286 research outputs found

    Un tonto entre los dioses. Vilipendio del monarca

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    El presente artículo explora el contradictorio mundo en el que un mortal es convertido en dios por sus congéneres y la perplejidad que los propios congéneres pueden experimentar e incluso ocasionalmente transmitir sobre dicho fenómeno. El trabajo se centra en el caso concreto de la divinización del emperador Claudio en virtud de la comparación de los textos esenciales para el conocimiento de la conversión de este emperador en dios: la Apocolocíntosis del divino Claudio, que se atribuye a Séneca; el discurso fúnebre de Nerón, que compuso también el propio Séneca, y la biografía de Claudio redactada por Suetonio. El estudio de estas fuentes nos permite una reflexión sobre las formas de producción de la información histórica, así como una valoración, especialmente acertada en cuanto a Séneca, sobre la diversidad de opiniones y posturas, no siempre inocentes o desinteresadas, que trasmiten las fuentes.This article explores the contradictory world in which a mortal is turned into a god by his fellows, and the perplexity that these fellows may experience and even occasionally transmit concerning this phenomenon. The study focuses on the specific case of the divinisation of the Emperor Claudius through comparison of the essential texts with information about the conversion of this emperor into a god: the Apocolocyntosis of the divine Claudius, attributed to Seneca; Nero’s funeral oration, also composed by Seneca, and the biography of Claudius, written by Suetonius. The study of these sources allows us to reflect on the means of production of historical information and its evaluation, particularly relevant in the case of Seneca, concerning the diversity of opinions and positions, not always innocent or disinterested, put across by the sources

    Jorge Cuesta: la crítica literaria como vanguardia

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    Artículo número 5 de la Sección Tema. 12 páginas. tyvlliiEste ensayo aborda las irrupciones del pensamiento de Jorge Cuesta en la aparente continuidad de la tradición literaria en México. Quien lo hace mediante la construcción canónica, pero sobre todo en el ejercicio de la crítica. Se muestra cómo la vanguardia de los Contemporáneos consistió en colocar el problema de la modernidad, proyecto de alcances cosmopolitas, como oposición intelectual frente a la visión nacionalista dominante.This essay approach the irruptions of Jorge Cuesta´s reflexions in the seeming continuity of Mexico’s literary tradition. He did this through the canonic development, but mostly in the practice of critique. The present work evince how the Contemporáneos vanguard consisted in placing the problem of modernity, a project of cosmopolitan scope, as an intellectual opposition facing the dominant nationalist trend

    Cayley digraphs of finite abelian groups and monomial ideals

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    In the study of double-loop computer networks, the diagrams known as L-shapes arise as a graphical representation of an optimal routing for every graph’s node. The description of these diagrams provides an efficient method for computing the diameter and the average minimum distance of the corresponding graphs. We extend these diagrams to multiloop computer networks. For each Cayley digraph with a finite abelian group as vertex set, we define a monomial ideal and consider its representations via its minimal system of generators or its irredundant irreducible decomposition. From this last piece of information, we can compute the graph’s diameter and average minimum distance. That monomial ideal is the initial ideal of a certain lattice with respect to a graded monomial ordering. This result permits the use of Gr¨obner bases for computing the ideal and finding an optimal routing. Finally, we present a family of Cayley digraphs parametrized by their diameter d, all of them associated to irreducible monomial ideals

    Hacia un cambio de paradigma: manifestaciones religiosas en la Hispania del siglo III

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    The religious transformations that lead from the polytheistic system prevailing in the Roman Empire to the predominance of Christian monotheism are very complex, badly documented, and therefore not easily identifiable. In the Iberian Peninsula we can observe a sudden decline of the traditional religious practice from the 3rd century, and its disappearance in the 4th. It concerns not only the vanishing of the votive epigraphic practice, but it is attested also by the archaeological confirmation of the abandonment of many urban temples and the absence of restorations. These symptoms are clear enough to assume that the religious practices attested during the first and the second century have disappear giving way to a deep transformation. The aim of this paper is to explain the change in the religious paradigm that took place in Hispania which is not the result of the irruption of Christian monotheism, but the structural changes happened at that time.Las transformaciones religiosas que conducen desde el sistema politeísta imperante en la romanidad altoimperial hasta el predominio del monoteísmo cristiano son muy complejas, mal documentadas, y por ello no fácilmente identificables. En Hispania, se observa un súbito declive de tales manifestaciones religiosas en el siglo III y su práctica desaparición en el siglo IV. Constatamos la casi total desaparición de la práctica epigráfica religiosa y, al mismo tiempo, la confirmación arqueológica del abandono de numerosos templos urbanos, así como la ausencia casi absoluta de restauraciones. Son síntomas suficientes para pensar que hay un cambio definitivo en la praxis religiosa. El objetivo de este trabajo es dar una explicación al cambio de paradigma religioso que se produce en Hispania y que responde no a la irrupción del monoteísmo cristiano, sino a las modificaciones estructurales en el seno del politeísmo que se producen en ese período

