3,070 research outputs found

    Clover content and yield of swards on organic farms - maintenance and estimation

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    Grassland production based on legumes is an essential part of the productivity and economy of the organic farming systems. The clover content is an important factor in organic grassland management to optimize the yield, feed value and pre-crop effect of ley. The ley yield and clover content of one-, two- and three-year-old leys were determined on eight organic farms in 1998. Two-year-old leys produced the highest (6500 kg/ha dm) and three-year-old leys (4900 kg/ha dm) the lowest yields, with no significant differences between one- and two-year-old leys. The clover content (20-80 % of dm) diminished to the same extent as the yields. Because the ley samples from the organic farms gave strong evidence of decreasing yield level and clover content in the 3-year-old leys, we started to develop a technique to maintain the ley productivity in older swards. This technique includes oversowing of clover in the spring of the second ley year and utilization of lime-pelleted, pre-inoculated seed. Lime-pelleted, pre-inoculated clover seed oversown at different times in spring were compared with the aim of developing an oversowing method for Finnish conditions. The preliminary results do not show any differences, but studies are ongoing

    Possibilities to improve yield of green manured spring barley crop by delayed sowing in organic production

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    During 2000-2002 field trials were carried out at two locations (Juva and Ruukki) to investigate the effect of delayed sowing on green manured barley crop

    The association between education and induced abortion for three cohorts of adults in Finland

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    This paper explores whether the likelihood of abortion by education changed over time in Finland, where comprehensive family planning services and sexuality education have been available since the early 1970s. This subject has not previously been studied longitudinally with comprehensive and reliable data. A unique longitudinal set of register data of more than 250,000 women aged 20–49 born in 1955–59, 1965–69, and 1975–79 was analysed, using descriptive statistics, concentration curves, and discrete-time event-history models. Women with basic education had a higher likelihood of abortion than others and the association grew stronger for later cohorts. Selection into education may explain this phenomenon: although it was fairly common to have only basic education in the 1955–59 cohort, it became increasingly unusual over time. Thus, even though family planning services were easily available, socio-economic differences in the likelihood of abortion remaine

    Mittauspalvelujen käyttö kerrostalotyömaalla

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia ja kehittää Lemminkäinen Talo oy:n keväällä 2011 perustetun mittaryhmän toimintaa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tehdä kustannusvertailua sekä pyrkiä löytämään kehitysideoita toiminnalle. Työ tehtiin Lemminkäisen pääkaupunkiseudun talonrakennusosastolle. Kustannuksia vertailtiin eri vaihtoehtojen välillä yhden työmaan osalta. Koska aikaisempia tutkimuksia aiheesta ei ollut, työ tehtiin pääosin omien kokemusten ja kustannusseurannan avulla. Lisäksi haastateltiin työtovereita, esimiehiä ja alaisia, joiden kokemuksista olikin suuri hyöty. Kustannusvertailua tehtiin normaalin työmaan kustannusseurannan ohessa, sekä tekemällä vertailuja erilaisten mittauspalveluja tuottavien yritysten, sekä omien mittamiesten sisäisen laskutuksen hinnan välillä. Työn tuloksena saatiin selkeä ohje mittauspalvelujen käytöstä, kustannusvertailut eri vaihtoehdoista sekä runsaasti ideoita toiminnan kehittämiseen. Tutkimukset osoittivat selkeästi työmaiden hyödyt ja kustannusedut omien mittamiesten käytöstä. Tuloksia ja ohjeita voidaan käyttää laajasti koko Lemminkäisen talonrakennuksen yksikössä.The aim of this thesis was to study and develop the operation of the measurement group Lemminkainen talo Ltd. Another goal was to make expense comparison and to find development ideas. The Project was made in collaboration with Lemminkainen Ltd. For the cost calculations three types of arranging the measurements at construction site were compared. There were no earlier researches on this subject so one`s own experience and the cost comparison were the most important research methods. Interviews of workmates, foremen and employees were also made. All researches were made during researcher`s own job, and by making comparisons between subcontractors and own employees costs. As an outcome of this thesis, a précis-instruction, a cost comparison between different alternatives and lots of improvement ideas. The studies showed that sites will certainly have lots of benefits by the use of own employees instead of subcontractors. The results and the instructions can be used widely in the sites of Lemminkainen Talo Ltd.Työn osana olevat kustannusvertailut ja päätelmät ovat toimeksiantajan pyynnöstä salaisia

    Apilanurmien biologinen typensidonta

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    Apilanurmien typensidonnan määrästä esitetään maatalouden oppikirjoissa taulukkoarvoja, jotka pohjautuvat ulkomaisiin tutkimustuloksiin ja ulkomaisten tutkimusasemien koeruuduilla saatuihin satoihin. Niihin kannattaa suhtautua varauksella. Biologinen typensidonta näet reagoi herkästi viljelyolosuhteisiin, ja siksi arvioinnin tulee aina pohjautua perusteellisiin lähtötietoihin satomääristä, palkokasvipitoisuuksista ja maaperästä.vo