuation and emission to make predictions for the observable and physical properties of galaxies that may be detected by the recently launched Herschel Space Observatory in deep fields such as GOODS-Herschel. We compare our predictions for differential galaxy number counts in the PACS (100 & 160) and SPIRE (250, 350, and 500 micron) bands with available observations. We find very good agreement with the counts in the PACS bands, for the overall counts and for galaxies binned by redshift at z< 2. At z > 2 our model underpredicts the number of bright galaxies by a factor of ten. The agreement is much worse for all three SPIRE bands, and becomes progressively worse with increasing wavelength. We discuss a number of possible reasons for these discrepancies, and hypothesize that the effect of blending on the observational flux estimates is likely to be the dominant issue. We note that the PACS number counts are relatively robust to changes in the dust emission templates, while the predicted SPIRE number counts are more template dependent. We present quantitative predictions for the relationship between the observed PACS 160 and SPIRE 250 micron fluxes and physical quantities such as halo mass, stellar mass, cold gas mass, star formation rate, and total infrared (IR) luminosity, at different redshifts. We also present quantitative predictions for the correlation between PACS 160 micron flux and the probability that a galaxy has experienced a recent major or minor merger. Although our models predict a strong correlation between these quantities, such that more IR-luminous galaxies are more likely to be merger-driven, we find that more than half of all high redshift IR-luminous galaxies detected by Herschel are able to attain their high star formation rates without enhancement by a merger.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    HerMES: spectral energy distributions of submillimeter galaxies at z > 4.

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    We present a study of the infrared properties for a sample of seven spectroscopically confirmed submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) at z > 4.0. By combining ground-based near-infrared, Spitzer IRAC and MIPS, Herschel SPIRE, and ground-based submillimetre / millimeter photometry, we construct their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and a composite model to fit the SEDs. The model includes a stellar emission component at λ rest 50μm. Six objects in the sample are detected at 250 and 350μm. The dust temperatures for the sources in this sample are in the range of 40–80 K, and their L FIR ∼ 10 13 Lo qualifies them as hyper-luminous infrared galaxies. The mean FIR-radio index for this sample is around (q) = 2.2 indicating no radio excess in their radio emission. Most sources in the sample have 24μmdetections corresponding to a rest-frame 4.5μm luminosity of Log 10 (L 4.5 /L ? )=11 ∼ 11.5. Their L 4.5 /L FIR ratios are very similar to those of starburst-dominated SMGs at z ∼ 2. The L CO − L FIR relation for this sample is consistent with that determined for local ULIRGs and SMGs at z ∼ 2. We conclude that SMGs at z > 4 are hotter and more luminous in the FIR but otherwise very similar to those at z ∼ 2. None of these sources show any sign of the strong QSO phase being triggered

    Deep 1.1 mm-wavelength imaging of the GOODS-S field by AzTEC/ASTE - I. Source catalogue and number counts

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    [Abridged] We present the first results from a 1.1 mm confusion-limited map of the GOODS-S field taken with AzTEC on the ASTE telescope. We imaged a 270 sq. arcmin field to a 1\sigma depth of 0.48 - 0.73 mJy/beam, making this one of the deepest blank-field surveys at mm-wavelengths ever achieved. Although our GOODS-S map is extremely confused, we demonstrate that our source identification and number counts analyses are robust, and the techniques discussed in this paper are relevant for other deeply confused surveys. We find a total of 41 dusty starburst galaxies with S/N >= 3.5 within this uniformly covered region, where only two are expected to be false detections. We derive the 1.1mm number counts from this field using both a "P(d)" analysis and a semi-Bayesian technique, and find that both methods give consistent results. Our data are well-fit by a Schechter function model with (S', N(3mJy), \alpha) = (1.30+0.19 mJy, 160+27 (mJy/deg^2)^(-1), -2.0). Given the depth of this survey, we put the first tight constraints on the 1.1 mm number counts at S(1.1mm) = 0.5 mJy, and we find evidence that the faint-end of the number counts at S(850\mu m) < 2.0 mJy from various SCUBA surveys towards lensing clusters are biased high. In contrast to the 870 \mu m survey of this field with the LABOCA camera, we find no apparent under-density of sources compared to previous surveys at 1.1 mm. Additionally, we find a significant number of SMGs not identified in the LABOCA catalogue. We find that in contrast to observations at wavelengths < 500 \mu m, MIPS 24 \mu m sources do not resolve the total energy density in the cosmic infrared background at 1.1 mm, demonstrating that a population of z > 3 dust-obscured galaxies that are unaccounted for at these shorter wavelengths potentially contribute to a large fraction (~2/3) of the infrared background at 1.1 mm.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. Accepted to MNRAS

    Observations of Arp 220 using Herschel-SPIRE: An Unprecedented View of the Molecular Gas in an Extreme Star Formation Environment

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    We present Herschel SPIRE-FTS observations of Arp~220, a nearby ULIRG. The FTS continuously covers 190 -- 670 microns, providing a good measurement of the continuum and detection of several molecular and atomic species. We detect luminous CO (J = 4-3 to 13-12) and water ladders with comparable total luminosity; very high-J HCN absorption; OH+, H2O+, and HF in absorption; and CI and NII. Modeling of the continuum yields warm dust, with T = 66 K, and an unusually large optical depth of ~5 at 100 microns. Non-LTE modeling of the CO shows two temperature components: cold molecular gas at T ~ 50 K and warm molecular gas at T ~1350 K. The mass of the warm gas is 10% of the cold gas, but dominates the luminosity of the CO ladder. The temperature of the warm gas is in excellent agreement with H2 rotational lines. At 1350 K, H2 dominates the cooling (~20 L_sun/M_sun) in the ISM compared to CO (~0.4 L_sun/M_sun). We found that only a non-ionizing source such as the mechanical energy from supernovae and stellar winds can excite the warm gas and satisfy the energy budget of ~20 L_sun/M_sun. We detect a massive molecular outflow in Arp 220 from the analysis of strong P-Cygni line profiles observed in OH+, H2O+, and H2O. The outflow has a mass > 10^{7} M_sun and is bound to the nuclei with velocity < 250 km/s. The large column densities observed for these molecular ions strongly favor the existence of an X-ray luminous AGN (10^{44} ergs/s) in Arp 220.Comment: Accepted in ApJ on September 1, 201