    Bibliografía académica de Keith Hopkins

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    Falso, Falsario, Falsificación, Falseamiento

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    The vulva of Attis

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    La iconografía de la vestimenta de Atis es muy variada. Uno de los tipos más característicos es la imagen del dios con el vestido abierto mostrando, con frecuencia, el sexo. La forma en la que se abre la túnica no deja lugar a dudas: representa una vulva. Es sugerente imaginar que esa forma alude al momento del mito en el que se produce la eviración. El Carmen 63 de Catulo es un buen material propedéutico para el problema. Más allá de la constatación de la ambigüedad sexual del dios cercenado, lo interesante en este caso es que la ambigüedad se resuelve mediante un mecanismo ideológico de oposición de contrarios: lo que no es claramente viril, aparenta femenino. En consecuencia, la representación de la vestimenta es aprovechada para resolver un conflicto de los observadores que soportan mal la indefinición genérica: la pérdida del sexo masculino se reviste con la marca genital femenina.The iconography of Attis’ clothing is varied. One of the most characteristic types is the image of the god with the open dress showing often his sex. The way the tunic is opened leaves no doubt: it represents a vulva. It is suggesting imagining that this form alludes to the moment of the myth whereby the castration takes place. Catullus’s Carmen 63 is a good propaedeutic material for the problem. Beyond the verification of the sexual ambiguity of the emasculated god, the interesting point in this case is that the ambiguity is resolved by means of an ideological mechanism of opposition of opposites: what is not clearly virile, seems feminine. Consequently, the representation of the clothing is used to resolve a conflict generated in the observers who badly endure generic lack of definition: the loss of the male sex is clothed with the female genital mark.Este trabajo es fruto del proyecto de investigación coordinado “Vías de acceso a la divinidad”, financiado por el Plan Nacional de Investigación del MINECO . Los tres autores son miembros del subproyecto EPIDI (HAR2017-84789-C2-2-P) que se desarrolla en el seno del grupo de investigación, reconocido por la Comunidad de Madrid, “Historiografía e Historia de las Religiones”, del Instituto de Historiografía Julio Caro Baroja de la UC3M

    Physical drivers and dominant oceanographic processes on the uruguayan margin (Southwestern Atlantic): a review and a conceptual model

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    The Uruguayan continental margin (UCM), located in the Southwestern Atlantic margin’s subtropical region, is positioned in a critical transitional region regarding the global ocean circulation (Río de la Plata (RdlP) outflow and Brazil-Malvinas Confluence), as also reflected in seafloor features (northernmost distribution of a large depositional contourite system and RdlP paleovalley). This complex oceanographic scenario occurring in a relatively small area highlights the advantage of considering the UCM as a natural laboratory for oceanographic research. The present work provides the first conceptual “control” model of the physical drivers (i.e., climate, geomorphology) and main oceanographic processes (i.e., hydrodynamics, sediment, and carbon dynamics) occurring along the UCM, reviewing and synthesizing available relevant information based on a functional integrated approach. Despite the conspicuous knowledge gaps on critical processes, a general picture of the system’s functioning is emerging for this complex biophysical setting. This includes conceptualizations of the actual controls, main processes, feedbacks, and interactions responsible for system dynamics. The structure adopted for developing our conceptual models allows permanent improvement by empirical testing of the working hypothesis and incorporating new information as scientific knowledge advances. These models can be used as a baseline for developing quantitative models and, as representations of relatively “pristine” conditions, for stressors models by identifying sources of stress and ecological responses of key system attributes under a transboundary approach.CSIC: I + D 201

    The Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and from the second phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment

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    The fourth generation of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV) has been in operation since July 2014. This paper describes the second data release from this phase, and the fourteenth from SDSS overall (making this, Data Release Fourteen or DR14). This release makes public data taken by SDSS-IV in its first two years of operation (July 2014-2016). Like all previous SDSS releases, DR14 is cumulative, including the most recent reductions and calibrations of all data taken by SDSS since the first phase began operations in 2000. New in DR14 is the first public release of data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS); the first data from the second phase of the Apache Point Observatory (APO) Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE-2), including stellar parameter estimates from an innovative data driven machine learning algorithm known as "The Cannon"; and almost twice as many data cubes from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA) survey as were in the previous release (N = 2812 in total). This paper describes the location and format of the publicly available data from SDSS-IV surveys. We provide references to the important technical papers describing how these data have been taken (both targeting and observation details) and processed for scientific use. The SDSS website (www.sdss.org) has been updated for this release, and provides links to data downloads, as well as tutorials and examples of data use. SDSS-IV is planning to continue to collect astronomical data until 2020, and will be followed by SDSS-V.Comment: SDSS-IV collaboration alphabetical author data release paper. DR14 happened on 31st July 2017. 19 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by ApJS on 28th Nov 2017 (this is the "post-print" and "post-proofs" version; minor corrections only from v1, and most of errors found in proofs corrected