38 research outputs found

    The osmoresponsiveness of oxytocin and vasopressin neurones: mechanisms, allostasis and evolution

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    The outline of the history of tennis sport development in Sopot

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    The analysis of the history of physical education in Sopot shows that tennis belongs to the most representative sport disciplines of the city. Tennis is one of the most characteristic elements of sport in Sopot. The history of tennis states clearly that this sport creates a glorius page of the history of Polish sport and tennis courts have entered the architecture of the city permanently, becoming a lasting symbol of Sopot. The tennis centre in Sopot has brought up a number of outstanding players succeeding on international courts. The centre has distinctively marked its position in the sphere of popularising and developing tennis. The recource and perssonel base create the premise that it will continue succeeding in Poland as well as abroad. The analysis of the history of tennis in Sopot proves that talking about the Sopot tennis school is not a platitude

    Education in the Protection of the Planet Earth

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    Problem ochrony Planety Ziemia przed szkodliwą działalnością człowieka nie jest problemem nowym. Wynika on z faktu rozwoju technologicznego społeczeństw, a ten rozwój technologii rodzi negatywne skutki dla środowiska – zanieczyszczenia wody, gruntu i powietrza. Niektóre państwa i niektóre rządy, a przede wszystkim państwa Unii Europejskiej rozumieją powagę sytuacji. Natomiast gorzej jest z innymi wielkimi państwami, będącymi często potęgą technologiczną i militarną, które niestety nie dostrzegają w pełni powagi sprawy m.in. Chiny, Indie, Pakistan, Rosja, USA, itd. Oczywiście, na czele rządów państw stoją osoby o różnym wykształceniu i niestety z tego powodu nie wszyscy prezydenci i premierzy rozumieją powagę sytuacji i dlatego w szerokiej dyskusji, która odbyła się m.in. w grudniu 2015 roku w Paryżu w której uczestniczyło 179 głów państw, uzgodniono i podpisano rezolucje w wyniku której poszczególne państwa przyjęły kalendarz zmniejszenia emisji przede wszystkim CO2 do atmosfery. Artykuł ten nawiązując do powyższego faktu, zwraca uwagę, że warunkiem w przyszłości zrozumienia powagi sytuacji jest powszechna gruntowna edukacja w wszystkich państwach naszego globu i to wynikająca także nie tylko z wiedzy technicznej i technologicznej , ale z pewnego podejścia filozoficznego i mentalnego, które musi rodzic się już na etapie małego dziecka i to nawet w wieku przedszkolnym. Oczywiście, taką wiedzą trzeba przekazywać w ujęciu pedagogicznym na płaszczyźnie filozoficznej i zhumanizowanej, aby to weszło w nawyk już potem, gdy te dzieci w przyszłości dorosną i w przyszłości niektóre z nich wejdą do różnych form organizacji samorządowych, parlamentarnych bądź też towarzystw międzynarodowych i będą miały głosować, a więc decydować o postanowieniach i zarządzeniach dotyczących ochrony Planety Ziemia. Dlatego też artykuł ten skład się jak gdyby z części technicznej (punkt 1), części filozoficznej (punkt 2) oraz części pedagogicznej (punkt 3), który w konkluzji stanowi własny wniosek końcowy (punkt 4), że niewiedza zniewala, a edukacja (tu ekologiczna) prowadzi do wyzwolenia.The problem of protecting the Planet of Earth against harmful human activity is nothing new. It stems from the technological development of societies, and this technological development has an adverse impact on the environment – pollution of water, soil and air. Some countries and governments, and predominantly the members of the European Union, understand the seriousness of this very issue. However, the situation in other large countries is worse; those countries are often technological and military powers, which unfortunately fail to fully acknowledge the graveness of the issue. These countries include China, India, Pakistan, Russia, the USA, etc. Of course, the leaders of national governments vary in terms of education and, unfortunately, this is the reason why not all the Presidents and Prime Ministers understand the seriousness of the situation; therefore, during a wide discussion which took place in December 2015, as well as at other dates, and in which participated 179 heads of state, a resolution was signed under which individual countries adopted the calendar of decreasing the emission to the atmosphere mainly of carbon dioxide. In referring to the above fact, the article emphasises that a condition which will allow to understand the seriousness of the situation in the future is universal, thorough education in all the countries around the world, resulting not only from technical and technological knowledge, but also from certain philosophical and mental approach, which has to develop at a level as early as that of small children, even at a preschool age. Obviously, from the pedagogical point of view, such knowledge shall be communicated at the philosophical and humanized level, in order to develop a habit later on in the future, when those children grow up and when some of them enter various self-government organisations, parliamentary organisations or international associations, and when they vote, thus making decisions about resolutions and ordinances concerning the protection of the Earth. That is why this article somehow comprises a technical part (point 1), a philosophical part (point 2), and educational part (point 3), which constitute, in its summing up, its own final conclusion (point 4), stating that the lack of knowledge enslaves and education (ecological in this case) leads to liberation

    The Effects of Nonylphenol on Male Crayfish Aggression in Acute and Chronic Exposures

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    PURPOSE: Nonylphenol is a compound used in a variety of industrial, domestic, and agricultural products. The compound is classified as an inactive ingredient, therefore has little to no monitoring in the U.S. with a high possibility of exposure occurring via its disposal into the water supply. It acts as an endocrine disruptor by mimicking estrogen, influencing the behavior of organisms like crayfish. Crayfish utilize aggressive behaviors to find food, mates, and establish social hierarchies. Here we examine the effects nonylphenol has on aggression after acute and chronic exposures. We hypothesize that there will be a decrease in the crayfish’s aggressive behaviors as the concentration nonylphenol increases. SUBJECTS: 4 studies were conducted with (n=40) crayfish for each test. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Crayfish were obtained from the Grand River water shed. Crayfish were filtered by carapace length from 2.7cm-3cm for carapace length. The crayfish were stored in individual 1L tanks and were exposed to nonylphenol on week 1 of the 4-week trial. Agonistic behaviors were recorded and scored. ANALYSES: A T test and a one-way ANOVA test were used to calculate statistical significance. RESULTS: For the behavioral assay there was a general decrease in aggressive behavior with an increase in both non-aggressive and submissive behaviors. In some individuals there was a decrease total time of aggressive behavior by over 50% from the pretreatment to week 4. CONCLUSION: The results indicate a decrease in aggressive behavior with the increased doses of nonylphenol. As exposure duration increased there was a decrease in overall aggression